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Show VA(1E TJIK two News Review of Current Events the World Over Intermcuntain News Briefly Told for Busy Kellers I.ABOK IS KMIIOUD KOl'.S I.AIK.K 11 KKF.Y Ciill.lt WLI.FAKK MKKT AI.FAI FA HATTI.K H ANS INDIAN NIMMF.K l'l Z.I.E Democrats Win Control of the Lower House in Next Congress Itoosevelt Defeats Smith in In ship- SALT LAKE CITY, the Utah turkey year will total over 2't UT.- -It nment pet ted that this car Imids. HulSK, IDA. Udiiiittortf, workers, medical men nml public frpirlied citizens from nil part of Idaho will convene lit Boise, Nov. 21 ami 23 ut Hie cull of Guv. C. lien Rom for a Blnte White House conference on child health uml protection, following lht work of t lie national conference held In Washington Koine time ago :t tin call of President Hoover. 8x-i:i- MORONI, UT. Dplte very cold nights. Die Kiiintiier flays are swcl-lin- e the buds on the trees at Moroni, Gophers frolic near the rallroud track, and many of the migratory birds, already south lu other yearn, Deem undecided as to where to make their winter homes. OK DAK CITY, UT. Poultry men of this section are being urged hy upedalists from the. Logan college a and the county office, to lie-- in meat chicken business, rather than compete with other sections of the Btate and the went In e.;g protl'icing. The climate here wan said to he Ideal for fattening birds, with plenty of feed available for that purpose. IDA- .- Only one FAIRFIELD. ioiind unilcr California's It! pounder about which there has been so much publicity a, 15 pound baby has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Manwell. The babe, a fat and healthy son. Is believed to lie If not the largone of the largest ever born In Idaho. Its est weight is over twice that of the average, ha by (it birth. BOISE. IDA. Work on the Owylie dam Is several months ahead of schedule, the department of the interior, bureau of reclamation, anotinced recently. The irrigation project is SS per cent completed with but 71 ht cent of time Olapscd. IDAHO IDA. Despite FALLS, seasonal declines, Idaho's labor has shown n comparative Improvement of late, according to Thomas McDonnugh, state labor said that director. McDonnugh southern Idaho harvesting operations and northern Idaho Increased mining activity had tended to the surplus brought about by decrease In lumber operations and the laying off of 400 men utilized in forest fire control. rb SALT LAKE CITY, UT. The alwilt disease Is to be battled In Salt Lake county. The county lease on two will secure a tracts of land, one nt Union and the other at Sandy, both of which are now heavily Infected with the bacteria. On these tracts 30 different varieties of alfalfa and the same classes grown in many different parts of the world will be planted in patches. Under natural conditions the most resistent variety would survive if any did. The professors hope by close observation falfa 10-ye- to determine the best variety and the most healthy plants and by seed selection to develop here a type of alfalfa that will starve the bacteria to death. Salt Lake county has 30,000 acres of alfalfa in jeopardy. SALT LAKH CITY, UT. The 4 state road commission spent during October, of which was for maintenance, $140,000 $18,000 for equipment, salaries and general expenses, and $40.'i,000 for Salt general construction work. Lake county saw the expenditure of $127,000 of this latter amount; Utah county, $57,000; Carbon, $45,-00Kane, $37,000; Iron, $29,000 Tooele, $22,00D; Uintah, $33,000 , and Washington, $17,000. OGDEX, UT The orders for shipment of wheat to China is greatly improving prices in the west according to local grain dealers. WENDELL, IDA. Movement Is underway here to erect a swimming pool and skating pond. IDAHO FALLS, IDA. W. Y. Cannon, Idaho manager of the Utah Idaho Sugar company, announced that $1,250,000 will be paid growers for beets delivered in this season. $021,-335.0- FARMINGTON, UT. A 1 1 o are advised by II. P. Mathews, district agricultural Inspector, to clear the weeds from Immediately around trees to prevent Last year damage by rodents. much damage was done as a result of neglect and many trees were Much of this completely gilded. could have been prevented had proper precautions been taken. SALT LAKE CITY, UT. Range water supplies are scarce in Utah with forage generally dry and short, making the hauling of water and the trailing of sheep necessary In some sections, according to the range, weather and livestock report of J. Cecil Alter, federal meteorlogist in charge of the Salt Lake weather