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Show Opinions Page 2 The Gunnison Valley Gazette Fire up the furnace Just A Thought By MARK HENLINE We experienced our first little cold snap of the season the past couple of days. In fact the snow level has dropped pretty low on the mountains. With temperatures cooling off this evening, my youngest son, Carson, came and begged me to turn the furnace on for the first time this fall. So I took him into the utility room and had him flip the switch on the furnace. Then we went to the thermostat and I explained to him how it worked and let him set the temperature to about 68◦. A few seconds later the furnace kicked on and you could smell that smell you always get when the gas flame starts burning off dust after a long period of inactivity. I love that smell. To me it’s kind of comforting. My wife on the other hand hates it. Carson was thrilled that the heater was on and he ran into his bedroom, grabbed a pillow and blanket and set up a little tent in the kitchen right over his favorite heater vent. Carson loves that vent and during the winter months spends a lot of time by it. He has me wake him up a half an hour early each morning just so he can lie by it and get really warm. In fact all I have to do in the morning is stick my head in his room and say, Carson I turned the heat up and he crawls right out of bed and heads to the kitchen. In fact, there have been many times that he’ll come down the hall in the middle of the night and sleep on the kitchen floor. I did the same thing when I was a kid. I wonder how many times I sat in front of the heat Public Meeting Gunnison City is seeking citizen input concerning the redesign and repair of Main Street. A public meeting will be held, Thursday, September 27, 2007 beginning at 7 p.m. at the City Hall, 38 West Center. Local business owners, city council members, and all concerned citizens are urged to attend. Come with your ideas for a beautiful Main Street. Some questions to be addressed include, do you want to see trees replaced between Center Street and 100 South or do you want something different, shrubs, flowers, etc. Other ideas to be discussed will be possible new street lights, benches, crosswalks, new sidewalk designs, etc. A landscape designer will be in attendance. Please come with your suggestions or leave your ideas with the city offices. We need your help! vent, warming my bare feet while I ate a bowl of Cheerios. When my family moved to Mayfield many years ago we heated our home with a wood burning stove. It was more work but there sure is something relaxing and comforting watching the flames as your home fills with heat. It was an adventure to me that first year; cutting and splitting wood and trying to get enough built up to get through the winter. I would get up before the family each morning and get the fire going so that when they would arise the house would be warm. Then each evening I would build the fire up enough to last well into the night. By the time our second winter rolled around the novelty had worn off a little and I was ready to get back to a more modern way of heating the house. I suppose I just got a little nostalgic as I watched my son warm himself by the heat vent and recalled how really good that feels on a cool fall evening. Read all about it in the Gunnison Valley Gazette! Thursday, September 27, 2007 Vote for Wayne Club News By HARRIET BAUMGARTNER Eunice hosted the ladies last week and we heard from Ida about a new book she picked up at Sam’s Club in August. She said the story is true and it’s about some poor folks who pulled handcarts across the plains. She said her greatgreat grandfather was a baby when his folks made the trip to Utah and she considers him a hero of the west. It sounded like a real good book and Elda wants to get it from Ida to read. Eunice pointed out that now with the weather turning colder, it might be a good idea to look at our schedule for meetings. Ruby read the schedule from the calendar and Eunice made a motion that we only meet twice a month for the next few months due to the cold and arthritis a lot of us have. Helen seconded the motion and it passed. So Ruby will scratch every other meeting off the calendar until it warms up. It’s terrible to get old and feel the pains of age come into your joints and make you so helpless. They should be working to fix those things. The government could do a lot more to help senior citizens but they don’t. Edgar left