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Show THE PACK SIX Thursday, November 12, NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- FINNEY OF THE FORCE f I Hitting It on the Head Wft FIWWEV...WHAT OO PEOPLE AEAM BY A ROYAL RECEPTION ?? ' WELL. FCOM LATTEB-0Ak COINS-ON- , . XO SAY A ROYAL J"TO BE A I QECEPTlOKi UOAS Aki V 'VlTATlOKJ TO GET GOIU'.'A SURE! UM! y Y - J " (AMD AFTEP THE REVOLUTIONISTS) CVUSE TWElC VCINJGS AMO QOEEMS f OOT OP THE COUMTOY, X I SUPPOSE YES. THEY ROkJ OOT I f McrcolizcdVax J THATS WHOT THEY CALL GlVlr4 POYALTY THE HElfc! A Keeps Skin Young OtlltMMullMIIilfMUli.riMMrtlelMl(Ml oB until H dvtMia atMk m u Um pot, la tad freklc diappar. bk.taptm4. J pl lir al wu bruic out lh Liila bwuty ol your mkm, T MrlnklM im on ouao PowiUrwt iEU Alaaulvvd la M witch baa!. A I dru rm mn, Salt Lake City's Hotel ewest 1U i f AT ME THATS RIGHT-YE- LL VUHEN I'M IM THE TUB AW THE OH, FEUX.m. COA4E OOWN. DEAR THE . ) Vmiltons are here! y huh I i I J il l lit ii i u I i Uiiiliiilii I M M i I I U A WATERS RUNNING AND EXPECT ME TO UNDERSTAND YOU- - ' III f I V fj W HATTAYA WANT ME TO DO EMPTY THE RAM UNDER I NOW? -- n J P ? in A ei J X FEU!' 7 SHOT UP! THE WILTONS ARE DOWN STAIRS I jS H Jill TEMPLE SQUARE WILL VCHJ 200 Tile Baths 200 Rooms ALREADY...THEIR CLOCKS Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 ARE FAST OR SOMETHING! HURRY.". Just opposite MJt A tax. il HOTEL The Saturday Bath By Oiborna THE FEATHERHEADS I iiiiite y gjjg 9 Mormon Tabomado ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mgr. A Sour Note "I never seemed to have any luck with the women," sighed the old bachelor. "Then you're lucky," growled the pessimist. : . j In fW:VE 1 x " GOT awt - EN60N& vbo Tackles of Along the Concrete Huddle We care aw pistes L3fM Wmi sriRl When TEETHING makes HIM FUSSY 1 One of the most Important things you can do to make a teething baby comfortable Is to see that little bowels do their work of carrying off waste matter promptly and regular ly. For this nothing Is better than Castoria, a pure vegetable preparation specially made for babies and children. Castoria acts so gently you can give it to young Infants to relieve colic. Yet it Is always effective, for older children, too. Remember, Castoria contains no Jiarsh drugs. no narcotics is absolutely harmless. When your baby Is fretful with teething or a food upset, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Be sure you get genuine Castoria with the "r" name: CASTORIA (OnyHjhl. W. N H ' t I --n.'f f 7 J Learn MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL uh, i waapsswrtsJ 1 LETS sure wtNt ft TtSE UEB. i UKE - Bussed f J Friend Boss Joins the "Mind Your Business" Club By Qurlct Sughroc . --- c- x-- V WW8 LOT O NOO Hl 9UN ou emx vjoou memwme. wkwioa . J ) U AUi 1) LESS G T MA)t6 No plan "works very welL" O T k k: ' ' by Falls The child, through stumbling, learns to walk erect. Every fall is a fall upward. Parker. Y. Prli For Trouble due to Acid 1 IMOIGISTIOM AGIO STOMACH MtA0ACE THE CLANCY KIDS They Got the Wrong Point tTMAT TH TAM SHOUtO HAVC A CHANC6 TO C AIM THlfl POINT. EveRYTHiNG TO HAPPIN6 By PERCY L. CROSBY ,ftl"L"N,S:,nl'c,,w f UNTIL THAT NUT, CHICF COO COO,. MAOC A PlRecT HIT WITH HISTROSTV r When FOOD SOURS 1 see Met to powt J after eating ABOUT two hours suffer from sour call it indigestion. It stomachs. Tney means that the stomach nerves have There is excess been acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillips Milk of Magnesia just a tasteless dose in water. It is pleasant, efficient and harmless. Results come almost instantly. It is the approved method. You will never use another when you know. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for correcting excess acids. 25c and 50c a bottle any drug store. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Phillips' Dental Magnesia, a superior toothpaste that safeguards against acid-mou- V. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 46-19- 31. th. |