bureau. LOGAN, UT. Records at the local plant of the Utah Poultry association show that during the past year business increased 3S per cent over the figures of last year. T1MKS-NEW- "The President asked us to come down and talk over this matter with "We have uo in," Klrawn suitl. quarrel with the President about It. Ilr. Hoover did not criticize short That sometimes is necesbelling. sary and tins to be. Wlnil he did criticize was hear raiding, and we assured him e had u machine that wouid turn over to combat this when necessary." Recently wheat prices have been upward most gratlfylngly, and the Chlcagoans said everyone In the market was optimistic and to see the farmers benefiting. glad Hy EDWAIU) W. P1CKARI) Arthur W. Cutlen. the veteran and sometimes spectacular trader in longer any doubt Its vote for the nomli.ation of SenTIIKKi: U noparty made ator James Hamilton Lewis, and grain, was reported to have will be In consums In the present bufl movehuge should In conconsidered be Lewis next the house the asserted of trol ment. gress. In Tuesday's election the not only a "favorite ton" but a Democrats cap strong tlgure In the party, who Is tured that some- entitled to the nomination. When GERMANY is preparing for with France to obwhat dubious hon- - Senator Lewis was told of all thin a of reparations, and tain reduction statement a out In consehe In gave j Chicago, or, and quence will elect In which, though he Is a decided as a powerful argument will cite the speaker, John wet. In? said the economic Issue of her debts abroad. The Relchsbank X. Garner of Texas Jobs and food comes before the and a bunkers' committee has completed an investigation of these forcertain their liquor question. being debts and concludes that every exI "I eign tha choice for the po constantly appreciate v sition. Able, experi- pressed Indorsement of me by cent that Germany makes through enced and popular, Mayor Cerinuk," said Senator Lewis, exports will be needed for at least ten years to pay Interest on the he will be a capa- "but as to the political platform beble successor to the ing only wet or dry, I have to say amortized short and long term . loans granted Germany by foreign I am sure the mayor and myself late Nick Garner W)irt tiiat In the present hour the countries. Germany points out that this Five vacancies In the house were American public is more concerned filled Tuesday, anil the Republican to know where many of Its people year, which Is far above the aver upset came In the Eighth district of will get something to eat before age, she has earned a surplus of Michigan. There Michael J. Hart, they consider what they shall have S000.000.000 of foreign currency through sales of goods abroad. This Democrat, and advocate of prohibi- to drink. Intion modification, defeated F. O. "Also, It Is more urgent at once sum was swallowed entirely by F.ldred, Republican. The Eighth Is to consider places of shelter for terest due on money borrowed the district that sent Joseph W. homeless families this winter limn abroad. Including interest and amorFordney to congress for many years, for places to enjoy a beverage. The tization on Dawes plan loans and and no Democrat had won there prohibition question Is one to go Young plan loans. since l'lKi. In Ohio J. II. Ilolllster. alon with food, clothing and homes Republican, and Martin Sweeney. for the needy millions, ami with aid- REDUCTION of wage scales for seems to be Democrat, were elected; Joseph ing the returning prosperity that Is Democrat, was winner In now on the way to our nation. These coming closer. As forerunners, sevNew Yolk's Seventh district, nnd are the concerns altogether of the eral roads cut salaries; and the officials of the Amer Edward L Stokes. Republican, was national democracy." ican Railway nsso- elected to succeed the late RepreWhich statement Increases the es, ... I 1, 1:.... rito sentative (1. S. Graham In the Sec- teem In which Senator Lewis is held ciuuoii, icuuiiii; These by those who recognize his sound executives of the ond Pennsylvania district. at their results made no change In the party judgment in national matters. nation, line-umeeting In Chicago now Is: DemThe house make-uhas warned Russia a voluntarily reduced JAPANtime about troop concentra by 10 per cent their ocrats, 217; Republicans, 215; Fanner-Labor- , 1. There are still tions on the Mancliurian frontier; pay from the assotwo vacancies to he filled One Is China has Informed the League of ciation, and then In ttie Fifth New Jersey district, Nations that Japan Is steadily exproceeded to disand It is likely the Republicans