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Show UNITED STATES' NEW AMBASSADOR TO CHINA. ? --X""" jm jri- 1 .V - n.v ..-.T--v . . --- -VS. it s w - ' V V - 4 -STZr; i : .... . . - , 1 . - ri-j- TV- - ..-v; a "I , . v .- TfT -ii ii.. i i. t.:rrirmiii ii.u imiimi..nm. mi mm mil President Taft hat decided to send William J. Calhoun, a lawyer of Chi-cago, Chi-cago, to Peking., to represent this country. Mr. Calhoun takes the place 'left vacant when Charles R. Crarje was ousted.' The new minister has filled severs! sev-ers! diplomatic posts 'satisfactorily to this government. RICH GOLD Ml t W hr a a-' Those in Santo Domingo Said to Rival King Solomon's. Nearly Every Known Mineral ts to Be Found In Dominican Republic,. According to Consul's Report. ' ' Washington. Having received numerous nu-merous inquiries rugardlng wining and minerals In the boiiilulcau republic. Consul Ralph J. Totten or Puerto Piatt has prepared a general outline Of the" Information obtainable. The most important of the useful modern mines are gold, silver, Iron ore, copper ore. lignite, salt and pe-Iroluem. pe-Iroluem. Gold Is the only mineral that has Deen worsea 10 any eairui. iu mt Urn of Columbus the Indians paid tribute In gold and In the year H9tS the records show the following mines or placer workings : La Vega, the Clbao, the San Cristobal and the Buenaventura. Bu-enaventura. A considerable quantity of gold la at the present time washed from the Kinds of the Yaqite. rde. Bao, Jalna and Moa rivers and their tributaries by the country people with (be most primitive apparatus. It la claimed that women often obtain two or three unres of gold per week In this manner. Lodes and gold bearing quarts are mentioned In some of the old report, but no record can be found of H,ir attempt to work these tulcci. re4f s llfrralyr-jB-faWo- the tt.lstnr, men now In this country claim to ti.ve located quarts veins Hat would ty for the working 11 -itf aie no doubt some gold de-olt. de-olt. no! oyly In the river beds, but alio on the hills, that have never been worked, an J there Is probably consld emble gold remaining In the old workings work-ings that fould be saved by modern n.scbloery and dredges The condl tlons for working are good, there being be-ing abundant water and sufficient fall for drainage In most parts of the gold country. A great drawback Is the ea-treme ea-treme difficulty encountered In gelling gel-ling machinery to the Interior, oo account ac-count of the entire lack of wagon roads This ofT.ce has record of four com panics or Individuals now In this country. In the central or northern portions, engaged in prospecting for nfoerala or tn developing proapects prevlo!ty located One company Is Installing .p-lodate machinery and dredges for thorough e.pkdcatlon of Its property It has been compelled to transport nil machinery, toots and supplies H mile oo pack bor and over roads that seem at Brst glance to t practically impassable. " As to the value of the mineral de posiu. pert who have looked Into the 4'ir show coJIeraM l3r esc of r pi -lea. ivn Jus. Nlio y rrl.-sr(!, was sent If the . S?n h genB;tst In ltJj to st'jdy the c tees aed lodes of g"44. siSer. cop-t. cop-t. lilaLsef aEf " emetaMt evme ol the o!d panuily worked ir,l!!. he nerts. wre ettraordi-ery ettraordi-ery rklntt, He CcUfced his report fcy sajlsC: "I can contpare this U5e to tkst of ,Tarr,La. frai which S.l tEn 4rw the gcM wikh he etcioyed tn the crsa3etf o his tersp?e y.t W P. T'ake. t' t'fX ai Iciaer eVtt t"t ly t!se Aaertcsn trr-rwt trr-rwt In 11. a'eo rpo?t tie e ee of eoiJaWe e.s.ri to jattn iaf!;-. On the chr h.td. fit A E. Olie. l !! known trg'ia etoeV1M. nuUtl ! U'-l',rJe t t ! ersl rvj'iJtrcee the I r;crt- ed that this country,- In his opinion, was a geological curiosity shop, containing con-taining scattered samples of nearly every mineral, but