Show 9 ri Z FROM ENGLAND j u LIVERPOOL sept fth 1860 DR ellas ELIAS I 1 improve the th present moment to say that this leaves me well as I 1 hope it may find you and yours general health prevails amongst the saints here which is also the case with the elders who came with us and with those who have arrived arrived since the tone of feeling amon amongst st the saints is steadily improving and we fope tope hope lope to see a continued increase in in favor of the truth oar souls sympathies are largely taxed when we ITC consider the condition of the poor not only from the fact that they are poor but the hopeless character of their poverty in all this our hope whispers they may see better alays slavs heaven ma may y know when tomorrow to morrow in company with N V jones I 1 expect to start on a visit to scotland to comfort and instruct the saints we expect to be away several weeks during which time elders rich and gates who have just arrived will ivill remain here please remember me kindly to all who may inquire elders rich and jones join in love to our friends as also elder john S gleason gie gle ason arrived here this morning in good health and spirits and will enter upon his labors immediately ile he informs me that the residue of the missionaries some fourteen in ji umber number gare jare all on the way from the states and will arrive soon yours in the truth AMASA LYMAN FROM CEDAR COUNTY cd URTY G GOSHEN 0 oct 20 1860 rd DESERET NEWS thinking perhaps that you might wish to know how things are progressing in this valley I 1 will endeavor to 9 give ive lve you a short history of what has been done at this place and what is now transpiring which may and may not be interesting to your readers this settlement you know is not large and was not commenced till the spring of 1858 when a small fort was built on the bottom on the west side of salt creek in a damp and un lial ilal healthy thyi thyl location last fall a new site was selected on the bench west of the farms where a town plat was surveyed to which most of the people removed before the setting in of winter the location ia is very pleasant but much exposed to the winds veri verr w which I 1 ch are almost constantly blowing around the head of the lake raising the dust oust at times making it very uncomfortable and disagreeable it is also far from water and not convenient to the range range in consequence of these inconveniences the place p lace did not improve much muc h during the summer and it was deemed advisable to abandon the location and select another which has been done this fall and a new town plat has been surveyed to which eleven families have already removed and others are intending to build and remove there before winter this new now town is situated on the bottom about two miles below the one that is being deserted and bids fair to be a pleasant location good white clay exists in large quantities near by which makes excellent and houses built wit of that material maio malo a fine appearance the crops here have been very good the present season we have about one thousand acres of farming farmin t land with a good cedar picket fence fen c e out in public improvements we are not far advanced we are making arrangements range ments for building a large school house in the new city and it if a sufficient number of workmen can be obtained we intend to have it C completed plated this season ebere ibera there s also a new settlement being made on the east side of salt creek opposite the old fort called mechanicsville Mechanics alethan cs casville ville vilie a school house ia i in progress of erection there which whick from the thel known enterprise of the people I 1 have no hesitation h egi esi tation in saying will soon be completed green mckell have fitted up two thrashing machines one of which is now in successful operation As mechanics they are uzl uzi unsurpassed S ur passed hassed and they intend erecting a large machine shop as soon as circumstances will permit hoping that in improvements we shall hereafter keep up with the times I 1 subscribe myself yours ac PELEG SCHOOLS IN UTAH COUNTY i october 20 1860 ED deseret DES ERET NEWS 7 DEAR sm sin having just returned from a visit to the schools of utah county I 1 am pleased ed to state that the subject of education in this wis county is receiving its share of at antion tnt tn tion loir I 1 the trustees generally appear to be wide awake in the discharge of their duties and the prospect for the establishment of a system of common schools which will do lio iio honor norto to the thi county is very flattering the want of a uniform s set t of school books ismach felt by the entire commin community ity and until a uniformity in this respect can be intro the territory I 1 have advised that the trustees put into the hands bands of the merchants in their respective districts the list of school books adopted by the county educational cat ional association As ocia tion at their late convention in order order that they may be imported at elm 1 I opportunity if however ally any other oilier plan shall by them be deemed better thoy thay are of course at liberty to adopt it louwill you will no doubt be pleased to heal hear that I 1 th those ose districts which do not already contain I 1 suitable school houses are making every e exertion X in their power to erect them in time for occupancy during the approaching winter several commodious school rooms are in course of construction in the city of provo also one at american fork during my stay at payson it was in contemplation to build bull another school house this fall as notwithstanding two large schools have been taught there durin during the summer season numbers had been turned away in consequence of there not be being iche room loom to accommodate them 1 in the city of lehi a an n excellent tabernacle has been completed situate open oper which is a commod ous and well finished school room both tabernacle and school room are certainly creditable in all cases where school houses are being constructed I 1 have advised that the subject of adequate ventilation be strictly kept in view as its importance to health and the consequent gress of pupils in their studies is Ko ele fogress yours respectfully ClI cil arnes AHLES D EVANS supt bupt of com corn schools utah county for tha th deseret aw independence in my reflections on this important and interesting terest te resting irig subject prompted by a strong desire to enjoy the sweets of liberty and arid independence to their fullest extent the following ideas suggested themselves to my mind As a community we possess all the important requisites to become independent we are located a thousand miles from civilization in the centre of this great continent in a country countr rich in and mine ral wealth we are principally farmers and mecha ics acs of the most practical as well as scientific order and the contrast between