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Show Thursday, November 12. 19U THE TIMES-NEWS- . NEPIII. UTAH PACE THREE 5(1 Uy Scz Jnun l!y By COURTNEY RYLEY COOPER (WNU Copyright by Courtney Ryley Cooper How fo frain BABY'S BOWELS or Babies, with any tendency to be constipated, would thrive if they received daily half a teaspoonful of this old family doctor's prescription for the bowels. That is one sure way to train tiny bowels to healthy regularity. To avoid the fretfulness, vomiting, crying, failure to gain, and other ills of constipated babies. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is good for any babj tor this, you have the word of a famous doctor. Forty-sev- en years of practice taught him 'ust what babies need to keep their ittle bowels active, regular; keep little bodies plump and healthy. For Dr. Caldwell specialized in the treatment of women and little ones. He attended over 3500 births without loss of one mother or baby. bottle-fe- d Dr. W. B. breast-fe- d, Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative Service) accurate description of this WHAT HAS TRANSPIRED an li. Martin?" Jo Carry, country youth Joe Barry licked his Hps. dmi't know how accurate "Well, 1 didn't 1 can he. pay i,,u. Ii attention, except that he whs Hlmut medium height, and had dark hair and eyes." "Weight?" "We wasn't very heavy." "And Just medium height?" "Yes, sir." "Not tall, like Detective Maxwell there, or tills gentleman?" "No, sir." The captain leaned back In his chair. "Sport," he said, "suppose you cut the comedy and save us a lot of trouble. This gentleman here, whom we had to disturb out of a night's sleep, happens to have his ollices at tH Wall street. And lie's the only John B. Martin in Unit building." Joe Barry's lips quivered; he was reaching the point where a body refused to give more emphatic signals of his distress. "Well," came tonelessly, "I don't know what we can do about It." The captain seemed to disregard In York, ekea out a living as caretaker In a poor rooming house and accordion player In Louie Bertolinl'a rea'aurant. Lured by the open country, he apenda a nlnht In the fields, near New. burgh. Bertolint discharges him. KriendleH nnd "broke." ha la offered $10 000 by a man he knowa aa "Martin" for a "few yeara' which Involve work." leaving N fork and going "up th river a piece." In other word, a New 1 prison arntenc. tit defer decl-lo-lan until the next nlisht. and Next 11.000 "on account." glen dav loe deposit $800 in country a name his Joseph banks, giving A circus attract him. Brad lev. Outside a tent he sees an accordion and i tempted to play It. A girl. Sue Dayton, niece of the owner, admires the music and him to her uncle. Joe I offered a plsltion with the circus, but says he must first return to New York "on buxineHs." He ha decided to refuse "Martin'" offer. In his room four men accost him. Bewildered. Joe sees the men. who are detectives. And JoUn nerv-burne- d large amounts of money, a machine gun, and two revolver. CHAPTER III Continued The Array of J art! "I Just went out of town for a "You can study choniistry?" "J?o, this Is my wife's dressing day." a "It's big country. Where?" table." Wochensha u ( Essen) . Joe Harry's eyes took on a desperate tire. "I won't tell you !" The captain looked at him minutes after you rub on blandly. "Oh, all right," he said, "sit FIVE your throat should begin down." the treatment sorel Continue feel less to moved a chair to the end once every hour for five hours and of Tliey Hie table; Ed and Jerry sat relief. the astonished be at you'll The captain down, too, then Jake. This famous blend of oil of mustard, machine picked up the camphor, menthol and other ingredigun and eyed It carefully. ents brings relief naturally. Musterole "So somebody sneaked this Into gets action because it is a "counter' irritant" not just a salve it pene- your room. Who, for Instance?" trates and stimulates blood circulation Barry straightened with hope. . and helps to draw out infection and pain. "His name Is Martin. He's a lawUsed by millions for 20 years. Recomyer. I got fired last night down at mended by doctors and nurses. and this Louie Bertolinl's To Mothers Musterole is also lawyer said he hadplace a Job for me. made in milder form for babies He gave me some money and told end small children. Ask for Chil' me to go out Into the country and dren s Musterole. take a day off. Then I could come hack tonight and tell him whether I wanted to go through with this He said he had a deal or not. friend who'd gotten into some trouble over some liquor and he wanted me to take his place. So I " "Don't make a speech about It," "We'll snid the captain quietly. The Reason get at things one at a time. Mar"I think I'll name my last story tin, you said the name was?" "Yes, sir." 