none In sufficient quantities to-be of commercial value. The fact remains that no mining proposition in the Dominican republic of late years has proved successful, although al-though nothing has been attempted with abundant capital and with modern mod-ern methods and machinery, WORKS 79 YEARS ON A FARM Employ Believed to Hold the Record for Long Service on Hampshire, England, Estate. London. A presentation has been made to Robert Waterman, foreman on the home farm of the Hursley estate es-tate (Sir George CooKer's), Hamp shire, on his retirement at the age of 7. He served on the Hursley estate fir years, had walked to and from work 21.000 miles and was always punctual His record has been beaten by Cornelias" Cor-nelias" Medley.,, employed by Wilfrid Ashley. M. P on the Broadlands estate. es-tate. Romsey. where he has been In service 79 years. SU . others bave been on the estate for 53, 52. 50, 47 and 4( years, while three others have records extending over 43, 43 and 41 years HOUSE OF MIRRORS Western Farmer's Home Dazzle3 with Bevel Plate Glass. Structure to Outward Appearancw Only Ordinary Dwelling In Pretty Country Town Once Inside Everything Is Changed. - Spokane. Wash. Among tne smins-ets smins-ets houses on record, perhaps. In the -United StatesTirtnat - of -Alexander Stuart of Waltsburg. a 6ne-tlme farmer. farm-er. He has spent the best part of two years in personally supervising the construction of his residence, which. when?completed,v w41! be one of the JnstxamplesJottaterlor-Jlnl8hinvln the northwesUJespTendent In mosaic floors' of oak. mahogany and maple, shining with 30 plate glass mirror, which weigh nearly half a ton. and glowing with -the. dark red of fir. finished fin-ished in imitation of mahogany. To outward appearance the house U n ordinary 2-story residence of the better type on air qrdinary street, in an ordinary but pretty country town. The first thing to attract attention atten-tion is the yard, which, except for a thtn strin for roses and a strip . of lawn some ten fe,et wide on the other. side. Is plastered over with cement. In this -cement yard there are two large circular openings to the olf. which will be utilized by shrubbery, otherwise the exterior Is harsh and gray. -- Once within, however, the eye are daztled with the elegance which, even in the unfinished state, ia everywhere apparent. The door are of rare par-oetrrtf par-oetrrtf eslgTrrwfttothe-eleftant rug-finish."" rug-finish."" This design runs through living liv-ing room, dining room, barll and parlor, par-lor, though no two room are floored in the same design. The baseboards, door facing, etc.. are of curly fir. with the grain brought out clehrly In deep red mahogany stain Fine pressed teadwork adorn allrhe corners, giving : sense or riot- s richness. The walla are in hard white plaster, their almpliclty contrasting con-trasting sharply with the gorgeouanet of the wood finishing. The "sliding door between hall and dining room are of plate glass panel of the finest grinding and polish, and this scheme ha been carried out In all the important doors both upstair and down. Pot ween dining room and kitchen the door la merely of plate glass, and transparent. The window, even In the back kitchen, are of -enormously heavy French beveled glass, so clear that one Is hardly conscious of their presence. At every turn the visitor will be met by bis own Image, advancing; r retreating, or sidling away from Mm at an angle. From' one point In the parlor a person ran stand and fee nil the pprtums and object In the dining room and even Into the kitchen. Upstairs several bedrooms are Rn Isbrd In the parquet flooring nnl stained Imitation of mahogany as h low. A Masonic design on a tiny light placed In the front gable will aU peep down at the passerby from i' high net.'