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Show SOUTH TRACT NOTES On Saturday evening the South Tract, Social Club gave a Washington-Lincoln program under the supervision su-pervision of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitmore and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Erush. Owing to the weather several sev-eral oin the program were prevented prevent-ed from coming. Among the numbers num-bers rendered wore some' readings and some songs sung by the com-nuinily com-nuinily children; also two Instru-menlal Instru-menlal numbers were given by Harry Har-ry Pearson and Frank B. Johnson. Mrs. J. F.- Martin sang a Lincoln period song attired in a costume made in lS4!i. Mrs. Martin exhibited exhib-ited a number of heirlooms from the Washington period to tho Lincoln Lin-coln period. Especially interesting interest-ing war a home-spun blanket made in 17DS and a piece of while linen home-spun made in 1S20. There was a very lively twenty-fnur twenty-fnur minute debate, "Resolved that Washington did more for his coun-liy coun-liy than did Lincoln." Affirmative Affirma-tive C. L. Lewis and Ted Brush; neg-a neg-a live Lowell Nelson and Joe Fidel. Tho judges awarded the decision to ti e affirmative. AftT the program 104 bags of pop corn wore sold, the proceeds go-in;,- lo Ihe hall fund. The next entertainment will bo und-"r tho supervision of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lanham, Miss Edna Heck, and James Connelly. Mr. and Mrs, J. IS. Whitmore entertained en-tertained Sunday at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitmore, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pearson, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fidel, in honor of Gordon Gor-don Whitmore's ninth birthday. Alter Al-ter partaking of one of "Grandma" W'liilmore's famous pies, the men spent the atortuvm in playing eril)-ha:;'1 eril)-ha:;'1 wh'le the ladies discussed cil' rent. 'vt nls. Tho South Tract furmr. are get ti'f ready for the rush of spring work, as; indications seem to point to that time as being near at hand. At the Delta Commercial Club meeting of Monday night, it was -crui ively sleated that the Delta Commercial Club is not to be used n-i a channel though which to direct di-rect a fight against the Deseret Power Pow-er Company: that the committee appointed ap-pointed by the club was a committee of inver.tigat ion, empowered only to that extent; that Its findings would be for the use of a committee of consumers, who could act through their own organization and direct tiiv fight, but the organization of tijCJub could not bo used for that purpose. Allen Lloyd is rejoicing in the arrival ar-rival at hi-- home of a fine young nine pound boy. |