'Boomerang.' " "The town's full of Martins. "Yes, then It's sure to come back. Which one?" "His name Is John B. Martin," came tonelessly. "He's an attorney and this offices are down at 60 Wall street." "Sure of that, are you?" The name evidently had made no impression upon the captain. He Few a re free from the occasional raised his eyes and gave a quick comes from that constipation of his head. "Take him back," Jerk eating and hurried I1t Irregular In it .To release you rsel f prom ptly he commanded. Barry clung to the from the heaviness end slug ftUhness that comes now and table. then drink a cup or two of Tea. Its action Is natural "But there's a lot more to tell !" and certain, completely harm he begged. "I haven't got anything leas. Splendid, too, for children. to hide. I want to tell you Just Jit your nearest drug storm how I happened to get into this mess." "Don't tear your shirt," admon9talumtjCaxaLvcQrink. ished the captain quietly. Then to Pete: "Taki him back." Again the metallic clatter of his Clever heels; again the faces and bars, and "Your daughter is very handy with the sight of a frowsy woman peering out from under her hair. Then a he was alone, sitting on his slatted "That's the result of tennis, m'boy Iron cot, hands sweating one moment between his knees, the next Instant rubbing at his hot cheeks He or across his burning eyes. rose and paced, three steps one way, three steps back, bumping with against the steel plates at one end, the rough bars at the other. Suddenly he settled, with fearful determination. They hadn't believed him when he told about Mr. Martin. Maybe they'd question him again. That's It, they'd bring him out and question him for a while, then send him back again to forget what he'd said. But he must not forget one thing; they could burn him In oil If they wanted to, but he mustn't forget one thing. He'd make up a story about where he'd been today, and he'd stick to It. Other things faded Just that a girl should not know; Heed Promptly Kidney and all that counted that seemed to be Bladder Irregularities now. Minutes ' dragged by. He mustn't forget to keep quiet about A nagging backache, with where he'd been today. An hour bladder irregularities and a passed. The turnkey came and untired, nervous, depressed feeling locked his celL They went back to may warn of certain disordered the captain's office. kidney or bladder conditions. "Sit down," said the captain. Then Users everywhere rely on everybody seemed to forget him, exd Doan's Pills. This cept a fifth person who was now diuretic has been recommend In the room, a tall, d ed for 50 years. Sold by all man with some distinguishing characteristics, who came to the other n druggists. end of the table and looked intently at him. "No," he said after a long time. "Sure7" asked the captain. "Absolutely." Pete Maxwell lit a cigarette. Ed slumped In his chair and began the reading of an early edition newsFOR Jake and Jerry Just sat. paper. m The captain looked over some pa1 pers from his desk. From the other end of the table, the PARKER'S man stared at Joe and Joe HAIR BALSAM returned the look. Basons Dmodrn It Stow Hair Filling) I "Absolutely," said the Imrjarta Color and and Faded Hair) man for a second time. The capBsantytoGrar cue ana l.uu at urnsiriiita. F t t.T" fZ'j.KWrvi Ihem Win.. I'nt. hugqe.N.T. tain seemingly Ignored the reFLOKESTlN SHAMPOO Meal for DM in mark. connection with Parker'sHair Balaam. Makes t ha "Sport," he began, leaning to. hair aoft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at ward Joe Barry. "Forgot to ask Hiaoox Chemical Works, Fatchocu, N. V. you before. Suppose you give me that, ton." "That'll be all, Mr. Martin. to have disturbed you." Sorry The distinguished man departed. Pete Maxwell pulled up a chair. "Now listen, sport, there Isn't any sense In your trying to heat tills rap with a lot of clown stuff. SORE THROAT g Feeling Stale? Oar-fie- ld GARFIELD TEA A Miserable Backache? time-teste- gray-balre- Doan's ills . i tfr&a gray-haire- gray-haire- d d Bewildered, He Heard Identified, First by a Then by Two Others. Himself Farmer, You've got too much to explain. All money In your pockets; that water-soake- d suit and those shoes with mud on them." Joe's tongue licked quickly at dry lips. that the tilling weren't station any too But from of the In .NMmiicIi ort. h In ins particular, of Information. the Keiicra! ili lights. two thin nere turned scriptlon on the truck, this one mhih to again match up with the ffllow wliu got moved course. " Dark hair, tmlium "Lots of people are chirk am) me" dium sized. Joe half rocc nlili a final burst of desperate appeal, "lie. sides, I wasn't on any truck. If you'll let me tell my "We'd be delighted If you mmld sport," said the captain cnustinilly. "But you seem to think you're dealing with a bunch of children" Again Joe Harry was led hack to his cell, pondering dully. Hate was In his heart. He had been duped, tricked, his honest story twisted Into a confession of a criine. the true extent of which he all cl away. Mzc-i- l story" A him the him lt,k.faced the hlue Joe camera clicked. They to a side isitlon, nnd a t lilrxtlng shutter over rtion of the room, worked. to another under mure for They pohlue lights anil stood blm slouched, against a measuring post. Once more a camera took Its record Then he went back