will tending its hold on Manchuria and cuss the wages of win there, but ihey will still have shows no sign of complying with the workers on the one vote less than the Democrats. the league's demand for evacuation roads. Daniel Willard Daniel Willard, The other vacancy. In New Hamp- before November lti; and the Jap& Ohio Baltimore of Januthe not be filled will until anese forces continue ttieir advance president shire, railroad, testifying before the speary 0, too late to affect the election toward the zone of Russian of the speaker. fighting battles with Chinese cial senate committee on the formation of a national economic council, Democrats also scored heavily In bandits and now and then bombardNew Jersey, where their candidate, ing a Chinese town. The League of declared the railroads would be able to build up reserves and thereby beA. Harry Moore, won the governorNations is worried, anil no wonder. The Moscow newspaper Izvestla come a stabilizing force in supplyship over William P.aird, Jr., after a bitterly fought battle into which charges that Japanese militarists ing employment during the depresboth of them injected nationnl poli- "invented the fable" of possible sion, if the recapture clause of the tics, standing, respectively, against Soviet Interference in Manchuria in transportation act were eliminated. Without reserves, he said, the roads and for the policies of the Hoover order to cover plans for an extencould not do much to mitigate the; Moore's administration. victory sion of their own occupation northamounted almost to a landslide, and ward. The militarists hoped, the situation, but on the contrary were his admirers, all very wet, at once newspaper says, to "weaken the compelled to cut down their workput him forward as a desirable can- resistance of other Imperialistic pow- ing forces. Mr. Willard gave scant Indorsedidate for the Democratic Presiden- ers by the prospect of a conflict with tial nomination. the Soviet Union, a conflict much ment to a proposal by Senator Robt Without opposition, Martin desired in imperialist circles in Eu ert M. La Follette, chairman of the committee, to set up a national ecoConner, who Is only forty years rope." nomic council with the object of old, and a Democrat, was elected of the Navy Adams advising business on governor of Mississippi. SECRETARY work. On the basis of Incomplete rea hand In the conturns it appeared that Judge Ruby troversy between President Hoover Laffoon, Democrat, had won the and the Navy league. Indeed, he CONSIDERABLY more than half to the distook two hands. governorship of Kentucky, defeatand there are those armament conference next Februing Mayor William B. Harrison of Louisville, Republican, by perhaps who declare he also ary have accepted the bid of the 50,000 votes. w put hla foot in it. League of Nations to take part in First Mr. Adams is- a one-- j ear armament building holisued a statement YORK state had an day, but the league officials were NEW of Its own that was Inin which he took a uncertain whether the holiday was in effect because almost all the largfall out of the pacteresting for two reasons: First, It ifist organizations er states had made reservations. gave the voters an opportunity, apwhich have been asHowever, it was asserted in Geneva parently, to express their preference as between Gov. Franklin D. Rooseserting that the that the primary purpose of the United States was agreement was to create the proper velt and Al Smith, for a constitutional amendment providing for respending too much "psychology" and that this had been accomplished. In Washington on its navy much forestation of deserted farm lands W. H. Gardiner more was submitted, and it was warmly than Great it was declared the holiday was In and as Britain. With figures and facts he effect so far as the United States advocated by Roosevelt warmly condemned by Smith. The demonstrated the falseness of this was concerned. amendment was carried by a two to and he rebuked those who had said Ah! said the observ one vote, Tammany nnd the Repub- It harshly. British parliament was licans being In favor of it. This, ers in Washington, that shows there THE for certain formalities, according to political observers, put Is a split between the President including the election of a speaker the governor definitely nt the head and the secretary. Then Mr. Adams of the house Edward Algernon of t he Democratic party and rele- had several talks at the White Fitzroy was given the job again House and gave forth another stategated Smith to second place. and then adjourned until November The