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Show 8 A. PLEASANT GROVE NEWS An independent weekly paper published pub-lished in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Utah County. - Issued Every Saturday. . 1 BY'THE The Provo Herald Pub. Co J. DAVID LARSOtf Editor and General Manager. ASHLEY BARTLETT, Local Editor. Application made at the postofflce at Pleasant Grove, Utah, lor transmission trans-mission through the mails as second- cuuss mauer. Subscription Price, $4.60 Year, In Advance. Fugal Bros., the electricians. LOCAL ITEMS George Monson is nursing la grippe. Postmaster Thorne was in Lehi Wednesday. J. H. Pugh is spending a few days with his family. Mrs. Ida Weeks of Burley, Idaho, will return Sunday. . Ur. and Mrs. S. Mollerup of Hunts-Tille Hunts-Tille are visiting Heckers. . -: ' Miss Hannah Swenson was an American Am-erican Fori visitor Sunday. 'Eunice Driggs and Tern Gamett re vi turned to Bingham Canyon Monday. 3 John E. Hayes, registrar at the B. T. U., and family, are visitTng his par-egts. par-egts. ' e - -t " 'William Harvey is hobnobing'wlth his former B. Y. U. school fellows at Provo. -- - Mr. John G. Nordstrom of Burley, Idaho, was visiting with relatives this week, .. " ' . .... Mr. and Mrs. Lyman entertained a few friends at supper Wednesday night Vera Hieselt, of Provo Canyon, Is visiting friends here during the holidays. holi-days. Prof, and Mrs. J. II. Coombs and . family are spending the holidays with relatives. - . : . v i Miss Sadie Halllday was In town visiting relatives and friends during the holidays. Miss Carrie Kelson spent the boll-.days boll-.days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 6 wen Nelson. Vera Halllday visited with his parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Halllday, during dur-ing the holidays. Mr. Walker, stake superintendent of Sunday School. ..was In Pleasant Grove visitor Sunday. Miss Vera Tanner of Jayaon Is spending the holidays with her sinter, Mis Marlnm Tanner Prof, and Mrs. 1 II Robtnitnn and family of Mantl are vlxiting friends and relative this we-k Prof, and Mr. N K. Nlelson of gprtnucvlllf, are visiting frW-nds during dur-ing the New Tear's vacation. Mr. Kay Thorne of- Shelley. Idaho. Is visiting with I'oBtiiiaxter and Mrs. Thorne and otber relatives here. m . Jon. R Thorns and Charli-s Thorne visited their daughter and sinter. Mrs lr. ISrown cr Itountiful. this week A H UVt a liotVoral.ly r-I.'a-d from bin niliukn In the nRith-rn stales cm account of hi moihrr'a 111 Km ... - The Primary spmm latum t the three ward mill give a children's dance la the "Orpheu." N Years Iy at ! o'clock. A- W. Gray spent the wk b-fore Xdiii lib fats lamlly. Sunday he let! for Idaho shere he I eai'lo)d by the Tellurtde Poer 'o. Mr. and Mrs. W. II Homer are gurU at Martin Moonons Mrs Homer Ho-mer and baby leave Monday for Wah-tagtoe.. Wah-tagtoe.. V C, to - arandma ' "Toev s Place" is Kromlag more and snore pwlar. He seldom ata through rvlB( Urals of late until two or thr o tUrk In lb Bnorniac Coo .'a! at M. L A. at Ibr Tabernacle SundJtr evening at J M o'click fj-tial fj-tial njc friB t6e Third ard. The P-krr !!! be Senator Carl A IU4 JrM-a AoJcrv.B. ho U fcoti (ma th I. I 8 f-r vacatioti. ha m?rr4 Kif at'ark c)f rhsaattc trt tod if FWe J Itfkke. fco has b" i!b ije !t.it Omve Merrantn foe to a ver. M eeV for P!t lAke cm the f rvt of Jaasary to pil em the lea tester's arec . K.rl Mctso t rrovo, l9 las er-t tit U.t to yea travels , Urwtxh the" etersi H "e saf. aas a rf of Mr. 4 Mrs. K. A W4ay a4 Te- Uy . A f"aet aefre frveS) Vr Cwi T4 e r v a iat-f t bee frM. tk r4os bs fcev KrtMty Tt-er vnee f l Lvms'. C,r . Avef' s m4 !'