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Show Room mothers Eurrka Reporter PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT EUREKA, UTAH Printed By ART CITY PUBLISHING COMPANY SpringvUIe, Utah Entered u matter February Kcond-claa- a 10, 1948, at the poat office, Eureka, Utah, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subncrlptlcn In Advance, Per Year, $4.00; Per Copy, 10c. MRS. wtr.rj.B! COFFEY Correspondent Publisher HARRISON CONOVER Editor WEIGHT . WOODROW NAMember: UTAH STATE PRESS ASSOCIATION WEEKLY TIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION NEWSPAPER REPRESENTATIVES, INC. Legal Notices Guardianship Notices Probate and Consult County Clerk or the Respective Signers for Further Information NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING MISCELLANEOUS Write or call for Free Opportunity Booklet about the Wonderful World WOMEN of Vivian Woodard Cosmetics. P. O. Box 597, Delta. F17 Phone 7. FOB SALE MiictlUMOii WAR Surplus welders and dryer. Also washer. Written bids will be taken until December a. 8. Send to Tintic School Equipment may be seen N25 at the high schooL Dls-tric- There is in true beauty, as in courage, somewhat which narrow souls cannot dare to William Congreve admire. CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks and appreciation is extended to nil those who sent cards, letters and lovely flowers during my recent slay in the Fayson Hospital. Their thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. Signed, Mrs. Jerald Druasel SAVE $150.00 Singer Zigzag Mahogany Cabinet Assume balance of $50.60 on this like new Singer automatic zigzag sewing machine in a beautiful mahogany cabinet. Just slip a lever to blindhem, make buttonholes, sew on buttons, overcast seams, do decorative designs and etc. Can pay off at $7.01 par month or discount for cash. 25 year guarantee. For further information or frea home trial call SLC or 322-169- 3 November 25, 1966 THE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Two 363-398- 4 Notice in hereby given that a public hearing will be held in the court room, Juab County Court House, Nephi, Utah, at 7:00 p.m. on the 12th day of December, 1966, at which time recommendations of the Juab County Planning Commission for the zoning of the county will be given public consideration. Details of the resolution containing the recommendations of the Planning Commission will be on file in the County Clerk's office and may be examined during office hours until the time of the hearing. By order of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUAB COUNTY, UTAH Published in the Eureka Reporter November 11, 18, 25, 1966. Mr. and Mrs. William Pax-ma- n and their daughter, Mrs. Maxine Bird and two children, who were visiting here from California, spent Friday in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Mikesell of Salt Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Ranee Broadbent of West Jordan. Mr. and Mrs. William Pax-ma- n were hosts at a dinner last week honoring their daughter, Mrs Ronald Bird and her two children of Bell Gardens, Calif., who were guests at the Pax-ma- n home. Other guests were another daughter and her three children, Mrs. Peggy Fowden, Midvale. APPRECIATION want to express my thanks and appreciation to all my friends and loyal supporters tor the opportunities given me to serve as your county recorder for the past years. I have sincerely enjoyed Sincerely, Florence C. Wilkey Mra Frances Ewell and Mrs. Thelda Eastwood, room mothers for the ninth grade, entertained the students at a social last Friday evening at the Memorial Building. The young people enjoyed dancing and a few games, and Mrs Ewell and Mrs. Eastwood served delicious refreshments. A vote of thanks was given them by the boys and girls. ofwill FINANCIAL REPORT FOR EUREKA CITY FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1965 AND ENDING JUNK SO, 1966 RECEIPTS: Musical production draws plaudits An outstanding program was presented last Thursday evening in the Santaquin-Tinti- c Stake Center. The musical was given by the MIA, and those in the cast from the Eureka Ward were: Mr. and Mra Ronald Gilson and son. Ted, Jenny Lynn Taylor and Carolee Rose. It Begins With Balloons. was carried out in a carnival spirit, yet carried an important message as to the number of people affected by lifes decisions. The cast did an outstanding job of portraying the parts assigned to them, and the production