a note that if we wanted to go up Mayfield Canyon and see the new campground at Twin Lakes, we’d better do it before it gets wet. He won’t take the van off paved roads when it gets wet. We will do that next week if the weather is good. Hazel mentioned that she heard on television that Wayne Newton is on Dancing with the Stars and we should all vote for him if we can. She said when she was in Las Vegas in 1984 he held her hand and kissed it when he finished singing his song and it was the most romantic thing that ever happened to her in her life. Elda asked her if that included her honeymoon and she said her honeymoon was spent mopping up the cellar when a pipe broke and flooded the whole thing and ruined most of her peaches and pears she had put up a few weeks before. She said her husband Osral wasn’t the romantic type and if Wayne Newton asked her, she’d move in with him tomorrow. We are sad to see the gas station across from the bank close down. Hazel said those folks in the bank probably got to watch some funny things over the years when the bank was slow. Helen said she heard they were going to tear down the phone company. They haven’t started yet as far a we can tell. Maybe they won’t after all. If anyone has a picture of Burt Gribble on a horse, please send it to Mr. Henline at the Gazette so we can include it in our book. We also need a picture of the Farmer’s Equity. Harriet Drought and Fire workshops for livestock producers Date September 26 September 26 September 27 City Richfield Fillmore Nephi Time 2 pm 7 pm 7 pm Location Courthouse Auditorium Courthouse Courthouse (Commission Room) Some of the topics to be presented and discussed include: Agency programs available to assist farmers and ranchers by: representatives from Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (Grazing Land Improvement Program) Natural Resources Conservation Service Farm Service Agency Others Secretes to successful seedings by: Craig Rigby (Agricultural Research Service) Use of existing plants Land preparation Species to use/consider Meeting the nutritional needs of livestock when forage is limited by: Dale Zobell, USU Nutritional requirements Use of alternative sources of feed Evaluating the economic, financial and tax impacts of alternative actions by: Bruce Godfrey and Dillon Feuz, USU Selling additional livestock Purchasing feed (types, location, and cost) Marketing (information and alternatives) Reducing risks EXTENSION CONNECTION Thur Sept 27 Taco Soup Cheese Stick Fruit Cup Chocolate Cake Bread Stick WEATHER Lane Henderson, Publisher Mark Henline, Editor & Advertising Jodi Henline, Office Manager Call: (435) 528-5178 for subscription, news or advertising. FAX: (435) 528-5179 E-mail gazette@gtelco.net The Gunnison Valley Gazette is published each Thursday by Gunnison Valley Gazette, L.L.C., 328 North Valley Drive, P.O. Box 143 Gunnison, Utah 84634. Bulk rate postage (permit No. 11) is paid at Gunnison, Utah. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gunnison Valley Gazette, P.O. Box 143 Gunnison, Utah 84634 Deadlines: News and advertising, Noon, Monday prior to publication. Subscription prices: One year, $25 in Sanpete County, one year, $30 outside Sanpete County. Single copy price 75 cents. Advertising rates available upon request. All articles and photographs submitted for publication are subject to editing and only will be used if the editor deems them newsworthy. The editor reserves the right to hold submitted news items for space reasons. Copyright Gunnison Valley Gazette, Gunnison, Utah 2005. All rights reserved. Reproduction, reuse or transmittal of all matter herein is prohibited without prior written permission by the publisher or editor. Thursday 75/43 Mostly Sunny Friday 74/43 Partly Cloudy Saturday 66/38 Partly Cloudy Sunday 71/42 Sunny Gunnison’s Weather brought to you by Gunnison Telephone Co. Senior Lunch Menu Fri Sept 28 Hamburger Patty w/Onion Cheesy Potatoes Corn Jello with Fruit Cookie Bread & Butter Tue Oct 2 Hamburger & Cheese Pizza Tossed Green Salad Cottage Cheese w/ Pears Cookie Wed Sept 3 Baked Ham Whipped Potatoes Gravy Broccoli Peaches Biscuits & Butter Now Playing At The Casino Star Theatre Mr. Bean’s Holiday Playing September 28th - October 4th Re-rated G; originally rated PG for brief mild language. Mon-Thurs = 7:00 pm nightly Fri & Sat = 7 pm & 9 pm Tuesday Night is Bargain Night! All seats just $3.50 Ticket Prices $5.50 - Adults $3.50 - Children under 12 & Senior Citizens |