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Show Salt Lake CHURCH NEWS LDS Ward Sunday evening services at the Eureka Ward Chapel were conducted by Dave Garbett, Jr. Opening prayer was by David Chambers and the music was under direction .of Audrey Sanderson with Norma Jameson at the organ. Duane Garbett was appointed Cub Master for the ward and John Phillips was sustained as president in the teachers quorum. Speakers were Mickey Morris, Darlene Nelson, Lloyd Nelson and Janet Brady played a piano solo. The benediction was given by Tommy Taylor. Methodist Church Tooele laymen from Tooele will conduct the Sunday evening services next Sunday, November 27, at 7 p.m. at the Eureka Methodist Church. Sunday School will be at the regular hour, 10 a.m., with Superintendent Carlene East-woo- d presiding. Eureka, Utah 84628 Vol. 64 Bloodmobile meet Former resident poorly attended The meeting held last Wednesday regarding the Blood Mobile coming to Eureka, was poorly November 25, 1966 attended. Mr. regional administrator Beck-stran- d, of the blood center for the in- termountain region, stated that they would make one more trip to Eureka with the Blood Mobile Unit to acertain whether or not the residents cared to participate in the blood program. If there are not enough donors to warrant them coming to Eureka, then all those who wish to donate blood would have to make a trip to Nephi when the unit was there. The date of the unit coming to Eureka will be given in a later issue. of Dividend dies Dr. Jack R. McKean, 48, of Sweet Home, Oregon, a former resident of Dividend, died Nov. 19, of a heart ailment while on a hunting trip. He was bom May 22, 1918 in Spring City, Utah, a son of Joseph E. and Ruth E. Larsen McKean. He married Carolyn Conyers, January 25, 1941. He was a captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corps during World War II. He had been a dentist in Sweet Home for the past several years. He was a member of the LDS Church. Survivors are his widow, two daughters, Julie Ann and Marilyn; mother, Mrs. Ruth Man-soSalt Lake City; brothers and sisters, J. Boyd McKean, Dragerton, Utah; John Lee Manson, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. C. P. (Jolie) Hilton, Farming-toN. M.; Mrs. B. R. (Bonnie) Platt, Salt Lake City. Funeral services were held Wednesday, in the Tracewell Funeral Home. Burial was in Portland, Oregon. n, Cigarette smoking heart attack risk factor according to study Heart attack rate in heavy cigarette smokers is two or three times as high as in pipe and cigar smokand former ers, cigarette smoknon-smoke- rs, ers. Studies have shown that death rates from heart attacks in men range from 50 to 200 per cent higher among cigarette smokers than among depending on the non-smoke- rs, 4 amount smoked. The earlier a person begins to smoke, the greater the risk to his health in future years. Every effort should be made to discourage young people from taking up the habit. There is considerable pressure on teenagers to smoke, and whether or not they resist depends a lot on the example set by their parents. It has been shown that in the majority of families where parents dont smoke, neither do the youngsters. If you have been a smoker will it do any good to stop now? Yes, for the same studies show that people who gave up smoking had a lower death rate from heart attack than persistent smokers. Actually the death rate of those who stopped smoking was nearly as low as that of people who had never smoked. Also, some of the abnormal changes in lung tissue of heavy smokers gradually reverted toward normal. As far as is known, smoking pipes or cigars involves no increased risk of heart attack, offi- cials have received word that the hospital has been approved to accept Medicare patients, according to Lorin Corbin, administrator. The approval is retroactive to Nov. 1. for holiday shopChristmas mornOn ping bags: ing, have two ready for action one to hold the paper and ribbon you want to keep, one to hold the scraps to be thrown away. Beforehand tuck away in one of the shopping bags a whisk broom and dustpan and a bottle of pine cleaner with a cellulose sponge for instant Double-dut- y clean-u- p. probably because the smoke in most cases is not inhaled. However, pipe and cigar smoking does increase the risk of mouth and throat cancer. For advise about your heart, always ask your doctor; for information ask your Heart Association. Ask your Heart Association for the pamphlet, What Everyone Should Know About Smoking and Heart Disease. IflewA YJotes . . . Yjewd IfjoteA . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sanderson, who are attending the BYU in Provo, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sanderson. Mrs. Curtis Butler and Mrs. Bernini, Mrs. Frank McCabe, Mrs. Darrell Franks, Mrs. Ted Johnson and Mrs Steve Milne drove to Elko last Thursday, where they were luncheon guests of Mrs. James Muth. The ladies are members of the Modem Mrs. Club, and Mrs Muth was a member while Joseph residing in Eureka. After luncheon they were taken on a tour of the city and then returned to the Muth home for some good visiting, before returning to Eureka It was a beautiful day and a pleasant trip for all attending. Mr .and Mrs. Frank Coombs of Pleasant Grove, Mrs. Janet Anderson, Mrs. Georgia Roach, Payson: Mrs. Ernest Farnsworth. Mrs. Frank Tuckett and Mrs. Mary Horton of Santa-quiwere in town Monday evening, attending the installa-ti- o ceremonies of the new officers for Tintic Chapter 18, n. OES. Hospital approved for Medicare Juab County Hospital n, Mrs. Ted Johnson and her sister, Mrs Sedella Boren of Pleasant Grove, left Tuesday mominer for Butte. Mont., to attend funeral services for an uncle. Stan Wyte. Kirk Brussel. a student at the BYU in Provo, was home her daughter, Barbara, were in Salt Lake on Saturday and Sunday. guests at They were over-nighome the of