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Show i THE BLADE Is no nublis hed toJ a precinct.! It Is doing mtr for .llllard County, SOUTHWESTERN Utah and Eastern Nevada than alii f: pthef , newspapers published k Utah. .i-- U . VI- 1 r - r 4- I . THH . ts absolutely ncndcnt cn ail Stsestlions whetrcf Pctltfcal, Social or.ncfncJcns It notto Is 'th9 TRUTirwhoutfeair for favor", Tt rms$2.C0 per year in advance. . IhP: - N ? tr-w- i I ri M -- 1 v - 1 t. VOL. DESK RET, UTAH. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 20. 1895. II. NO 37 I men came from a claim owned by Messrs. COUNTY AND .TERRITORY. Wra. Langton, one of the proprietors of EDITORIAL BRIEFS. Pack and Friel. the Corner Store, spent a day or; two' in ' No. 2,474. K" ' The Blade's Course Is Vindicated. (Unveraity of Pennsylvania.) Deseretlast week and Friday returned to The town of Delamar in what is known details of the double' bomicia Further NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Salt Lake. It is rumored the store will A,, 'citizen holding aprominent as ; Monkey Wrench mining distriqt, is a atMinersville came tp hand latter the arti Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. 1893. Dri E,. O, JONES, formerly of Murray, soon stock up and make things hot on cimrcti position! here in Deseret, and booming tewn. No less theji 12 saloons cle in another column1 was 4 February 8tb, r type. T1V Utah, has Located at Oasis. is hereby given that the Barkia is'willin.' ' who is the father of,one of the boys to are doing 'a flourishing business. iThere main facts of the kiJing are! corroboratNotice settlers has filed .notice of his inten- prices. The old3t inhabitant" does not re- - whom the . Blade last ;.week referred, are 6 stores, 4 boarding houses andVtum ed. Gressman wcs $ tabbed four times' in tion to make final proof in support of his claim professional Galls will be Answered andthaTTaid before the will made be proof restaurants. Whiskey of the mining the region'of the hesirt and d d noUivst Probate Judge at Fillmore,: Millard County, member so much snow having: fallen in ertlled at the Blade office during the erpus y Promptly at all Times. E. camp of same viz variety is sold at f2.50i per Iquart minutes. Burke affce- - the kili ng whiqh Jane Ketcham, thisllocality within the Utah., on March 23, 1895, length of the editor and' ordered his absence 23 S, XTo. of 19, 8497 Sec. the for K. E. Tp. Utah. Office Opposite Depot, Oasis, bottle, coal oil is $1.00 a gallon, pperm saidlo have taken place in the housemaid time as that which fell during the recent R. 19 W.l wa offer candles to and which 3 for 25 cents and every thihg else stopped, paper She names the following witnesses to prove storm. Deseret will now have a soft spell j he would go and hidsejf up; After ia.. 'There not and residence cultivation the gie N continuous n proportion. protest.. her upon slightest of some to come. roads for Althbgnh time compartivelyj blew Burke the of his jiead off a via: ; top; of, said land, a principle involved in the, young the town has already acquired the however, Millard Co.Utah, James W. Jardine of' Burbank, C. Bowman's and Walter lived' about two Lyman, " gite, " " Brick P. llockman " man for the Utah Implement rifatter thai seems to call for critic name of being the rendezevous oj some of hours a Cause of thei'quarrei frhichlsd up " " Fillmore, traveling J. S. Oiles the hardest characters in the west, land is to. the " Lafy Chrlstopherson Co., of Salt Lake, spent a day or two of killing is sai(i t have been on Also at the same time and place and before doubt-t6- ss to be rapidly making a name likp unto Blade has of The the matters. The Wife and mother arr week last H. in of stopping W. his ' this family same viz: James vineyard. part the Jardine, officers, ; Pioche of the early '76. Utonianl, w U of Sec. 19 Mr. E. No. S40Q for the Lot 4t man's in . been discussed both stricken down jby the terrible occur to looks forward a the.,' prosperous Lyman M of See. 30, Tp. 23, S. R.19 