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Show ( ' ! .. ... " r ' . ' - - ,. - . ' i ' - : Saddler and Harness GEO. W. WILLIAMS, a sieve to drain, then put lay then) on sauce In V issued was restoration of decree MAIDS. AND SPAIN A "DEAD BEAT." Madrid, but secret' instructions were HATBONS them Lfito a pan with a pint oi gravy or broth, a bouquet "oi sweet forwarded to Cuba to disregard the det.hft nfiftl of. half a lemon and WCMEN " i WILL j NOT SETTLE A JUST cree, in September and November, WHAT MIDDLE-AGE- D onions three chopped fine. Cover them WEAR. SHOULD 1873, in consequence of further proAMERICAN CLAIM. stew them ;half an- hour, close' and tests from our government sent orders a AND IMPORTER OF MANUFACTURE of Cuba, Th Hardest Period of Lite to Dress then stir in piece of butter rolled in the to' general governor and salt, season with pepper ffour, History of the Celebrated "Mom Ciew him' to release the property Nose' Bags, Coll Suitably A Great Singer's Advice to add a few pickled mushrooms, squeeze Referred to In President Clerelanrt'a directing Whips. Buggy Saddlery, of 'Antonio before Nov. .30. BeLost Voices My Boy Have Who Girls in the juice of a lemon and add a few A Record of Broken Pro fore this was done came tk downfall etc. Tried Recipes.' balls boiled. Let all stew forcemeat Hardware, Jse with Uncle Sam. Pads, of the republic at Madrid, and all tho skim ten for minutes; together further consideration of the! case had Wlidlesile and- Retail; on a hot dish the'fricassee Tonnr. .Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. No put Longer gravy, In two to for be years. MES-eage postponed N HIS LAST 7T of 'state It is the easiest thing in the world and garnish with lemon. tQ congress November, 1875, our secretary sent to to sneer at the Our goods have been extensively used in Deseret and jvicinity, and lit passing woman whose Careers.;! jOperatie reopened the case in a letter President Cler in which, youthful dress caricatures her age; it Success in opera, like success in given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive profctpt attention. an4 made mention our minister at Madrid, as in 'the world, hardest is the said: "The thing - .'. L. ............ .. everything else, cannot be; attained i -, ..... Of one private name among- other things, he dis-- , themselves sneer will Nor-dic- a who hand those x is at Mnre. time the feels writes President hard that without work, ELECTRlO CALL to BY the HEATED and referred STEAM. on. . to dress suitably for fx i4. rt cnimiit the , c.nvr later As JournaL uxs Home in theXadies' nucu iv . u.u.wjr vw. " may 7 ,'" autumn is grievious injustice subiect. accompanied by an expression tnat trying penoa wueu j ub in business ninety men out of 100 are done to one private of his woman 6t winter. into II, any consideration shading views, to the said to fail, so in (art may the same individual in theae is reached wants to make a grandmother of her- proportion be found. "So many of conclusion This congress. words: after every other expedient has been self (though I have never found that those who aspire to the, highest suc"Tlia Mnra. To these woman yet) the problem is easy cess fall by the wayside. But I am a referred to in my tried and proved a failure." the Spanish enough, for there are endless sug- great believer in invincible will, and last annual message, remains unset- strong representations replied that the king of gestions for the wearer of snowy locks to those who possess this quality, to tled. From the diplomatic corre- government t grant a pardon q,nd spectacles, but for the woman gether with the requisite talent, suc had decided Spain spondence on this subject, which has to Mora and restore his property, say- with a slight sprinkle only of iron-pra- y cess is certain. It would be useless to I'I"!..... been laid before the senate, it will be determinand to in hair her a eable at same time the strong that ing if even such to people try discourasre has offered seen that this to ation to dress in style, there are, diffi- one effect nad that day been to. But I have no such wanted to conclude a, convention with Spain that I.