to tils cell again; another Impartial, disinteIn rested move had been taken the disposition of something that once had was been a human being. There Utile time for rest. Soon Pete Maxwell was waiting In the cage again. grilled "I.lne-utime," said the fat man ns he unlocked the cell. Again on the move. Pete silent beside him. Again the stairway and offices nnd at Inst the elevator. Again a cage, where men waited nnd sweated and rubbed their lips. Then a guard railed the name of Joe Barry nnd tie moved forth to a big. pleasant room. sii'lii-lcti- I F-Vfel- Iff f It's no fun to have ice all around you and no job. Help to insure winter employment for yourself and your associates by These Brands Are Intcrmountain Made Deserve Your Support -- d GASOLINE Packed With Power Ninn Cards in 1931 throuch ns Plana for 1931 bain printer. of Acftntl to Mil Christ. roar local nada now. Send tn roar noma for details which wilt make your selling easier without th troubles, mistake and delays Jon had tn Writ eastern factories. representing W. N. U. P. O. Box IMS, Salt Lake City. WANTED I NEON LIGHTS CLAUDE Electrical Products 1018 So. Main Corporation Salt Lake City What's Past Is Gone A person's a fool to go digging Into the past. Woman's Home Companion. 'ON OUR 2 DAY VACATION' L "line-up.- " When the patrol stopped on Ce- d cross-statemen- ts I re-ent-er to be a man who had come to his door at midnight, seeking a place to sleep, then by the two others, gawking apple knockers, who proclaimed him the person whom they had pursued on bis exit from a haystack. Cloudiness again Joe's mind. He had told all this, as a means to his own release. Then, by police necromancy, his witnesses had appeared, not to help him, but to damn him. Joe's dark, tired eyes stared stupidly from one to the other. Deep within his brain something began to caution him to tighten his tongue, to say nothing more, lest every word he uttered should be used for his own condemnation. Then the three were led out again, only a stocky man remaining. "How about him, sheriff?" asked the captain. "I guess he'll do. The boys at ys$ not know. But his hatred strangey ly enough, was clarified Patronizing Home Industry. to exempt these men who turned this night to one of terror. They were merely Instruments; Juo ail hut forgot them In the waring memory of the personality who had Ietectlves milled about In a And engineered this. Martin! roped enclosure before a movable He knew no other nnme fur him. rostrum nnd a movable stage with Alone In his cell, hent on the a back wall from which extended slatted bunk, black hair stringing a battery of dazzling lights, .loe over his sweat-cakefingers as he was shunted up the three little hent his head to his hands. Joe brass-bounsteps lending to the to tear the tangled stage. Merciless lights gleamed Barry strove events of t he last two days npurt down upon hini at short range, and weld them anew Into something other nnd greater lights blazed from In Hint on that would possess perspective. above; out there the milling fig Something had happened near ures blurred; be saw faces and Pure Virgin Wool Blankets Orr's Mills, which had to do with forms distantly ns through yellow Mad In thm that overturned truck, something smoke. A man stood on the roswith which this man Martin had trum before him with a sheaf of Intcrmountain West Now Joe remem- typewritten papers. been connected. ORIGINAL UTAH WOOLEN MILLS bered the careful questioning which "Klght Squad. 274." he read, "Joe had been carried on tn the rnr un- Barry, 24, Sixteenth street and Salt Lake City der the guise of mere casual Inter Third avenue. United States, res est ; the extraction of Incidents, taurant entertainer. Arrested by where Joe had been, whom he had Detectives Ohuven and Maxwell, THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY No criminal seen, what he had done, what he Lane and Grossett. knew about that wrecked truck ; record. Complainant. People of the in fact, his every action from the State of New York. Charged with Our wool is shipped East and made time he had left New York until violation of the Sullivan law and " into cloth, he had returned. Out of that, Harry Joe Barry reeled, his dull eyes Then built into clothes and sent saw now, a man had gained the turned glnzedly the merciless to back here. knowledge that here was 9omp one blaze of the lights above. For the The same journeys are taken by who had been near the scene of Impersonal voice of the Inspector grain and hogs a crime, and whose every action. had continued : And even the hide of a steer. Instead of proving an alibi for him, "Wanted at Orr's Mills for double Martin homicide." would aid to conviction. Our rivers are running with power must have wanted such a person potential, teeth that his clicking and to take the place of a guilty man. theAfter Our forests and mines furnish fact that could obey comhe So he had engineered an accepfuel; were the only evidences that to go to mands tance of a proposition We live in a climate that hasn't of mental direction. He he gave so conduct