W. and e ,2 r the has There been much about talk 1895.r season for his company during reoces, and the excitement it the usually He names the following witnesses to prove If he desires to have it Beaver "family. Snake Creek, Millard Go. hia contimtoixs residence upon and cultivation Lake not all and mining district; citas course a his quiet town of Minersyille has not yet Colonel Holloway returned from Fill known that of, said land, viz : or been vain A has of idle it gossip. Mor-wogreat of E. Millard fuhy subsided. Beaver Utod ion. County more on Monday and the next morning izen, member and officer in' the Jane Ketcham Burbank, of deal even has been truth but told, Utah, Brick P. Hockman of Burbank, Millard boarded the train for Connecticut, thence Millard church, is to encourage rowdy-isa- i, hat has not all been made' known. County, Utah, J. S. Giles of Fillmore, DETROIT DOINGS. , of Fillmore to to PriorUtah, Lafy Christopherson his home in Fairland Texas. County, in hoodlumism and drunkenness Ci John of 4th utan. Mulard the the About DRY GOODS & GROGERIES. Itawkins an , County Davis, present month:, 'Mr. his leaving town, the Colonel made the the Brton Cruoo, Register. he is welcome to it. The W. H. Joseph, a resident'of Adamsville, Luther Stewart, all jChasi ward, ht havemada G. W". Parks,'Atty for Claimants, j Payson, final arrangements for prosecuting work as the this county, was engaged hauling! wood a big strike in the coppefh!ead. as Blade can stand it long fully on the Kelly mine. They No. 2,472. . over at Friso andcame to the BeaverLake have nine feet of flrft-clas- s ward can tolerate it. ore. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. Ed. E. Stuart came down from the ri In contradistinction to the Messrs. W, J. DongIas3 6. W. Spaldj 'course of district where yearsago there was considon Saturday md will spend a day Capital he erable ahd reIplcked done, we' Notice For Publication. to above have prospecting our whom friend Ing and Silas F. Jolinson, all of 'Payson, or two in hunting up mischief makers. over tc a Frisco of took it Office have uncovered abqjut eighj; feet of free Lake s. at Land u. Salt Utah, rock, piece up City, 1 Ed. is armed with a long, sharp stick and ferred, is that of another father who with him and ha it etn, iyd. February news The assayedi gold ore in the 'J.fI. C. j The claim is d a whole Mr. had. fully as much cause for regibtering of given that Charles W. of indignation. Notice isof hereby and his find wonderful Clear Lake, Millard county, Utah, situated between rapidly thja spread and E. "Busbjy" HAY and GRAIN has filed notice of intention to make proof on Stuart Will move his family to Lehi, and M VlgOlUUS, K1UK. are in the fluid there P. among; others, Mr. today Spa.ldtr H," V g gave the Blade of the good will and wishes pf the Blade will claim No. 3,737, for the n his desert-lanThelatter gentleman is strengthening Mr. O.S, Carver, an a S. R. 8 W., before Register and scribe Sec. 34, min. that expert specimen glitters with the , ihe hands of the Blade in the matter, er, Jbj. JL. Cross. Charles, and Lorin Receiver U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, go with him. 6t the yellow god 1895. 23 f'down east precious on the day of March, Utah, Chas. Andrews, of C. Andrews & Co.,' and is thereby throwing his moral in- Morrison and Jos. Douglass. la.ll are ers." He names the following witnesses t prove the complete lrriaration and reclamation of was in town last week buying pelts, only fluence ott the side ofWight conduct. working like Trojans, weather! is no Jaa.tw; McBurnejH,, Janies Elldredgo natd land Eliza Aldrach, H. S.Ensign and Mabel Robin- a few of which he obtained. Asked as to Everyman in this community so far einderance. The specimens so faf jassayed and Uarrett cime. in jfroin the De son, all of Clear Lake, Utah and Clara Ruff ner the' pelt business Mr. Andrews said his as we have run all the way from $10 to $120 jin gold t troitJohn on the to them spoken of Salt Lake City, Utah. , district on Friday - andi on Saturdaw i an in is asbestos mineral The found Als notice is hereby given that Eliza Aid company are receiving not more than spar, nf course and on to the Went Provo say language wjtiere ithey will go be- as many pelts as last year at this recti of Clear Lake, Millard county, Utah, has and appears in rounded, heavy jp&ks. Siore tne granaIt too was none filed notice of intention to make proof on her as the for Blade ;the wlnessai in the; strong jury desert-lanSec. 