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Show VI1. BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1931 w C2AR RIVES VALLEY LEADER WANT COLUMN.. (28) ment of twenty-eigper cent waa levied on the capital stock of the j corporation, payable on the 23rd day, Principle Place of Business, of March 1931, to Moroni Arbon, the WANTED Cattle and horses for pastreasurer Utah of the company at his resi-- i Snowville, Sam ture, this summer. Call 63.0-dence at Snowville, Utah. Any stock Mortensen. Notice is hereby given that at a upon which this assessment may reof the directors held on the' main unpaid on the 27th day of Ap FOR SALE Russet seed potatoes. meeting 23rd day of March, 1931, an assess ril, 1931 will be delinquent and ad Call Ed Holmgren, Garland. then write to Geo. W. Slddmore, Manager, Union Knitting Mills Cora pany, Logan, Utah. : SXOWVILLE AND WATER COMPANY LAND ht 4-- at the Postof fice at Entered Tre-monto- o. Utah, as Second Class WANTED Cattle and Horses for pasture. Herd $4.00 per head for James Walton. Editor and Publisher summer of 5 months. Can take them April 15. Write M. M. Adams Sublett, Idaho.' Published at Tremonton, Utah, on PIANO AT SACRIFICE We have on Thursday of each week. hand in the vicinity of Tremonton, one of our very best pianos. Rather than pay storage or reship this inSubscription Rates strument to Ogden, we will sell it to One Year, in advance $2.00 a responsible party at a special Kx Months, in advance $1.00 price, on easy terms. Or, we will .50 farce months, in av?nce rent the piano with the privilege of buying later and apply rent on purchase price. In answering, please give full reference in first letter. c Glen Address Co., OgNOTICE TO Utah. den, . 1, 3-- tf. POULTRY RAISERS The Standard Chemical Products Co. P. O. Box 1764, Denver, Colo., takes pleasure in announcing a free advisory service, making it possible for poultry" raisers of this to receive vicinity, valuable information in regard to breeding, feeding, culling, diseases, etc. of poultry, gained thru years of ..experience and scientific tests. This service is given to promote ..the poultry industry. Do not fail to ask the representative when he calls upon you for any information you may require in regard to your flock. This information does not place you under and obligation. Utah State Representative, C. R. PORTER, located 735 Washington Ave., Ogden. ROSE BUSHES, 3 for $1.00 Trees, W- Federation wheat, certified last Brewer Barley, German year Orland Hess, select Call 43.0-1-28tf. Fielding, Utah. ?B Attention Farmers T Ford ton truck FOR SALE Model See Walter Ehman, Tremonton. 29t2. FOR SALE fresh. Good Milch Cow, Phone 28, Tremonton. FOR RENT Furnished G. V. Allen. Come and see our new and complete line of J. I. Case farm machinery. just I 27tf. K4I rooms, m A Tool for Every Requirement line of Lumber and HardA See Better VesetaMes , VIGORO plant PURINA DAIRY RATION A food Complete & of product Swift Company MILLING CO. ft I j : ' STORE GREATLY Appreciated EASTER NEEDS Easter is this Sun day and many house wives are planning big dinners for that day. For Saturday's selling, we have pre' pared several unusual bargains especially suitable for Easter serving. . Tremonton, Utah Phone 35 ipEa jjGEPHART Model Laundry 1 1 J Crowds By the Hundreds Are Thronging Our Store; Many Coming For 75 Miles; Making Large Purchases of "Quality Merchandise" at "Lowest Prices" During ANNOUNCES Our $50,000 Birthday And Expansion :,s--.l-- The completion of the most modern equipped Cleaning Plant in Ogden, and the only plant of its kind West of the Right now is Spring Cleaning time and with this Modern equipment and expert workmanship we are prepared - to handle anything in the line of Cleaning to your entire satis- 3 C . Jf ' ; e . New Silk Lowly Priced to DRESSES CLOSE Just Arrived for Easter A special, group of the very latest styles in silk prints and Plain Colors to be sold at special prices, in our big sale at AND RECEIVE THIS EXTRAORDINARY CLEANING AT ORDINARY PRICES CALL 132 TREMONTON $g 10c And Others Down Minced M 19c Mayonaise . 