Show HERE AND THERE Several sewer laborers called at police headquarters yesterday to demand the arrest ar-rest of Angus McDonald one of the subcontractors sub-contractors on the gravity sewer The complaint was that he owed them sums from 10 to 10 and refused to pay although al-though he promised them money last Friday The police could do nothing and at the suggestion of Captain Donovan the men went in search of an attorney by whom they will file a civil suit Contractor Con-tractor Hobson says McDonald has no money coming from the original contractors con-tractors having been paid in full Little Lanas Harding son of R M Harding had a most miraculous escape from death yesterday morning He fell a distance of thirty feet from a second I story window in the Grand Pacific hotel to the ground He was examined by a physician and found to be uninjured except ex-cept for a few bruises on one shoulder that being the part of his body upon which he alighted The child is only 4 years old and it is probably needlass to say that his parents are truly thankful I for his narrow escape |