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Show 'I Wednesday, May 24, 1995 Continued from page tHimcs-cfo- Nephi, Utah a Page 5 said his wife screamed and he looked up to see the trailer fishtailing and watched as it rolled from the highway. 1 Fatal Accident Pellum and Tarr had just purchased the new trailer. It still Rebecca Tarr. Kristen Tarr and ing the victims. He said several ambulances arrived, had a temporary sticker. They Dr. Seare began the CPR and had bought it on May 15. Rachael Tarr received torso in- trained emergency medical tech- -' The truck and trailer were juries and are at Mt. View. Mel- nicians and other trained medi- - assessed the condition of the vic-cissa Tarr received head injuries personnel helped until the tims, he' said McAfee. Seare molished in the accident, he said. and Ricki Pellum received minor usuries and are at Mt. View. al Nephi City Mayor says that city must plan carefully for growth Amanda Ashton and her mother, Becky Pellum, were both taken to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo. Pellum had possible back injury and Amanda received only minor injuries. I Kenneth Tarr was pronounced dead at Mt. View Hospital, r Both of Nephis EMT units were called to the scene, said McAfee. The Nephi rescue truck, Santaquin ambulance and fire truck, and an ambulance from Payson were called to the accident site, he said. The victims were taken to Mt. View instead of to Central Valley Medical Center in Nephi because a second accident which occurred at about the same time was reported near Yuba Dam and the victims of the accident were taken to Nephi, said McAfee. A mother and daughter received minor injuries in that two-caccident. By the time I arrived at the accident scene, said McAfee, numerous volunteers were help- ar ; By Times-New- s Steele saidl many places in ' Myraa Trauntvein Nephi do not have the roads needed to handle high density traffic. There is no question that high density development will create problems for our school district." Some consideration needs to be made for the .costs of such impacts. People who impact the city should start paying for the impact, he said. The city, naturally and slowly, has been growing toward the farm land on, the edges of the community. Now, with the growth boom, the council is faced with making decisions about annexation of some properties. In addition, he said, the council must consider areas where high density living is best located. In most of the areas proposed for high density building, we dont have roads to handle high density traffic. Some of the farm land areas did not even have roads. It has been our policy to encourage growth inside the city, said Steele. He said there were still many vacant lots inside the Correspondent Nephi City Council members need to carefully consider and plan for growth. Nephi City Mayor Robert Steele said the council needs to consider the growth patterns of the city and reconsider the planning which has been made in the past. We really need to address growth and we need to consider carefully where we want the growth, said Steele. We need to look at how we want development to take place in the city. If we do not plan for the future we will make mistakes. We make some anyway, but we will make fewer mistakes if we plan ahead, said Steele. t- community. Almost every neighborhood has a vacant lot or two. Those are good areas for single family dwellings. However, many developers are now interested in TALENT CONTES WINNERS Above are the Contest winners from the contest held on May 15th. 4-- H 4-- H providing apartment housing. The best way to get traffic from outlying areas to the city proper is an important consideration. Curb,--' gutter, road finishing inside the development, water runoff and other development has been required of all developers and must be approved along with a site plan, said Steele. Growth will continue io come to Nepln, said Steele. We need to continue to plan ahead. Two public hearings wfere held by Nephi City Council on Tuesday prior to council meeting. There were a total of seven people at the hearings. There was not much public comment. Those who have written comments may submit those comments to a council member, the mayor, or may deliver them to city hall. Talent Talent winners named 4--H 'The! USU Exttisibh' Servifcfe held it annual Talent Con4-- H Blue ribbon winners in the grade were: Tiffany Ralphs, Variety, and Shari Banks, piano. Overall trophy winners were: Diane Sperry, Paul Sperry, and Lacey Cano, Variety, in the 5th grade and