. Vi Ss" V. K ?.!. ? fcss'ta. Vn n A4 AW Cy ai4 ii1rs T',i'r as4 V'r- A rette-s eiaserfy r s a fs MAESER FID IS All MED SUCCESS - - Nearly $80,000 Has Now Been "Subscribed and Completion of Building, is Certain The subscription to the Maeser Me morial has now reached $79,074.00 The fund is steadily growing and the officers of the Alumni association are much cncouraqeiLJhej?rQpectBeU turns are beginning to come in from the- letters sent out to old students and alumni, and these , indicate "that these sources' will .greatly swell 4he subscription. ' . . Many commercial men and substan tial" supporters of the movement have promised aid . but, cannot until after New Year's, say definitely to Just what extent. . -.. . It is reasonably certain now that the work on the Memorial building Kd'tdTSJSSS means. , It is intended that the Alumni as sociation will bold its next annual meeting in the new building on June 1910. In the meantime the mends of the Maeser Memorial movement will sec to it that their names find a place on the roll of honor. It will be a source of satisfaction to them in future years to have a place on this list-oLjjonnrs. . .- , - . - Rose Harper was a Lehi visitor Wednesday. Earl Andrews of 'Logan is -seeing Al lan Rlchens. . -' A. E. Cooper wasjn Salt" Lake City yesterday on official business. All kinds of electric light globes and electrical supplies at Fugal Broa. FOR BENTi-Three north rooms of the Beer property. Ask W. L. Hayes. Cyrus Larson Is here from Roose velt, Utah, visiting friends ana reia lives. James Baxter and wife are visit Ing friends and relatives during the bolidaya. William Adama. Jr.,- of Garland. Is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W II. Adama. Misa Marlam Tanner will spend the New Year s vacation with her brothers and tHHers, at Parson. PLEASANT GROVE LOCALS J. H. White, Jr.. and wife spent .the holidays with relatives. Mrs. Hannah Croxford fell on the Ice in her dooryard yenterday morn Ing and broke her arm. Lawrence II. ilih and wife of Garland are trinltlng friends and rela tives during the holidays. Andrei Haniwn and wife from Canada are vlxititHt with their daugh ter. Mrs Jacob Halllday, Jr.. and Mr Ja. II. Went John P. Haye stopped the editor on the trwt last nlrht and holding up a hiishly colored magazine Inquired: "Are you looking for news Hay that I have Jiim bought a copy of Hampton's Hamp-ton's magazine lor January. Next. One hundr-d. prts ar Inftidlog to take the train for Cdar Fort TiK-miay for a rabbit hunt. Any one waking to Jin in the sport can do acr by making arrangement with C. F. Wesi-ohal Wesi-ohal or Jain U Thorne. The Pleasant Grove Mercantile Co, wishes you a prosperous itiO. Every employee in our offic is busy. cded every minute an4 still we have plenty of time to tell you all about owe up-to-tho-minute monthly installment boom. It's the best thing on earth. If yo want to borrow money, mon-ey, see vs. W. M. RAV A CO. CONVERTER CLAY. Two eooipaal are driving Into the -ccoerter clay deposits at the base of Vahooay atounuia. directly of Manila, one composed of the Monson. Mon-son. Kadmalla. Meredith, eta; the ocher. the I lot man To develop B!p- of- t bit tuaael snay eventually b drives through the clay to tap tne water areas behind. Aydetette's Is certainly tM s'ace fee barf sins. FOR ALD-"j ae l bexh kMM. Prsteety f Mr. rh 0S. Inqwire d L L mH, tMt F01 Att A aiare a ( i4 I acres f etAartf 4 ' Iwteen. ire f M. a. P Pie ass t Cms, VUK tCARLCT rCVCM LtStXIG. Ctmntr Prtrta Ir. Py reppru a 4Xi4f4 laipwa lb bMb cwsvdstMM Pirws) BeSK'b. eepta:,v as rtaie4 U a recet t4m of rvM fever !. ek tke4 pmUi irk't At tbat tls 2 t9 r mmfMtit4, ss4 at pr et tbee are kt tomr fm.I e .s4f ta reoUuo aa4 u t tN-a-wis ar W rec aeit Mm 4r Pr- f-.