Show THE STATES LAWMAKERS LAW MAKERS important Meas measures tures introduced holl hinc lo libin plot nt linc ionie nir mood T tn 1 uti idich lint 4 lian l ian tint IL altot tint the nn elso legislature 1 I conspicuous it ing such bodies on account of its n at political sever never before since the earh earls da s be fore fare the old liberal part trained gained ans an ige has there been so unequal a lehon of member among the parties the epise I 1 of enen n denio ceat ind a populist elated elected I 1 a democrat and in the houe there are hut but three republic in ent ireIN too small a hod to he referred to as the other ld or as ai the opposition the rhe democrats have nil lill ind complete control ind and a mior lt no so lare large as to become a tio possible disturbing element aivre will be no to decide hue ot or the fate late of p possible fegi but the battles will be fou fought ht nit in the legislative halts halls not as ai parti an ire re prone to fight for or ad vantage tae but a as for mait antry tery and the tile lea of the part parts already there are evidence evidences of feel lugg loi which nin threaten the er ers existence eti stence at the th fellom fellowship ship hit it 14 supposed to ail am an na member if A the s tine mine po altic family the tile little let flitton flit lon that habeeb ha dt ht that thee will ill he be pi nt of the other 4 A ie le it d da irin hut but it ill 1 be tl in the of one orie parts an appo more niclous ind more to be feare I 1 than thin if the fight ere the igual jai pirt lan on ont those who ito expected i hort short neit Ac acison stori ilon I 1 because there be 0 so o little time tittle viken up in ill partin partisan de tie balest are luel illch to have their calculi alin upset the ind of the late mate of altah will ill find v he i it its see ses jon on Is termini terminated ted b bs leil ht that there is IA plenty of mark let for the next lel liture to cleil alth while but little real vork ork has ha been tlora dorethe the past week eek wait mag birkel b nutter of chief amoni among which wis the Groer governor nors message I 1 the Is regarded as a in ible one ree front roin partisan bla blast and already al Is I 1 manifest to conill with U ia only when the of i bounts on coco cocoons oni and the wico of the mik silk industry ire mentioned do the tile legislators smile more in fit i t spirit a of irony thin twin of merrl mint believing that the governor let hia his theory of extending state aid get the better of him the choon industry will W n t be encouraged by a bounty bounts law not this year rhe most important bill intro Is one changing the present law regarding incorporations it Ith h abeen been introduced tn tro the senate b by calne caine and in the house hy by kimball of cache its it goject Is to the oregon short I 1 ine to re in corporate in utah and have its head lualter lu arter arters here the bill likewise Ilkew lne pro po yoe es a slight leht reduction in fees gover nor wells in his hi message called atten ton etton to the tile necessity nece for or ome some uch such ac tion lor it ha has passed second reiding and AM receive early ear consideration and patis with little opposition and few anc hatigee ha to other bill bills were aich it they become laws would amount almost to innovations one Is an inheritance tax by b senator harbour populist and the other ie Is an income tax introduced bi b representative kenner harbours bill that i per sloko 1000 hall be paid on inheritance larl rii in amount from front 5 to ao 20 and increasing the rate aboe that figure Xen benners ners bill will ill be further noticed below kenner his Ms introduced another i which will ill make male him a prom anent member of the house it Is I 1 a bill to abolish capitol punishment for ni im uder order in the firt first and second decrees degre ei and ind tor for treason tremon imprisonment for life Is proscribed pr aided the trial jude judge may tip dpn n rc recommendation commendation of the jur jury reduce the sentence to not lei ie thin ten pir nr ions loni and commutation commutations can call only be upon the discover discovers of new evidence in case caie a pardon I 1 livant edthe the torl prisoner ahall receive 1 per aty diy nr pr to er day of the not to exceed 1000 the mie nutter Is I 1 all a ikc e asbur in the cap ital itil city AS a result of recent ni imitation tation the ministerial association of salt sall lake city oro januar 4 approved and hid thed A paper piper prepared b rev wishard which aich approved capitol ment and insisted the legislature should the law the reason the advanced wis vis hit that it Is mosaic law list gh el to goeb god and had hid neier been aa reptile 1 therefore it wa was still in force and nd being i A part of the bible it should 1 r not 0 t be abrogated b bv enact if loth this hon lion warr wart i fo fos n neuit j n t paper ter the populist editor and anti r nt it r re piled plied in a lecture at the gran i 1 omeri house in salt I 1 lake ake sunday rith art lost he lie created much public in path it in fi fv r ot of humanity ind and a rati rational onRI meth nieth ad odo of mith criminal it Is I 1 be b lie llev edthe ed the bill sligh imelde i 1 will become a law WA somri to mrs li birche atlon the honor ol 01 being the birst of her sex ex to 0 o introduce a bill