Show P 13 it 6 i f ay MY ad t b A PIANO tor for or SALE salu Enquire at this office omo apont 2180 3 31 4 tr i WANTED i A ailt aili L kinds of FURS for which a liberal aric price will 1 i ll 11 jye be pak also saxony heep heap cheep and lambs wool firewood ac fl 9 tt JOSEPH L I 1 netwood HEYWOOD HATTING mile mlle subscriber hereby gives notice to the public that he be JL has resumed the above at hh his old stand in the lath ward G so S L city one block north of temple 9 tt t JOSEPH L HEYWOOD neywood f LOWE PREMIUM BOOT MAKERS EASI east temple street t opposite p gilbert Gerris hs r fine ne and fancy boots shoes Gal gaiters aca acx ac made inide to order on the shortest notice GOOD LAND FOR SALE ACRES of GOOD LAND three miles F bouth south nn on tr the stain state rinta Ko Ro adlor adfor for eor 1 a a asdall email email house emitted situated on the premises also five acres over jordan apply to samuel read news office 33 2 eully EMILY II 11 MILLS ILLS MANTLE and dressmaker and ant fet EM ill lyl MILLINER respectfully solicits the patro her bar friends and tte ladles ladies gener generally alv aly arderi punctually ani ana eni neatly executed a and nd charges moderate 1 emigration street ward ff G S L oky city 31 am NEW In MACHINE tellIN E SHOP FINDER respectfully informs thee the of 1 I utah county that be has rented loberta luberts ai sons water walteg lathe and la in power appurtenances appurtenance al i vill 46 and Is prepared turn drill and make to order all kinds on ids of machinery all orders promptly and neatly executed A MINER DIENER AT TORNEr and LAW office on A A eit iem tem temple tempie pie streeta tG U T three door doors a liei liel statues staines and wili will practice in all the courts of the territory will execute deeds mortgage st leabes letters of t attorney ac fl attention paid to 10 collections all illness ep entrusted trusted to big bis care faithfully attended to REWARD WILL py twenty five dollars Doll doil arii reward for a bay mare I 1 MULE which I 1 lost on the of july lart in kays rays ward brand branded edwith wilh double Z on the right shoulder and an hip alsa other brand brands some somei not recollected the said mute mule Is heavy made medium height carries the neck a little bowed and ears rather straight any ally person delivering the said mule to wm vm jenning receive the reward I 1 believe the mule to be in or at about ut sessions settlement cetti cettl ement 23 4 S M BLAIR COME GET YOUR loxey MONEYS 11 W tn 1 I APPLEB attorney and counsellor at law i will wilt attend to the prosecution of claims collection bollt cllon ot of debts ac powers of torney attorney ai for the states or europe indica claims declarations tor lor bounty land warrants deed leases and all other legal documents drawn up with despatch terms liberal 3 declarations for naturalization attended to OFFICE Town sends salt lake house east temple street G 8 L city consulting E ENGINEER N G I 1 N E E it AND MILL miln r about to erect mills of any kind will do well to T thosas rive give me a call as being well posted on the LATEST E ST improvements IN DIA dla CHINERY MACHINERY by personal experience and continually receiving corre spond erice price from rom the east in relation thereto I 1 shall be enabled to give them the benefit thereof without experimenting on untried novelties W J SILVER 2710 27 10 aiu east side sidi of I 1 oth roth ward G a L city PRIVATE SCHOOL lis its BENTLEY bentlet Is mra mrs CURTIS u will ill lii OPEN a DAY DAT 31 SCHOOL at the residence of the former in la the NV ward ads on monday oct fth TERI TERMS his AIS PER QUARTER reading and spelling writing arithmetic english grammar and geography HOWARD BOWRING manufacture ANU FACTURE RS OF LEATHER BOOTS SHOES M HARNESS SADDLES etc etca at the old stand of zu aulds fae aae JONES and also alao at the adjoining the post office and fronting on main maln street having employed a large number of the most efficient workmen 11 B are prepared and nl determined to give the utmost satisfaction