-t U'mS'S see fi l e be eaa. TM s- m b w t as tm ten yeses. Wl n t N ysw srt t s4 tsrv -S sH t bet s4 t rs e W. M. AV A CO. k s l tr edf. Dt.rt DttaMM E DITOR.IAL AMERICA'S -LAND Every thoughtful American sea defense of his country and strength and efficiency of the army and navy. "The effectiveness of the naval and military arms of President-TaftVpfedeeessor. Navy at the opening of the Spanish war and he saw service in the army during that war; when hevvas "doubtless impressed wltrTthe fat and bulky ineffciency of the commanding general." This general, it will be remembered, was of immense weight, so great, in fact, that in a play of see-saw with him and remainetHn-air. -Inthe-Santiago-eaiiipaign, tering" Cuban sumrnereraajned on his back in camp, far in the rear "of the army, groaning with muchtxjf his life iff Washington - . . . . ... . - obese and clumsy bureaucrats' and of the navy, many of jthem Shafter, to command an army or be, declared, would, by, virtue of lithe, young and effective officers sports to hardships anfae, It was a consideration .of this subject, doubtless, that caused Prerfdent Roosevelt to issue orders for the horseback andpedestrian exercise, that has created such recalcitrancy aSpong the too well fed desk military and naval gentry. There is no doubt that tke late president hoped to get spme of these generals out of Ufe way. They ougk to be scarcer. An abstemious and active life will doubtless ETerveJn even ol sixty years, but the heavy living and light thinking of the average bureaucrat and club habitue has an unspartan-like tendency to make Sybarites. . - - .-i IMPROVED HUMANITY. ' ' The.Department of Agriculture .at Washington deserves the thanks of every intelligent American citizen. It .is reported that, through, its efforts, the breedings f cattle which wih be proof against tuberculous infection will soon become possible.to even an inexperienced inexperi-enced farmer, and "that we already produce plants which are immune to disease. Hut, how. about human stock? Are we not of more importance im-portance than plant life,. or of more value than a steer? If the Government Gov-ernment cannot have a department-which is to devote its entire attention at-tention to human stock,' then the Department might well include the human species in its various investigations. . We heard a great deal of talk during the last presidential campaign cam-paign about the possibility of a Department of Health. Would it not be far better to have a department in which the science of race improvement would be presented to the general public in a form that would be popular and. easily understood. Some assert that it is entirely possible to breed human beings that would be immune from disrtise. Tke human specie can be made so strong, it can develop such forceful vitality that disease, no matter vihat may be its character could not possibly "pain a foothold. The human species badly needs improving. From the stand point of health and strength and in a far vorvo c'nliti"n 'than anv THE HIGH PRICE OF MEATS. The higher rate of living is Editorial are written alxnit it, the hue pa the hills with a rh!cd. The Sc-crtrtarv of Agriculture at Washington has investi gated the high price uf mcals.an"thaina'cim miin Outn J that the whole sale price purchaser shows a difference .of thirty-eight per cent, lie claims however, that thi great difference doe not indicate great profit for the retailer for a lar'e rtion is to the sjecial delivery of the product. The Secretary says that the retail business i overdone." that the multiplication of small sliop is a burden .to con-umers and no keeper. When twenty or more ness within an area that could be served by one large shop the expense ex-pense