one's actions was told to an equal. prison, to did, to walk, and he the But Joe as to cause suspicion. we follow the old, old rule. Still inafter and fro, continuing now that these suspicions knew spector had given the command Oh! Boost for the West, you felwere not merely the ones which to halt. Re was made to talk, anlows witU brains, Martin had designated. That maabout his work Build mills and factories here; questions swering those two chine gun, automatics, his whereabouts. And all the Quit sending our produce 'cross and that money which Pete Max- and a sharp word, carrying with country on trains. well had extracted from the pocket time, the acrid odor of powder smoke, Develop our West land so dear. of his old clothing were evidence it nnd tumbled over the furdanced MRS. A. F. SMYTH, enough of serious things impend- rows of his fevered brain: homi-cil- e ing. homicide-O- ut homicide Nampa, Idaho. Joe shuddered from the possible of the room and down the bewhich rose constantly charge ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. fore him. The hours passed. Then elevator he went. Homicide. Into Trusses Artificial Limba Bracea the turnkey came In to take him the cage and back to his cell. Arch Supports Crutches to the patrol that was to conduct They came for him again, and led Shoes Elastic Extension Hoiserr him, with other prisoners, to po- him out once more, past more of Established in Salt Lake tn 1908 lice headquarters for the morning fices, past more places where type Ph. Was. 6264 Satisfaction Guaranteed writers clicked and coatless men In black sleeve protectors came and nter street, Joe hardly noticed his went; .Toe saw It all and saw nothAnother place of ing. Then they were all In a room surroundings. confinement, another stopping place again, about a table, and Pete Maxin this shifting Journey to a mar- well was questioning him anew. But Joe could only stare and say: ket place of human frailties. "I can't tell you. I don't know." He entered the buildinp, with Gradually, through the medium of the other scuffling occupants of the patrol. A man in uniform sat In examination, he learned the details a sort of enclosed throne In the big of the accusation.. During the wind rain of that storm, a truck rotunda; it might have been an of- and fice building Information desk. Then laden with Canadian contraband came an office with the metholl-ca- l had slithered along a greasy toroad, Inwhile cutting across country taking of names. After this, a tercept it had been two members of flanked office doors by hallway, the state police, one hearing In a with the names of interminable of currency marked bureaus upon them; after that the pocket a roll for use in a later case. line dived Inio a narrow stairway that night one had under guard. Then they took his There hnd a been shots; the truck rear tire; name again, In a little cage, where punctured had overturned nnd the driver hnd another fat man fondled various died. the insistent spurts of keys from a rack which hung above yellow-re- Then had come from the vihis desk. Once more, he was in of a Thompson maa cell, noticing vaguely that he pos cious muzzle gun In the hands of the secsessed a mate, and staring as chine ond rider; one trooper had dropped vaguely about him. the vicious spit of the TomMore hours went by. Then the before ; then the other had crumpled turnkey came and got him; Pete cat face downward In the Maxwell was waiting In the grilled and gone But when aid arrived, the cage outside the holdover proper, to mud. pockets of the state police had take him to the photographer's. turned inside out. every mark The endless detail, the constant beenIdentification had been taken shifting, moving about, from cage of to" cage, handcuff to handcuff. Then from the body of the dead driver, "No." Maxwell opened a door and put Joe his hands crushed to defeat com"You believe In leading trumps In Barry Into still another cage, a big parison of fingerprints and his feaa pincu, though. Now we II play a one this time, with some twenty tures mutilated beyond chances of Mind pushing the button. other men, a cage which reached recognition. The "chopper," or mafew. .Captain?" nearly to the ceiling', and opening chine gunner had disappeared. Joe The captain complied and gave a upon a wide room, fitted mostly was accused of being that man. command to the officer who re- with tables and photographic ap- But he could only gasp and say: "I don't know anything about it I sponded to the signal. Out he went, paratus. I don't know!" to almost Immediately with Inside the cage, some men sat, I don't know four other persons. Joe was or- some paced, up and down, op and They came at him from three dered to his feet They all looked down, hands behind them, faces sides, the sheriff, Chuven and Maxat him carefully. Then, bewil- to the floor. At first there were well. They asked swift questions, dered, he heard hlmSelf Identified, only a few, then others came from they asked slow ones, they pressed first by a farmer who swore him the benches, and still more; pac- him, they