9tfv prhxs Relish Spread OR if ill Be Here At 9 A. M. to 31c All Men's and Young Men's 5t Will be discontinued and we SUITS Steaks Ladies Fine i-- 2 TIES -- Full Oversize Standard Tires SELECT QUARTERS WALNUTS POUND oC uuv 4.40-2- 1 FULL QUART PICKLES SOUR or CHOW .... SWEET MIXED 4J9 OQw 430-2- 0 4-9- 8 QO 5-6- 0 OR SICCS "A Surety of Purity" 5-6- 9 5.00-2- 0 5.25-1- 9 129 x 5.251 5.25-2- 1 4.75-1- 9 6-6- 5 128x4.751 Size 5.50-1- 9 129x5.5:1 4.50-2- 0 7-1- 128x4-755 5.00-2- 0 (30 x S.OOl 8-5- 7 TRUCK 8-1- 8-- 9 11-2- 3 TIRES 32x6 29-7- 3 7.50-2- 0 30-2- 5 We have your iie! ., . TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIHFS Fronk Chevrolet Company Tremonton, :: Utah 19c Purchase of of Dry Goods, Clothing or Shoes (1 to a customer) $3 go at $1245 Other Values to . or More Fine Quality Men's Dress Shirts, N. B. Styles. Values to $1.50 3 for $1.00 or Each qV ,jOC $20 as low as $g85 Buy Boys 2 Pant C OC Men's Shirts SUITS TsW and Save $3.00 low price of at the $489 CUSTOMER LIMIT ON ALL "j Monday - 9 a. m. Vz Price Remnant Sale Be Here ! SPECIALS f imjTijw. $9' 4.75-1- 9 0 Priced Low . . . Save on Tubes, too WD& AS YOU PAY . . $469 S-5- 5 129x4-50- 131x5.251 130 x All frM (30 x S.OOl (29S4-50- ) 4.50-2- 1 5.00-1- 9 129 X 5.001 29 x 4.401 FULL QUART PICKLES 30x3J Heavy Duty Quality Meats, All Cuts Lb Regular 30c STRAPS Suitcases $1.50 Values With Parade at iUV are offering them at less than factory cost to get suick action Values to $25 OC The Perfect Health Shoe to be in the Easter Bargain 1 Grocery Specials Short Lots, Values to 35c To Close Out Pie Filling, Peaches, Extracts, Dromedary Dates and' Others 1 Take Your Choice 1 r OUT Maxwell House Coffee This High Grade Coffee Goes Lb Saturday In All Flavors Pkg. FULL PINT Salad Dressing full pint J, We Have Closed Our Garland Store., and Moved Stock to Tremonton and Cut EveryWe Invite You to Come to the core to Make Sure It's All Sold in a Few Days thing Your Real Buying Opportunity of 1931 Now and Take Advantage of Our Greatest Sale WATCH WINDOWS and ADS FOR DAILY SPECIALS Mississippi River, which includes the Quadruples Clarification System, Premier Tumblers, Pneumatic Presses. faction f 9PM of Ogden, Utah Jello ASTS STORE CROWDS! CROWDS! AND DRY CLEANING COMPANY - i STORES CO. , Pork FULL PINT Farmers' Cash Union (, THE ers made it a point to visit our store that day, and there were many new faces, too. We know we will see those new customers regularly from now on, for all our stores needs is a trial, to make it a shoppers permanent buying center. ft "YOUR GOOD WILL OUR BEST ASSET" $1.85 GARLAND-TREMONTO- N Our Anniversary Sale last Wednesday with its unusual splendid offerings, was greatly appreciated by our hundreds of customers. Nearly every one of our regular custom- AA Vigoro is clean and odorless. And so inexpensive! Get enough for everything you grow. Result will amaze you. Vigoro is sold where you buy your lawn and garden supplies. Cost I ' maturity. con:-missio- rii First See Us Vegetables respond wonderfully when they are fed Vigoro, Jhe complete, balanced plant food. It contains all the elements needed for full, vigorous growth and early Utah-Idah- Milk-Le- ss complete ware for every purpose. Farm and Garden Seeds of every kind f 27tf. vines, Plants, shade trees, ever- CASH PAID For Dead and Useless greens, shrubs of all the best sorts. Reverse call Cows and horses. See our agent Lewis Brenkman, or t.f41 493J2 , call at our warehouse in Brigham, Brigham next to I. C. Depot Anderson Pro- FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1200 capaci duce Co., Phone 506. ty Buckeye oil Brooder, new last year. Will take wheat or heifer. MEN WANTED Not necessary to be 25tf. Phone 7.y.4. unemployed. Young men of ability Good building lime are signing up every day. Our line FOR SALE o $12.00 per ton. Srgar of knit goods and woolens is known 18tfd in twenty-fiv- e states. In business Co., Garland, Utah , since 1903. We teach you how to WE PAY Highest Cash Prices for sell. Good territory and high Hides, Felts, and Furs. Garland Sample display at Temple Hide house, J. W. Garrett, mgr. Bell Lake City, April phone. 146 and 26: Valley phone 31. Square Hotel, Salt 3tf 4th, 5th and 6th. If you cannot call More 6 - 5, Bros-Musi- . Seed grain, Decklow and FOR SALE vertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Saturday the 16th day of May, assess1931, to pay the delinquent cost of adthe with ment, together sale. the of and expenses vertising Wm. Hurd, Secretary. r-- , Vz GEPHART STORES CO. TREMONTON XL. UTAH Z3 |