-Cuba. Nothing was ever heard of tkis culties. "Wear dark, rich materials," desire. On the contrary, I would ad outstandiof arbitration for disposal by advise, vise all nor was the least sign of resti- the fashion plates vag-uelng- claims between the two countries, cable, girls who are desirous of fol d for with the .:: Cuban tution made the disregard by the' lowingMora claim, which, having1 On operatic careers' to study hard except pocket-book- s which and Cuban the the govern probabilities and to be observant of everything been long- adjusted, now only awaits ment setcontrary, & Men as to what connected and them, certain that the distinguish up plea course of the with stage. operatic payment as stipulated, and creditors of Mora had "stepped in and she shall do for rich materials in connection with eitnerthe it oould not be included in the pro- absorbed none if she herself is not rich profound" Nothing of the the estate, profits or that music was the stage can be too trifling convention. It hoped posed TXT.A.HL is observed. df which had ever been paid over to silence debe smallest to studied the ' this offer would remove parliamentary the very d It is safe to say that more middle-Age- tail must be- mastered before any sucgovernment. That this obstacles encountered by the Spanish was Spanish false women err on the side of, sober- cess can be attained. And I would at the was proved government in providing1 payment of time utterly ness on that of gayety in dress. counsel them not to be MADE MAN. of than the DON'T BE A READ.Y custodians ten the by the Mora indemnity. I regret to say by , discouraged fasa black!" mourned "Black, that black, estates, who reported they criticisms of overeritical that no definite reply to this offer has had tidious foreigner from the capital of the adverse Cuban to over the treasury paid secure to REMEMBER PLYMOUTH" ROCK PR CES. efforts been to allow themselves made nor and all critics, yet from the estates the large sum of fashion at an assembly of middle-age- d have claim to i of settled be the this elated and payment by encouraged American men and women. "Do zey enthusiasms 2,317,000. From 1876 to 1886 succeed been unavailing-.of friends. to SI0.75. ing administrations tried persistently hot know it take ze young complex- There are plentyoversanguine sucThis Mora case .has become famous to of chances for ion?" A to induce the Spanish government mistaken belief that black is cess in a musical career at the in the annals of modern diplo- redeem to po. present the kindest of colors to faded face time. The successful its broken made oft and often with Grant's last y macy of artist of resitution. Finally, in tints and gathering crows' feet in is beset with offers to sing here, there $11 0 presidency, every succeeding adminis promises $35.00, Mr. American reality it is the most merciless leads and the 1885, Foster, tration. everv secretarv of state, every July, in opera, in oratorio, everywhere woman the in 40s 50s her to a minister at and addressed Madrid, negvery Over Three Hundred and Fifty Patterns to select frotol Latest Spring and in concert.. Have an ideal and foreign relations committee, has had a hand in it. Nor has it been a bete plain and unvarnished statement of lect the soft stone and navy blues, the come as close to it as you can. Never styles now in. Domestic, English, Scotch and French Goods. dark reds and olive greens, tne rich noire in any sense to the state depart- the'cas"e to the Spanish secretary of autumn-leacareer relax for the you f browns, which are so have your efforts, ment, for. irresDective of narty, each state, but received no reply for six FULL DRESS SUITS IN VERY LATEST CUT, $3 00 TO $75.00. rewill for planned yourself administration in turn has taken up months. In the meantime the estates often far more becoming than the quire all your courage, all your the case with vig-o- and done its loest had gone to rack and ruin. The Cuban perennial blacks and grays. Of course, strength, all your thoughts and government had taken everything they harsh striking scarlets, purples, rose almost all to effect a settlement. time. I would further The history of the case in brief is as could out of the plantations and put pinks, and ""bright greens are man- urge upon your CO. the you necessity of familfollows: Antonio Maximo Mora, re- nothing in. The machinery was out ifestly unsuited to the period of the iarizing yourself with of ,the history '5 ferred to in the President's message, is of repair and useless, the buildings sere and yellow leaf; the colors music and of making yourself conS. STATIj STREET, ITS ' delSALT emshould selected be or tumble down and either the 1,000 CITY,' U TAB jLAKJB deep negroes a native of Cuba, where he owned versant with the musicians and the il on or and else estate laven the icate, had olives, ployed garnets disappeared. iarg-- ana vaiuaoie sugar plantations. music of the past, as well as of the and es Knowing this to be the case, in Janu- ders and turquoise blues. In 1853 he came to New iYork A literally startling transformation present. And while giving this attablished a residence. In May, 11869, ary, 886, in response to repeated aptention to the consider well