OCR Text |
Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS AT FIRST SIGHT. If Tou Have Forgotten Or overlooked anything for Christ' ettaa, 1st us know 'your need at -ficS. We can fill orders on day of -receipt Stock large; prices small. wem ns Mzm of joy Csr MAIN SL SALT LAKE CIJX UTAllk Waists That Button Behind, --Ske.stucd-at theglasK aad she tried . rilAjfae rmight to 1ml Inn h' waist fcehiad. The movements she went through, .were sure a siyht to button her waist behind; sue would reac . and she Would tug. and sigh and -she'd let out a moan; she twisted and squirmed till ahe strained every bone, to button but-ton her waist behind. She straiued at the risk of rjppins her clothes, to but-Xon but-Xon her Avaist behind; she would take a long breath. and Uicii stand on her toes, to buiion hr waist behind she bad ,a contortionist beaten a mile; jihe would bend . like a jiukfiffeMhen straighten, a while, and wonder why ' sht-mat'es like that were iu the stile the 'waists that button behind. For an hour she labored in wildest despair, de-spair, to button her waist behind, he:' face' became red atjd all loosened her hair, to button hei; waist behind; she wept and the tears splashed- down in her lap.- white for life and its pleas- "urea she cared -Tiof. a rap; when she went to the office a hideous gap was there in her waist behind. Milwaukee Milwau-kee Sentinel. . Why He Hesitated. . Then th.e late O. O. Howard was' a "brigadier general in the civil war, bo earnest, was he in his religious efforts that In a short time he had converted -Terjimani .hardened old teamster. Going to his commander one day this man said earnestly: ""General Howard,' I'm lonwome. Every man in the camp has bwtrfcon-eerted bwtrfcon-eerted except me. I'd tike mighty well to be a Christian, just to he. in with the other boys: 'I suppose it's the right . thing too, but I don't see how;. Lean manage it" -'' The man shook his head mournfully. mourn-fully. - "Why, myTgood "man,""' ''Skid the general, "I see no difficulty In-t-he way of It, if you will Just surrettov your own will and ask for guidance." ' "That's Just It. general," -responded the would-be convert- "If I'm' con-verted, con-verted, who In blazes is goin'to drive Ihern mules?" New York Tribune. ,' Building Up the Church. A Brooklyn preacher went away the other day for a vacation, and rather than have the church close, hLs wife took his place In the pulpit. It Is said the same result followed that happened hap-pened ia Texas when a preacher, after preaching two Sabbaths tt empty benches, gave notice on the third Sunday Sun-day that on the succeeding Sunday services would be as' usual at It 'clock; that at 12 o'clock be would run his mare, Caliope, 5'i0 yards against all comers for tl.OOi). and ride the mare himself. He won the race, and 7,000 people Joined his church the next Sunday. The Pleasures ot Poverty. It Is a disgrace to be ru it --Andrew ; Carnegie. j It Is good to bo Uuii i m Kf r -Sir ! Thomas Upton. It Is slorlous to bav;.tu struggle. John l Kim kefellr It u:ut be grand to be aide to de J l)ie money. ! Travels De Luie Thi-t.e '.-re flying iii.o I:1 n- and r!rJi- th KjuQiS -ori:!LrIul; ain't , It. Mike?"' , "Tin that. .Ah. Tim, ali.re wr etd I'liTI we" ahull be ntde to 'ravel round (he world without leatiU' Yru " Sii'-tch Wasn't Spreading th Nt. t'n-U r the hoaditne of "T? W'iifn " of ?i!r-nre." the Success M.ig4ne yinn's t:.e following story; "T!i late, J.iI S bt iran. the fa' her : Wil-lU'i Wil-lU'i J ItryaH, once had w-veral hams oiea frir.l h! smoke li JTi ! e.J t? -m at once, but snM & .!: "il-oi.t I to any one A few day ltr a ci,"'.!-'r t h.ii' to hSui ?. Ji'.g' he s.iHl. I heard ha! .'! !.:! ;.! t''' r night '-,' r i !. J i -r cor.rd n'S:. t.! ! "t te 1 ... re You and I are fie i a!y ir.rt :. V r.rw If" Norway Sard eea. irsir tart ft' of a ar Oa to.;i.t i-C '1.9 i'. ) fHee of e'tv. o.l fh ?! fi.--.fr. bate ta etj-erln.ei.'tEi wsh Arrs-r!a (u'!ihi4 el: w-. t-- ; ' l-r :i - he - 1 rs .a the t t i:,r4 w;.- t. lr:l tie ..ii) k t ; i-r la ol'n, the fr ia -..-! kae fc-ts it1.- fa e-.