Show CI CITY TY NEWS notice mr AW Is the of nf th tb and dd doly ta thoria to receive subscriptions and nil for the gain any attentions tl paid t lo 10 a mr adma during his bb trip will fl all bl be liy by the aria 9 bing co FRED T rinar rita tirs manager 0 loar hem rn glint gilmor ora A Sidia buryll eta go I 1 L incon ciocho and baij october bar of bull bullion ionNo no 2233 A rowana of ct VM KOO 9 will IN be given for its ild ivery tit it wells frigo A co n s in salt lake city gm Q cannon loves this morning for Woi hington ain family if y won t go with him ile ho is ia expected to return immediately after of the committee e on elections in march BAU BALL AT TO THE E cm CITY un oa wednesday tannery january ad a bell ball will be giyen i 17 nt at the city 11 1111 all under the aus auspices alees odthe 0 f the police force lorac when they bey calculate to have a good time WE learn that tha BAY advertised rs ed yesterday as aa etolin was eap captured tired ag miles from the city y mr frank white site was in the awn of the min man brandon who got away froni from the tha chain gang on F friday night last will le be a special leation lealion of argent lodge no 3 4 vand andam A wi I 1 this evening members of sister lodges or visiting brethren in 9 good tt landing anding are arc cordially invited to attend there will lifework in the K I 1 A degree hy by order or of W M 1 I wt W BIRD SeC secretary letar T T I 1 I 1 cui BALL tile firemen mou are going going to have a bill ball on friday next according to announcement tho the boys are glug ebing to have a straight e eight if hour enjoyment at al 6 pm and closing at aam a m the news tug ing gasti bests as ai a i its iff opinion opinion that 12 would tic be a better hour for dismissal MASONic SociABLE on oa wednesday night nelt a social foci ablo lo 10 will ill bo be held at the masonic hall under the llie auspices auspice s of the brotherhood dancing to commence at 8 these rocia ables bles aro very se ee feet and the occasion oi of much enjoyment ment for those who may be favored with tilt THE WEATHER yesterday vas trim a mild mila I 1 though stormy day I 1 raining rading tit at I 1 in intervals up to noon aben tho surround una ios mounta lul became overcast ind and indications loflan impending joriu shortly after six 0 clock the veered birou around alfrom i from gouth fouth west to dkeith anerth west blowing blowin ff a stiff iliff breeze and accompanied by enow which made tile night M most ost dl disagreeable agreeable WF WE are pleased to noto note tho the return to our city of capt IV B donaldson lon Idson the controlling owner of the enterprise mine in lutlo little cottonwood worl work has been pushed on this mine with great gnat vigor ever biaco his purchase last october berana and there are rumors opened to the publio public the she will astonish isto nish the natives cati tC captain donaldsons Donald sons advent at this ibis inclement meat season is 13 a good omen we wish him ind and his mino mine every success OtTi CERS at tb the regular meeting of deseret typographical T union xo no held sunday last the following were elected as officers for ahe ensuing term of six months president preside nt william willfam faleri vio vico president koba mcewan john isaac ira cording I 1 ding secretary secreta ry john joha E evans financial secretary Secre iary oscar occar F lyon ly ons corresponding i secretory Secre turY colini no mo ferrish Fe trish executive committee joseph mcewan henry diceman henry enry orra orr john rod and byron ford sergeant at arms arma thos thom J mali dookin n I 1 A wis was circulated yesterday on the sliest trial that Brig liam young I 1 oung st was dead at a st SL george Goge some were th event others 1001 ine at U it in ick a idore practical light and buthe rc aulta we hear hea rj some remark that one calamity sk iloni came alone having reference to thel death leath of napoleon toward tho the ov ovo ning aning however we made blade inquiries where the facts were I 1 most aist likely tobe to be known and acre that when mr oco gen Q can cannoth laft st sf george on wednesday list last mr ir young was in health rod that bolh I 1 ing to tle the contrary lr rahy thing that would lead lib friends to 0 o W believe lavt tic the report had bad been cd since ad so the iho deport is u undoubtedly incorrect gen kinc anali is also reported to ko I 1 0 in belter alth than ito ho has bait leon been for a long longtime time |