the he took out his final papers of natural plications made by Minister Curry, was that effected the other- day by art and artists past Imiof the ization and became a citizen of the who had succeeded Mr. Foster, the the reappearance in colors of a mid- tate what is best and present.what is adopt Ttnited States. Cuba was &t that time Spanish government proposed "the dle- aged woman, whose friends, had in all the of the Has a full line of- good great in a state of constant fidget and unrest payment of a sum of money, which for many years seen her only in day. And particularlysingers should you represent an equitable indemnity mourning. The costume of a stylish, delve deep into the methods of work, bordering on absolute rebellion It is will for value of the Mora property, yet inconspicuous cut, was an ecru of the an open secret that President Grant routine, of dressing, and of Hving sum said to be fixed by. mutual agree- brown and a pale pink jabot at the of the was in sympathy with the revolution great priijna donnas of the past. neck, and pale pink roses in the bonarv propaganda, and his secretary of ment, after which the miniisier of the net t,ost My Boy. colonies can include, in his budget the brightened and softened the And is selling down at Panic Prices for Pay'ii wn. war, Gen. Eawlinirs, was an avowed sum I Lost !o3t him: I " have; with the not we which have whole, effect, the that upon Cuban agreed. with the sympathizer patriots. ijiitner tor Uash or Proauce at cost. "When did ha go? At last this really looked like busi- wearer was trying to ape the dress of 1 clasped him. It was under such encouragement Lightly her juniors, but that she was younger How could I know that Heading- Cubans like Mora, Alda ness, and Mr. Curry immediately ac- in Out Travelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with of my dwelling one than truth had inthe on Mr. any thought. ma and Castillo might have been Mora, cepted proposition. would depart, He The inalienable of to woman a ; right very conservative basis, (figured up clined to offer assistance to the revo'Even as I held him, make herself as dowdy as she pleases, his actual of his that cause. Close to my heart! was loss, Before including lutionary anything or without is let more hindrance, done or even thought of, a 'court mar brother, at $3,000,000. This included Lost! I have lost him: Highest cash price paid for Hides and Pelts. Don't forget wosnatched by middle-age- d tial convened;in Havana, - passed sen $6p0,000 worth of sugar in bond, which often Somewhere between men than "others. Sometimes, Schoolhouse and college. tence of death and confiscation of was seized, and the estates, buildings, ' an Last he wa seen: from .indolent .. to etc. unwillingness property against the gentlemen named full of whistling, tiips Poor Mora, who was ruined and. bother about styles; sometimes the and many others for alleged complicity Qux tangled hair: j : i : : : Lost I have lost him, : in the Cuban rebellion. Antonio Mora growing old in the prosecution, of his dread of being ridiculed for endeavoryjrix. uxxjc, jjiuliJjkjj uulunty, UTAH to "make both times even! up young," Would, Iknewwhetf this com- ing and his brother escaped to, Hew Tork, claim, gladly received fashions in the Lostl Ihavelost hi . secretary oi it is a mistake. Few disguised as sailors. Young Jose Manuel promise, and our all at are season, state n notified events, present Mr. Chester, my boy! a now thai resident of Mora, Curry Picture to book, story middle The the age. would New York, remained to assist l.in his government accept Marble and toy. of immensities the of in sum the way named, $1,500,006, "as a father's escape,, was captured Stored in the attic, Useless they lie. : to a penal colony in full discharge of all demands against sleeves, the juvenile jackets and the should I carf ' ' sashes and belts Why fronts, Africa, whence, after J suffering un- - the government of Spain growing out which tell why. Mothers, accentuate the only portliness neard of miseries, he finally escaped of the claim of this citizen of the of are he, has Yes, of 50, gone f ronk. avoided, course, by the j, States," j t Europe. Maximo Mora no sooner United no Leavini sensible sign, woman, but the innumeraBut, alas! The Spanish government IYork thkn be laid his arrived in New But there's another ' ble revers -an3. . Calls himself flaps, the vests,1 and case before Hamilton Fish, the then dissolved the Cortes before any action MILLARD MEADOW, COUNTY, UTAH. and strong of llm large sleeves are eminsecretary of state, asserting "that he was taken on the Cuban budget. Noi moderately Brilliant is he, had in no wise engaged in the rebel- was the Mora claim included in the ently suited to her.