34 time, and that reports from all the ranges is about eight miles, a case of Louis Mattiioh distict The claim No. 3,738, for the s names will a We and Hans" Yorgen19, S. R. 8 W., before Register and Receiver are to the effect that mortality among the occasion. give few Tp. little south of west of Smith's Ranch. TT. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, on wuo son, n snch anactive part iu have of citizens played that given Utonian. herds is very light. the 23 day sf March, 1895. the .Christmas celebration She names the following witnesses to prove put at Druiu Government Observer Willard Rogers the Blade's course their unqualified of and reclamation comnlete th irrigationPersonal Notes, Springs. Mining East Main Street, DESERETi UTAH. said land: say a the night ot the 14th was the coldest indorsement. They are: H. P. Brown, General Supt. J. F. Mitchelli of the Charles W. Aldrach, H. S. Ensign, Mabel of the season-- the mercury .. registering 19 school teacher; II. Dewsnup; Jas. II. Ibex Suscido Robinson, all of Clear Lake, Utah, and Clara company, came down from Leam Utah. of the degrees below zero. Friday night also Mace; E. P. Pack, FIRST CLASS accomodations for Ruffner of Salt Lake City, are There not a ew that believe that Byron Groo, Register. ington last Tiijursdayrand on Friday went came was a The blackbirds G up J. L. R. stinger. P.; Lake D. Peace; Cropper, present City. Frank Hobbs, AJty., Salt out to the mines. The smelter is jrunning Tilden skipped ins tead ;of diving under" Gommerci&l and Mining men. from the tule swamps during the warm- WTCropper; John Dewsnup; II. S. ' smoothly and reducing about 100 tons of the ice and Marsha; Jaihe has been quot- est part of theday, on Thursday, and RATES REASONABLE. S. G. Dye, agent U.P.Ry. station ore in' every twenty-fou- r Timber Culture, jPinal Proof-- Ns hours.!.; Mr.. ed as saying he be ie.ved TJldea had left sang a triumphant serenade anthem near and a host of other respected residents Mitchells returned from, the Ibex on the country. 31-tH. WEBB, Propf. tice for Publication. the Blade office. A part of the song, like We had a talk ithi the Marshal, the as the story ofJthe dog's barks, froze up and of Deseret and Oasis. When such Tuesday and reports developments 'be other day on that aubjectj and he saiti is nojw hanging suspended from the Co- men as We have named sustaiu our ing highly satisfactory. United States Land Office, JonN Greathouse, Ors6t Sanders. after that all the acts he is ful- Weighing J. H. Marriott, General Superintendent ttonwood limbs. As soon as the notes course, we feel sure that we are right Salt Lake City, Utah, convinced Ttideu that ;t6k the death of the Osceol a Placer Mining company's ly Feb'y. 18 th, 1895 SAflDERS. GREATHOUSE thaw out we will have something to say and the few kickers are wiong. from the ba leap the initials log svhvcjh W. Chas. Notice is hereby given that works, was on his return trip from Salt ixr r m . auui due as to future weather. 4 l B word! Good Bye" Rowland has filed notice of intention to Lake to Osceola last waek and laid Pver were make final proof before the Register and Jacob Christiansen, who has been out in to scribbled. 