Show castern SEW NEW 3 1 ri 1 A vatar flator fan is feared in new jer ecy on new years day the mercury steloi ht at 5 decrees below tm fero in con cu conj ra NII tho receipts for water riots in abw new Y york 01 k fur liell it 73 were 1395 gat I 1 senator Trum biall wih re the be pra of aw after ho cl to of tha present C dr george f Ird nsf has been chos ident of alii genarc of awa Chus cus st clair illinoia realizes 3 p annum from her dog taxi tax I 1 gan will bo be 12 42 searf old heft june jane sleighs have bat been let in now mow jersey duriel daring the iho present season at the rate of 1 per hour f ficq jersey city housel housch are 0 o be provi provided wed mith patent firo fire extinguish ers em carl schurz has haa been visiting gov GOT jewell ill hartford conn eighteen bund hundred iea immigrants arrived in N Y on the ad dinst ansti the rr arwe esch blell tlell oril nc ia 7 I 1 the total funded debt of idissa massachusetts chos chu otts is ig tae tu e chicago tribune is n denominated 4 I 1 tho the railroad organ 1 ly by some of its iti 0 P pa ants ak A ano i 0 00 ht head ad of cattle vero received during the year sear 1872 the population of australia bisesti ia asti macid at english speaking people with a commerce ot of yearly A pennsylvania dutchman lias has inscribed his came on the roll of fame by erecting a sausage of over two tons weight there are arc more mes men injured in mining coal in pennsylvania than in any other industrial pursuit the cincinnati enquirer estimates the loss to the coal trado trade by the recent ice gorge at and the entire loss at nearly the manufacturing business of newark aj j J is put at a year there are in this place 1015 manufacturing establishments it is reported that of eighty eight cincinnati only sixteen are natives of the united states one million sit hundred thousand feet of window glass boxes were manufactured at ottawa illinois in the last twelve mor months ithe Alinne minnesota sota is ayin paying g considerable attention to fish breeding ree d ing one firm that has a trout pond expects to breed fish this season tobacco has become one of the prin principal and mot mort profitable prout profi ible tible products or of pike county indiana the number of hogs bogs palled at ciacia ciavati nati ohio during the present season seabon to december december is mr ba bain in the great wool dealer aad a rd james PI dl Jc jester Iest ster cr a prominent ci citizen ti zen of baltimore are dead toyama To yania due ano japanese s to depts irk in the university el michigan stu studies I 1 les sixteen hours a day ay av ta la th tha SUto of lodiana indian there are 2 WO saloons paying to the state annually the sum of 1 I 1 I 1 general mcclelian is mentioned as a prominent candidi canaida ito to for tho the governor chii of new jersey it Ss estimated estt mated that the lost losi by the burning of the fifth avenue Th theater eiter NY ill rear reth h the vote douglass Dou gliM in in i new as elector al lell fell but I 1 SIV below that p Q his White hite associates JUI lul majority oyer over his big highest liest competitor tho cold ola we aLlIer ot tho has afforded Corded Bt in an opportunity for the ice marchant i bt bf lount ille Ken tULLY to lay in an unusually largo large amount of ice i C the landing pullia I 1 ii debt or of wiio on November 15 I 1 was wan the local indebtedness of the state september let was 97 07 at tt a public meeting nt at the astor doami annew in new yorla week or two egg ago resolutions wece ado adopted ed urging the necessity or of having lve the gorman language taugh tin tho the public schools so bools to tho mem memphis his appeal states that the river was J i C ed with an accumulation of of cf hydrogen with navigation ti 0 n A boari school master wants wanti to know if that kol gol darned tennessee critter means ice I 1 during 1872 there were less ass arrivals at boton boiton thao than in 18 1871 i I 1 by but the cue for bor the year wn was 38 the total receipts were ivere 77 un on the tha oil of der december amber the ice ice in in tho the vicinity ofner of new york was about one foot in thickness and an J the ice gatherers bead to lo reap their harvest one edward A everett of chicaro chicago has boari hold in 15 W bail bah on the charge ot of robbing a mus ass of in ia bondi of the selma and unit Ulf railroad ad valued a the losses by fire cro in the city of new york during llo ilo j ear 1872 amounted to upon the tha buildings destroyed atye there was insurance to the amount of 1 2 meatiest man belong in new london and keeps a lager b ber cr saloon faloon ho aloro rewarded ward edthe the person who found hu his pocket book th alio other morn inz ing containing hy by offering offe to blako him for the dridos 2 I bec e offices offic cra rs of tho cho society for ilo pre on of cruelty to animal are arc assiduous in their labors l since the abc leavy knoles they hayo have stopped all omnibuses omni buses that bad but two horses attached or ders were issued that all stages should bo be drawn by four horbe conw 4 tho the new york tribune that jay gooldy rhioe dollan dia did not nob hurt him much I 1 its as an on day he purchased worth ot of present nt 4 at tiu Tiff Anys anil and divi ud taw asiong his hii messenger boys il a on foot V ti dul dui anish the number or ol at weal ivet point and annapolis on tho ilia ground that the lie or ol the bervice does doci not require so largo an addition ut ot cera as the present apportionment per iier miti mid I 1 |