in the legislature ot of etah it lb an anti high hat provision ea etore L FIGHT the senatorial tight is at present ab sor liln a greit deal of interest both in and out of the legislature thatcher Is 1 conceded hobein to be in the lead but it 1 claimed his support will not be latin lasting ills HI friend friends are making a strong hiitt and feel confident J I 1 rabin Is car conceded ceded to be second in the race anil and Il henderon hender on third all interested p irbit s clien cl alm ilm there N will ill be i a general shit tIn ting of astren strength ath after the tit ti t few re le and ard ill to be bene benched tiled ii bv it there is 15 little talk tall of dar horse horses and it I 1 no probable ans will ill develop into fa familiar millar competitors for the seni ena toria torla t a a a the ta will N ill be LOn tined it Is thought to the three abo above e named with thi tile senatorial quei question tion settled it I 1 grobi bic bil the it wilt ill get do down n to sub ab vint lat busl bulnes nes it ha mide a fair start atam ii it 1 in 14 4 committee ati he avii e been made and the tile real work of egl lation begun A food flood of bills Is pouring in and there will be no lack of interest from front no now on BL POR POP I 1 ahe he birst vote note for benator en ator taken at 4 pm p the irth ns gilted in alln 1 I in most 4 1 hatcher 19 1 is ts and leender son 16 home bottle change chang ill occur on oil the net next billot the vote a ai fol I 1 s in the senate for I or thatcher mon nion W V G Se beker so ron n aqulla aquila Ne bekor rideout joblon whitaker 6 vor calne chamber 17 fv arts an johnon smoot wright 6 tor for allred alfred 11 finier imer shurtliff 3 I 1 or la lawrence rence I 1 harbour larbour I 1 or mr mv connon absent abent senador snow sno in the cloase for cook of rich creer forshee gibson mrs la birthe murdock price ray ro lance stoan loan I sorensen of rh wheeler ij 13 lorli I 1 or Hen derbon enderson mrs anderson ben atop duffin hardy hopkine lne kenner kimball of ciche mabeld Ma Keld mckay 0 brien Oe coenson perkins 13 I 1 or raw alta tins lins cook of box Elder Dot bon on Gree greenwood nood lemmon lund mar tin tilt parm romney bromne shepherd sorer F f n of grand stew stev art illson i for I 1 awrence L lt man mangan manan an and Thoi Tho inon inson 3 for brown hanson kimbill kinia ill of carbon robison 3 tor I 1 or chambers callis the second das davs ballotin balloting for senator resulted in a galls gain for thatcher of two a loss lois to rawlins of four while hen deron derbon gained one judge goodwin re ceded four vote votes the greult wre thatcher 21 henderson 17 rawlins ns 14 goodwin goodw in 4 41 1 is awrence rence 4 monson of cache introduced trod a bill for the relief of school districts which ha has been advanced and avill w probably pass early the decision oath of th supreme court nullifying the law passed b his the last legislature ni some early action desirable thompson introduced a bill embody embodying ing the initiative e and refer endom idea tor for oters 11 lining ing in cities A bill bil lii was also introduced exempting to rich householder tsoo rom taxation the tile are the more important ot of the bill introduced below will be found a more complete record ay kenner to provide revenue for or the state the bill pro provide ides tor for a graduated income tax as a follow follows income front rom leoo 1000 to 2 per cent to 3 per cent 10 lo io and ard over 4 per cent A false fat or misleading statement bj by a taxpayer cr ai as to income will ill subject him to punishment tor for perjury an inherit ince tax tg Is alo also provided 0 o for or as follow estate of 1000 to a per cent to 3 per cent over A xo 4 per cent one fourth of the rev revenue denue of cities and count counties let froni front liquor licensee licenses be paid quarterly into the st stile ite treas trea un uri by mrs 1 I 1 t barthe to compel the removal of high hat and headge ir at theater theaters opera home houses ind and indoor places nf of amusement bee sec i that ill partle attending theater opera houses and indoor places of amusement shall be required to re te movi inot all al kind kinds of headgear that tends tc to obstruct the le less of ut other othera ec 3 that manager managers of theater opera houe houses and place places of amusement anu ement hall snail provide suitable ul table room rooms for or the pla ingot uch such wearing earl ng apparel bee 3 that manager managers of theater theaters and place places of an all opera orar haes hall he responsible for the enforcement of failure to do if thi this laft law and in case so 40 the they V ball he lie subject u to a tine of not begs than i nor or ill than aioo for ach off r pe sen itt bill NO 10 b avalt iker 10 lo of alei of establish a tite Huea litle aru I 1 abor abo r ind a agriculture ri culture and ill biking aking in ill th trefor for cover er agall it itura the statistics are to co indus 1 manufacturing mechanical and billed skilled and tries mining transportation unskilled la the tile amount of mach machiner I 1 nery nested misted in land bit building tidings material ard mean ot of p production reduction ro and anti distribution the humr age sex ind condition of pert persons on elli employed emp plo loed ed the tile na lire of their employment the extent to system