-There la a special sw itrh In-the attic for turning on and off tt ! gable light. In the basement heavy glass dwr separate the apartments, which r DIDN'T SEE IT THE SAME WAY FatHer of Young Missionary Disagreed Violently with Popular Chinese Custom. The young missionary relighted his cigar. t "In China, father," he said, "I'd have nootrouble in selecting a present for you." . - "No?" queried the old man. - "No," said the missionary, with a hearty laugh. "The most desirable present to give old folks is a coffin, in China. Ha. ha. ha! And old folks like yourself don't mind it at all. They welcome a coffin as heavtily as you'd welcome a box of Havana regalias." . "Humph!" said the father, grimly. "Arid if an old Chinaman is ailing," said the young missionary "if he has your rheu malic complaint, for instance then he regards a coffin as an espe- dally thoughtTurgiTtT-In fact " . ' "But the missionary's father had suddenly sud-denly left the room, slamniiig- the door behind him with a certain Vf lence. Story of a M(?via ?J" story of a Mgviog umpicm. A pumpkin was seen to walk across the field by Mrs. Samuel H.- Hight of Skowegan recently. When she saw it she- thought her eyes were deceiving deceiv-ing her, but sbe soon perceived that the pumpkin nlOved, a little way, stopped and Then turned 4n another direction She "Watched this object for some time and told one of her neighbors". neigh-bors". .The mystery was-'solved, but the two women. did not "dare to go nearefThnioving vegetable, but called a man who knocked "the pump-tin pump-tin over and found a polecat, "fhe sKunkTBad efawTed under tneiHimpkin and -stuck' his head into a hole lit it and was unable to extricate himself from it and had walked off as best he could with the pumpkin on his back. Lewlston Journal. OULD"BE"THERET r "Hey-, Janitor. comeqa i ck. Dere'av a man fell down de coal hole!' "All right, sonny. I'll look into it!" SLIGHTLY AMBIGUOUS. M irk fan L ' Friendly Birds. Most of the birds and mammals have 4ae fear-otnaa in their hearts, and 1 are difficult to approach, but otfiyrS show jio -great concern. The Ataskan jav, i"or-.instancr areTevoted amp j followers. "They proved useful as scavensers.". says Mr Osgood, "and cooked oatmeal seemed' to attract theiii even more, than raw meat. They many limes hopped aboirt the campfire. or-perched on the tent polos and ropes: Their harsh chattering was not always7 pleasant, but was -somewhat atoned for by their less, frequent fre-quent soft whistle and their pert and confident wayssb-on the whole their presence waswelcomed." - A w oman may be as old ' as- she Jouks. hut it makes a difference whether It's bTforeT"6r""aTOrr"Stre la dressed to go out. ever-hadJU-- - . : . "Xever mind, It will be your last." ' SKIN HUMOR 25 YEARS "Cutlcura did wonders for me. For tmenty-flve years I suffered agony from a terrible humor, completely covering cov-ering my head, neck and shoulders, so even to my wife, I became an object of dread. At large expense I consult ed the moet able doctors far and near Their treatment was of no avail, nor was that of the ' Hospital, during six months' efforts. I suffered on and concluded there was no help for me this side of the grave. Then I heard of some one who had been cured by Cutlcura Remedies and thought that a trial could do no harm. In a surprUingly short time I was com pletely cured. S. P. Keyes. 147 Con gress St., Boston, Mass.. Oct. 12. '09.' Rough on Rats In Out Buildings. In setting Rough on Rats in out build-in build-in g sfter miiem it well- with any food decided de-cided uKn. separate into smallbits.place on several piece f hoanN, and put these here and there under the floor. Close up all opening l.iiue -noiifrh fo-TVg, Cats or Chicken to enter, but leave some small opening for Rt to eet in and out. One 2V. Im.t of Rough on Rats, being all out in one or two night ettincs,FiiriIreda of Rat and Mire. IV.. 25c . 