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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER OUR COMIC SECTION Events in the Lives D 0 of Little Men 'i my n i I J Ljd El -- 1 Like Color the best Gasoline . . . is Blended THE artist hg. There is Straight-ru- stands before his canvaa n Gasoline, to give power and long mileage. Then b Cracked Gasoline with its k quiHty. palette. Blues, greens, white and touches of warmer color-lade- THE FEATHERHEADS The "Thank-Yon- " - - ' : - - HORSE" IN ACKNOWLSDSEMEfJT OF HER HOSPITALITY vJHILfc WW WERE TMEAE I Note BEING BAJ4KKD AND CALLED- NSULTIMG NAMtS .ALL THE WU.E t WAS "WERE tl THE ID BETTER Are You "Hitting OnAlLSix?" Liver Stomach Bowels Nervea E) SOR4A ITS TRUE!- - enr Heart Are They Folks, the human body 100? AH is just like a good car, everything must be in work- ing order if you want real performance. You can't expect to feel 100 if your liver and stomach are out of order, nerves jumpy or bowels tied up. You weak, despondent people who have been trying to get back the vim and endurance of earlier years will be delighted to see how quickly strength, and energy return thru the use of Tanlac. Go to your druggist now and get a bottle of Tanlac Tanlac has helped millions so there is no reason why you, too, can't begin today to revitalize your entire system. Money back guarantee. (b Western Newapeper tTiilro FINNEY OF THE FORCE VCOUCSE.I CCyiD ThIE HUL TWINS PAY TO AT ONCE- - JlvmoS N Sggv Back It Goes jj 151 1 IZJ J I L" 7 ouamyomeN AT ALL IM TUE, NESGUBOOHOOOi -- pleasing to the car owner at it Rembrandt to the art connoisseur. Of course the genius of "knowing how" is the vital element and it is here that CONOCO refiners excel. ' Convince yourself of the merit of CONOCO Blended Gasoline. Try it today. You will find this triple-te- st motor fue wherever you tee the CONOCO Red Triangle. ) U climb? This high is a question which lovers of angling have often argued and debated. Many experts have declared that 50 feet Is the maximum for a fish to climb by means of a natural ltshway, The Canadian government's de partment of fisheries Is authority for the statement that flsh in the Mersey river are climbing a flshway 59 feet high. The omnal statement In part states: "Some big Industrial works have been under consideration on the Mersey In recent months and, In com y pllance with the fisheries laws, a became necessary so that flsh might be able to make thier way up the river unhindered. There were skeptics who doubted that fish would be able to climb any such height as 59 feet unless 'elevators' such as are used In connection with some fish ways were Included In the plans. Recent reports from fisheries ofll cers on the ground, however, have been to the effect that the natural fishway Is working most successfully and the fish are making the climb up river without difficulty." Bribery'. Toll Business men compote the annual toll of commercial bribery at 0 Meteorological Study The government does not conduct throughout the United States. a school of meteorolgy, but It Is in It Is known to amount to $100,000,000 terested In having those who wish to In New York city alone. follow a meteorological career qualify for that purpose by previous study. A Better Way This, however, must be carried on In "llow Is your son making out on the regnlar courses at Institutions or the ladder of success?" by private study, and entrance to the "He's looking for the escalator." weather bureau must be secured by RADIO IS GONTaX ISST MR5.Flf0tYOW WW JtALOOSY. f pfr A OP MOUQ REFEOtfTES.) ma'am St JpV " VJW (THE J VERY lTi More of us know what not to d than what to do. Garfield Tea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy For every stomach and Intestinal 111. This good ed berb home remedy for c onstlpatlon. stomach ills and derangeother ments of the sy tern so prevalent these days Is la even greater favor as a family meo Icine than in your grandmother's day. s troubles BbSi is:: Bps " t5rild Practa SlP HOTEL a.' r USSY, fretful .... of course babies are uncomfortable at Ul.nl M "? 1 ffoT NAKCOTK jm a I.. lianMtlv ftf teeth- ing time! And mothers are worried because of the little upsets which come so suddenly then. But there'a one sure way to comfort a restless, made teething child. Castoria especially for babies and children! Its perfectly harmless, as the formula on the wrapper tells you. It's mild in taste and action. Yet it rights little upsets with a never-failin- g effectiveness. That's the beauty of this special Children's remedy It may be given to tiny infants as often as there is need. In cases of colic and sunilar disturbances, it is invaluable. But uses all mothers it has evcry-da- y should understand. A coated tongue Newhouse n"iRUM11 I MMf.MM tman) - est? 1 GIANT NEON ROOF SIGN Beacon of Hoapitalitf mmmw iff TEETHING W6 LOCKED at the Massachusetts Institute ef Technology, Cambridge, Mass. $1,000,-000,00- For - duties for which a person la employed are gained after appointment For general and station assignments only young men between the ages of are eligible. eighteen and thirty-fiv- e There are special educational courses In meteorology at Harvard college, Cambridge, Mass, ; Clark university, Worcester, Mass., and to some extent fish-wa- Cimttna MSrtWlrfWS GASOLINE ol system between London has proved so satisfactory that the Great Western railway of England has decided to install the eauiDment on all Its main lines to Plymouth, Bristol and other Impor tant centers at a cost of more than $1,000,000, according to cabled advices received from London. TUERE-BECAUS- tions and blend them. The result is a Fish Easily Negotiate passing certain civil service examinaOf course, subsequent instruc Climb Held Impossible tions. tion and training In the particular and How can a fish train-contr- Oxford -- Like the artist with hit colors, CONOCO refiners take these three types of gasoline in balanced propor- BALANCED - BLEND Train Control Extended Operation of the automatic Tt4EREl STOP C1QWT anti-knoc- CONOCO C . well-kno- tones are blended by his inspired brush s the waves of the seascape take form. His genius tells him that only through the blending of just the right colors is the ideal result achieved. Otherwise his most painstaking effort could only result in a monotone, wholly lacking in brilliance Artistry and genius have their place In the making of CONOCO Gasoline. CONOCO engineers long since have found that the ideal gasoline is a baU tncei blend of the three types containing the elements most desired in motor fuel There is highly volatile Natural Gasoline, to give qukk start- - ULtu- tA FEJ MEALS Awn A ESQ TO TUE IGNOMINY OF FAKW NSlSTS ON MY UQITINS A NOTE OF THANKS 10 TUE OLD WARMCQ MrtTUPQ n SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH One of Salt Lake City's finest hot els, where guests find every comfort ytixh a warm hospitality. Cnrape in connection. Cafe and cafeteria. 400 Room. Each with Bath $2.00 to $1.00 W. F SUTTON. Manager ZZnXn ""2D calls for a few drops to ward off constipation ; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever older children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset, a more lilxiral dose of this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed. Genuine Castoria has Chas. 1 1. 1'lctchcr's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. Sunshi All Winter Long At Hi Foremost Desert Resort of Hie West marvelous climate warm sunny lear starlit rights dry Invigorating days air gorgaous mountai splendid roads scenes finest hotels the ideal winter horn. Writ Crt Chltter PALM SPIIINCS California W. N. U, SaJt Laks City, No. 13-19- 31. |