younger division; Stephen Phillips, Instrumental in the 6th-8t- h grade division; and Donni Phillips, Variety in Senior Tl 9th-12- th test May 15th. Winning blue ribbons in the 5th grade and younger group were: Cami Ralphs, Variety, and McKayla Brough, piano. In the 6th-8t- h grade group, blue ribbon winners were: Missy Tanner, Variety, and Maty Dawn Division. Sperry, piano. Decima Celebrate Great Food At Celebrations Cafe Specials Daily Open Monday thru Wednesday 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday & Saturday 1 1 a.m. to 1 0 p.m. Come on in, Were the place with great taste r Decima Jacobsen will celebrate her 80th Birthday and will be honored at a family dinner. She was bom May 26, 1915, in Wales, Utah. She attended school in Wales and graduated from Moroni High School. She married Andrew V. Jake Jacobsen September 9, 1940. Their marriage was later solemnized in the Manti LDS Temple. She has served in many leadership positions for the Church. She is the mother of James Jacobsen of .Mona, Ronald Jacobsen of Logan, and Scott Jacobsen of Mona. She has 10 - MAMMOGRAMS Your Best Defense Against Breast Cancer grandchildren andl , LDS Stake Center 351 Nortli 100 West, Nephi Thursday, June 8 Call McKnight. He said the current owner wanted to build additional storage on the site which was not allowed under current zoning. It is recommended by the planning commission the half block be changed from R-- l to CU, said McKnight. The planning commission also reviewed the council concern and the allowed uses for the CC district, he said. The proposal was to limit the historic central business district to a half block deep along Main Street as Combined Use is now arranged on the rest of Main Street. This would allow other development in the rest ofthe two half blocks and in three other half blocks along 100 West and along Continued on page 9 ' pool is designed to give information about the requirements needed to take the training and to assess swimming skills. The Life Guard class is scheduled for June 12th through the 16th, from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. The cost is $100.00 and includes CPR: half of the payment is due June 5th and is non refundable. Successful completion ofthe Life Guard class is for certification only and dues not promise nor insure employment. A Water Safety Instructor course will be offered in July. Those interested in teaching and stay alive Five Utahns may die in traffic accidents this Memorial Day weekend, according to the Utah Safety Council. Over the past five years, 26 people have died during this holiday period. The holiday officially begins at 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 26, and ends at 11:59 09 ACR Accredited, FDA Licensed Decima Jacobsen i ' Drive safely on FIemorial Insurance and Medicare claims will be submitted, otherwise payment at time of appointment . , by cash, check or credit card is requested results are tent to your physician. Payment plans are available. 544-90- gin with. The second consideration was for the change of one half block on East Main at approximately 700 South from R--l which is the zone which is mostly made up of single family residences to CU, Combined Use, which allows commercial and manufacturing. When the area was annexed, the half block was excluded from the CU zone, said McKnight. Most of the rest of the area is CU. This property has been used as commercial as long as the property has been in the city, said swimming lessons must be WSI certified, be at least 17 years of age and have good swimming skills. Call the pool (AFTER 1:00 p.m.) for more information. Salt Lake Regional Medical Center Motile Mammograpty Unit will be at: For further information call SLRMC Mobile Mammography: ration of the commercial viability of the district, he said. Uses allowed there are what exist today, said McKnight. However, the district was probably made too large in the first place. The feeling by the council is that it was probably expanded too far to the west to be- Jacobsen will celebrate 80th Continued from page 3 on May 26 Swimming Delicious Blue Plate v One hearing was to consider narrowing the Central Commercial District (CC) of Nephi and the other was to add a half block on approximately 700 South on East Main Street to the Combined Use District (CU). The Central Commercial Die trict of Nephi is identified as that specific location that remains as the historic central business district, said Randy McKnight, city administrator in opening the hearing. The district regulations are