-f ' ' k 1 whir fc. ;" 1 Vf it wll tm r.g b'rrm Ve- k a' asrg s . ; i u 4 tv la Aaet as oi: Nee Yerk Are L co Cajn e Otenk T-.44? -Y-. tha' Cartwrit -ever ti -e. lie s ct aettraJ aiU'Joe rUee, al e-te- ,-'t kla Jiee4 :ty t'g rxJ4y "Cett :i-r t's-'J cte el dse aerttreraey. a Traa- ertfC W7 rthr He see H m Cat t T "T rm f L, vm VTHl 8ie "To wet feti-r t rtt Re 1 kave sees t'a evrai Uses et I Wv ytt tut tt S43 EW YEAR'S DAY has ever occupied a. peculiar pecu-liar relation to the three hundred and sixty-five days on - which are etched the doings . and history of a whole calendar year. The Romans Ro-mans observed the day as a public holiday, and on this day all litigation- and ""strife were suspended, social visits were- exchanged, presents were giveii and received, and feasting throughout the empire was the or-' der. t! the day. The early Christians Chris-tians at first set themselves against the usages 'of .the. day as observed by the Romans until the flxingHtof Christmas day on the 25th -of De-." cember, and New Year's day came to be observed as the octave of the Nativity and also as the Festival of the Circumcision. The observance and spirit of the day tiave not changed very greatly In the onrush of the centuries. We might go "back across the- long stretch of years between the day we live in-and theday when the Romans Inter-, changed their social visits and their good wishes and both gave and received their strenae, and between be-tween the then and the now the identity of feeling, feel-ing, emotion and sentiment concerning this day ' Is readily discovered. So many sentiments crowd themselves Into New Year's day and all are mostly children In the er Il hi mieXwaxJn, whlrch the day appears to the simple feelings and emotions by observed. The greeting: "A Happy New Year!" pushes up through the hard strata of the year, and jibe simple emotions, which make the w-hrdo world kin, bring, friend nearer to friend and me t. life, together to-gether Into a richer affection, and gooA will becomes be-comes the keynote of life on this day. Gruiges are dropped, resentments dissolved and the average manwjth th, average endowment of -affection for his FeTJo,feflhd8..lCRfSeD8t Impossible "to "vitalize an of hi? viatredji "through the emotion-laden moments mo-ments of New Year's day. The personal life has many things to say to Itself; It is at once a clos-itTR clos-itTR iof accounts and the opening of a new career. Old things pass away and all things seem to become be-come new The things that might have been and have not become are forgotten in the new hopes and aspirations and ambitions which spring up In the heart on the first day of the year. Of course, nobody will ever be what the hopes and faith of the day project for the individual life. The most ardent believer in the better RROIUTION lOr votmo vvoMtrt TRIKK up the band, here comes Ike R"d resolution t the l.-,!.-(i blow tin Ir h ad o!T. h i the bells ru out. It the fog he l.k front khatter the at hi.fn in l:iol'l.eri" i Mtont. I t tit'' similar 4- .t..(i ii.ti.- t U t !e uton the I ubnitit r- n In t!, uttert:Mwt .rt r of our IbuUM fit; Kor the rr-oi-UJi n Is n.artting forward ':.!) a (eii day nnr- anf we will r .k in It st lerijid pr nr' Lit- i!Uge drum miK It t r..s:.rv t-iar- I'.g tard us a.'id !il te trowj If you would be-! t tn its a'ry Ke'-p yor ey-e ! tt.f 1'I-Cdj3 !- tail. k"-p j ri!n for the k;fS) sounds, j H B"t be k la Niag It !. to say that II all the high hi! go trito rff'-rt on New Protah:y oral years w ill ea Y i 5jr Lad half IU eud jranre trf j tf're the a'.-:u of rotvug a Mar'.-jfj ruTn r th mui-Titiiura ( r-ffces t-rfw tinn and In the icai-.m.j:.i icai-.m.j:.i f.fs,e o ft that w 4 hate to tin-, It tg.it X wii to. adpt a ft r r.w laws to k-ep It frni ak-tari fr . the prrer.t unattala- 0tstl'r the aspkait f aM. II g-vi r-'?-j'5. o were ta't n.ar- 5 It wtt4 ra a If the d.;S-s.lty lfl a ututersal ttirt wossld ; f. t-t b tctcin.U'd hy ei'r attM:n jrj-J armd j to the taken for rwtitf Hj' ' li r', e Koti to led! j prt', It l wl! to to car la rat Uat prt tn say !n la ar- lt.r.g our r-l .t. o. and ka gr-ial. Take tie CytKg v.