New Yorkers also elected an ment, very brief, expressing bis 10, when the session was to be forassembly, and thought Tammany "unqualified disapproval" of the per- mally opened by King George. swept New York city despite the sonal attack on the commander In Meanwhile Prime Minister cbnrges of political corruption, the chief of the navy by President Wilwas busy selecting his cabRepublicans retain control of the liam Howard Gardiner of the in,, II.. f . . n , , i i.i i Inn In ni' n't r ... Navy lengue. He followed up tills legislature by ten votes. ,n r.,n.i by telling the correspondents that that gentleman the utmost the gov- of Chicago he had no Intention of resigning eminent would grant India In the MAYOR' CERMAK several other leaders of from the cabinet. This was way of The White House announced not made the Illinois Democracy paid a visit but Is known to pubic to New York that was held to be of that the committee to Inquire Into be fur short of the demands of the the accuracy of Mr. Gardiner's as- Nationalists of India. considerable politi sertions would consist of Admiral cal significance. He On Wednesday King George reHugh Rodman, retired; John Hays ceived Gandhi In Buckingham palwas looking over Hammond, famous engineer; Ernest ace, and though It was a state oc the Democratic posLee Jahncke, assistant sibilities for the secretary casion, the Hindu leader Insisted In . , of the navy; Under Secretary of k Presidency In that CllU, a IVill VVCIlllllg "11IJT 1113 U3UU1 R. Castle and Eliot William State cloth region, Roosevelt. cloak. and ft Wadsworth, former assistant secSmith and Ritchie Messrs. retary of the treasury. of Maryland, and several years a score of Hammond. Wadsworth and Jahncke COR he let the Demo " chemists have been working on are members of the Navy league, a crats there know of process making synthetic ruband these three, as well as Mr. Casvery plainly that ber and salt and of out acetylene tle are all close friends of the the party in Chiwater, and the other day the AmerMr. Hoover President. said the Illinois and cago ican Chemical society in session In would Insist on a Senator Lewis committee's Investigations must he Akron was told the experiments candidate who is wringing wet and limited to "assertions of fact" by were successful. It was stated that not a pussy-footeIn, reply to a Mr. Gardiner. the substance Is not a substitute question, he said : for natural rubber but a supple wnn from W3f the Roosevelt Chicago "If Governor DELEGATES ment, and also that it may find uses Preson called enough for Alfred E. Smith and wot in lines where real rubber Is not enough for New York to be elected ident Hoover and told him the busi- suitable. Certain Important differ- governor, he Is wet enough for ns." ness committee of the board had ences from natural runner are In addition to Ritchie nnd Smith, devised means to check bear raids claimed. One Is more resistance to he said, former Senator James A. In the grain markets. Silas Strawn, swelling action of gasoline, keroReed of Missouri would qualify In president of the Chamber of Com- sene. nnd other solvents. It is also merce of the United States, who acthat respect. more resistant to oxygen, ozone and Mr. Cermak, however, declared companied the group, said the Pressome other chemical compounds ident satisfied with the Illinois the that delegaappeared positively which attack rubber. In taken would tion the convention give steps being (0.1931 Western N.w.paper Union.) "Popularity Contest." Long-JohnN- This Week h ARTHUR BRISBANE The Very Best News No More Family? An Eye 100 Feet Wide Foolish, FOOLISH Russia moving There Is good news, bad news, dull news, criminal news. The best news tells of Improving conditions In many directions. The price of wheat going up, the South Is encouraged by good crops, better de- Drummond in his "ascent of man" says civilization began when the first gorilla sat up all night, club In hand, at the foot of a tree, to protect the baby gorilla in the nest above. Such civilization as we have is the work of children, Influencing the father through the mother. If Bertrand Russell's idea were carried out, and his own children taken to some Institution for rearing, he would go the next day to get them out, because he Is a man, not a machine. The observatory at Mount Wilson will have a telescope with an eye or lens two hundred inches wide. Twice as big as any other telescope, this wonderful cosmic eye will car- ry man's sight Into space three times as far as it has ever gone be- fore, revealing new nebulae, new marvels, hundreds of millions of "light years" away. The eye of man, not the telescope, sees. The telescope only sup- Plies to the human eye a wider pupil. The pupil of your eye, not much bigger than the head of a black pin, is nine feet wide when yon look into that new telescope, and, being wider, absorbs more light and penetrates space to a greater depth. Think of an eye with a pupil nine feet wide. The eye Itself would be a hundred feet In width, requiring a face as big as the faces of angels that Mohammed saw in paradise. And such an eye science gives to feeble man, feeble physically but not feeble mentally. Sen-net- .., ' 3 C "" mi mm aimi iirnfMi rnf r n in" inrti iinifcuiii fi i th mm win in pfui iLi Cold insurance He carries it with him, ready for just such times. That little box of Bayer Aspirin. If he catches cold, what of it? Bayer Aspirin will stop it. If his throat feels sore, he will end the soreness with one good gargle made from these tablets. Dangerous complications can follow the neglect of "a common cold!" Every case of tonsilitis began with "just a sore throat I" It's a wise plan to take aspirin after any undue exposure to bad weather, or whenever there is any chance that you've caught cold. If it's genuine aspirin it can't possibly hurt you; and how it does banish the aches and pains caused by colds, neuralgia, neuritis, lumbago, and even rheumatism. Bayer Aspirin will insure your comfort through the worst cold season. The more susceptible you are to colds, the more you need it. Does not depress the heart. P il Bee Carried to ' Work Grazing the bees In the blooming heather to make up for the failure of the clover to blossom earlier in the summer was the novel device resorted to this year by farmers on the west coast of Sweden. The wet and cold spring stunted the clover, but the heather bloomed profusely and at night the bees were transported In their hives to the ridges where it abounded. Straightened Out Doctor Did that medicine straighten your husband out all sight? Wife Yes, we buried him yesterday. ,,, "r,e "couldMn lst'ng 1 evaa- ,fny p,as ther J Old Mine to Reopen copper northernmost Lapland, soon will be reopened. Located close to the Norwegian border and far from the nearest railroad or highway, the mine has been hitherto inaccessible for economic exploitation. Now the mining company has applied for government permission to gain access to the mine through the Abisko national park. mine at Sjangell In Grandstand Hideaway Klukker Do you enjoy baseball, Mr. Rukker? Rukker No, I only go to get away from the bill collectors. in no substitute for hard work as an Ingredient for success. It Is every man's constant companion, and usually his best friend. Look askance at these "soft snaps," they generally end up In hard bumps. Grit. One Point of View According to a scientist, the average amount of absolute rest during a night's sleep Is only eleven and a half minutes, there being muscular or mental action during the remainder of the time. One Point of View It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but It's good, too, to check up once In a while and make sure you haven't Vegetables Daily "Two fresh vegetables from the garden every day in the year" is the slogan adopted by members of d the garden clubs of the Gulf Coast states. you suppose those Bolsheviks did? They actually paid the money. Paid It in genuine American dollars. Russia has learned nothing from her neighbors in Europe, not even learned that the correct procedure, when you owe money to the United States, is to send a commission, in- stead of cash, propose a morator-ium, or at least "freeze" your debts. How can Russia hope to succeed if she cannot adopt businesslike methods? Bertrand Russell says permanent peace will come after another big war, to be followed by a "world government" ruling all the earth. If peace does not come until one government rules the earth, Bert rand Russell will have been dead ten thousand years when it comes. Even if Japan should attack us, says Russell, if our people would keep perfectly quiet and peaceful, ' The Labor There The other day the Russian government owed six million dollars to lost the things money can't buy. American business men. What do Two Mac-Dona- ..... a?: :yi give. int'.u-enc- w, i, I Solemn gentlemen. Including the really learned Bertrand Russell, discuss "abolition of the family, and rearing children by the fjtate." Russell thinks such a plan would give greater freedom and prevent emotional strain. He should look on the inside of an Incubator when the first egg is hatched "by the State" and watch the little