established in order to allow the continuation of the scale, character and style of the original structures and to allow a resto- t p.m. on Monday, May 29. Excessive speed is the number mm a Centennial Happenings Plans are underway in Davis County for bicycle races to e Antelope Island (for families and bicycle enthusiasts), baseball tournaments among communities, and three Centennial balls held in various locations throughout the old-tim- county. , Scandinavian Festival Ephraims Scandinavian Festival will be held Memorial Day Weekend, May 26 and 27. The festival will feature artisans and craftsmen, parade, food booths, entertainers, old-wor- ld historical tours, Little Denmark Dinner, a run, bread tennis childrens tournament, games and baking contest, much more. 5-- K BYU Summer Youth Schedule 8 to learn June Boys Basketball I for boys ages and develop basketball skills with BYU coach Roger Reid. 10-1- 5-- 9: Call Mediation Training The Better Business Bureau is offering a full week of interpersonal skill building, theory, role playing, how to clarify issues, manage emotions and help parties communicate effectively in Salt Lake City June 26 to 30. For registration and tuition, call U of U Lecture Series The University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute will present Couples Communication: Same Language, Different Planet on May 31st. Call Memorial Day On Sunday May 28th, Camp Floyd State Park in Fairfield will present a Memorial Day observance, beginning at 1 p.m. A musical and verbal tribute to the deceased veterans of Utah and the country. Call Memorial Day On May 29th, Veterans Memorial State Park in Riverton will present a Memorial Day observance, beginning at 2 p.m. Sponsored by the Utah Veterans Council and Utah Military and Veterans Affairs Committee. Call Memorial Day The National Memorial Day Concert 1995 will be broadcast live from Washington D.C. on 7 Sunday, May 28th at 6:30 p.m. KUED-Chann- el Arthritis Cabaret The best hand will be a helping hand at the Arthritis Foundations ninth annual Cabaret, to be held June 3rd at 7 p.m. at the Fort Douglas Country Club. Call Free Gardening Class USU will offer Basic landscaping considerations for your home on Saturday, June 3rd at the Utah Botanical Gardens in Farmington. Call BYU Adult Workshops On June 3rd, BYU will offer the 1995 Book of Mormon ference, Major Themes of the Book of Mormon. Call Con- Unspoken Song Tickets will go on sale May 30th for the Promised Valley Playhouse new summer show, Unspoken Song A Celebration of 100 Years of Utah Spirit. Call Eagle Spotting If you see any mature bald eagles in Utah during May, June or July, please note the location, date, and activity of the birds as accurately as possible and report the information to the nearest DWR office, Dwight Bunnell in the Salt lake Office at or the Canyonlands Raptor Institute. BLM Council Nominations are being taken for a statewide Resource Advisory Council that will provide advice and recommendations to BLM on the use and management of 22 million acres of or public lands in Utah. Call Special Olympics The Utah Special Olympics Summer Games Opening Ceremonies will take place at the Brigham Young University Track Thursday, June 1st at 6:30 p.m. Games continue through June 3rd. Teach Your Child to Read KBYU will show you how parents can have an influence of their childrens education by reading to them. KBYU will offer a call-i- n program, Thursday, May 25th at 8 p.m. Wetlands Reserve The third Wetlands Reserve Program sign-u- p will be held May 30 through June 30. Interested landowners should contact their local office of the Natural Resources Conservation one factor associated with traffic deaths. The Utah Safety Council, offers motorists the following safe driving tips: Allow plenty of travel time, and do not speed, even if you are behind schedule. Do not drink and drive. If you plan on drinking alcoholic beverages, designate a driver who will not be drinking to get you home. Wear your safety belt, and fasten children into approved child safety seats. Have your vehicle inspected and timed before long trips. Keep a safe following disrule. tance, use the During bad weather, slow down, turn on your headlights and increase your following distance. Tb fight fatigue on long trips, stop every 90 minutes to rest, eat light meals, exercise and rotate drivers. If you travel alone and feel sleepy, stop and get rest. The Utah Safety Council encourages everyone to have a sate holiday. If you would like additional information please call two-seco- nd |