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Show Wednesday, May 24, 1995 tEIje Page 9 Nephi, Utah Eirtwa-jNefn- a Continued from page 5 Notes E'lephi Gify Oonimcil proved a deed correction for the proposed housing development. Two meetings ago the council approved an amended subdivision plat plan to make a lot where a home has been built larger to allow for the required said Randy administrator. McKnight, city Center Street west of Main auto, truck, R.V., and equipment centers; theaters, concert halls; The angle of one road was Street. rental; banking or financial ser- public service; public parks and at the time. changed Residential use is not an al- vices; bars, lounges, clubs; cin- recreation facilities; wholesale, Since said McKnight, then, lowed use in the CC district, ema, indoor; civic club, fraternal warehouse, storage; zero lot line had Wes the said McKnight. Only hotels and apartments are allowed not residential single family dwellings. The city has had several requests for single family dwellings which are now forbidden in the half block west of Main. DaNell Worwood asked which of the two zones, CC and CU, were most liberal and if a theater would be allowed in CU. Residential zones are more liberal than in CC, said YOUNG HISTORIANS Diana Kay and Alisha Yates are the winIn a residential zone McKnight. ners of the DUP History Writing Contest at Mona Elementary a home can be built. This cannot School. Fourth grade students were asked to write about pioneers, in a CC zone. in their family if possible. Utah History is part of the fourth grade happen In CU several combined uses curriculum. are allowed, he said. Theaters and concert halls are allowed in both CU and CC. CC allows for new buildings and structures to be built at the property line to align with origi- Juab High School will hold Honors Banquet on May 30th nal buildings of the district. There does not need to be a side Juab High School will hold for any athletic association, Ster- yard and a rear yard of 15 feet is their annual Honors Banquet ling Scholars, and any others needed. May 30th at 7:00 at the High competing at state competition in Allowed in CC are apartments; School. any school club or organization. apartment hotels; athletic, tenThe banquet will honor stuParents of these students are nis, or racquet clubs; small anidents on the high honor roll, also invited to attend. A short mal hospitals; automotive serwhich consist of a 3.5 grade point program will be presented by vice station or self service staaverage for 3 quarters, athletes JHS students followed by guest tions; banking or financial serplacing at individual state levels speaker Randy Bird. vices; bar, tavern, lounges and for wrestling and track, clubs; churches, except temporary revival tents or buildings; All-Sta- te Elections held for class officers at Juab High School Secretary, Angie Sperry; and By Jennifer Wallace cinema indoor; convenience goods or service; civic club, fra- ternal organizations; dry-cleani- ng establishments; general comparison merchandise sales; home furnishing Ac-tiviti- es sales; hotels; of- Laundromats; liquor stores; Manager, Machelle fices, business or government JHS Correspondent Miller. and professional; parking lots, Class elections for the Freshor private; personal serpublic Last week Juab High School man Class will be held later this vices; public services; repair serstudents elected their class offic- week. vices; restaurant, traditional serers for next year. schools, private, quasivices; Senior Class Officers will be: public, public; senior citizen cenPresident, Jennifer Wallace; ters; theaters, concert halls; Rachel Michael; transportation terminals; and Melissa Anderson; Ac- organization; convenience goods and services; dry cleaning establishments. Also allowed in CU are general comparison merchandise sales and service; home furnishing sales; light industry; hotels, motels; Laundromats; liquor stores; lumber sales and storage; mobile home parks; offices, business and government or professional; mortuaries, funeral homes; parking lots, public or private; personal services; public utility stations; repair services; restaurant, traditional or drive-in- ; shopping development. The minimum lot area for a dwelling in a CU district shall be not less than 8,000 square feet with 1,000 additional square feet for each additional unit, said McKnight. The minimum area lot for y dwellings in the CU district is 10,000 square feet for the first five units and 1,000 square feet for each additional unit in a dwelling structure. Nephi City Council members approved an amendment to the Lynnwood Subdivision and ap multi-famil- Secretary, tivities Manager, Taska Winn; and Historian, Emilee Mangel-so- n. Junior Class Officers will be: President, Tina Howarth; Brenda Kenison; Secretary, Jamie Jarrett; and Activities Manager, Diana Lynn. Sophomore Class Officers will be: President, Lindsey Wright; Donni Phillips; Vice-Preside- nt, Vice-Preside- Continued from page 6 Juab subdivider, Lynn, met with the city planning commission once again. The ultimate design has now been discussed and the changes made in the Lynnwood Subdivision plan. The problems with the original design have now