Show FOUND DEAD IN HIS BED Retiring Apparently in Usual Health Eric Passes Away in Night Park City Jan 10 Eric a Swede who has been in Park City for a number numb of years was found dead In his bed in the lodging house over one of ot the saloon at the upper end of town The i iI deceased went to his bed last evening I about 10 io apparently in good health The proprietor upon going to the thedoor thedoor thedoor door of the room early this morning found it locked and thinking that the guest was taking an extra sleep left About noon the lady in charge of making up beds went and letting herself into the room with a pass key was horrified to find the man dead The officers were notified and a doctor called but that gentleman upon arriving said that the theman theman theman man had been dead some som time Solder man leaves two children a son and daughter in BIngham and has other rel relatives relatives relatives here The remains were taken to the undertaking parlors of Richardson Co of this place and the funeral will likely occur from thai that place J A Hanley who has been suffering for some days with pneumonia died yes yesterday yesterday yesterday at the Miners hospital Deceased leaves a mother and two sisters in Ire Ireland Ireland Ireland land and two cousins In Park City The he funeral will likely be in charge of the Miners union of which deceased was an active member James McGregor came up from Salt Lake City this morning on business con connected connected connected with the Magnolia property Tom who has been at the Park City hospital for some time where an operation for appendicitis was performed is so far recovered that he left the In Institution institution Institution yesterday |