-1 r4 tie petatatty of Jiaaary l. f . ' f-v t.taB At pfs9t tte j setigs e aj b f. it f ftmr. w-" . ne4 is it tfee! jceet j For a y--r c w ntt. a Try t' r? t&-a rg d! are la a po-1 "1 swry rr t-r wits arrtB to :.js to a.rt tf.a caty of tfee'r a kgr !w"t on graa-i-re wearsR tnok i are already a Tky ; ae t vp ta t& a!r wttkevt the ad ef jte as4 thy caa reaette '. wik it I ftauee. iit ' ! at' w".h ! y eo ?rt. f tH cw.-w !e ar o'ler 4 Sr :t;rs J to fe etff a lit tt, .' y j cm t rert of the siii3e to s:t j fa os tJe at4 j'tr foe r-- j-g : laws. tUt tle t'.-t-V are i..ar ! ST-j- JWJ-'Ajf; most sanguine architect of the richer fortune yet to be will fall short of the ideal that controls his imagination. But the very fact that the day stirs these noble Impulses and floods the prospective days Vita the glow of hope is in Itself an assur'- ance that the year shall he rich In the gifts and the good will of the gods. - -. . . tfaeaaand -4n- Another year! another Tfie Increasing rueh tf which It is V' helHfr'xHn Jtr aurgw titan ppear ' Man's hope and fears forever gone! Oh. no! forbear that idle tale"!" - . The hour demands another strain. Demands high thoughts that cannot quail. And strength to conquer and retain. .'TIs mldnlfrht from the dark blue sky The stars, which now look down on sirtl Have, seen ten thousand centurlea fly. And given to countless changes birth. Shine on! shine on! With you'l tread ' The march of aaes. orbs of light! " A AMt eclipse o'er you may spread-To spread-To me, to me. there come no night! t u The sentiment that phrases Itself In the quite depressing words: The world la very evil. The tlmea are wearing late. Is hardly In tune with the day, the life is thought of as a corporate business and this RBJlUTrON rot YOUNQ MEK IS esses; ir and doubtle the inttiT In In ahe bfMik autut w here If they ran only find it The prartlee of rewiUtrg rt tits a similar a--t. It I n. entin ly perfect at pr m nt. Itut r)! l j.-rm the few year !nee Adam ln:i: ,ira!eJ the outdoor alei iilnit fad n J t- a rye grand;a to the human ra e It I tot Surt-rUitig tat ttn d-ts;U are uMll to be wotk'd out The forti.itu of'tbe T-. lu?:in ha h--n lx-autifu!!y ork-) ork-) n.t. 1 aln-t any ore, the rii.-r' t Dr!re. ran rewrite. Tt. date. io. ta N-en Brmir filed as -o the f.mt ti!l remains has t't d wsth kej-lr.g the rexdutfi.n enre it Is made f5..'i.e- thing ;ke k-! trig your a-rtj.:ne ricM side up rttre joi hate enfab- a e.giy relta with the '' lt'k k.! " 7tr are leraJ a4- saa5 fegtr t tkie r4tin. I tl'tk of f-r i.-g t t-.r ci4 Uy tt ttr 4cwB. t -rt aj,-a l,f ; rji - tt we;'rfw gtfr tr .,-: t ! v Iter s ;r lorkt S4 esjfsr kef i g-'i-d h-'k b--.r.et a&4 at every ja.sfal ateysie k.ire T).k" Fie surfsxsi revw v twysiVJ- year! Vime eweepa ont modern spirit when upon you! Shamey! Remember grandma Is not so young as she once was and the penitential efficiency of a bunion Is greatly enhanced by the shoving forward of the foot as accomplished accom-plished by the French heel. Command the old lady to do a cake-walk once an hour around the dining room table If you will, but let her do It; In comfortable com-fortable shoes. Another Item In favor of trying this resolution Is Vhe fact that you have probably never asked grandma to wear any kind of shoes she didn't like, so it should be that much easier to keep to your resolution resolu-tion not to do so. For a young man "I resolve from this day never again to smoke a pip In church. This sample Is highly recommended. The practice agslnst which you Issue the edict of banishment banish-ment Is reprehensible In the highest degree. Smoking, while of course It might be a solace to you during the sermon, could not but annoy your neighbors and fellow worshipers. The men envy you, leading to countless domestic difficulties for them The preacher ta unable to see whether all the deacons are awake or not by the bare from your pipe. Moreover. Just as a distinguished statesn-an once officially of-ficially declared that the odor of cigarettes annoyed him there are those to whom the smell of a pip Is nuisance and the offertory collector might be one of these. " Besides, you would frtthahly be thrown out or ar rested or something. For men who ride much In street cares "henceforth I will not mind the feathers." This la one requiring considerable con-siderable care but If strictly sdhrd to will be found of great