in the quality of articles mann 1 fractured by them as well as in punctuality in filling fining orders v A liberal price paid for hides bides bark and oil all kinds of produce taken la in exchange 32 ta farmington CARDING MACHINE TILL running and doing good work we have a room 0 fitted up expressly for carding arld and can card in cold weather be sure that your wool Is clean before it Is ig greased e a sed as grease sticks uto tto to dirt and does not benefit the wool j 0 put the grease crease on equal otherwise bring it and let us put it on tor for you parties who wish can deliver their wool and rec lve ive their rolls at my residence WM H U WALKER PS bolls rolls for tor baie sale at residence residences irth ward wards G S L ci city y W if W MILLWORK AND MACHINERY WE E are prepared to build or repair all kinds of hill W u work and machinery including water waters wlad and horse powers drills reapers readers and thi thia ashers shere an busar bugar and fanning mills by contract or otherwise at a the je lowest prices tor for ready pay thoe having states machinery will find and it to their advantage to employ ui cateron Catl ron wanted ac per ib lb tor for hard bard and aa 9 for soft metal our terms are ire store pay produce of 0 all kinds at th the a current rates 10 per cent discount for cash WM J S I 1 LVER J FORBES FOR BE 3 27 am east side of 0 loth ward G S 1 L city TO MERCHANTS ARMY contractors DEALERS IN GRAIN AND OTHERS S J LEES that he is as heretofore still on hand band to A to contract for making SACKS WAGON COVERS fee c ac having added another SEWING nachine MACHINE to his establishment he be la to prepared to execute with unusual dispatch all orders entrusted to him S J LEES on emigration street third house bouse west of at east temple street TAILORING DONE ma 0 accommodate gentlemen who may wish to have 1 PANTS DRESS COATS VESTS CAPS and all belonging to the trade made I 1 in a superior style styles the under signed has OPENED a TAILORS TAILOR 3 SHOP in datts darts gun smith shop shops east temple streety street ta where warre be will be most happy hippy to attends attend in that line of business busi busl nees to all those of his bla friends who may wish to patronize him please take notice lie he will make a pair cf of in 6 9 hours and a dress coat in 30 hours there is na M digap about it cutting doue on reasonable terms 13 also clothes cleaned and anil nude equal to new 19 tf E Z G ERICKSON general notices y WANTED immediately good boor and shoemakers and one FH FIVE HARNESS ars ARN ESSMaker maker maken steady employment given from three to six months and ready pay 32 3 GEORGE W hancock r LOST I 1 0 ON N the tooele thoele road between G S andi andt point odthe of the mountain mountain oct lt itt a PARCEL contain 2 soap fine floe bleached cloth and other irti artices ceS whoever er has found the same Is requested fowke fouke 0 o take it le to dr fi in ward G S L oily olty where they wl wll wil bo suitably rewarded tor for their trouble 3 ai 12 1 2 i MONEY CAN BE MADE B BT Y pare purchasing hasing basing the entire real detate of richard Ea eatough ato tough ligh of 0 plesant pleasant grove ct city 1 TP utah co county tinty U UT T consisting ot one city lot w with a HOUSE or 0 three rooms and cellar thereon corrals cor rols rolt and stack yard yards annexed also a ten acre FARM enclosed by itself and ten un acres of 0 nay hay land fo vot fot parile partle enquire of the advertiser 32 4 voil FOR SALE d i NE mile south booth of f rhe the sugar house a FARM con contain 0 ONE ing 33 acress acree 27 are under cultivation one good honse house containing containing I 1 room 14 by laft in the clear with an upper room of the same fame size a kitchen 12 feet square in the clean clear and two good omi owl cellar cellars one old boue houe bou which by a little repair might be valuable as a granary also a barn with a stable under it for particulars inquire ot of JOHN SMITH on the premises LO none LONE NE TREE TRICE rincie RANCH rsm frd ve WE have