13. the Feb. Special Scipio, Utah, on business. Snow in Keceiverxat bis oince in Han laice uuy. the southeastern portion of the county; Tribune C. D. Wikes, a plasterer who one day in Deseret The Blade writer investigated the Bub- Davis range was about sixteen the 1st day of April, in the : interest of the Jeff the committed a came Utah,ononMonday,culture here about ago. year returned Blade, pretty thorouhy at thi time and timber 1895, application No. suicide by taking morphine, and died at inches deeDsr when Mr. Marriott left jeot oeen nas 172. for the Lot 3 of Section No. b. in home the middle of last week. Chris-- ' Y o'ciocKiast certain that Tiidjon committed was ,xxe marriea ten days ago, than it was last evening. TownahiD No. 22 S. Ranee No. 19 W. S. tiansen did well for the Blade although about two weeks of home about aeo. and death th suicide, ll out V1 L. M.t Utah. his wife yesterday, in connection with year at the same time. The snow-fao uu names as witnesses t Willard Bur the ''elements were against him. The financial "much auusuaiiy sincere ani is supposed at Osceola is watched with Interest, other and troubles, a of Kanosh rolled still man M aud people up hlnibst; ejatirely devoid larger guileless E, John Clay L.'SmithSon, to life. His take nis bank, him to have caused because the summer's harvest of the yel of the UTAH., fni mhirh and Joepttr:lyerj;f a 1 of tBnrbgnk Mil- - mihscrinMon for th will he be low dust is larcte or small In was shrewdness and h..f. buried yesterday, J3YK02T UBOO, proportion' would have beed and '.trti'mn'mr to tbe we win the at buiied oar aau expcns9-6navu, county TO CLOSE BUYERS, we offer the very lard (Jo., Utan. mey inauKv it? aeceazkry "water-suppl- y anyone furnished by the r Register. lowest prices on a new and complete T. C, BAiLET, favors. The Blade1 morrow, as hia foiks are notlknown if he to the deavor to merrit playing.-th-e Whieii flie must have ' roie snow. mountain Attprnty, line of General Merchandise done if he is really living His character is not lying about its subscription list has any. Mail orders 'from responsible parties at in local well was this Wikes known in lines head was and that of a hardvorkintr- - indua rmn advertising glaring Closing Out Of Winter Goods Detroit : Camp; Oasis and vicinity, ;will Talk. Traln at worked one time we we on where he at Men's that in and have'2,000 subscribers," but ity, receive iMMEDiATEj attention and goods We wiil make great reduction m:in J. C. Bowen, manager, of the Corner interview Iwith the and Boys Suits in order to close out our will say, the Blade is making satisfactory plastering. His suicide was a surprise shipped by next train. had Tilden oa Writ(r ' on Saturday. went north ' Store, is &! and the with room for re befc Ed. to make him. stock he Blade, winter disiperedi knew gaining SANDERS, ground to those that Spring headway, evening QREATHOUSE his be Suits.Gall and seethem and get a bargain. every issue. On Mr. Christiansen's re H. Dewsnop went to Provo oh Monday havior was that of insanity and! was not - - -Utah. v, Leamington Kespeotfully, on business ccmnected with the settling assumed or "put on" The man was inturn his team wallowed through snow W.: A. Ray. B. Last foreman Fred Smith, to Friday, from three five feet deep on the up of the affairs of the defunct tensely in earnest, alidj repeatedly stated of the Blade office, was called north on bench this side of Holden. as now are a rule The trains running that he ?rald not enqurej ,he disgrace of of II. Pulver LOCAL INKLINGS. and E, business, on time, although Friday's going to the peaiteutai-y.very nearly The Blade desires to say to the County urgent vox come and to south-bounsale at the Blade Court that the d blanks for Location train was nearly three hours He paced his room in the Huff Hotel, over the Sevier Payson was wired bridge v ' ' office. ,:. and the porch until 1 aif plist two in the Whose name should be familiar to river needs repairing, and that too, promptly responded, arriving here on late. rn town. are Tbe"black birds is Mr. Pulver again before the ice goes butj in order to get Saturday's train. every H. J.Erickson, the Mt. Pleasant banker morning, all the while bemoaning his fevery one. in this locality that Look out. for a blizzard. fate and the falteness aind ingrattitude under the bridge: There should be some way