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Show ; MRS. WM. P. SMITH, of Los Angeles, Calif., who says Tan-lac Tan-lac completely retored her health I when no one believed she would ever be well again. Has gained thlr teen pounds. 4. j "I vvill never stop praising Tanlac, PR jfor it has restored my health when kfl 1 veryone who knew of my (freadful condition had no idea T would ever get "Two years ago following an accl-dent, accl-dent, I began suffering from indigos-tion indigos-tion and severe stomach trouble. I grew worse do rapidly thai my health .-;oon became perfectly wretched. My stomach became so weak I couldn't eat gj:i, the simplest food or even drink a glass HiB if milk without suffering for hours afterward. I was extremely nervous, land would have palpitation 01" the hear I BO badly at limes 1 vvould almost fainf ! My circulation was very poor, I had no ! color, ,-ind weighed only eighty-one HLV I pounds. It seemed I was just gradu- Hls9 ally starving by degrees, and I had al- H I most given up hop? H i After the best medical Ireatnien. 9mu! railed to help me, travel and a chanc- 3HgH; Of surroundings was advised, SO I trav 4 1 eled nearly all over the United States ' V ' ind had treatment every place I went ''ji-' bul alwaj wi h the same disappoint- H ling results. How I stood my suffer- LsflS m-z is more than I can tell, and I be- 8k1 conic so despondent that life seemed iffiffi hardly worth living Lsbsbh That is Jusl the condition I was in LHl vhen I began taking ,Tanlac. When bH my husband first suggested Tanlac I LbbM old him 1 had no faith in it, but the ic:;; day he bought me a bottle, and bbbbH I to my great surprise it seemed to agree bsSI .vnh me, o l kept on taking it. The Hbsbh results speak for themselves. "I rained thirteen pounds in weight, uSB and I feel perfectly weil in every way. EssbbbbI ppetlte is splendid and I eat just bbbbbI anything I want r.nd never have the jslightr.t symptoms of indigestion. I ajtBH am so happy over the recovery of ray IbliPn I health that I feel Just like telling bmwsm I everybody about this wonderful inedl- iffira The above remarkable statement PadP I was made recently hy Mr?. William j l. Smith. .1 well known aud highly re- KSvBsi tspected resident of Los Angeles, Calif, ftl? r siding at 139 East Avenue 36. I?! T inlac is cold in Ogden by A. R. Mc- - HBrC tnt Drug Co., two busy stores. .,j:j Advertisement. bbbbbbbb! |