steni pre aich the ail all the number and condition of the tile unemployed their age aiex ex and n mitlon fifon their clity together w ith th caust S ot of lands idleness the rv condition number and anti ork aze of rooms occupied b the poor the list t of rent fuel food clothing cloth ng and water ater in each loca locale lits of the the number and condition of the chinese in the etite et ite their social and san itar lab hab it is number of married ind and single I 1 the tile number of them employed emp loed and anti the nature of their mp loment ment their ier t er aie age i agaj abt i er da and the gros gross amount arl thi tilt expended expend eil by b them in rent food ind and clothing and anti in what apropo proportion uch tich amounts are expended for foreign and home productions and to what hat extent their employ ment comes in ci cc n ith the hite clashes claes of ahr state fate tile number condl tion ind nature of the employment of the anni immite ite of the prison count IM ind reformatory reform ator institutions ind to s hit extent their employment comis in ith the cibor of ciechan lei artisans artian and laborers outside of tle institutions B kenner to ibo ligh the poll rhe bill pro pr oides ides that the stati matt count i or Nhi whichever cheer 1 Is pro peri peris shill shtil pi p div i the expenses of opening and anti limpros improving ing the ro roid idi and that no poll tax ta shill shii hence forth be levied ri hundred coalts of thi attorney iene generals rals deckling deci dec ilon klong and construction constructions of doubtful points of law latt will III oe tie printed and anti distributed to county counts officers ortice rg and legis legislators latort the legislature legis liture iture has voted itself stall stamps ps forthe for the purpose of mailing documents to constituents I 1 therefore he do not hes irate to for copies of bills in w aich ou ouma may be interested it has been chirped that the present legis lill e bod Is the set of i men 11 en e ever V er congregated together republicans will N ill find no ill in be leving this scip kenners kenner anti poll tax bill Is a step in the interest of good roads if an amount in mones equal to the amount annually annual expended in labor were devoted to road building there would be a vast vait difference eun der the existing exit ting law Is poorly rendered and grud grudgingly gingi at that the aniual elsh and game bill has made its appearance people interested should address the appropriate committee and i lecure a cop the chronic economist has already made his appearance with time worth about a dollar a minute it docs does not riot take many economical pane g rice to become a e source of expense some sessions are half occupied by b ap appeal for retrenchment in beall affairs I 1 judiciary li hamer anier chairman baus rideout smoot sno snow monson and wright ways wa and means snow chairman calne caine harbour evans AV V G Nc beker public lane lanc L bans ans chairman Shurtliff Snow X G mon son allred an wright state affair affairs alfred haarman whitaker chambers calne caine shurtliff education sno snow allred clarbour robison Rob lson ila mer irrigation and agriculture chairman allred robison Rob lson smoot sno banow wright johnson elections wright chairman rob robt son on monson manion whittaker smoot appropriations and claims calne chater chairman nian RI lebut smoot monson N right hamer hamera W G it all raids Chan chambers ibers chairman AV G nt beker shurtliff monfort calne caine sno banow mines and minerals W G N chairman harbour hamer chambers robison wank and banking smoot chairman cannon shurtliff monson W G nebi ker counties and municipal corpora Corpor ions ilander na hitaker E evan abnot chambers federal relations relation calne caine allred johnson i P public lc institutions institution ss s S smoot moot chairman harbour shurtliff monson ionson Ean lon iton johnson private and ira insurance W Se beiter chiranian chIr nian Rob lAon non hamer smoot Ch chamber ambert pu publik alic health canon chairman bvans ean mired wright calne 1 I 1 v e st ick ck doblon chairman snow monin mon in i public right chalemin miri d harbour manufactures ind and commerce chita johnon john fohn on allred cannon fins it rules ules Sn ochal r man eans evans C calne alne smoot flamer band and enrolled bills mon on ch snoot snow apportionment cannon chairman hirbour Hur bour W V G whitaker Whit altre himer warner affairs NN rideout john johnson johnon on chambers Cham beri harbour Illg alli has and bridges haldi e rubout chairman johnson Jo linson Cham Chan lere itera I 1 iba tah and bloot Si noot chairman johnsoh Johns dh NN right cannon chambirs rs I 1 labor abor hirbour Mir bour chairman IV V G St beker it rideout whitaker taker cannon baharie ba larie johnton johnson chairmen rideout shurtliff calne caine E cans ans Lon contingent exp ansei evans chairman rideout itt forer ts and Pore tn stirs shurtliff chair antti wright clit robison Rob lson cannon chita ker USE COMMIT committees TEEN I 1 ahe fit ton are appropriation appropriations thore en robinson non lund murdock Muri lock mckay mcka sorensen So soren of bin Sin pete ala alor wais was s ind mc ins wilon all on creer maxfield Rov lance latice robinson cok of of rich thompson shepard obrien len bhore ton rolane giov |