- Fancy collars Knows things that I know not; are not to be recommended. lion or given it aid or. comfort. On Cuban budget of the following Cortes. . Who can it be? A basque with skirts is always to In the meantime, President Cleve Nov. 25 of the same year 1870 Mr. Face like, the father" s face, Fish instructed the United States min- - land had come into office, and it was be preferred to one without them, and Eyes black as mine, stiff, square effects in cut, trimming, None but the Best Materials Used in Step full of manly graoe, ister at Madrid to protest against the now Secretary Bayard's duty to take or Voice masculine. accessories are to be eschewed. 'Be Making Teeth. sentence of the court martial and its up the cudgels in behalfof justice but but tho of sold I. life do ue trim, trim, ana, every wiisrc enforcement against the 'lives and no settlement has yet been reached. Has one alloy; a is safe motto trimi" to AU take, for it is Why does the mothsr-hsar- t property, of American Citizens, o the too aee often the as one for of her Long that, ORIGIN boy? THE WORD OF CANADA. ground that it was a gross violation of them expressed It, "middle-ag-e-d wo Long for the mlsohlevous, the provisions, of the. treaty betwaem Two Derivations Are Given .from do so!" mri Queer little chap: , slump the United States and Spain, relating You May Choae.' Ignorant the questioning, crowning-adornmenthe coiffure, Finally, . Willvisit any town in the county upon request of. those Held In my lap. toj the manner in which citizens of one desiring Bay of are There the chief derivations to of end women. many gdven MfnoM. Correfiondeno t.aoHflitAd tnH numntu aiianr.iHMj i Freshman, so tall and wise, country could be tried or deprived of. the word so is bnt to it one difficult the Canada, a Answer me this given by Why persuade their property in tho other. This bir J onn ... rsi C3CT3 Where is the little boy v most the in woman, is all and cnrions Jirpwn stylish else, enough was the beginning of the famous then, I used to kiss? f 'When the . Portuguese, that the mode of hairdressing which Mora case, which is still unsettled. In plausible. DO Good Housekeejkfaag, was Gaspar Cortereal, in 1500, firsl becoming and fashionable at May, 1872, the secretary of state, who under White Soupi the great river St. Laurence, 85 is outlandish and unbecoming at had had several interviews with the ascended a knuckle lake and a piece the believed was the strait of which 65? Also, nothing so ages a woman's Spanish minister in Washington on the they were init or necic crack the bone and soak veal, coiffure. search, and through face" as an they it two nours in cold water. Then put j which a passage might be discovered Chicago Times. the meat into a kettle with four Tkis Is New News. into the Indian sea. But on arriving a little at the point whence they could clearlj The American woman who reads quarts of water, and onions, mace, and celery, salt pepper was a and not ascertain it strait, but a river, the English magazines learns some boil T i i. five hours. Skim care1 all gently emphasis ,of disappointed interesting facts concerning they, with her If Hewlett Bros'. Plavnr- use So, ,hopes, exclaimed repeatedly, CanadoI habits. Here is one bit of infor- fully, strain and set away to cooL mg Extracts, Jemon, Vanilla, j.aa.o every purwcieyOI lat, poUT ('Here nothing'), words which wer mation which will probably be news tne Pine u .Apple, Bananna, Strawberry, a into soup remembered and repeated by the to most of the women of this counsaucepan and let it Jamaica come to boiL etc. Also pure Mix a two Ginger, tablespoonnatives on seeing the Europeans arrive try: "The American belle can," says to of fuls oraer apices rice in 1 a little cold ground in 1543', who naturally conjectured en English paper, "if ihe will, have TRotnii anilground!4'i-'i4aily 7 in SOUp, eK' Cider' Gingerj that the word they heard employed so the advantage of a 'college of t. u.uj. .auu. ouu it j yJLLQ UOlllUg often must denote the name of the oeauty, course anu one oi tne exer-- stirring constantly.' Add a pint 6f water, etc, received "rai ma throe tHirre ; it one boil and ' The no w generally accepted cises imposed upon her by her learned sweet cream, Highest Award ... ant cwo gold Med- Country. Jl 1 serve. If ' 1! ais can irom you please you have Territorial! Fair and Uacne derivation, nowever, wnicn is sup professors Will be two hours' daily in the 1892. eggs tureen, the .valley in of Fair, other ported by analogy names, practice pronouncing the prosaic turn the on, all soup boiling is either we word in that such fashion as to stirring also