competent' and has been duly in- and sheep-mapassed south on Mon- of Effie for ' . or opened shoes,has boots wears Shaw. ; The town looks deserted since the ore ckst iron wafehers procured for those troduced to the Blade family and in- day to the South Star district. Mr.Erick-so- n A sane man intending to evade the are at work on the the 'manufacture and repairing 1 of teams were temporarily laid off. and large Iron rods, so that the latter may be stalled as foreman, and, as we trust clutches ' Humbolt," five miles from Milford. the floor of the law would not have paced Now is a good time for our subscribers tightened, and the bridge-mad- e stronger permenantly. Verily, a country news ' BOOTS and 'SHOES , two." He would until half to enlarge The Blade' subscription for the ice- gorge that will surely come paper requires more care and attention The product is copper, gold and' silver, ""in the pasi Store. Cash of the have, East put to within of be weeks. three sfde The Ibex will smelter. idghtjon the rode. Shop just the the and ' wood pile. upper 4 shipped , realize. most s ts than people Tilden, shock-weig" to fojlowed a beaten is said be fair. The showing that will have to stand the very mmmTmmT" 'w Fran,k Emry, representing Rowe, bridge, of the ice. should be loaded to1 the river, 'and were and road out path down W. C. Barry was a north-boun- d pas difficult to tiUPF ' Summerhays & Co., Is in townlooking with rock which can doubtless bs Mrs. i4 faci Marsfial Paine we thanks on With to sincere from Milford Salt lost them follow; acknowledge v senger Tuesday after the pelt business. descended and the river bank from near for purpose. It the ctfurtesy of invitations to be pres Lake. Up to the recent storm" said to the ice at a is still to the' front 'with seasonable Don't forget the entertainment on Fri is sheer- - nonsenseby. to that rods below lasso the bridge ball to be given at Mr. Barry, "stock have been dotng fairly where Tilden apoint twefstry Were Merchandise at Bottom Prices for day evening to be given In nonor of with 'tow" strings as was done two ent at aonmasquerade found trak3 the 22d inst. Were the well on the south western range.?' Speak Callao birth ;day. indicated about Washington's and a tsrrible down B. Weignl years ago. of the Beave" Lake district Mr. the; bridge hash. .;. TlhW; log upon which mental Those that attended fhef Stake confer- so that the? ice cannot lilt it off the weather more oroDitihus, the Blade ing struggle. said the outlook is regarded as being fav .UTAH. ence in Fillmofe on, Sunday and Monday OASIS, and strengthen it as suggested, family would gladly avail itself of be orable,- a ad that some of the pre runs $25 he scribbled his "glojddj bye'and fronj piling, which we have, not the f slightest doub6 say they had a royal good time. and no trouble need ba feared. Other comimr better acquainted with the in gold per ton. he took his suicide puogj is iu an isoJat d of warm-hearteCallao. people The cash store has the beft line of wise, we predict that it wiil go out. Pacific Director James Sharp and ed spot and where there Union ,Wa3 hardly one men's and youths suits fer'the money, of Salt Lake City, and chanca in Colonel P. H. Holloway came up brother his John fifty of hisjgpon bye being ever there are in town. Call and see them. from Milford on Friday and took a layP. T. Far n worth of the B.ovn Sil seen, at least in tiaxaf AND MILLS. MINES Supt. b of any ser- S. M. Barlow, representing-Schillin- g off of one day In Deseret visiting with on ver. went north in their Monday ihe to vice as him baeans of throwbeing iFurniture, Hardware, has . been friends.transacting business and drinkine & Co. , of San Francisco, car. The party had been down private off oHicer the Is hiditraCK. The end of strike ing reported to the Beaver Lake district to look at Another, very righ in the interests of the Deseret flowing water and in b few doing" this section was the 'ehanftferid" oE as they Grain. log ' from !' Dalton. the GrqcoriBsMiay bis company: some of