of the many shops f..r labor, delivery horses, rent and other thins;, that are in ecc of what sh' p. must to increase the retail wrd the Secretary of Agriculture sion of nineteen twentieths c f the going to do it? PLUS VALUE OF Dump ot:t a can of Roval baking powder, put it in A can with an unknown name and yoti can hardly e!l it at any price. The powder i jut the same. The-additional value is in the name. Mennen's etate was offered $lj0O0.OCD for the name "Menncn's Talcum I'owder" and the tt of hi picture. There h no secret in the powder. Any good chrmitt can duplicate it. Without d.ubt. to di-o?inue advertising either of tie product pro-duct f-e tmt year wmd I seroas!y impair their trade value, powtbly destroy it entirely. The same m!e governs te advertKirj lf retail ttc-re. Floating tra le frrn the tdrw"kwi!l always amount to something but only continuous alverti.ing i!l assure continuns basitjevs from xp!e wj therwise mmll t,eer km of ycor exigence. THE PANAMA CANAL. Ecjr32irg rem come frn the Panama CaBil. The cost, it U mm tfenttefy Incmti. m i!l t. it rmit4 earners, threr. fcsjvlred arvl eienty-fiTe miHrw r-f "".ars and it U tatc-1 tKat in frsr y ear xr-i ix rxih ee! mill pa frnt cceaa to cceas. The evca- a; 1 crrrr red in t vears b-at it sl tale locker than i t-Jt t-4. to f,r. ' J the t- e! din in I kxls. rv! i4 la'rf t . , , . , Itr - rnj;e are trtafy bj-j pint cl lie caeal. AND SEA DEFENSE. citizen-is interested in the land and knows that these depend upon, the tne government were a passion with 'Hewas Asistahrecretarjrofhe President Taft, the latter wQuldiave during a horand swel gout. The late president has spent where he has come in. contact with . - generals and admirals of the army scarcely Tess fitted than was General navy, who, nevertheless, should war their rank, be giver commadr-Wer inured by exercise and healthy inevitable in war. our ability to resist disease, we are of the lower animals. a subject of universal liscussi"n housewives dUouss it. the heal of bitter realization that he is being of beef and that paid by the last attributed to the expene attached source of riches to the small shop2 small fdiop divide the retail busi would Ik sufficient for the -one price of the meat sold. In other would recommend the Suppres small butcher shop, but how is he ADVERTISING. "Big Xhlovr ' . GUARANTEE: Unexcelled Ii Uta.h Pleasant Grove Roller Mill Safe As Open a Savings Account Now And Keep It Up. It Will Guarantee Comfort When You Are Old We Pay .Mmei. BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE JAMES CHIf MAN, " ntsiatni SOCIETY A birthday social was given at the home of llogen Nellson in honor of tlreir son Harry. Thirty-five guesta were present at a surprise social In honor of Thomas Rlchens last nKht ' The Sunday. Schools of the three wards will give a dance to the primary children at 1 o'clock p. m. on New Year's Day. . Clinton Sundbarg ef Salt Lake City and brother Howard of Rrsburg, Ida-bo, Ida-bo, are spending the holidays with their parents. . . e Leftoy West baa returned from tsie southern skates mission on account of the illnesa ol hla mother, Mrs. Charles West. .Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ftajrea entertained enter-tained In honor of Mra. K. R. Lyman Ly-man of Salt Lake City. Iteslde the guest of honor were: The Lund'a. the J. L. Hallidays. the bishop Swen-non'a, Swen-non'a, the S. II. Smith's, and Mrs. Zl-na Zl-na Dunk. MU Amy Cooper entertained Wed-nthiluy Wed-nthiluy evening In honor of these girl friends: Mae Clark. Lurlle Harvey, Leah Halllday, Kate Jacobs, Fern llal-lidriy. llal-lidriy. Clara Williamson. Sarah Will iamson. Jenevleve Smith. Padie Mills. ' Vlda Halllday, Avis Mill. Klvlra