assistance In your daily life. When depending from a strap and resting your to on some neighbor's a long stiff qui!l suddenly Jabs" you In the nose giving to that feature fea-ture the r1 h red that which another class of resohtftts have already acquired, ac-quired, do not release your tamper. Smile and pretend yoa like It Oft tiidee you can n.ake yourself believe It. after due practice, of course. Itut the principal advantage to b cited in this reeoluttoo's favor is that "y might Just as weiL" So long as the faahlcs remain the same yon w.H have your dally communion with the tall feathers of an otrka or of a rwwter and If yon resolve not to mind, hoe mwh more placid the temper For aay on who d not ra cJslrkes "1 hereby rewotv and d tenr.'B not to eat aey nxee e'rVi'y fresh eggs for several we-eks to come." This to la some rrts th prixe fwsol ..tie. Its advantages are asasy. hut all the others are over shadowed by this pa yoe caa't get acy to eat Ia c '.te of a3 the tear tee rr.ay do the p'jra CI tot leant snSe I kiastf tt4i. Toe ras&et tiakt accei4 awe c tke usflt reeole- Uo& f ho-t sfort oa ytr p?t. P.t yo ttn'd Cs one aasoeg tfcm wtkh caa he kj w-:th the elsissisa cf t'ntt'- U yci hate co chtv or yoa are k;kal as to year atil.ty. try Hm Ut c te JJ-iSSYCr C &y ' modern spirit takes account of Its own enlarged and enlarging kingdom. Not the most -credulous and believing prophet a generation ago could have forecast the world we , know and are perfectly, at home with to-day. Bui-wer Bui-wer Lytton in his short book, 'The Coming Race," -jerideavored-to-tell-the-story-agd achievement of mankind in the day thafvas shortly to be, but his seeming impossible world has been more than re alized in our. own day. The half has not been told. . Jhe great note of the day Is the large grasp human life possesses over Its own career and destiny, th9 growing confidence that this old yet ever renewing world Is solving Jts own problems; and, uuder the guiding of that Providence which Rope's well-known ...-lines so beautifully express:' , 'All nature Is. but art, unknown to thee; All chanee. direction, which thou canst not ses: All' discord, harmony, - not understood; " All partial evil, universal good. " is working for the day of a perfectly ordered and perfectly adjusted civilization. The greater power, man la accumulating and employing over his own bodily life, his mastery of the secrets of life which have been hid from the foundation of the world, the realization that man himself Is his own providence in a vastly larger degree than hitherto he. has dreamed of. and that the "greater things' the greatest great-est of all Teachers foretold ages ago that he should be endowed with competence to do these he Is doing in this very day with a miraculous confidence .and a mighty faith. He has discor ered that his own commission otr life, over the happiness and health and the fruitage or the lire that now Is. as well as of that which Is to come. Is a vastly larger commission. commis-sion. than the world "hitherto has dreamed of. He Is finding out that Providence Is a partnership and that no man may be a sleeping partner . In the business of living without the penally of losing the very thing that life Is a world of potencies converted Into achievement. achieve-ment. This is the note, surely, as civilization civi-lization faces the year 1910 the note of competency, the sense of added powers to life, the feeling that the greater things are coming on the earth, and that man Is us Ing the key to unlock the treasure house of his own life with a stir ness and a wisdom that give promise prom-ise of a vastly better, richer. Juntet universe than be has yet known Another note of our time Is the fact thai life mirrors itself In such a wonderful way and the things and forces that make for the bl ter day to be are known and read of all men. We live In the open, and no man may become champion of any cause and keep the world In Ignorifife of the character of the caus and the nature of his tham l lon-nlp. No man May may hide his light under a bi:bel. It Is a tell lale world, and. more than any past lime, the world today has a J-ter en-of values and knows loth the things that are