chicken as it emerges and wanders, disconsolate, over the vast expanse of white shells. What would that chicken give for a real mother to cluck, and spread her warm feathers? Ko-miserable would children be without the mother and father, the mother especially, to give affection that no "State rearing" could ever rec-ognl- , . p mand for cotton and tobacco, better prices for oil In the West, accompanied by street celebrations; pronounced Industrial upturn In New England. What went up came down. Now It Is the turn of that which came down to go up again. p r. Thursday, November 12, 1931 NEI'III. UTAH S. year-'roun- Too Advanced for Belief B. O.) was Archimedes (287-21- 2 so far advanced of his age that his principles did not become established until the Fifteenth century. Sun Diminishing H. Jeans, British astronomer, calculates that the sun is diminishing at approximately tons a minute. Sir James 250,-000,0- Testing Metal The hardness of metal Is tested by pressing a diamond Into it and examining the resultant marks under a microscope. say, Ambition's Result Ambition often puts men upon doing the meanest offices; so climbing is performed in the same posture with creeping. Swift, - In Manchuria, where the Chinese AttlW nflfiQlVOltJ rnnnn seems to find no difficulty in going forward. The American character would Geological Term have vo change considerable In orIn is the science that geology der to make only "passive resist- treats of rocks as mineral masses, ence" possible. especially with reference to their character. The fortune of great Columbia microscopic Dr. Nicholas over which College, That's Honest Murray Butler presides In New A lie has to be mighty good to York, amounts to more than one be worth anything, and a fellow hundred and forty million dollars, not Including building and equip- ought never do it unless he's darn slick at it. ment values. The college will spend more than Think Is Over $17,000,000 this year. Such a sum of Worrying Is the one game' In money, spent on education, should do a great deal of good, especially which, if you guess right, you don't if young men and women could be get any satisfaction out of your taught to think for themselves, In smartness. addition to absorbing facts already What "OH" Means thought out by others. When the average golfer says he's One at least of our industries Is off his game he means the best prosperous. Under its new law In game he ever shot. Arkansas GaBlx m0uths Reno, Nev., distributed zette. 3 000 divorces, which is not a bad citation of mass production In a Summing It Up Infinite is the help man can yield young Industry. to man. (,1931, bf Kins Fucuro Syndicat., Inc.) nn --neldllna I Kitchen Conveniences The modern kitchen is the housekeeper's office as well as work-shoA small desk unit In the wall and equipped with cookbooks, pamphlets, and recipe files, as well as a telephone, is convenient. You've Got Us There A college president says that In Europe students are trained to think, while in America students are trained to remember. Well, suppose one can't remember what he was thinking? Testing Device For testing the resistance of steel cylinders a water pressure machine has been invented that can develop a pressure of a million pounds to the square inch. Brings Moon Close The enormous telescopic Instrument at Mount Wilson with an enlargement of 2,500 diameters brings the moon withir approximately 31 miles of the earth. Make Important Decision Once a year the French academy, through the medium of Its 40 immortals, decides what new words, if any, shall be added to the language. Shaking Man's Faith in Self is easy terribly easy to shake a man's faith In hlmsc'.f. To take advantage of that to break a man's spirit is devil's work. G. B. Shaw. It Insatiate Jealousy Jealousy is never satisfied with anything short of an omniscience that would detect the subtlest fold of the heart. George Eliot. Really Rodents dogs are not dogs, and they do not live on true prairies; they are rodents of the plains and Rocky mountain foothills. Prairie Great Power of Love Love Is of all the passions the strongest, for It attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses. Voltaire. Named for Resemblance The Australian lyre bird got Its name from Its tail feathers, which resemble a harp or lyre In shape. Rotten Business There are times when business Is rotten because it's a rotten business. New York American. Tbe Voice Tells There Is no Index of character so sure as the voice. Disraeli in "Tan-cred.- " Ocean "Tramps" tramp vessel Is one which picks up a cargo wherever possible. A |