Show t i OOF i j y > Tho isltatioi of Brfetlireitrifroin Binghaui d wIt f and Ostfeitf V It has been known for several days that the Odd Follows of Ogden anti Bingham intended to pay the fraternity of this city a return visit and last night the event was consummated ed About 100 of the members of the order of Salt Lake City headed by the excellent band of the Sixth Infantry marched from the hall of the L 0 O F in Union block to the D l R G depot to meat thcyncoming trains from jihe southed north beariqg their psi Yng brethran from the places iianfedf After gise1 debarkation of the geiitlemen a line was formed headed by the band and Ihe march up town began On reaching West Temple the procession tame north and nsthey passed THE HEPVLD office preceded by torch bearers to the lively niusifc of the band they presented a fine sight The line was a fulL block length Eastward from tIrE Hi fl uI they went to the Emporium corner I whore they wheeled and proceeded southward the hall Later in the evening a grand banquet was in order II at the Walker House to which thj j members of the fraternity did ample i justice One hundred Salt Lake forty Ogden and forty Bingham Odd Fellows silt down to one of the most elaborately gotten up festive boards it hasbeen the happy lot of mortal to gaze upon The table fairly groaned under the weight of delicacies and substantiate liquid and solid which mine host Van Horn and hw competent aidHliad prepared forth occasion A neat little souvenir iu the shape of p tasifl pHntellfaenw list was provided fpn each guest and llb kepfr as u reminder of the good lime last evening enjoyed The time was spent happily and will long be rcmpni bered By the visitinglodges aneof the best in their experience N4 v i I t 4 |