Show STORM More Severe Wind and Rain Columbus Kan 3 A terrific windstorm wind-storm the heaviest ever witnessed in this section passed over this city this evening about 6 oclock fallowed by a heavy lain and hail storm A number of build ings mostly outhouses and barns were blown down < One residence was levelled to the ground slightly injuring a couple of children The storm was not in the nature of a cyclone but a violent wind passing from the north and northwest to i the southeast Little Rock 4This city was visited last night by a tornado For half an hour thejwind blew at the rate of seventy two miles per hour and for one minute it made three miles or at the rate of 180 miles per hour These are the figures given by the signal service No build ings were blown down There was much damage to fences signs etc Osage Mission Kansas 4A tornado visited the country abount nine miles east of this place last night Several houses and barns were blown down and GirArd in the same county suffered considerably No lives lost BO far as heard from |