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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1931 REPORT the said bank at the close of business Made to the Bank Commissioner of on the 25th day of March, 1931. the State of Utah, of the condition of SPENCER C. TAYLOR the Tremonton Banking: Company, lo- Correct Attest: cated at Tremonton, in the county of H. G.SCOTT, Box Elder, State of Utah, at the close R. C. HARRIS, of business on the 25th day of March, JOHN P. HOLMGREN, 1931. Directors, RESOURCES Subscribed and sworn to before me, Loans and Discounts -- ..'$145,347.78 this 28th day of March, 1931. Stocks, Bonds and SeJAMES WALTON, . 13,708153 curities, etc., . . Notary Public. Bank, House 17,000.00 (SEAL) Furniture and Fixtures, 3,700.00 My Commission expires the 9th day Real Estate Sold Under of April, 1933. Contract 10,091.13 STATE OF UTAH, Other Real Estate Owned, 4,900.00 Office of Bank Commissioner! Due from Other Banks, .... 15,399.03 I, W. H. Hadlock, Bank CommisCash Items . 288.21 sioner of the State of Utah, do here . 92.50 Gold, by certify that the foregoing is a full, ......... 1,625.44 Silver true and correct copy of the statement 4,536.00 Currency of the above named company, filed in my office this 30th day of March, Total Cash on Hand $6,542.15! 1931. . W. H. HADLOCK, $2,440.63 Expenses 990.35 Interest Paid .... Bank Commissioner H. G.Scott Drug Co. Utah Tremonton NOW ON SALE KODAK No. 2 98c only ... Good Copy Right Books 39c, 3 for ...... $1.00 Tooth Paste and Brush 39c, 3 for ....... $1.00 8c bar, 3 for .... 23c Pure Coconutoil Soap Total jr FREE FREE Men's and Boy s Work Shirts Blue Chambry 49c X A Billiken toy with every - $Y f & pur. chase of children? 'oes-- . Saturday n, snins H , ft J rayon or A m X jV The Stamp of Approval on Those Who Have Accounts f I a Vofe ' colo, lit At good Quality , ii J W yrd,2rK 3,349.37 12,382.29 Deposits Subject to Check $88,789.28 Cashier's Checks, 1,255.02 Ill ... irw Misses Ray. 00 SHk Hose Ail Sizes . www $3,304.63 ... 3,475.72 Less Expenses and Taxes Paid, etc. $3,430.98 ?; Y- in which smartly styled slijer with a dainty trimming w a greai yxn. stitching and a taocy underlay piay more win Jease Daughter . . . and the price other! Sizes 8V2 to IIV2 Sizes 12 to 2 m $25,000.00 12,500.00 Net Undivided Profits, Due to Other Banks, A Patent Leatlier Shiny A Total Demand Deposits $90,044.30 Time Certificates Savings Deposits, .... $16,267.35 35,910.29 Total Time Deposits .... $52,177.64 Other Bills Payable 21,220.00 Cash Over ...... 15.02 , TOTAL $216,688.62 STATE OF UTAH County of Box Elder f Spencer C. Taylor being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is Cashier of the above named bank; that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of For Erlttttle bank guarantees an 0. K. credit rating from any house with whom you do business. It serves as a reference. It is indicative of character. Beyond all this it is your protection. Sizes 12 to 2 Sizes Sizes 8to 11' 5Mto8 TREMONTON BANKING CO. Play Osords For Little Girls ,f2 Atitomoble AM 1. . . . Service hwr y if AT LOW COST 3otstaanr - $1.79- Sizes 82 to Sizes 572 to 11 f values that every notim- will appreciate I Sturdy (lack leather, rubber sole, All - '2.. ..1.49 09C 51.29 1 r Eeans Toma- - s?zos - G2i?Hc " long-weari- col- til Attractive patent leather slippers with fancy grain trimming taade additionally smart with punch-wor- k on the toe and dde Flexible stitch-dow- n construction; double sole. A savings account in this Dainty patent leather slippers double sole. with Wj-!- r tJ ft am- ....... $6,780.35 ; 1ftfc.tr 6 .. Interest MI 1 1 and all next ' Profits, JPrice-ria- Styte-rif2lz- tt Undivided ! w e a t? for all the family ! $216,688.62 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in Surplus Fund, Spipflnn od tt IF $3,430.98 TOTAL Mens and Boys non-ru- .... Hew if. U For v J - Ilonie Wear We specialize in complete automobile service. Repairing, washing, greasing, simonizing, body and fender work on all makes of cars. We can match any color paint job. Also wrecker service. A Great Value! Well-ma- de And a popular model black oxford, with soft box toe, welt sole, rubber heL 1 Yoa can enjoy your housework jn a pair of these comfortable, Uack kid slippers. Outstanding at $2.90 01.50 Our Price for Simonizing Smaller Make of Cars $5.00 i K? yj "T Applique Jf i.uu J I Folgers I TREMONTON - J t . A ns, blues iv sis' J i v.-- 11 1 - Y 79; .V Jl.l M A h is. rker J . V iiananas V m -- ' on Hose, assorted pauerns ai ;:jf O f x vl Of The Artie H tu X Ail I Warm weather is coming Small cans .... 10c the best you ever Be prepared by ;' . "r ill 31 I y Refrigerator ol See ii.ii iwr, 2Va to 5Va x New A value thrifty parents wffl welcome! Sturdy oxfords with composition sole and heel. low $1.49 $139 Sizes 122 to 2. Sizes 9 to 12 Jfl.29 W9 Sizes I2y2 to 2 EAST MAIN STREET . 70-0.- LELAND J. HANSON 1. Local Agent POULTRYMEN!! BUY HOME HATCHED CHICKS at NEW LOW PRICES Diamond State Accredited : It First TREMONTON' UTAH In 8 months time our company has paid $15,000.00 to Utah policy holders to fix wrecked cars. $1238.00, of which was paid Box Elder County policy holders. Ask the man who carries the STATE MUTUAL AUTO INSURANCE Phone to guard your food and health . prices outsole. t o Majestic Electric X i - UTAH having a ; ; .Rubber ! Monarch Mighty itU Oats, Qwck ' it UTAH AUTO & IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 28 C&?$n Boys1 Oxfords Boys' Work Shoes See Herman Landvatter II AT ONCE r 1 w m 11 -- tt tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt .- -' wr""Bwr":: j mi .ir.ifi. w -- jjh.iiiijui.ij Agent for Ogden Poultry Farm and Hatchery TREMONTON . . . . Phone 7-0- -1 , |