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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER News Review of Current vents me worm uver The Boyhood of Famous a : j.v. John Hajrs Hammond The boys started on horseback from San Francisco to Oakland. Tbelr aunt, with whom they were staying while their father was in the East, consented ,. to the trip. They took a small compass, a shot-gufishing tackle and $60 in money with them. Blankets were also in the extra equipment, for the lads planned on doing a bit of camping before and after they visited their friends in Oakland. John Hays Hammond, the older of the two lads was fourteen years His brother was two years old. younger. They had been brought np in the California of Civil war days and they were accomplished riders and skilled in the ways of the great outdoors by the time most boys of today are still playing with toys. Their father, a graduate of West Point and an army officer detailed to duty in California, had taught them a love for outdoor life ana instilled in them a spirit of adventure from the time they were able to walk. So It wasn't unnatural that they should make up tbelr minds to see something of the world Instead of merely taking the ride to Oakland and back to San Francisco. They had heard much of the Tosem-Itvalley, then a comparative wilderness, and they turned their horses' heads in that direction, seeking the adventure that appealed so much to their venturesome dispositions. President Hoover on Business and Pleasure Trip to Porto Rico and Virgin Islands Mayor Walker Under Fire. By EDWARD W. PICKARD n, PRESIDENT 1 and a sailed HOOV- - "stag first quarter, hot they tmptS that th receipts for MarcL would run aliove J400.000.000 and tiose for the first quarter, ending March 3U well above S500.00u.ouo. At .east ol the total tax due was paid with thi Income tax returns filed, so that collections for the first quarter will run somewhat above the average for the four qtmrtent. Indications are that the higher tai will fall to offrate for lltto set the losses caused by the economic depression by around S100.OOU.000 Last year's collections for the first quarter were SC.ooo.ouo. TALES... oneTRIBES one-four- th e By F.ditiia L. m u ENDORSEMENT The Blackfeet The "terrible Blackfeet" are a tribe whose early contact with white men has colored most of the pioneer history of the plains. Tales of their daring, skill, and ferocity are to be found in abundance, so that it Is easy to iROIUBI.T twenty men perished fpkture tneui- - ",e terror of the Pa when the sealer Viking was ries, amousu;ng me enemy or nuntIng buffalo in great bands. blown op in White bay. Newfound The significance of their strange land. Of the'survivors MS, many of them badly injured, managed to reach name Is not certain. It may refer to little Horse island, where a few In- moccasins painted black, such as were habitants tried to care for them with worn by the Pawnees and other tribes. inadequate food and no medical sup- or it may have reference to footgear plies. Several others were picked up blackened by the ashes of prairie by vessels that sped to the rescue. fires, and this latter is the more probcalled by the messages of the young able theory. This is a confederacy, rather than girl radio oerator on the Island. Besides the large crew the Viking car a single tribe, as it consists of the ried the members of a moving picture Siksika (Blackfeet). the Piegaa and the Kninah (Bloods). They probably expedition. Included about half a hundred band. NE of the earnest Each of the three divisions had its of the own chief and council, and held its hopes American Federation own Sun dance. The Atsina and the Sarsl were allied tribes. of Labor the affiliaThe Blackfeet have been called "the tion of the Brotherhood of Railway most dangerous banditti of the mounTrainmen with the tains. They were always found with federation Is soon to wenwn in hand, eacer for a fight. be realized, according The young men went to war to ac to dispatches from quire horses and the means to set RepreWashington. up a lodge and become leaders In the sentatives of both councils, while the older men fought bodies and of certain for the lfve of buttle and to add to Secretary the!r prestige. railway affiliated Doak - ly Seabury had been put In charge of an Investigation of police frawe.jps In vice cases and of the conduct of city magistrates. The governor was asked by Cruin to revoke the appointment of Seabury on the ground of bias, but refused, and train was summoned to appear