Show price academy the work in all departments is progressing progress ine in a very satisfactory way both to pupils and faculty notwithstanding the many changes both in the personnel of the student body and faculty the large entering class taxes the capacity of the class room in fact the building no now used for school purposes is entirely too small tr tn meet the needs adequately A new administration building is imperative and isomo something thing must be dona done in the near future along this line in order to enable the school to meet properly its growing opportunities with the social tobe to be given friday evening by the juniors and seniors all the classes will have entertained during the season the tho socials given by the freshmen and sophomore classes ere delightful occasions it goes without saying that the junior senior affair will not go below belova the standard A literary society has been organized for the benefit of the students of the academy it meets every friday at 1130 a m and renders programs consisting of readings musical selections parliamentary drills debates etc because of the importance of training along this line every student is required to participate in the programs throughout the year great creat benefit is being derived from this work dr S F clearwaters of cheyenne wyo father of prof J 11 clearwaters has been a vikor at the tho academy A for the past few fe 7 days while here he gave two or three inspirational and helpful talks before the students arrangements have been made for awarding scholarship prizes at tho the close of the academic year for the student making the best schoN record a prize of ten dollars will be given and for ala next two prizes of five dollars each tho the department if 41 music is proving very popular this year at pre pres ent eighteen aie registered register cd in this department and other pr are expected expect pd to register regist dr soon the dormitory students are leaving for their lammes in parts of the state to spend the holi holidays dayi it is reported that salt laka people have reorganized the american mining company ws ch formerly operated a way wax wine at soldier summit the new company is called the wasatch company and 1 is putting in a plant capable of taking care of 1200 pounds of wax per day mineral wax is worth forty cents on the new york market W il |