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Show November 25, 1966 fHE EUREKA (UTAH) REPORTER Page Three POLICE DEPARTMENT EXPENSE Salary of Marshal Car Allowance of Marshal $ 2.058.96 480.00 1.988.75 430.00 220.11 12.00 42.00 10.00 146.40 4.10 49.11 28.55 66.64 Salary of Harold Bates (Nightwatchman) Salary of Reed Pett ( Nightwatchman i Mountain States Telephone Company Keith Atherley Richard Willet Fred Roberts Farmers Insurance Exchange Andrew Drug Company Carr Publishing Company Some's Uniforms Inc Gopher Shooters Supply Company 8 5,536.62 ITAII PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT FUND Retirement on Employees y 867.12 UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 3 1,081.75 Withholding Tax Mrs. Joan Entrn Nous Mrs. Cecil Fitch, Jr., entertained the Entre Nous Literary Club last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Alex Blight reviewed the American picture Heritage History of World War II. a chronological review of important events leading up to VJ Day, by C. L. Sulzberter. Records were played in connection with the review, which added considerably to the evening's entertainment. A short business session followed the review, with Presi- dent Bonnie Milne in charge. Mrs. Fitch served tasty refreshments to members, Mrs. Bruce Moulton, Mrs. Earlean Gear, Mrs. Nick Sarkady, Mrs. Steve Milne, Mrs. Alex Blight, Mrs. Curtis Butler, Mrs. V. L. Anderson, Mrs Leslie Randle and Mrs. Steele McIntyre. CEMETERY DEPARTMENT EXPENSE Tintic Lumber Company Mammoth Service Corporation Kent Cushing Randle's Service Henry M. Johnson Ralph's Distributing Company Alvie's Concrete Company Afternoon Club The Thursday Afternoon Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dean Rose in Mammoth. Luncheon was served at 1:00 p m. and 500" provided the afternoon's diversion. Attending were Mrs. Oscar Erickson, Mrs. Ed Webb, Mrs. Melvin Hansen, Mrs Brennan Hannifin. Mrs. Pete Sorensen, and special guests, Mrs. Jim Toone, Mrs. Virgil Berry, and Mrs. Gerald Altken. High score winners were Mrs. Toone, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Erickson and Mrs. Altken. CITY HALL EXPENSE Bill Allinson Butler Roofing Lee's Variety Store Tintic Lumber Company Lee Bird Randle's Market Randle's Service Eureka Auto Service Utah Power and Light Company STREET LIGHTS EXPENSE MISCELLANEOUS GENERAL EXPENSE Gray Realty Company (Insurance on Buildings) Kay Cushing (Return on House Removal) Columbia Rebekah Columbia Rebekah Lodge No. 2, met last Thursday evening ELECTION EXPENSE Carr Printing Company Margaret Hyde Virginia Bradford Rhoda J. Bell Donna Pax man Roanna Hansen Agnes Clement Genevieve Sanderson Myrtle Theriault RWena B. Hanks Anna McDonell Ruby M. Bigler Virginia Cartwright Dale is confined to the Payson Hospital, where she is receiving treatment for an illness. Friends are wishing her a speedy and complete re- En-rou- te Miners Auxiliary Miners' Union Auxiliary met Wednesday evening in the Miners Union Hall, with President Menu Garbett, conducting. A regular business meeting was held, and cards were dispensed with for the evening, and a surprise baby shower was given for Dorothy Allinson. Several games were enjoyed with Grace Chatwin, Alice Peart and lone Ryan winning prizes. Hostesses for the meeting were Alice Peart and Clara Bates. They served delicious refreshments. 102.10 3.97 582.33 232.41 95.10 .$ . . 2.50 4.07 1,274.05 25.75 1,612.51 223.54 5 3,142.42 STREET FUND EXPENSE Lee's Variety Store Joseph A. Bernini Commercial Tire Service Alvies Concrete Company Tintic Garage (Grill's) American Oil Company Eureka Auto Service Randle's Service TAX ASSESSING AND COLLECTING FIREMENS AMBULANCE FUND MEMORLYL 1.10 163.00 257.64 3.00 727.39 59.54 371.84 1,017.99 BUILDING EXPENSE 2,601.50 J. I. Holcomb Company, Inc. SEWER AND DRAINAGE EXPENSE Fred Laird's Market Lee's Variety Store Randles Market Harrison Bros. Janitorial Supply, Inc. M. - Blight BLUE CROSS-BLU- E SHIELD 3 STATE TAX COMMISSION 10198 State Tax Withheld UTAH STATE SOCIAL SECURITY Social Security Withheld Salary of Recorder Salary of Pumpman Car Allowance of Pumpman Stevan Evans Lee's Variety Store Hersey Sparling Meter Company Larry Bell Del Chemical Company Luby Bogdan Tintic Lumber Company Nickerson Pump and Machinery Company Cecil Livingston Tichner Ford Sales and Service Waterworks Equipment Company Bradshaw Auto Parts Mammoth Service Corjxiration Paul M. White Eureka Auto Service Carr Printing Company I Balance July 1, 1985 Deposits 3 S74.43 