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Show IvpHnT Rhymes By U ALT MASON DANf.LROVS TEETH. New the docs, those wise old hecses, say our teeth should all come nt. for they cause all diseuses, from H he measles to the gout Once my H eeth lllce pearls were gleaming and I lcwed the came with pride, as I H hewee the -'rioln slr-aming. with po-atoea po-atoea on the side. Now my teeth are H ill departed and no hope on earth I H ee, though the dentist says he's start- H id on .a liakoll'.ej set for me I had H lOlle In Toronto, and the doctor said, H laid he. "You must see a dentist, pion- H o, who will pull out molars three ' H had measles in Hoboken, and the H toctpr said, "You gink, all your symp- H oms are a token that your teeth are n the blink." And my whiskers, In H Smpory, fall and fell ami soon were H Cone, and It was the same old story twos because no teeth were drawn H Passed around by stern physicians r-om one dentist to tho next, I am J 'tiled with vain ambitions and my soul Is sore pcrplext. Now that all my teeth are missing, what recourse Is there for me. when some new dls-saso dls-saso goes hissing through my shoulder Dr my knee" Vhcn I'm sore in bone or tl.-juie. r-hafed from carrying my I wreath, how will doctors dodge tho Issue when they cannot blame my Copyright by George Metthew Adams 1 |