and answer the charges made against him by the City eiub. uepumjcan niemners of the state legislature were s.ill trying to put through a resolution for a general Inquiry Into New York conditions, but were blocked by several recalcitrant members of their own party. ... self-relianc- r Roos-evel- n hair-raisin- 'win J e i. WITH HIGHEST Watson from Norfolk, Va Thursday morning on the battlereconditioned ship Arizona for a twelve day trip on which the Chief Executive planned to combine rest and pleasure with business. Included in the Gov. Theodore party were Secretary Roosevelt of War Hurley, Secre tary of the Interior Wilbur. Capt William Furlong, who handles navy Island matters: Capt Charles R. Train, naval the next three months, it aide; Col. Campbell Hodges, army DURING annniini'tfri . Uat. fha ivhli ' kl.V .Will various officials from the other .. aide; uouse, will carry tioover rresiueni White House, and a bunch of newspaout an extensive speaking program. per men and photographers. ('Dpt. C S. delivering el;:ht addresses and making Freeman was in command of the Arizona and the vessel carried a full nine public appearances. Besides this. he is contemplating a trip to his home complement of 00 officers and 1,244 lu Palo Alto, Calif. The subjects of men for it was making a shaking down his speeches have not been announced, run after being rebuilt. but It Is understood he will take the The first stop was at San Juan, to set forth his own estiopportunity Porto KIco, and the President for two mate of the achievements of his ,ad workers' unions were Blackfeet legends mention a time to be the guest of Governor days was ministration so far and his alms for engaged during the week in drafting when t and Ulrs. Theodore at a they had neither horses nor the future. Thus he will be In a meas e the terms of an agreement for the guns, and banted on Fortaleza, the old mansion in which ure foot, but It was taking up the challenge put out amalgamation. Representing the fed tbelr of these that caused governors of the island have resided by the progressive at their recent eration In the conference were Presi from the early days of the Spanish them to become the "terrible Black conference In Washington. dent William Green, Secretary Frank feet." Horses were stolen from other It was planned that Mr. regime. The speaking calendar for the Presi Morrison ami Vice President J. M. Bu- - tribes with Hoover should make a tour of the Isgreat adroitness, and as dent who also is secretary of the is: arranged gemazet. land In order jto observe Industrial, Washington Irving relates a story International Brotherhood of Electri Occasionally they stopped at small agricultural and Boclal conditions, April 13 American Red Cross in showing their boldness. Some Black hotels, but for the greater part they meet the leaders of the cal Workers. Sitting in for the trainWashington. feet went into a Nez Perce camp and parpolitical in the men were President Albert Whitney cut the horses slept open. They shot their ties and gain a April 14 Idea of the Day, loose where each had general own game, varied their diet with the success and Janice Farquarson, legislative Union, Washington. Governor Roosevelt has atbeen tethered by one foot before the fish that abounded in the mountain agent. tained in meeting the problems of the May 4 International Chamber of lodge of Its owner. The Nez Perce streams and thrived on their own Porto The drafting conference was the were all asleep except a party of Commerce, Washington. RIcans, which are many and cooking. By the time they reached serious. culmination of negotiations that have gamblers, who were so engrossed in May 21 Fiftieth anniversary of the the Tosemite they still had a subbeen In progress for a year. In which The governor In his official reports Red Cross, Washington. stantial part of their money left of Labor Doak, in his for and in communications to the AmeriSecretary 30 Memorial May Day, Valley From there they ventured Into Nemer capacity as legislative agent of the can papers has given detailed pictures Forge, Pa. vada and by the time their father reof the distress obtaining in the island. June 15 Republican Editorial As- trainmen's organization, Is said to turned from the East and traced them Sixty per cent of the people are out have played an important part through express company agents they of work, he said, either all or part of sociation, 16Indianapolis, ind. June Dedication of Harding had ridden approximately 1.000 miles the year. Y Ohio. heavy demands