the reputed gold finds. The re- - came from the wool fnan's hours 'felt like a new man," The Colas. and on thousand five hundred lbs. ports from thft district of rich gold Fprjty-fiv- e WtCiGibbs has for sale several hundred onel favored the Blade editer by becomaroeveiea of part wasia spot snow. On Fish strike's is creating Stoves and Heaters just a furore in min- - ina shade ing his guest' during his stay. As the of Utah ore arrived yesterday from quite snow was ycttng and thrifty balm of gilead the the im pression pf a foot ag ' Spring!. :' :t trees and a few native fruit tree V Terms, Blade hinted last week Colonel Hollo rived."': "'. ihg circles. if made in the bendip Y forward for the tf has Secured a half interest in the Indications of a great awakening in and freighters invited to grain or spot cash dive Sheep-me- n under Ice. the TaeSchOoI House as a Dance Hall. Kelly " claim in , the north end of the mining circles are 'manifested in and has been said thit he Lige"v Allen's tenms last week Beaver Discount t?iven for cash. led It is understood that an effort is being' Itthe The claim is situated east around Marysvale. range. of feet over Fillmore from river 3,000 toward brought Leafniugton , but th made to induce the trustees to permit up Until the tram is completed at the Ibex, dances rumor could be lumber destined for the. Midas group of of Smith's and about eight miles from the not down" to facts. ixiupa to be held in the new school U. P. railway. The ore runs 2S per eerit. say ten days hence, only sufficient teams Tildero has not hMrd mines in the Deep Creek range. of citice and beeq $15.00 in gold and K oz. silver. to take out supplies will be busy hauling house. The Blade hope3 it will not be all the food he had with him was a can copper, and hats of line and The best cheapest Several loads of timbers for the permitted, and in that hope we but voice of corn etl beefi.V Tillieh is under the ice are Developement work will commence, at ore gBtfl Mds.'.- & PrOduce gloves to be found in Millard cottnty ' Call and once and a car load of ore will be shipped mine itnd trestle work of the tram went the sentiment of 'a large majority of the Cash Store. at the sale on how people of this district. jl The school house to the Ibex smelter for treatment. The out yesterday. AT TIIE- . From Sheep Camas. see them before purchasing elsewhere. should be used exclusively for schools Blade never stoops to flattery f nor does it news cornea tne Detroit A From cheering Cravrns, Jf Crajreni Bros., Payson and entertainments of an educational and A new docket for Justice of the Peace withold a just meed of credit. ' And we Howard old the new strikes. Adjoining last FHday frbA Barbaak, Snake social nature. Now is a good time tto came-iand U, S. Commissioners is being pub will say the coming of Colonel.' Holloway of the between the east, claim where! )on & Messrs. (patented, Provo. their herds are wintering, devoted tho a Skelton to cultiva-- ' Valley, lishedi by. Co., to this part of Uta-- has beeni and will organize society of free vein a fine and lime, niis and welcomed be reports tion in the young of a lave of knowledge, sheepl as being in good i It is a model book and will continue to be, a real blersing to the peo-- i quartzite ore. The lucky finders are Peter of music and gold a higher view of life and' its Condition, although jfeed is getting by the Legal Fraternity. pie. Whatever the Colonel uudertakes Jensen; John Dillon and James Eldredge objects than can possibly.be derived from scarce." The weather- moderated on Monday moves right along. Obstacles are over- -.4" SJlOt on ft i came from hottord Barrett Goods at Dugway John the influence of a dance house. The Blade Paul Andaraon, from jFouatain Groan, prices fpr and right now Is the time to finish the oome by him With an ease that is onlv in the a strike atid o4 will big and assist the and reports whose herd is! gcazing alona xh& set to Friday, in is A liable publish Chinook proceedings " t'ash. ice harvest. equaled