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Show CONFUSION ATMEETING . OF MEXICAN RADICALS MEXICO CITY, Sept. 19. Confu-J sion reigned . at tonight s meeting of the ' comiiiunl.M congress ol tn, Mexican Mexi-can proletariat'' when, during a oharp debate-, someone fired a pistol in the air. There were no casualties, but the meeting adjourned soon after the In-1 ' ib iit. An element known as the 'yellows" which Opposes th.e radical principles advocated by the ie.is," be-cime be-cime involved in exchanges with extremist ex-tremist speakers and consldr-ra be disorder dis-order prevailed during nun h of the meetings , SeveraM incmborfl of tlm American' Federation of Eabor who are visiting I thla city, attended the meeting and I wer.. ilaced In an awkward position when several orators denounced their) organlaatlon on various grounds |