Memorial, Marlon, on horseback. And all this In a period UNEXPE The population density Is exceeded 17 June Dedication of Lincoln of less than three months. It is 440 to the by few countries. have made it necessary for the treasMemorial, Springfield, HI. While seeing the country young square mile and even Intensive agri ury to raise $200,000,000 In less than In addition to these engagements, John had an opportunity to Inspect culture would not a month. Secretary Mellon announced support this popu Is the his first quartz mine. He spent sevto President review veteran: of latlon. So It is industries that Gov the Grand Army of the Republic at a request by Veterans' Administrator eral days watching the operations ernor Roosevelt says must be devel $."KK),000,000 to cover paythere. That experience was largely oped wore man 30,000 persons are their reunion June 16 in Columbus, Hines for ments on 1,372.006 applications re Ohio. responsible for his choice of mining suffering from tuberculosis, 200,000 ceived up to March 15. It had been engineering as a profession, a career from malaria, and 600,000 from hook estimated $300,000,000 would suffice, In which he has gained world wide worm. SENATOR HIRAM and 1 per cent treasury certificates renown and great fortune. of Calirrom rorto icieo tne Arizona was were Issued to get that sum. Hines Blackfeet The trail that started with the trip to proceed to St. Thomas, fornia, who is one of said, principal however, the $."500,000,000 would to the Yosenilte carried him to pracmost the Independent port of the Virgin Islands, where Mr. be needed by April 11. their game before tne fire that thev members of the upper tically all parts of the world, through Hoover was to be met by Dr. Paul M. The veterans' administrator also' paid no attention to anything else g and thinks the re house, dangers adventures Pearson of Philadelphia, the recently told Mellon $1,000,000,000 would be One of the raiders, his blanket drawn in South America, Africa and elsecent conference of appointed civil governor, and Waldo to pay all loans. close, actually stood near the Nez required where and to friendships ranging Evans of the leaders progressive navy, the retiring govPerce, watching the game for sonn from lowly miners to crowned heads. was a "fine thing" ernor. With them he was to study AL DACGHERTY. time, unnoticed by them. brother of Finally, John Hays Hammond was born in the problems of the and the that leaders group, which are former Attorney General Harry mounting some of the horses, the 1853 In San Francisco, to which of the Republican his as serious as those of Porto Rico. The city M. Daugherty, was sentenced at Blackfeet drove the rest ahead of father, who had been a major In the Virgin Islands used to prosper on the party should call a them, and yelling derisively, galloper! ten to Washington Courthouse, Ohio, similar meeting, add regular army during the Mexican war, manufacture of rum and the trans the Nez Perce herd off to their own Senator in prison and a fine of $5,000. yeurs naa oeen detailed. His mother was a shipment of European can ing: "Only good cargoes for the Johnson He was convicted recently of abnamp. come from such gath sister of Col. Jack Hays, famous as a entire Caribbean region. The prevailfunds from the now defunct Ihe Blackfeet territory Included tin stracting He is Texas ranger, and later the first sherconvinced erings." "somethat ing economic distress is the result of Ohio State bank of which he was upper part of Montana and north to is iff of San Francisco. Young Hammond thing somewhere" radically wrong prohibition and the conversion of coal president and was refused a new the Saskatchewan river. The six or spent much time at his uncle's home. burning vessels to oil consuming ships. with the Republican party. seven other tribes whose ranges ad trial. Mr. Johnson gave out a statement In His mother died when he was a little Only a few days ago the control Joined theirs, especially the Crows which he agreed with some of the fellow. of the Virgin Islands was transferred were their bitter enemies, but some D His father and uncle, between them, from the progressive doctrines and disagreed PIETRO C A RarchNavy to the Interior departthem held the Blackfeet In ereat of with Maffi, but said that "public others, taught him to ride, to swim and to ment and now In Washington It is of Pisa and respect and they were not often bishop and condiscussion hunt ne proved that he was an apt suggested that one result study of the Presiaroused to attempt retaliation for the stitute the contribution and value of one of the most emipupil when he and his brother made dent's visit may be the amalgamation constant harassing to which they were nent members of the the conference." He their 1,000-mil- e counthe asserted into dethe wilds of the group with Porto Rico as a trip Is subjected. dead sacred was In college. try Interested unem naturally pending largely on their skill with rod single political unit administered by In Pisa at the age of I Smallpox, measles, and starvatior and gun to live as they rode ployment representative government, i through one governor. 