Show care of of poultry breeding stock 1 I G E conkey the cioper care of the breeding birds and d a maximum of health vigorous chicks are very closely re I 1 eted the latter is impossible without tile former foi it is only natural that thit if the patent birds strength heath and vitality arc are not maintained in the highest degree it can cannot ot feld a high percentage pei of fertile aggs 99 3 or impart strong vitality to the chicks that do 10 hatch li itch ve we aill ft ill assume that thit aou ou have haie care carefully full selected bour our breeding birds t aking those th tint thit it were well ell ship shaped ed strung strong healthy vigorous and of known egg producing ability the next step then is to house them separately from the general et al flock so that 3 ou can win ke het p a close flatch on them and see th that thit it thel the get into the verj best hest of condition the filst requisite to getting b eding birds into condition ondi tion is to ni ke no attempt to get eggs from tin tilt m during luring the I 1 litter itter part of D cember ind and the e enla it 13 p part pirt of jan an alt una buting this time the birds s be fed for condition only tilt is chev should receive enough t them thein nith ith an gie cicat it sur p ib in addition to this tilt the m anks ailts and bu be confined ite h until about tao two ot 01 thrle veech u be fil lou ou will be it id A to save the tile foi h iff bing viti lit I 1 is tinb t isu sul itil k 11 I 1 his ills sepu ite tte housing of male and f in ill ili lit biet deis in ill 0 i sn ti in like a big problem fm hut but it is worthy worth of the tile most lift fill Lon irions if the birds i e to ana adise condit 0 i it not ona hurts tin it vitality lilt llo I 1 11 tile pt ph of f r bilm in ili tin the e eggs gs dt saied I 1 litti it foi fol I 1 i ailing oin mini na coners dettlo tir the tilt lious hous I 1 11 1 r problem s ilir detol 11 b bs at dividing iding ot pirt nf of tilt poultry house ff fi file tile lie heeding edin buds or b fitting ii i sonn onit oilier other building that tivit cm ein be spared temporal ib and confining them ithem in it if it is ne cepar par P lu to use a building ordinarily for othet pur poses see that it lias has a sound roof that all cracks aie ate closed so as to prevent drafts ind and th tint tt it has enough win windows doNs in the south or southeast side to afford the interior plent of sunlight these arc are import int essentials essential to maintaining the strength health and vitality ita lity of the breeding birds with them looked I 1 after it will mill be an e eirv is mattir r for you to put up i t few nests looses a I 1 droppings board eight or ten inches I 1 below the roosts boosts and to a I 1 deep la laer er of cle dein in litter ovir the floor when ou imo then ni w home r ad ail to becee e the bit amb tl 3 oui out next consideration Lon dention should be to ste that the tile he hile plenty of room if tile they I 1 are at all crowded there will ill be d inger of disease and the tilt birds will mill become fretful another requisite to a 1 high degree of fet ind I 1 nil it otilit iti alit lit in the h itching eggs ib u th tit it the hi t ding buds get plenty of exercise 1 I hei afore I 1 feed feet all glinin I 1 stion in a deep litter that the birds will be compelled I 1 tj ta scratch cut coit each kernel the anole f alj git the better will bill be tin tah it condition in addition to g getting tl ing pi pit of exercise perci bp and h iving good shelter your breeding 11 bit buds should be kept fife fiefdom atom lice ind mits bo be sure to dust the buds with a good lice ille bodt t provide them with a dua bath mil once a weik weck cpr sani 3 the tile inside w wills ills of the tile houe tile nests ind toasts with ith a strong insecticide Ro solution lution it will nill ilbo dho be we to heat bour our bids foi worms worm ate as h it anif ul to vit viti tilt lit as lice and mites and perhaps more dangerous ding dinge erous for thin tin n presence pie sence in fodis I 1 14 haid h nd to detlet such tire will be pretty sure to put bour our breeding birds in the pink of condition by the time aou ou are re reid id to mate them best results will be obtained by allowing ten or twelve hens to eich mile eich each mated group should then be confined or if this is ie le twice the number of hens liens thit that would ordinarily ordin anis arill be mated to ono one in ili lie tie can be confined together and two males used but on altern alternate ite dis das some poultry raisers prefer this method of m biting any anay aa as tile believe that in practically everi breeding bie bleed eding flock preferences aio ate shown and that hi alternating enles this tills to a great 0 ex tent will be oNer overcome come the mated b ads should be fid fitl regularly a bountiful of rood good rations and in about two to aftel mating you should begin to get plen t of fertile eggs hero is where here the care given to the breeding buds w 11 be shown to hive been worth orth while for thase t aggs gs aie ate sure to possess shiong vi vitality tind and therefore should produce a lot of healthy health 3 vigorous worthwhile worth while chicks |