a good J HERD GROP ap 3 roii rori r situated on the west vest side of utah lake cedar county and are arfe prepared to take block stock on the following conditions one ona cent per day for herding cattle and will take tale sheep at one third of the and wool and take good care of them through all weather W R 5 am JOHN jonn bowney M 0 brer ivor ISOR TIl TIIE THE EMPIRE ROLLS TIIE tile undersigner undersigned under signed having permanently located in JL LOGAN the county counts seat teat of cache county takes pleasure in assur asFur assuring ing the public that for the future be he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of I 1 ai 51 E R C H 11 A N D I 1 S E which be he will iti sell tell low for any and all kind kinds of BOOTS and SHOPS shoes made to order bills or LUMBER furnished at short notice produce Is talen taken ken for all we have to seii sell remember the produce store i 33 tf S M FIRE AN AND D BRIMSTONE jl C P TarL tart T AXES article icle icie pleasure of in presenting to the public a superior SULPHUR AND BRIMSTONE of nome HOME manufacture better than any imported states for SALE at NIXON GODDARD and A SONS SONIS STORES wholesale and ani retail who will encourage home nome manufacture ilaf litt 11 tf wiy PAY ray PAY fai vor FOR BU BURYING R Y 1 ING YOUR DEAD kibbat indulgence has been all ail allowed wed to per persons hons tons in G VJ debated for grave yard lots and funeral extence ex pence fur for the burial of their friends but bill all derrom peri ons ony no so ind bated are nw now notified that they MUST PAY immediately or their accounts will be turned over to we the pi cioper oper court fr fir collection some persons have left the city without settling their accounts those accounts will be sent for collection unless they attend to them forthwith GI city olty ty county and territorial orders and graan will vill be received in payment J C LITTLE G S L city olty MRS airs STENHOUSE DRESS and CLOAK MAKER at MILLINER beg begs leave to acquaint the ladies of the territory that she has on hand an of LADIES BON nets of the latest E eastern astern fashion also of childrens hats and bloomers ladles ladies own material made up to order fine fancy trimming trImmin gg velvety velvets vel vets ribbons and flowers blowers furnished plain and fancy bead dresses of newest styles LABOR SAVED shirt front fronts collar and wrist bands stitched on wheeler wilsons Wll Wil sons latest improved sew seang ng machine from front 25 cents per set and upwards bv the double lock stitch or of tah machine there Is no possibility or of it ripping da first house west of tabernacle 31 if T TREES uee LEE S TRE TREES ES TREES may be found this tail lall at the gardens and THERE Nur berles of charles TI oliphant in the ward a choice assortment of fruit APPLES two years olds old oid grafted with some of the best summer summers fall and winter varieties from the states several thousand fine PEACH trees one two and three years old PLUM trees two years old of several choice varieties varlet leb leg from the states stairs APRICOT trees a large quantity oney ones one and two years old GRAPE VINES LOCUST TREES RO ROES ES superb climber Multi flora lflora baltimore irlie belle beile gan white while Si donla donta arb elliott Etl eti lott loit Mii uil madame dime lufro strawberries several var itle one thousand hooker strawberry plants one of the finest stra strawberries berries cultivated inthe lathe la the stales states allot the above will be sold for good pay kiy poy W wheal wheat a t corn barley hay hays produce of all kinds lumber te bery h 1 n gies wood and as much cash as you can spare taken in exchange 33 tod toa NOTICE NOTICE ARK ank 11 II ron CUTTS DYEING SCOURING marr MARK 31 CLOTHES CLEANING GENER AL establishment hali hall gratius streety streets ti treet ath wardy wards ward two blocks east ot of east eahl temple street G S L city the proprietor of the above establishment begs most respectfully to inform the thy inhabitants ot of G S L city t and