Show PASSEs PASSES TO REWARD RE WARD William F P Critchlow Well Known and Highly Respected Citizen Dies of the Grip At 8 S yesterday morning WilliamF WilliamP William F P Critchlow father of City Recorder William J 3 Critchlow Critchlow one of the early pioneers of Ogden and Weber county died at the residence of his daughter Mrs B B Brooks 2653 Lincoln avenue after an illness of several months La Lagrippe Lagrippe Lagrippe grippe was the immediate cause of death Mr Critchlow was perhaps one of the best known citizens in Ogden He has lived Jived here since a boy bo and has been prominent in social business and circles ever since Ogden was founded For the past years he h has been connected with the Ogden police department In various capacities HP He was greatly interested in educational matters mattor was wa remarkable for being able 4 9 i r i e S 2 S William F Critchlow to judge human nature and his hospital hospitality ity was known to all with whom he became came in contact Mr Critchlow was born in Leechburg Armstrong county count Pennsylvania in 1339 He crossed the plains with his parents in 1852 For a number of years Mr Critch Critchlow Critchlow low Jow taught school in m Ogden and later entered the service of the Ogden police department as a patrolman He was a patrolman for about two years ears after which he was made a special officer About eight years ago he was appointed house sergeant which position he held at atthe atthe atthe the time of his death In November 1863 Mr Critchlow was married to Miss Mary E Brown who was the second se ond white female child born in Utah and the first In Weber county The couple were blessed with fourteen chil children children children dren eight o 0 whom are still living ano grandchildren Mrs Critchlow passed to her reward in March 1903 The deceased was a stanch mem mem ber of the Mormon church For many years ears he was a bishops counsellor and superintendent of the Sunday school of I the First ward At the time of his de demise demise mise and or the past five years he h held the position as senior president of the quorum of the Sev Seventies Seventies Seventies enties The deceased is survived by five sons and three daughters William J John Q Charles R B Joseph x Benjamin A Mrs Ephraim Jensen Mrs Joseph and Mrs B B Brooks all of whom live t tin in Ogden excepting John Q Critchlow and Mrs Ephraim Jensen who live in Salt Lake A brother Bishop B C Critchlow of the First ward also lives In Ogden O den He was a 8 cousin of John S Critchlow Dr Critchlow and Attorney E B 13 Critchlow all of Salt Lake Funeral services over the remains will be held from the Second ward meeting house at 2 Sunday afternoon |