saving It and the things ato that threaten and endanger It. Public service w a never so r-ton!!lle as It Is to-day. because civilization never had the almost tctrarulnua power ot analyzing and tev'rg the valu of public service as to this present year. Public life It an open book, and the cm! I:sprislble of all Ira-poltle Ira-poltle things to-day Is that aay - national or international movement should be misunderstood or inisia-trpr?4 inisia-trpr?4 by the wortd'e bst mind And what Is true of public movements move-ments Is tru of poMic men. No ptiic n.an ran d-celre M constituents constit-uents to-day. fer his cotftl!'jent are th e-fM And the suotsg nan today U fh man who frankly rec pgnlrew this. Sta-t!if Figures. The Uvte of air- the lJ.e ret4-B!t of the Vetted Sutts ar worth :.9.0: t"ansary dea'hs every year cot la capltaUzed earaleg , !.. WorkKea s !:: asaea3y cocts Is wage, ;. Care of the skk aal dead every year costs ItSO.M.'Ke. Ti'.errvk s taie Mtlce 91 - '. aaaaa'Jy. Tyih41 fever rrf T5iCtt s:orf tm f ;ii -. He-s-Rosalie, I can't tell you how I worship your almond eyes, your velvet vel-vet cheeks, like peaches, and your cherry lips! ' ; ausauc i bujjijuso you are ui new f-gard Told in the. Doctor's. Dr. Arthur T. Holbrook Is credited ..with the following: - ;; A man by the nameof Evans died and went to heaven. When he ar- St Peter: . - "Well, I'm here." . StPeter asked hla name. "John Evans," was the reply. St Peter looked through the book and shook his head. "You don't belong here," he said. 1 "Riit T im cure I helnne here " said the man. "Wait a minute." said Peter. He looked again, and in a back part of the book found a name. "Sure," said the guardian ot the gate, "you belong here, but you weren'texpected fojr O years. Who's . your doctor ?" American Druggist ;J, Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely dtstror the stn ot smsl sad completely der&nro tlx whole system hea entering - It throUKft the mucous surfaces. HucS art Hues Mould aevet M tnea eirept oa prasmp. (tons from reputable physicians, as the damage tbtf will do Is tea tUl to the irood you ran poanbly ds rlTS from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured br F. J. Cheoer a Co.. Toledo. O.. contains no mer cury, and k wkea taiernally. art in directly upoa the bkmd and mucous surfaces of the BYStem. IB Inlvm"HajriTaiifirTur be sure you set the genuine, it taken tntemaJly and made Si ToAeoOk Bold by urunBU. ence, rae. per potii. lass Hail t Faowur PtUs lor eoosUMUoa. A Literal Interpretation. A traveler riding in a rather will part of Scotland came to the edge of a morass. Hailing a peasant lad who waa not far away, he asked If the bog w si hard at the bottom. "Ay, quite hard," responded the youth.. So the traveler rode on, and pres ently his horse began to sink with nlarminir ranldltv Into thft mire "You rascal!" he yelled to the grin ning urchin. "You told m the bog was hard at the bottom." "So It is," Joyfully shouted the peasant, "but you're not there yet!" Doing Her Best "Kipling says that a woman Is only a woman, but a good cigar Is a smoke." "Well, woman la traveling in. the right direction. Haven't you noticed ter present panatella shape?" PH.rw tlRfl) IW TO 14 DATS. PATo Ol.tTVIKNTIectiaranterd to ran anr eai of Itching. HUad. Bieedma it I'rutradmg fllas I ttoltdaisuraiuoej refunded, am. ' A woman dislikes being Jealous almost al-most as much as she likes making some other woman Jealous. RF4K rr THATCorr.n with Allen lu lt Italoam. (he sfutar fasttly f-aiMtjr. It cure where nl toer rvmedlrs tail. Ail eaiera, .sue, llttkutlire. The more talk It takes to run things the slower they move. Pr Plen-e's pleaeinl felle ear anaetlsann. Caieetlpaiial i the nne tf niae dl-a-. tans Ite cspa sod yu car is aiva. a wlasa. When some people talk It Is a wast of time to yawn. The Army of Constipation Is Crewriag SsnaJlse Every Day. carter's trrnx UVEA FILLS sa Siesiils dy esy gnw faiiri Bkty persMssnsey ITTtt IVER P11UL i au rax sMAiiDost siau, rua CLNULVE i QUICKEST WITH SAFETY Pis ' CURE tit tin tucii ni ..a5aau. For tSc li y then eieaas fest Ux b.S aciK aoj c i Lrie oee lie t too it's so (elatale to tale. Free frosa oc Us-. t1ew esse tisw-y s l |