was well received by a number of people, and praise was heard on all sides for the performance. t comedy presented here Three-ac- A three-acomedy No Boys Allowed" was presented Wednesday evening by the junior class of Untie High School. Class members taking part in the play were aa follows : Steven Lovell, Eileen Franks, Judy Bray, Marelo Bogdan, Lynn Gourley, Craig Sutherland, Jan Phillips, Jenny Taylor, Carol Stapley, Launa Allinson, David Evans Max Sorensen, Ned Allinson, Carol Stapley. Mrs. Helen Curtis, English instructor, was the director for the production. A good crowd attended .and all had praise for the young people who portrayed their parts so well. ct Girl Scouts Hie Junior Girl Scouts enjoyed an outing last Friday evening, when they drove to Pay-so- n for a movie and refreshments at a Payson cafe. Mrs. Carlene Eastwood and Mrs. Pat Brady accompanied the girls. Mrs. Ronald Bird and her two children of Bell Gardens. Calif., returned home Sunday morning. They had spent the past two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Paxman, and with her husbands parents, Mr and Mrs. Lee Bird. Mr. and Mrs. Pax-ma- n drove their daughter and her children to the Salt Lake Airport I every minute of my work. I congratulate Mrs. Carter and the other ficers on their election, and hope that each have a very successful term of office. LEGAL NOTICE entertain students Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sand-strowere her sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Richards of Cameriila. Calif. Other guests on Friday were a nephew of Mrs. Sandstrom's and his wife, Mr and Mrs. Lee Carter and daughter. Brenda. They were enroute from Hawaii to Illinois, where he will be stationed with the U.S. Army. m Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erickson of American Fork, were d'nner guests on Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Erickson in Mammoth. DISBURSEMENTS: Administrative Expense Fire Department Expense Police Department Expense Cemetery Department Expense City Hall Expense Street Light Expense Miscellaneous General Expense State Insurance Expense Election Expense Tax Assessing and Collecting Firemen's Ambulance Fund Water Works Fund Expense Joint Water Account Expense Street Fund Expense Sewer & Drainage Expense United States Treasury Department State Social Security State Tax Commission Utah Public Employees Retirement Fund Blue Cross-Blu- e Shield Insurance Memorial Building Expense $ 5,332.45 1,780.31 5,536.62 795.05 1,444.63 2,292.00 280.78 221.30 462.73 283.48 299.42 9,509.79 3,142.42 2,601.50 142.94 1,081.75 1,307.83 101.98 867.12 1,308.00 1.435.11 $40,227.21 TOTAL RECEIPTS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ...$43,373.28 ... 40,227.21 $ 3,146.07 BANK BALANCE JUNE 30, 1966 CASH UNDEPOSITED JUNE 30, 1966 4 3,096.07 50.00 $ 3,146.07 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Salary of Mayor and Council Salary of Reporter Salary of Treasurer Salary of Attorney Salary of Justice of the Peace Mountain States Telephone Company United States Post Office Clyde Campbell (Spraying Trees) Bradshaw Auto Parts Udell R. Jensen (Bond) Curtis Butler (Refund on Check Lost) Utah Municipal League Carr Printing Company Owen G. Losee (Fixing Check Protector) Olsen, Gardner & Squire (Auditors) Laird's Market Eureka Troop No. Ill Boy Scouts 4 960.00 1,119.87 724.63 697.14 300.00 248.00 53.60 40.00 43.58 10.00 6.00 8.00 75.40 10.00 350.00 19.28 100.00 2.23 Randles Market Central Utah Insurance Agency First Security Bank of Utah (Voucher Checks) Kelly Company Salt Lake Stamp Company 108.00 51.88 62.09 9.40 Lloyd's Typewriting Company State Auditor Carrol Rogers Distributing Company Eureka Reporter Lowe's Typewriting Company Lees Variety Store American Oil Company Utah Power A Light Company 4.00 2.00 42.50 97.70 38.00 80.44 40.56 28.15 $ 5,332.45 FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE Maintenance Fire Department .... $ Salary of Fire Chief Mountain States Telephone Company ... .. . Sylvester Grill (Tintic Service Station) ... Eureka Auto Service Universal Safety and Fire Equipment Company""!!"!!.'" Mine Safety and Appliance Company Ralphs Distributing Company Z"Z... Transport T. Clearings Wycoff Company Incorporated Lee's Variety Store Wcstlnghouse Electric Company . Randle's Service ZZZ Continental Oil Company -- !.!!IZZ!!!ZZZ 816.00 60.00 395.16 4.15 84.36 183.13 24.00 6.88 9.42 1.00 15.04 50.96 21J0 109.11 $ 1,780.31 |