ChrUtensea. Lacy Olpln. lUnsle New. man. Hazel 8mlih. Verain Haies-and Ctwne"Ltind. , Mr. and Mrs. tvdward F. Wsdley gave a very, pleasing Christmas social on Tuesday night At 8 o'clock the guests partook of a supper. Those preent were Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Halllday. Mr. and Mrs !. Mlley Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Mason, Prof, and Mrs. J. H. Coombs, Mr. and Mrs Jon. Halllday. Mrs. L. W. Lund. Mr.. and Mrs. J. D. Thome and Mrs. Zina Drum. . Mrs. Lue Gray and her daughter Beatrlc gave a very pleasant social last Friday night The guests were: ! and Mrs. C. 8 J one. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stewsrt. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. W. Hallidsy. Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Lund. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Newman. Mr and Mrs. J. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Haag, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Chrtleties. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. White. Mr. and Mrs. Hsvid Thorne. Mrs. Margaret Thome. Mrs. Loreaa White. Mrs. Helen Hirkersoa and her Ji!rtiir VI ra Cinmi er BureesJ fully surprised on Tdsy a it tit All I of the guests brovurht their picnic aad a sapper was served. Taos preseat were Dr. and Mrs. Cru. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Aydeiotte. Mr. and Mrs. D N. Adamso. Mr. and Mrs. B iUake. Mr. sad Mrs. Leonard 1 1 sag. Mr. and Mrs ti E Lyavia. Mrs JaeoO Smith. Mra La Cray, Mrs C Nordstrom. Miss Je: Smith, Miss Vera Hlewelt. Misses Dew trice and VTrgi Cray. T rMsssant Ceev fc tecs "tile Cs. 'es yw S smftrsv 1111 Mm Mal'eda Faadgresi MtaSa la sa?ensg fross waikfait tytkMSd. AyvelwMs't is tntlf 1M sLses fse i barfsinsw I. w" " IL J. Krw kas rtrsed ts tkef MAS that JOO wi3 End an y- Tets. av-se la ts ev.rc uh. fXCI C AMOatiJty. Ji.irts? ST? rh srewr. TV ass , M6ii'.e4 t tie ko-f 'jJ frc-w Sa S p emi'f f lt 4 fr as esaj W ewr4 !. fssry r f"s tlvew tw tils cwtv'rr Im ir is v 1 Gibr alter Interest On Deposits To Raise Level of Lake Erie. It is understood that a majority both of the Canadian and American commissioners com-missioners of the International waterways water-ways commission will recommend that a dam built on the Niagara river, opposite op-posite Buffalo and Fort Erie, for the-purpose the-purpose of raising the level of Lake-Erie. Lake-Erie. In the autumn of every year there Is a fall of about two feet In the level of the lake.. This reductions of available, navigation depth seriously serious-ly affects the shipping Interests; and with the Increase in the "sixe of vessels ves-sels it as becoming a menace to navl-jmtlou. navl-jmtlou. The estimated coat of the dam Is about $5,000.00. - The Ends of Marriage. flapplneaa and harmony are not the, sote ends of marriage. Surely hom Is he-me, to be kept Invlolste-even Invlolste-even if it Is not happy and hsrtnonl-oos; hsrtnonl-oos; sury It does not follow tbat only coercion holds man and wife together to-gether and yet coercion there must be. If that means the assertion anT atfiulnMratlon of law, human and divine. di-vine. Surely peit)ilplon to separate "flora bed and board Is not to be coafused with divorce from the bond, from tke Century. UldSS Paints, Oils, f J Putty- Fainl Color i VOai Clear Creek, t I A. K. Thornton t & Sons t Let t I S.F. Walker & Sons t Cut 1 -a. vnnr vU t Steak The Foreword We are writicj this ad at a kind ef foreword, to Itv form the public that we s have jot about the FINEST i: STOCK OP BEAUTIFUL THINGS FOR ' CHRIST- ; clocks, and jewelry at Mart'a-i Jewelry Store Acericaa Fork A Prk aad Q-nLtr , p-.w, vwnj-i r..fc..v .11 f Mr S. L. SWENSON. Aast. Cashier |