1 e seventy-threthe (due to the government cutting down years. power the lonely and rugged country. question, monopoly's en ill his earlier years he rations at a season when game was un croachments and public utilities, The youngster was educated In the G. JOSLIN. asao fame an THEODORE gained usually scarce) reduced the number 01 public schools of San Francisco. Later of the Boston tronomer and teacher the tribe materially in later days, but "Some of our Republican brethren he went to a private preparatory has been made secretary not In modern times they are reported t of he philosophy ; school In New Haven to qualify for Transcript, only belittle the effort but would to President Hoover to succeed. George was n.ade archbishop be Increasing In numbers and pros transmute it into the one public mat admission to Yale. He was enrolled Cardinal Maffi Mr. Joslin is a Akerson, resigned. in 190,1 and four In college at the age of seventeen pering. At present they are settled or and close personal friend of Mr. Hoover. ter of concern to them politics. But later was raised years to the purple by Pope reservations In Canada and one hi a philosophic onlooker who long ago was graduted In 1878. At Yale he was His main the marked his own course, and Pius X. The Rime pope, It was ruMontana, and have been publicized un a classmate of former President Taft. President'sduties will be arranging visiprefers calling list, handling considered deposing him be til they are one of the best knowii mored, In his own way to follow It From Yale he went to sug might Germany tors at the executive offices and maincause he supporte'. the modernists tribes of modern times, who enjoj where he spent three years In the gest that only progressives, In the Intaining contact between the President terim between sessions, bring these 'In a contest with the reactionaries In their limelight and play up to it clev Royal School of Mines at Freiberg. and the correspondents. the church. Twice, afterward. Maffi erly. vital questions up In public meeting He returned to the United States and The new secretary Is an experiwas considered a papal possibility. He for public discussion. It was a Blackfoot, Two Guns White went to work for Senator George Can any one political reporter and has a Imagine the was always a great friend of the Italwho was selected to pose for the Hearst of California at $75 a month. enced of Calf, either standpat wing wide Els father wanted him to bo a civil He Is acquaintance among public men. party meeting together with earnest ian royal family, and he officiated last Indian head on the buffalo nickel. He a native of Massachusetts and and able year at the marriace of Crown Prince and his band often travel over the experts' and publicly discussengineer, but the lure of mining was is forty-on- e years old. Humbert of Italy and Princess Marie country and lend "native color" to 1m too great and he turned down a beting economic problems?" Jose of Belgium. For this he was portant gatherings. ter paying Job with a railroad to bethe Collar of the Annunziata, DEVELOPMENTS gin his chosen career. The Sikslka must not be confused rEATH once more has changed the given the highest gift of the crown. He made progress enough to warwith the Sihasapa, or Blackfeet Sioux make-uof the 1 political house of ' I Cardinal Math's death reduces the This Is a rant him In going into business for to clean up New York part of the Teton Sioux, which will representatives assemble are Italian membership in the sacred col- - whose range was southeast of the himself. For a time he was too poor city politically in December. B. James Aswell of to pay an office boy and swept out his coining rapidly. Durlege to 2S, ugalnst 30 foreign memSikslka. They and the Hunkpapa were Democrat and ranking ing the week formal bers. Therefore If is expected lu Rome responsible for own office. He rode through the danmember many of the depreda