by his patiences genie<y Bnd famous Buckhorn mine. It is chloride i, . the and Aucolopd beach of thej or society. courtesy. The Beaver .reservoir and the at any time and when it does, three 700 oz. in silver silver-anruns Jno; Dewsnup, Mgr and horn came ba in iFriday aaj.sayaf mountains, Snake Valley reservoir are accomplished four days will suffice to spoil the ice. Hohor t Whom Honor Is Due 200 in gold to the ton. Also to on a fair rang? Wall anfl ?103 his are entersheep doing fact3 and are' monuments to hia Cast Main "Street Deserej. The Deseret school will honor WashinJohnson's EriiTOK. made noticed been I in have some strikes Blade your for W. n, I'etr Anderson, fofcnia was. ' by an entertainment in prise and birthday ington's. of an issue 2d Feb. with Interview myself pass. : Caudland ilt. of in froim nti MAIL. Pieap4 m. a. the on of. the the school housa of Detroit concerning Snake Valley Reservour where the south en 1 of thej louse ranges - 'TIIE OmtLAND McCabe, recently J. II. a Will be last . Attention, Citizens. regarding onrl. In the afternoon there from Mercuf ion you quoted me as j the contractor. Now week and reports suowj bout eight inches I- F you desire information There will be a mass meeting held in district; came down Eastern Colorado, s'end for, free sample children's party.-- Everybody' is cordially Mr. McCabe and Ed. Stuart Mr. Editor,' after 6 years of very constant deep, and rattier cop jiaacti for the 'ood a weekly invited to be present. the Deseret School house at 6 p.m. on Sat- Monday. lopy of the Overland Mail, ; ' in a. few day and, heavy contracting in almost all kinds of the sheep, although J his herda are do iiewsnaner. Adress urday, March 2d, to consider the feasabii-It- y wiil go out to WestTintic K ' I of. building a canal along the bench Elder J;'Golden Kimball held forth in THE UVERLAKD .uaiij,.: lead some and examine properties with of earth. work, I have .paid to learn this ing well. anColo. of to as the redeemsouth and ' llolyoke, per Leamington one fact, vi: that, about all there is ic the Deseret meeting house, several '.thousand acres of choice a view to furnishing ore to the Jex nouncement, on' Friday 'evening. Ilia ing contracting is the honors. Therefore I deland. smelter. , juan ruISu3uu, oroncer to tho vfi f and was ... practical eminently sire to state that Messrs Holloway and trrusven ftttnrriFrv The people of Leamington, Oak City discourse was a nfcs,a,-,common jfM.vii are strikes becoming Free this in needed was all gold and and this was others interested locality. what locality Reaso were the contractors and I exactly Lib vj requested to bo present; out at Detroit. Yesterday E.F.Pack laid managing the work for them. Strip 3 Elder Kimball's remarks ou dancing areIt urgently an one a handsome is undertaking and important of the Blade's to which the Blade has specimen of free gold ore contract of the honors and nothing rewere a complete vindication referrrepeatedly YEK3 KHJjY. . t.K .SMO W article last week on k4Tha Mania for ed, Chris Overson of Leamington and on our table. The rock la literally fleck- - mains. bMlllf.sV..T,i . 'PS Feb. 19th, otner interested parties will 'be presaut. ed with the Wall Street, godi The speciDancing: B ll N EST Legal Notices. O. JONES, M. D. . , SI , ! - i , - . j n-- e Call on . . Y. KELIjY; ji' vice-preside- nt ' -- at , ; -- s-- e n-- w for ii ouic 4 - 36-4- 1 ? Sheep Men's Supplies V a speciality. ! v ; car-loa- ! d constantly on hand. V. KELLY. Tp-1- old-tim- e 9, ! : sub-1eci- ?, one-thir- - I theWebbHotel A - . J d - well-know- . j - j , . ce ex-Justi- 36-4- 1 Ca-hoo- n; f. , 4 itmm 1 ' : - V,""-H- : f I i. 1 teimDlt-minde- ' dl ; ; Co-o- j p. i . : j -- -- n, j - - ; co-owne- rs, x - - ' . foot-prin- ht jk . bor-ro-wt- K? - zig-zagi- ng ; - i - ; j . liook Herel - . , - : C ;& , . 4 . ; w-w- ay ; . ' Ohris. Peterson's foot-prin- 1 i : ts - - , . CASE - h STOR ! . j - : v ! ,.. . , Savv-do.- Li i , ss. - - , . - - . ... : . ; - ' . scribe for 7?h.o Blade. r-.i- i ; . I ' . 1 |