Show NOTICE unit d 1 1 tAt fand london balt bliku liku cit CIE Nei 1916 1915 lu 10 it ma nia elliar I 1 ta Is holtby lacu ti I 1 tilt OhLer state ll of at N it i to 11 is ts III iad cl in III tills list of ia land illtyd it cled ij I 1 thel ild tati n it adt r of the alt 11 of cuti rc 0 t ap itt 1 id 1891 1 as n L 1 ool I lani land V all 1 Z b r rial an 01 bl abbl bbl bee 1 ft r 12 s it U 8 E t L 1 M 11 copies of said lists so tar far aa As r relate e 1 a ta to said tracts by ther they subdivisions b d Ivis tons s u have been co conspicuously n posted in this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally during the period of Public avon op 0 this notice otice or any time cherev the there rev thi and before linal approval and artill e cation i under departmental eions of april 23 25 1907 gregull n contests against ane el elin in of lot the state to any oi ol the tracts or alons hereinbefore described oa the ground that the ramp is morn ble for or mineral than for vana valus purpose will be received and notel for report to the general land office at washington D C failure go AO to Pro protest tet or contest within the time specified will be considered F sufficient evidence of the non mineral character of tha the tracts and the selection aber of being otherwise free from ob tion will be approved to the state stat e could Is I 1 ill illila iLd I 1 h 11 r pipit pub pith dec dee list I dec dc I 1 31 1 W |