75c., at Dmpgists. K. S. Well. Jersey City, N. J. Always at It. Mrs. Itenham Woman's work U never done. . Itenham That's so; even after she is married "slu is trying to make men fall In love with her. MM t v - - J lay kctvrqlYacww o-ctcou& axoXvv6. raatrAySyt c5rvs&.tVixr Cj SwTAWl.inKvcV CTliUiS CTKitwu.W mai be toAu dttpcustA Wlv rtttvci'xws waVTtQxToJL axe c assist JutvcVvoxvj .wvk.VTOUiX 4cpu1 xiv liM khnwfuiidiffllllliillMtnb thft AcnUiQ Hamlin Wizani Oil will knock the spot otf a 'IY tlirimt. It' use makes t'n-iiti, (iiin-v and ihphtheria iinxHi-ble. iinxHi-ble. It ia simply great for the relief of all pain, Mirent-M mi l id !ta imii.it ion . One iiihiih bobby may man's nightmare be another CALIFORNIA. Fio Syrup Co. SOLO SV ALL LCADIN6 DWUCOlSTS oti.itot.-tovxAieice o etR eorrvat (fYjDLFPES 1ft fnt, HMkutlfal wiloM, I0r per tpka t (tr!am If Dot In teturk. Mfnit u IU' iUUh uior 4urHi . ONE DYE FOR ALL GOODS: (Vkf rrr ftnri iMoik nf tflrvrUoB, ttvm bj tf(UaV Ay-t-U, BurliiiajU, Vvnuuot, DYOLA DYES W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 1-191 Face Covered with Pimples "I congratulate Ctulcura uioo m speedy recovery from pimples which j covered my face. I used Cutlcura Soup j Ointment and Resolvent for ten day an my face cleared and I am perfect . ly well. . I bad tried doctors for sev eral month but got no result Win J Sadller, 1C14 Btisrjuehanra Ave. Phlla delphla. May 1. 1909." Vt w I When the Sleeper Wakes. "Jonn': she exclaimed, jabbing b-r elbow Into his ribs at 2: 1" a m , did you look at the kitchen door?" And John, who Is inner guard, and .i-Just .i-Just then dreaming over last eii-nlng' lodge meeting, sprng up In bed. made he projier sign, and responded "Worthy ruler, our i -or tit Is are guard Returns After Many Years wen nnisnfd in cement floors i . t-d." Oh, he hit Uie tlile right, even white, hard plastered walls. Throuth j f n, mM foiled I'nsb) out the basement the binges. dr j terian. knob, etc., are of brass as good a n4 - usually found on front doors of or j Changed, dinary houses. -Spokane Spokesman j -Uft uued to k)M m.'eVery time we Review. passed through a tunnel In-fore our j marriage," said the little woman. lfh M"terthms. ( "And does he do so nowT'asked the j boMitn friend i "No. be takes a drink " i AlCOHOL-3 PER CEMT Airv laWe Prrparalion fjr As sim ita I m J rhe Food and Re ula ling Ha Stomachs and LWls of L'l.V-tt a4!.IH.l;lj.'- 3 ft7,! Promotes Dii!eilion,Cherful- .Msam! Resi Conlains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic t: 8 Story Like That of the Prodigal Son Is Revealed by CHance in New Jersey City. Trenton. N. J. Capt Edward A. Waldt of the medical corps has been reunited with hlr family here after an absence of 30 years, and the accidental acci-dental meeting with his mother in a prominent thoroughfare in Trenton reveal a story like that of the prodigal prodi-gal son of old- it we follo-ed.by a re-union with hi childhood sweetheart, sweet-heart, the culmination of hkh will be marriage. Mrs. Charles P. Waldt. the mother, and Mlse Alma L. Alexander, the bride-to-be. are, to-day the happiest women in Trenton, according to the storle. When only IJ year old Waldt ran a-ay from home. Iufore leatlcg confided to hi playmate that he would return soe day and marry Lrr At that tltue Mrs Waldt and her fata l!y r-U-J ia Erie. Pa as did MUs Alexander, who adopted when a child fey Capt. Waldt parent The mat way tc?y was more pjecesa-fut pjecesa-fut thtn J will wl;h prod'.gs!. lie rvsebe4 Ctlcmco and got a job with a doctor, who Uwk a great la'er t in the boy. sat tt-t t a eselcal roi kce ae paid hi tip. for ivir years Wh fala-5rVs war brck c-.t the yortg doctor t---Ikt:l work to aept an a; H'-tt ss awU'-H .'i-su a"rt;; State ansy sx fo-.-gt the fvver ts C-rKa WVr ttfx? CT-84 kU ;"! txi whw h was prau?t I to rara to tb r?a? ke tfe4 ii for sr-r hotse fa ErS He tn4 4 c:y a few t.