carry a complete stock of given by Charlevoix, from 'potato' t?4 "Wit tha Iroquois Kaunata, a collection" oi give the face a quite bewitching ex- the while, and serve at once. ouppiy sooug, uiass ware select- ':. The Broiled American huts, or from tvna Indian words, Kan Potatoes. belle does pression." Saloon trade, Imespeeially or Can, a mouth, and Ada, a ' country, many foolish things, but; she has noi Cut the slices lengthwise and rather ported and Domeatip Cigars, Playing AJfTOXIQ M. MORA. signifying the mouth qf the country, yet arrived at that point 6i imbecility thick. Lay them on a gridiron over a wrote to him subject, his ana presumaoiy originally applied ti where she spends two hours in say ini& rather slow fire. Spread some, melted ' inviting' immediate and : attention to the River St. Lawrence. butter over the slices with a brush. especial "potato." As' the case of Antonio Mora, with a view to soon as the under side is broiled, A. Prophet of the Buttle. its speed and satisfactory adjustment. Pleasing a Hostess. The first step toward the revival of turn each slice over and spread with and You wil Use No Other First Tramp How did yer mana The Spanish minister then suggested the bustle has been taken. This is butter. When done, dish, salt and than j the that the claim for the restitution of to get such a lot o' vittles from that shown in the new organ-pip- e serve hot. A little butter may be &kirt. the Mora property shouldTbe submitted sour old maid? added when dished, according-- to It is the skirt of the Second Tramp I tole her I used tei sembles in a marked season, and re to the Spanish-America- n claims comdegree the bustle CROWN mission, then in session at Washing- work in a lopkin' glass factory, end I'd of the past. The skirt is verv full. Cranberry I'le. ton. Mr. Pish objected that the claims clean her lookin' glasses if she'd Fill a me Dlate witb ran giv lined with haircloth and arranged In before the commission were for com- me a bite afterward. four or two box plaits at the back. allowing three-fourtof a pound of Manufactured Bros -The Th by Hewlett 'Huh! You worked!" pensation; for past injuries, but that w I These t out to ll stand one reoeired plaits of sugar fruit a . and awara prominently the release of the Mora properly a sub-- , littli and tt. VTwn. Baking "No. I didn't. Wen she showed m and are uoid Medal nf. ten from inches and ewater, padded the and over pURITY a them sprinkle for level Highest Leavening Quality. Sold by nn.vf the glasses, ! told 'er they was sc waist line. Over the ject diplomatic intervention. Eig-hthe . v of flour. Be sure the adinglMerchants and Dealers. skirt hips months past in that dipplamatic cor- crooked taoiespoonful wasn't worth cleaning. fits with glove-lik- e they U1SU flarweu as smoothness, ,1S of nued, which the Castilian .is respondence was mignty tickled to find tlial ing toward the bottom. they shrink in a pas. master, until in December, 1872, her lookin coomng. Uover with a nice puff frInKcoo Ma To Fricassee Pigeons Brown. paste and bake. cabled to the United States rIr. m .Madrid "Urge the Cut five or six pigeons into quarters, Small irmmmJngr Bird. immediate reA law in Turkey, with lease and restoration of the season penalties in 744-74- 6 them A with .a pinch of mace case of a bird little humming embargoed thar larger infringement, declares it to be pepper and salt. Fry them in two a ifcy. . Again the flnft art ,f Snnn. a house fly is common in the oirense for Mohammedan wo-great ish dixiomacy wa; ouass of butter, a light brown, and men to be Indies. ' .tU-U- AlOlM Photographed. AUGUST ANDERSON TRAVELING AGENTS : i -.- y - , ? - Harness, .'. -- Leather, i j - ,.. - :, .-- , u - : - ' - II ; ra. . 1 Si 1 1 "f 1 T 11 st .'..,'.! Prop. " " S L. HOLBROOK, light-hearte- -. i - Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle - , Mining PROVO, - ; lit. I Order, $3.50 to Suits Order, SI4.50 to $4 Overcoats to Order Pants ' Bes-inninc- r to-da- ' to ' r PLYMOUTH - 1 e 1 m - A PANTS ROCK A JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merchaiydise, - -- j i, . ' HAY, - GRAIN ; its j ''--..- ' -.) ','';'! AND - STABLING. - ! JOSEPH A. LYMi I ; well-know- non-adaptab- j im-mens- le Wm. est and-transporte- ! di-recto- ire . i! mine-Handsome- -- - stbtt, j , ; Teeth - ; Scientifically -- Filled or Extracted Y-!- , Work Warranted and Promptly At tended to. . ! - . ' t 4 ; . ' - 'YOU! BELIEVE i . out-of-da- te HOME INDUSTRY? : ! . : A"!:,? wiiw VJ e g-iv- m - T two-w;ell-beat- en I Vt m . fr - - tiy; it 1 ; j ' ; ; Bk THREE' . - hs Z A. A ... .1 mr 1 t : HEWLETT i . E-is- ' ' . wmi iJ-ow- der, t1'1'0' Bleeps- - State Street, SALT TAtc CITY. AIL t |