Show LOCAL NEWS BRIEFS mrs J S varner narner and mrs funk bete up from Sunn side saturday to attend the wa masonic onic and eastern star housewarming house warming Satu ida night mrs A J INI mcdonald cDonald and son J S of v vancouver Vanco uvel british columbia are in the citi visiting the formers brother george roland and family I 1 mr and mrs T 11 fidlier who were married in Spring springville ville dee dec oth arrived in this city I 1 monday and are at home in apartments in the parker weeter building one of the glenwood Glen wook springs colo coo wholesale hole sale liquor dealers contemplates tem locating at green river utah when Co colondo lorido goes dr ac ae cording to a Gle nood news piper wiper his ilis mana man friends in carbon count county he has abw alws 13 s made his home will be glad to beirn th tint thit it leman varner his secured a responsible position he ile has accepted he pos of deputy recorder of duehesne duchesne count and has alread assumed his duties |