of the minority agricultural that a consistory of neglect I1I be held before gerous Apache country on a business charges tions along the Platte river, this band, committee, passed away at his apartand were unfitness ong at which the pope will create however, was small and could not commission In 1S82, later almost losing ment In Washington after a heat atfiled ngalnst Jimmy number of cardinals and give the his life In troublesome Mexico. He was sixty two years old and tack. pare In any way to the "terrible Black Walker, the dapper at least equal strength with feet." Italians He came Into world-wid-had in served promfor conongress nine the foreigners. inence when he went to South Africa and debonair mayor . 1931. Weern secutive terms. Newspaper Union.) to act as an expert for Barney Barna-t- o of the metropols-noAir. s Aswell death In leaves the himself regaling and Cecil Rhodes at their vast diaWaban, a Nimuc, was made a JusVARIED are the Interests of difSamuel house 217 Republicans. 215 Democrats In California. The SOferent mond holdings. He was accused of tice of the peace. When asked what Farnier-Laborltcountries one that and the tariff Renreann. Ssabury charges were being Implicated la the Jameson raid ed to Governorpresent convention culled at Geneva he would do to drunken, quarreling In; Roevelt by leaders lathes John F. Quaylc and David J. armistice a the Transvaal republic and was Waban snld, "Tie urn all up, and of the city affairs committee and were OVonnell, both Democrats of New by the League of Nations Is forced to dians, nm plaintiff, entenced to death. But he was parand whip um It whip that has failed to reach an report York, died last .viter. Their successaid to be of such a nature as to comdoned and went on to greater fame and whip urn witness." 'fendant It has V. Matthew sors, though agreement that hopes and the O'Maley pel Stephgovernor to take some action and fortune. within a few years enough nations en A. Rudd. are both Democrats. Reptoward widening the Investigation now by The North American Newspaper Alliance) will Face paint was used among the In ratify the ,act to make It effecresentative Allen ReHenry Cooper, being conducted by Samuel Seabury I tive for Europe. dians as a protection against sun nnd publican of Wisconsin, died last March and confirmed by .police and magisFamily Resemblance L His successor .' as not been chosen. The conference was railed by the wind, and children were painted as trates. Sharon had a new baby brother. well as adtilts. In an effort to secure a truce The color and the Governor league Roosevelt beIt had let One evening at the dinner table she on the raising of tariffs and later to manner in which It was applied was come known that he would corresremarked that he looked very much PVERYONB has now filed his In-- - obtain a to any public clamor for a tfiy-widgeneral reduction of tariffs. symbolical. come tas .vturti, or should have like her father. The latter, doubtful pond Only eleven countries ratified the he that ant, investigation would done so. the In and experts out pieasea, inquired where Sharon act WashingWell-wortruce clause and all eleven made Imsandals found In cliff only upon "prciHc charges, such ton are busy figuring op bow much aw a resemblance. show that the Indians had The reservations. resas led him to appoint Seabury to Inusual portant dwellings Uncle Sain will receive. Treacury of"Well," replied Sharon, after think-- ; ervation was. "If surrounding court-trie- s a very high Instep. A sandal wa? the conduct of District Atficials could not yet make definite preme a moment, "you're both bald, vestigate would als sometimes burled with a Pueblo In ratify." torney Thomas C. T. Craln. Previous dictions as to the collections for the rem your' & 131. Weatara Ntwapapw Unlam.) fant to guide It buck to the under world. party" THE LAXATIVE T e TVLen you pet up headachy, alng-fls-h, here's how to weak, half-sicfeel yourself again in a jiffy. "Take a little Phillips' Milk of Magnesia to a glass of water or lemonade,! Taken In lemonade, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia acts like citrate of magnesia. As a mild, safe, pleasant laxative. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia bas the highest medical endorsement. to correct sour As an anti-aci- d stomach, gas. Indigestion, biliousness, it has been standard with doctors for 50 years. Quick relief in digestive and ellmlnative troubles of men, women, children and babies. 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