Mr. Butlers mother, Mrs. Amel Butler. Mrs. Butler attended the installation ceremonies of Mizpah Chapter 5, Order of Eastern Star, Saturday evening. Mrs. Butler is grand organist for the state OES. She participated in the installation ceremonies. Mrs. Butler and Barbara also spent time with Miss Sandy Butler, a student nurse at Holy Cross School of Nursing in Salt Lake. ht Mrs. Mabel Butler, Mrs. Vola Nevers, Mrs. Elsie Nilson and Mrs. Georgia Roach of Payson were in Ogden Tuesday evening, a 1 1 ending installation ceremonies for Miriam Chapter. OES. Mrs. Butler assissted in the installations. Christmm opening set S&turdn y, December 3 A big night is in store for the youngsters (and the adults too) of Eureka, when the Christmas lights will be turned on The date set is Saturday, . December 3 at 6:30 p.m. It is planned to have the high school band and the high Career Day held at Y Saturday On Saturday, November 19, six girls from the junior and senior classes, and their advisor, Mrs. Snoddy, went to Provo to participate in the activities of Career Day. Career Day is sponsored by the BYU and the Sigma Delta Omicron, which is a campus organization for all home economics majors. The days events were held in the Smith Family Living Center and were as follows: After registering and receiving booklets the girls were served a continental breakfast. Then a program was held with all girls participating. A very interesting talk was given by Mrs. Jooan Pitts, home economics teacher at Orem High School. After the program the girls were separated and taken to different rooms in the building. In each room a teacher or student would demonstrate andor tell what was done, by the students who took that class. It was a veiy enjoyable and exciting program. At the conclusion of the days activities, the girls were given tickets to the BYU Wyoming game, and all felt sorry because the Y lost the game. There were over 500 girls from schools all over the state who attended. Those making the trip from Tintic were Susan -- Sanderson, Carolee Rose, Teresa Emerine, Eileen Franks, Jennv Lynn Taylor, Jan Phillips and Mrs. Snoddy. Everyone making the trip pronounced the day a very rewarding one. Tintfc school i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas of Salt Lake, were back in town for the weekend, visiting with their son and family. Mr. and Mrs Dan Lucas and other relatives. David Bernini, a student at the Universitv of Utah, spent the weekend home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bernini. for the weekend, spending theef Guests last Wednesday of Mr. time with his parents, Mr. and and Mrs. Vcrn Nevers were Mr. Mrs. Jerald Drussel. and Mrs. Dick Connarv and Owen Shaw of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. .Tack Boss and familv of Whittier. Calif., left Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hyde Rundav for t.hpir home. Thov wer rolled to Eureka hv the (Jennv Johnson) and son, Dendeath of Mr. Boss father. John nis of Wells, Nevada, were ovBoss. Another son. BH. who is on Friday at the stationed in Korea with the TT. ernight guests home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Aitov is remaining here for further visiting with relatives. Rose in Mammoth. No. 47 10c per copy school chorus perform, weather permitting. Santa Claus will be on hand to greet the youngsters. The Eureka Volunteer Fire Department is sponsoring the celebration and the businessmen and the mines have donated money toward the lighting and Santa Claus visit. The firemen and other community spirited folks have been working hard to get poles set up to string the lights. So plan to be on Main Street on Saturday, Dec. 3, to enjoy the evenings entertainment. Kids' Christmas party date set The Tintic Kids Community Fund committee met last day and it was decided to give the Kids Annaul Christmas Party on Saturday, December 17. Details given in Reporter, president Hamilton of the party will be a later issue of the according to the of the organization, Laird. Services held for John Boss Funeral services for John Boss were conducted last Friday, Nov. 18. 1966. at the Eureka LDS Ward Chapel, with Bishop Denton Bartschi conducting. The familv praver was given by Eldon Lovell; invocation, Lauren Thompson; speaker, Dwain Garbett; organ solo, Mamie Wirthlin; remarks. Bishop Bartschi; musical selection, Wanda Colovich and Audrey Sanderson, accompanist. Mrs. Norma Jameson; benediction, David Garbett Jr. The prelude and postlude music was by Norma Jameson. Dedication of the grave in the Evergreen Cemetery in Springyille, bv Frank Peart. Military rites at the grave were bv the Eureka American Legion Post. Pall bearers were John David Garbett. Jr., Dwain Grabett. Eldon Lovell, Frank Peart and Earl Stewart. Burial was under direction of Fred H. Holladav. Chapel of Memories funeral director. Cas-tleto- n, news notes Parents Day was held for the parents of the 18 Nov. Tin-ti- e High School students. Parents followed the schedule attending the classes their boy or girl attended. Then the parents were free to talk with individual teachers. After the meeting with the teachers, refreshments were served, with Mrs. Snoddy in charge. The administration and the faculty were pleased with the Thev feel it parent turn-ou- t. was a worthwhile afternoon. 1 were held 14. Nov. The teams Monday, arc practicing for their first game, which is at Nov. on Tintic 30, with the Basketball pre-seas- try-ou- ts on Wendover team. FTA meeting A Parent-Te-a rher Associa- tion meeting will he held Monday. Nov. 28. at 800 p.m. in the Little Theatre. Parents and all those interested are urged to attend. ORE SHIPMENTS Filtrol Corporation, 840 tons halloysite clay. For an original topping to your Christmas package, tie tinv pine cones and sprigs of plastic pins to a big red bow. Pine adds an original touch to place cards for your holiday party. |