gave him long pauses "I don't know anything about the money. But about those clothes. I had them on day before yesterday and got caught In the rain." "Where?" "Up by Newburgh, near the little town called Orr's Mills." Pete Maxwell glanced hastily toward the captain. The three other detectives shuffled into an attitude of attention, their arms on the table. "Go right ahead," said Pete, then Interrupted at almost the first sentence. "What did you go up there for?" Jce Barry shifted; the first bubbles of a slow hate were beginning to rise. "I'm trying to tell but you won't listen !" "We haven't missed a trick. Hop to It." Joe Barry began his recital again, only to meet with some Interrup between the tions, various men, returns to the begin ning of his story. But at last they let him finish. Then Pete straight ened, and stretched, pressing his hands wide at the sides of his chest. "Bridge player, eh, sport?" he asked. TvC Ski turning swiftly, and moving back again. There came a clicking sound; bine lights, running in long tubes, burst Into a glare, changing the complexions of those who entered their range to a mottled. Jaundiced hue. Pete Maxwell motioned. Joe Barry went dazedly forth. Some one caught his right band and pressed It to a steel plate of cold, gummy ink, thence to paper. They took the print of his hand, then of his thumbs and fingers. Pete lit a cigarette. ing, . think he's got a record," "Didn't Join the parade." The fingerprint expert laughed. and he'll "Put a vie In a bull-pe- n pace every time," he said. Then he called a man under the long, "Don't he said. blue light "Joe Barry, coming up." gain a record always that rec- - quietly, never threaten Ing, they went back to the begin ning. They asked him about this man Martin. They wanted his real name. Thy wanted to know how Insistently, long they had known each other They asked why he ever framed up such a story as that Joe Barry rubbed at his throat. 13S W. Third So. For LOTION D AN INTERMOUNTAIN that were pets Mummies of dogs of Indians PRODUCT years ago, were found during excavations in the Southwest. 2,000 "GRAINS OF GOLD" THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL "Makes Cream Taste Better" Western Made For Western Trade Ask Yonr Grocer week will be per for the PO.Jarticlepaid on "Why QCT 50-wo- should nse made Goods" above. Send prose or verse tain Products best you Intermountain Similar to your story in to PERSONS D A Y Fo - -- All M Would You $io accommodations room Including: meats, garage, and special entertainment as described below: 1. Front Room with bath One night Z. Fall course dinner S. First nipht Breakfast and lunch Second day Gar storage One night 5. Two theatre tickets First day 6. Two theatre tickets Second day Good Week days Week end Holidays 4. When possible write for advance reservations and mention "All Expense" plan. Card will be mailed you. Otherwise request card when registering. "Cheaper than staying at home" HOTEL Intermoun- Column .P. O. Box 1545, Salt Lake City. If your story appears in this column you will CJff receive check for vW'"W MEWMOUSE W. E. Sutton Gen'l Atprr. C. W. West Ass't Cen'l Mgr. Salt Lake Citj, Utah Pay the Small Balance Due on a Fine NATIONALLY KNOWN PIANO BABYIN GRAND YOUR LOCALITY? The Credit Manager of a large piano firm will sell this instrument for the small balance due on lease, rather than bring it back to their warerooms. Just continue small monthly payments. This piano is almost brand new and offers exceptional value for someone. Prompt action es- sential must be moved within next few days. Write ... G. G. SHURTLEFF, CONSOLIDATED " Auditor MUSIC CO, 121 S. Main Correct Little Tommy had just started to school. When he grot home his uncle was there, Tommy told him he had received 100 in arithmetic. His uncle said to him in a teasing voice, "How much would seven (TO BE CONTINUED.) roses, three roses, and two roses make?" Whereupon Tommy hesDelicious Pomegranate The fruit of the pomegranate Is itatingly replied, "A bouquet." filled with numerous purple and red seeds, each Inclosed in a layer Bombing planes have been used of pulp. This pulp Is used to make with much success in combating In some malarial mosquitoes in the Panama a refreshing drink and countries Is mad Into wine. Canal Zone. "I didn't frame It up! I've told yon the truth. You won't believe me I I tell you, he was a man who came Into the restaurant; that's all I know. Louie Iiertollnl can tell you that, or Fullhouse, the waiter." on This 2 DAY "All Expense" Rate t Salt Lake City. Ut. Ask Yoar Drueg-is- t APEX-K-HAN- Come to Salt Lake City St, Salt Lake City Plant That Floats The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is a type of water plant that floats on the surface and sends out roots which contain air sacs, thus enabling the plant to float and not depend on an anchor. The flowers are blue or lavender and resemble the flowers of the hyacinth hence the name. The St. Chapelle in Paris is considered the most perfect specimen of pure Gothic architecture. It was built by Louis IX in 1245. |