2,105.37 - ...3 1,740.68 78.28 82.72 14.78 142.00 3 2,058.46 Balance June 30, 1966 59.41 8815 3,286,521, Gas powered auto holding its own Neither fuel cells nor batteries will put the gasoline-powere- d automobile engine out of business any time soon. That prediction comes from Oil Facts, published by the American Petroleum Institute. Oil companies and other firms are spending an estimated 340 million a year on fuel cell research. Meanwhile, automobile manufacturers and others are experimenting with new types of batteries to run motor vehicles. But the practical application of either development to gener- - Frances makes on debt to U.S. prepayment Sandy and accompanied them to the city. jot Alliene Farren, do hereby certify that the above and foreis a full, true, and correct statement of the financial conof Eureka City and all receipts and expenditures for the beginning July 1, 1965, and ending June 30, 1966. ALLIENE FARREN City Recorder, Eureka City, Utah Published in the Eureka Reporter November 25, 1966. I, going dition period ... No. Criminal assault is highest on city streets in the wintertime, according to a study reported to a national gathering of sociologists. In the category of violent theft, men were found to be victimised more often than women. 3 2,479.80 Disbursements: Joseph A. Bernini Social Security Utah Public Employees' Retirement State Tax Commission United States Treasury . Patent will be issued today. The invention with six claims, is titled Wind Direction and Velocity Recording System. Designed to sense air movement and transmit data to a remote recording device, the apparatus measures and records both high velocity winds and very alight air movement. It also will reliably determine the source of contamination in an air pollution abatement program. The application for this patent was filed on March 26, 1964. U.S. Patent No. 3.287.631 will issue on November 22, 1966 assigned to Kennecott under the title Methods and Apparatus for Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of liquids with Shielded Electrodes. This patent, which contains 16 claims, establishes a system and method for measuring electrical conductivity of liquids, and includes an improved electrical conductivity cell. This apparatus, specifically designed for monitoring add constituents found in the atmosphere, will be used primarily for air pollution studies. It provides the means to analyze numerous samples in the field and transmit the results to a central data processing station. The application for this patent was filed on October 11, 1962. Mr. Stout developed these two Inventions while working on air pollution studies at the Utah Copper Division. He now is employed as an instrumentation engineer at Kennecott's Chino Mines Division, Hurley, New Mexico. 1,307 A3 SPECIAL STREET FUND ACCOUNT Randles Market Herman Ekker Wycoff Company, Inc. Salt Lake Hardware Company 194 -- 3 ii308.00 Insurance on Employees WATER WORKS FUND EXPENSE U. S. in the Miners' Union Hall. Noble Grand. Vola Nr vers presided. A routine business session was disposed of and cards were dispensed with, and a social evening was enjoyed. In the drawing for prizes, Myrtle Whitlock and Mrs. Ncvers were winners. Irma Jasperson and Elizabeth Montague, hostesses for the meeting, served tasty JOINT WATER ACCOUNT EXPENSE Tintic Lumber Company Lees Variety Store Waterworks Equipment Company Wasatch Chemical Company Chief Consolidated Mining Company American Oil Company Juab County The U. S. Patent Office will issue two correlated patents assigned to Kennecott Copper invenCorporation covering tions developed by Mr. A. B. Stout. Jr. while he was employed at the companys Utah Copper Division. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Erickson drove to Salt Lake on Saturday on a shopping tour. to the city they stopped in Lehi at the home of their duugher and family, the late Jim Lunts, and his sister, Mrs. Esther Nystrom joined them at 3 9,509.79 STATE INSURANCE FUND EXPENSE from Ui. office covery. United States Post Office Chief Consolidated Mining Company Provo Plumbing and Heating Supply, Inc. Randles Service Mountain States Telephone Company Eureka Reporter Juab County Auditor Kennecott gets two patents Mr. and Mrs. James Toone were in Evanston, Wyoming, on Sunday spending the day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lester. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tarlantl of Fallon, Nevada, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hammon. |