been addressed, he said. Lynn will need to vacate a y and will be invited back to the council to do so. However, council members authorized the mayor to sign the necessary documents to allow building on several lots in phase one of the development. right-of-wa- rs Although cigarette smokers make up the overwhelming majority of lung cancer victims, a Stanford University expert on treating the disease says should be aware of signs of the potentially deadly malady as well. Although fewer than 15 percent of lung cancer cases occur in persons who arent and werent smokers, the disease can strike anyone, says Dr. Kent Adler, assistant professor of medicine at Stanford University Medical Center. Adler says common warning signs are a change in a cough, non-smoke- rs difficulty in breathing, chest pains or coughing up small amounts of blood. Usually these signs are not cancer, Adler says. Most often they represent a cold, flu, bronchitis or other relatively mild illness. The crucial test is if these industries. light symptoms persist for more than Allowed uses in CU districts two or three weeks despite :!WS3V are agriculture; small animal proper rest and treatment. If so, then be sure to let your caregiver hospital; single 2--; 3- -, and know so that you can be more closely examined. The Juab High School Chorus Adler says that when lung canwill present their annual Spring cer is discovered early, the cure Concert tonight at 7:00 p.m. in rate can be as high as 70 to 80 School the High auditorium. percent and new treatments, The chorus will present songs such as innovative combinations performed at competition as well of chemotherapy, surgery and as small groups songs and solos. are expanding the outradiation, The public is invited to attend look for survival. this free concert. Nevertheless, the American tonight a t Juab High Schoof yard. must be aware on lung cancer problems even though they dont smoke Non-smoke- Society estimates smokers not regularly exposed to 169,900 new cases in 1995, with second-han- d smoke, but Adler an estimated 157,400 deaths by says some cases may emerge the end of the year. Lung cancer from exposure to radiation in is the number-on- e cause of can- communities where it is present. cer deaths in both men and Susceptibility to lung cancer may also run in families, he says, women, the ACS says. of Stanfords while other persons may simply Adler, Cancer F Thoracic have unknown risk factors. Comprehensive While its useful for everyone Oncology Clinic, notes that second-hand smoke may account for to be alert to signs of the disease, of the lung can- the fact remains that lung canabout cer cases among nonsmokers. cer would be a relatively obscure No one is really sure what disease were it not for cigacauses about 10,000 or more rettes, he adds. one-four- th cases each year afflicting non- - School Board approves early retirement request Chorus concert Vice-Preside- front By Myrna Trauntvein Times-New- s Correspondent Juab Schol Board members approved an early retirement request. Russell Griffiths, Juab High School teacher, presented a request for consideration by the board. Mr. Griffiths has 32 years in the retirement system, said Superintendent Kirk Wright. M Annually, said Wright, under the districts early retirement program. The two new board members were appointed to serve on the Juab School District summer maintenance committee. The committee will tour the schools and look at the various proposals in the next few weeks and will then make recommendations to the board of education on which projects should be undertaken during the summer. Julie Smalley and Randy h of Greenhalgh received the apGriffiths will receive his salary for a five year period pointment on a vote of the board. one-fift- Student the school. Norma will appear in the United States Achievement Academy Official Collegiate Yearbook, which is published nationally. The Academy selects USAA winners upon the exclusive recommendation of teachers, coaches, counselors, and other qualified sponsors and upon the Standards of Selection set forth by the Academy. The criteria for selection are a students academic performance, interest and aptitude, leadership qualities, responsibility, enthusiasm, motivation to learn and improve, citizenship, attitude and cooperative spirit, dependability, and recommendation from a teacher or director. Norma is the daughter of Lorraine Bozzuto. Her grandpar- - ents are Barres and Norma Jenkins of Nephi, and Angeline Bozzuto of Waterbury, Connecti- cut. Let us help you make your wedding easy and save you money in the process. We can help you to send out your announcements in an easy and inexpensive manner. In a fraction of the time that it will take you to hand address your invitations, you can make your selections list. The cost is only 220 for each from our one you select from our list and only 260 for invitations that you hand address. We mail anywhere in the United States. Come in today and find out how you can take the hard work out of your wedding and save money at the same time. up-to-da- tieivs Tips? 5 Call 5 or in Nephi 9 in Mona 3 in Levan 623-052- 623-019- te 623-033- 623-150- imes-Ne-m Main, Nephi, Utah today 623-052- 5 |