-sU-i.-U. ai aJ- covr"i to kU !y ttat ifs rU-fv rU-fv fc4 Sft tt t'r r-'--re k 4 tn4 tSwir V's .--. ke wis -t F -t Lv-s9r-v Ka lwt week fce -t t tii titf t itSs-e a .nr He walk Ing through Stat street when fc j Salesmen Rest Commission (frfer came face to face with his mother J on Earth. New ail retailer sam-H sam-H Instantly recognlred her. and j ,'.e. coat pot L "iktoD, Dept. C L street scene the like of which f at ! Iowa City. Iowa. never been witnessed here folio j ' bis greeting of "Mother, don't joi ! When doctor disgree they are apt know oiir - j to make sarcastic remarks about each It wasn't forty-eight hours afs-r other that savor of the truth ward when Mis Alexander, who ttlll Iltltg with his a rents, cobh-hm to tweome his bride. -Waldt inu-nli' to continue In t'nele Sam ervice LARGE COWS-SENT TO IHDU ror Specimens Stansing S Tet le at Snovl.ee Are FcwmJ After Crest Oi ulty. Tott rioi iiinriiit i Tl I.-l.TltK v ' l-.fff;, rt Stef It r tm r It W T trkuU MUM ItOOlt k.1. K. j fwt -I ,( II ,.-. -,. w-4 . 7 vw.v elSTsl e -" - . r: AoertrclRemedy forCofwrtc- Hr lion . Sour SlotTwjeh.Dirrte. r nr. and LOSS OF SlXCP V . t r t faSi--W S'Cntr NfTVV TJRK. L'c tW'Mlf - iMi ri Pk fjTii --A For Infants tinf! ChlHren. Tho Kind You Hays Always Bought ' Bears tho. , t. Signature AM r war r ii m Ossarsnfeed airvirr tKe Feos$ Cia-t Copy of Wreppat. In ti usa For Over m a. m Thirty YBars III anas Some people movaU are l.ke tt. ir best clothee only worn oo et'faordm- i sry occasioos rraar rsiait i r K.n4iilrt .- f .,si ; t tmjm t 1 f f (.,. - - w , j-. i MC.at. 4-. At I IJvert-ioi. The foor Unrest ro- ti ' Orrat litPaln have left LJverp-.! ' CalciMa la the !m. p lUsttlja ' fwi-lnl t it Indian mabara a. s k .l.4 , ... V- - u-bj Bur man a ? i o frtMB itn. Keymer, his Un i t ! sfRa W fcra the order ws $Um tt j t lr-rtJ ! tM ewws bibM tar t , f fe-t I In h at the taoulder ; rr.ere II ft from the tip rf s.' to the 4 of tk bony rr! ' the till. A-V-aU ot this gr-t-.?.i are tct ( for.t. srd ft M t.,' tte ( J-3l If BM!kS to f : , ir!r for w.ol te r-r-s r--r'ET;-e,S A nt;n a 4-r-) r ! TI i'flt '." Icm t l hoit ). a.ay farawsr w f I ' 'f H be lr;sMt? to i d f..3 ?. wJ-r. letvtrW e.a-3 ta ---t;J 4 S!-iUl sure fr! ;et Ts? r-tis e evrs.;?y '!- I ta lit :: ss J Tkt!r TVy a- al ' 'x"Xjcss ce ef tjr3 U sMuirU;' - r-.!.-e-l aa fi fkef ; I )ief(: . J - j-l. - I TW W'l Unr ti ".:;J ta wrtal 3t a. ; -t- Tk y v r.k.-k wia rjr ?) a set X-- v t , ; l7wa. The brvwt d-cl.at Un't actio. to ( lock Icto the J of 4- th I ! rs. . -ei , pv . w - l4l MM lie; f !!i JJil id. I VVIfJ ? ! U ! LiilVt - RAW FURS Cooa.pe Bml'lply tear by two. 9" - tl" f-- J-.--,. lt Hn-r a isiLi n a. ... -. IM. Worms We Gwe Away. . f) Absolutely Free of CostrJ,t X i- -I III The Peof-e's Commrm Sr- Vf-s-J A J . a Tm J T I .,, m M4- Sfi -e. ! K. V. rm. it. U., Owrl Ch-4 fkr-r--a te lrl-V ilatd W gcl l-tfw tt BL( a lsc-k i 1X4 W( fi-r e . 7 JO mjtUutmm. psv-rv , ! -- mm ref ?I tm hU I'w tsnee ectt cf - :v4 . s I rewrk t-lN Na4 (f jl ttmmt. CHee .' ' tfm of !--.- e rr' t am-V Lorge Pxst k vt mrZl m ckxa fc4 mt rfi-r rvw f Il-V. Ahrf-W. wm4 4 - ceft t ( w f fcS-. A , -4fe ra-r ef Amm sow rry t-e mml. F-tttte r-4 NOV, m are f .- Ailmi !. nait Macj. Ajv.j-t, fc. V. t've, M. U., Trn-Jm. Ff, N. V.' d. riKRcirs rAToniTi: pricriptio.s rnr oxr rtrrr tw ie, m4 - are C mrm4 st mb Its i vrrwpvwe k .W-. ? Swee-e-N Deeei TTtr fr irurriT tw wfc.tiw mm .u.w-i u mm s.M n4. UU tree anw ac) ,-, T a si f f o tn t " I"- I ' .Of t :f t . , --. T Wt -( -; -1- - U M r r - ta t -a 4 i i M 4 1 j 1( B - Mr 4 e t l- a t . r Inintffl4it f . I '- bt f .t i r ra i. C t . c.l I ' I K- Vint . HiiUiihi m. u rt"T Tttte f-T it y- - j fc r' r.ir---f J t - ; t -ft : sx-- ,- t - i-.r t--4J t'.e I -) rr.J.I- ; ieaaers ""i tseJ ia k I i 5t i k j s-e eak Im, w ( . A - - I' a . |