vicinity that he Is prepared to receive and aad execute i orders la in any and every branch or of the above business I 1 and hopes by careful attention emmi effi efficient clent workmanship and moderate chirds chirps to ensure that success and approval which it will be his cludy to deserve ladle ladles h I 1 sill satin velvet cashmere coburg merln alpaca de kaineg lawn and gingham Dr drese ese eEe cloaks and shawls cleaned or dyed broadcloth Q SAt tweedy tweed vei Vel velveteen fosdan aad and corduroy Cor duroy daroy coats debts and pan banta cleaned or dyed and Yep repaired alred aired kid gloves ge cleaned or dyed in a superior manner ladles ladies white veils cleaned or dyed any color and finished in the first feathers cleaned or dyed and curled urle urie d ribbons lace and trimmings ingi logi of all descriptions cleaned or dyed chintz cleaned and calen dered carpets carpels Carpe tri iSi hearth rugs eus rus ani ans an blankets scoured tuscan straw and chip bonnets Bon neis nees or hats hata dyed and pressede pressed pres preg sede sedo hair dye Blac blacking kingg black blue clue and red bed inky inks tup top plied piled to order all ki rids ridd of produce taken as to pay yb TB M H F will not ot hold himself responsible for any article left la in ilis ilia care more wore than three ia calendar lendar months orders received at the dyeing establishments establishment or at mr john hollands tailor at mr square east temple tempie street kat acal annal notices non Naf ices i AUCTION commission STORE J X C LITTLE eittle Ss r co 0 AVE vve taken tho th large and store recently rate RAVE H occupied by moore ia greindl I 1 I 1 where they are prepared pared to receive any andt ands and all ail 11 ands kinds I 1 of 0 M 71 E RC R H A JY D az I 1 Z I 1 E and property on SALE by I 1 AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE I 1 f I 1 11 1 1 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 i i i an on terms I 1 4 1 we 0 ii are prepared ed lo 10 rece receive lap lva on C 0 MM ire 13 I 1 S 3 10 I 1 0 nor any amount of i G GRAIN PA I 1 N FLOUR floun I 1 A i LUMBER 1 COAL att ait AND A ND WAGONS we lave bave also a so an excellent an latec Is 0 R it A L and STABLE TABLE S for horse horses cattle catt elc ac ta nay nat HAY AND GRAIN I 1 0 ON N nand HAND ai W also an oni hand and an assortment of in 11 i J C LITTLE 29 lt it JJ 11 FELT REMOVAL OF BUSINESS TAYLOR sois SONS having removed from rom east A temple street are still carrying on their dising and trading at their own residence in the tle T W E L F T II 11 WARD wand W A R D one on emigration migration street four and a half blocks east fast of east bast temple street we take tale this method of returning our thanks thour to OCT former patrons especially thoe aboe who hilve have settled their accounts ond and wish vinh those who know themselves indebted to eay PAY UP WITHOUT DELAY I 1 we solicit a continuance of the patronage patronize of those who PAY AS THEY GO as we design accommodating them to me the best of our ability although onn our stock Is not so extensive in quant quantity ity and variety as hitherto hither toj top yet we have still sull on band a good assortment bort sort ment of nome HOME GOODS ALSO ALIO SOME STAPLE AND IMPORTED GOODS Cons cods consolati iati lati dg in part of boots shoes hats coats coital v vest t socks sucks stockings glove gloved aal Moccasin moccasins sp thread Button buttons sl combs stationery Stationer drugs tar rosin salt salts sale saie ra II 11 vinegar lumber lath and sash shingles shingles nalis nalla crockery cooper ware wares furniture carpenters tools 13 Nume rousi roust other things too numerous to name FOR SALE A FOUR ROOMED HOUSE and two others containing two rooms each and one lot in a good situation la in the ward wards on emigration street known as the deseret home howe also a snoe SHOE PEG machise MACHINE for sale or to work on shares or rent for inspection at dinwoodey furniture shop shops to george Cron tits riss store mam M am A TAYLOR |