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Show " STAGE IS SET FOR CONVENTION IT MINNEAPOLIS Loyalty Conference of the American Alliance for Labor and Democracy Meets Today. GOMPERS ARRIVES TO ATTEND SESSION Will Probably Be Elected Chairman; Many Dele-' Dele-' gates From All Sec- e' tions in Attendance. MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 4. Labor repre- stntatives from all parts of the cpuntry and former leading members of the Socialist So-cialist party tonight had set the stage for the big loyalty conference under the auspices of the American Alliance for Labor La-bor and Democracy, an organization born two weeks ago for the purpose of stamping stamp-ing out disloyalty and solidifying labor - behind the government. Amid the blare of bands the 200 accredited ac-credited delegates swung up Nlcollef avenue behind the Stars and Stripes, covering cov-ering the course which the People's Coun- , clt of America for Democracy and Terms of Peace, barred from the state as disloyal, dis-loyal, had planned to parade today In a - demonstration against war. Preliminary conferences, relative to the establishment of local branches of the alliance throughout the country, held the i ttentlon of delegates during the day, and tonight several members, including John Spargo, former member of- the ex-ecutive ex-ecutive committee of the Socialist party, " spoke before soldiers' relief organizations. The first formal session will be held tomorrow. to-morrow. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor and chairman chair-man of the alliance, arrived tonight. Mr. Gompers probably will be elected Perma-' i nent chairman and deliver his keynote speech late tomorrow, it was stated. Regret Expressed. Delegates expressed regret over Gov-crnor Gov-crnor Burno,ulst's order barring the peo-i peo-i pie's council. J- "We wanted to sweep back the veil or F evasiveness and show the shallowness of f ' their programme to the world," it was announced at convention headquarters. JT "There Is no doubt that the back of the pro-German movement has been broken. "The tremendous enthusiasm that we have found in every part of the nation betokens a unity of thought and a determination deter-mination to win the war that leaves no doubt as to the firmness of the American I people In support of the purpose to make ' f the world safe for democracy." In explaining the presence of the large number of former members of the Socialist Social-ist party. Including twelve former editots of well-known Socialist publications, Mr. Spargo declared that "all real Socialists ' have been unable to agree with the party's Blend." ' "We are still loyal to Socialist prtnei-'t prtnei-'t f pies," he said. To Organize Permanently. "I( there are any ex-Socialists, they are I lie ones who' are the members of the pnrly now. There Is being formed an organization of Socialists who have left t lie party, and it will almost immediately 1 e a tremendously strong power, so that the American people no longer will look to the Socialist party for the Interpretation Interpreta-tion of Socialism. This conference will effect a permanent national organization. During the war It will fight for Industrial democracy, and when the war is over we expect It will continue to fight." A great name of patriotism, carrying with it an awakening of all Americans to a spirit of loyalty, is sweeping tile court? try, and before it subsides no sensible man or woman will continue to oppose the government's war policy, according to Krank P. Walsh, chairman of the United States commission on industrial relations. Mr. Walsh will be one of the principal speakers at the conference. "This movement to solidify all labor forces behind the government and defeat efforts of certain dangerous elements to encourage disloyally Is, In my opinion, one of the greatest ever undertaken," Mr-Walsh Mr-Walsh declared. "And Its success already has been assured. "The feeling of loyalty is growing so vapidly that In ninety days there will not he a word of disloyalty heard In any part of the country," he declared. |