the wild and uncultivated region that existed here thirteen years since and the present prosperous condition of the we country fully demonstrates our energy abd and perseverance yet notwithstanding these peculiar advantages we are far from enjoying the blessings ol 01 or t independence pen dence to the extent we might in consequence of not always directing our energies in the proper channel with the generality of mankind to accumulate gold is to become independent and judging from past observations we haye been more or less subject to this popular error in relation to gold and silver as a circulating circulation t medium the experience of the past has abundantly established the fact that our isolated position forbids us that convenience it is true we have been kind kindly y accommodated with a little in times past from california emigrants government officials army speculators etc etc by way of compensation pensa tion for our products at the following remunerative rates grain of various kinds from to per bushel and ane flour from 3 to 4 per hundred and other things in proportion now as we have no substantial iea lea i ea sons for be believing lievin that this thia source of revenue will continue to pour its golden stream upon us bein being rather inclined to the opinion that ere long it A may dry up it certainly beho behooves ovAs us as an intelligent community to prepare for such adire a dire calamia calamity there is upwards of half a million dollars paid annually to our iner merchants chants for imported merchandize merchandise dize principally in grain at the foregoing prices now kow it must be evident to all that this immense drain on our broad stuffs cut off as we are from all means of replenishing in case of need is calculated in its results to produce want and ana suffering for in the event of a recurrence of another failure in crops from an any y cause whatever famine with all its fearful consequences would be upon us in order to avert so great an evil a radical change in our commercial operations must be immediately adopted and I 1 do most confidently affirm that I 1 know of no policy so 50 well calculated to effect so desirable an end as that suggested by president brigham young in his bis public remarks oil on october 6 I 1 the p proposition is this raise cattle cent to send end annually a requisite number of wagons to carry provisions to su supply ly our emigration from laramie to this ilace ilice place and to transport our missionaries td the frontiers and also take sufficient surplus cattle to supply our emigration in addition to the number required for bringing back our merchandize merchandise dize machinery etc which can be purchased edwith with the money received from the emigration in payment for these cattle the feasibility of this plan and advantages accruing must de be evident to all who take in into eio tio consideration the following facts possess a country eminently adapted for stock raishie raising by judicious management and making suitable suitable provisions for wintering vint ering etc which will enable us successfully to com peterwitz pete peter with an any other country 21 we have an abundance of youn young men whose experience in the kenyons and elsewhere well qualifies them to act in the capacity of teamsters which by the way is is no unimportant item a class of persons so constituted that a roving experience is essential to their happiness ad in the event of there being a sure market for stock at fair prices inducements would be presented to ener energetic get ic persons to go largely into stock raising and the result would be that our mountain oxen driven by our mountain aln boys would accomplish annually the journey to and from the missouri river for several sev era successive su e seasons ath it will give every person an opportunity of sending for goods pods to any desired amount f at cort cost and frei frel freight gt having the privilege of paying for them IK in cattle ath the freight on the class of merchandize merchandise dize most roost needed in this thia territory such as raw materials machinery and staple articles is ai ast asi much if it does not exceed the first cost con as the retail price of goods in this market will average nearly looper ct above cost and carriage the actual cash outlay would be but 14 1 4 of the amount now actually expended and then taking into consideration the f act fact that a very large portion say about one half halt of the merchandize merchandise dize aize brought here hore may be classed as extras luxuries etc allin things s of trifling value which would never be 0 ordered r ered by the people articles selected by merchants studying exclusively their own inter ests it will show that the amount of goods really es eq senti benti aito alto our comfort and convenience will require but a little over 18 1 8 of the amount now paid to our traders in not permit me to enumerate half the advantages that would result from buchan buch such ian jan enterprise it is a policy which if pro perly understood and carried out to the extent and in the spirit in which it was expressed would not only enable us to obtain all alt keces sary bary articles and a great variety of valuable machinery at a comparatively trifling cost but would give us the ability to gather home the saints both rich and poor in far greater numbers humbers than heretofore and not only this it would be the means of our becoming the most wealthy community in existence not in the glittering metai metal but in the golden treasures of grain which would be an effectual safeguard against that terrible visitation FAbi and enable us not only to busain ourselves but the saints who will gather by tens of thou sands to the garner of the lord to the egypt of the latter times IV S GODBE the italian journals state that a wealthy person of florence just deceased has left a singular will it declares that the greater part of his fortune shall go to the man with the largest hump on his back in all tuscany and that the persons entrusted with the duty of electing him shall be themselves twelve humpbacks to recompense the latter for their trouble he directs that in addition to traveling expenses expenses each shall bhail be presented with a gold medal bearing the effigy 0 of sop their prototype rev crawford H toy of norfolk va is soon to leave for japan whither he goes aa as a christian teacher rather than as a preacher the new york herald says they bad twelve hundred new advertisements in their paper on tuesday sept 25 and that they were all paid for on their counter before insertion five hundred persons were confirmed at the catholic church churchin in dlan Blan manchester chester N H in one day recently recruiting c for garibaldi is advertised alvertis ed in the london papers as an excursion to the south of italy 2 clever way to dodge neutrality laws the end makes a great difference in the means |