Show an CA wv vl B 0 fl EASTERN tak 0 ES MORNING REPORT RT NEW YORK I 1 them the bill of exe atlon in tile tl stokes Crt fe bow yori 7 13 bif abo of exceptions except ions by the counsel for S ste token kes will mill lo 10 presented pro buy today to day it hilj that the court in not tho ag ono ortho 0 uio aurora r in in ra utting the tearma arl dence of ll 11 carlm C u artim to lu ui an kolumun to tho the femur trial by y tho alt cution in adt admitting uio the offer to lo show abit prisoner woo anxious to his bli boore the coroners in la in permitting the proof of abnot to bo ot at the cud of the if at IQ in ruling out tho the mothr r to show that prisoner oner wn was tinder nylons or of finks vt once and in 10 excluding proof that stokes seem it ed and dogged by unknown partle p or ties aldo that persons were on uio tile 0 jarr a ua a th ft tit in aticy lawill grilj uk ask for a n new i it atin li stati tat l t uio tho chilcot of t the 0 decision j of tho enato Commit tog adrino ad v em 0 to tho t power of e tile ore y ol 01 itu abo 10 TrA treasury sury t to in ia m ef ill thu currency nill 1 to iho 1 0 cat I 1 I 1 of the of r w ifo mid 4 b lf millions drued test d 11 h full ral 1 f it 1 u believed lelio veI kimt uio the books of th tho credit or will noyce bo be obtained 14 fo the iho use or of tile colial committee the Oi uns lr trial 1 1 new york k 13 13 A lia largo r go crowd was present I 1 t ta in tho the court of oyer and terminer this I 1 ing to abo of abo buo cuo t surprise followed tile iho request of district attorney to postpone the cue case for ono one hour fur consultation of counsel for the prosecution upon information IQ in their iou n they should 1 I proceed or not m till ill cafe tweed ith abo judge W on hours ucla jl it is id believed that the dilay consequent upon the iho discovery of the iho jamora la in ft a member of the americus club was waa founded ly by tweed it visa by tho the to go on and peckham commenced tit 10 an AD opening ad nd dross atia that tn ten million new now common commo stock or of eric eno is to he bo issued isard i fi ex myor mayor kingsland is it dead aged bovent throe three I 1 I 1 dukoe parr paper mill at amsterdam N YA was vaa bur burned ined loss JO at ILLINOIS 1 I 1 dint relations with cuba chicago 13 11 A special says y it is ia semi acou officially antion that thai information received by ibo state fr from 14 at n aites assurance that tho the of tom tho a aap mt rl ratio to secure tho the abolition on of 0 in ia cub caba TO are received and responded to kindly b by v alio llio 11 hit government tho the measure J r I 1 1112 Z in and but for tho the ol 01 affard IQ in cabs would soon boon be in pro code of adoption our oar relations L have AV 0 a at arol no timo time laxa moro more friendly with cuba ot th 1 standing reports to lo tho the contrary Mary so ia i IT put forth nod and no na doubt 09 en Is ta that b t fatin ln is 1 acting in good faith faitler to asmo gays tho the senito senate finance committee o is unanimous to la ibi of fl tho right of if tho the secretary of the xv to tc r retired currency mil and will probably r re port a lull bill limiting limit iBS uio the circulation to mil ind lions Acton 1 anti anil speculations Concer sto jank IHK the 1 enow achl chicago icaco 13 L mad ants diba ortho re I 1 1 I a term storm in ia iowa and minnesota show it t to 0 hlaj hive been the most severe known tho the mont of tho the coli country ali st SL rout raul press of tho ath 6 1 railroads hard IT if isamo of subjects tor for disana sion it has haa been tho the most disastrous n m aich hb hall since the of 0 railroad history in ili minnesota there were neither arrivals farntain nor departures yesterday and adil tomo some of the trains train leaving on tho the day prod long haro bare been heard from struggling etrog gling la in the drifts where hiro tho the culminating of tho the scow overtook overlook them there uro are too many for bel leviD ahat that the lh subell once of tho the torm storm my bo be I 1 followed j oil by i a record f canal ties occurring in thinly tiona of the state amoos among those who icho may hadj n caught away from chols set anil and or posed to tho the ibi rush null ot OL tho the w wind and a bow perot Para lysod b blinded laded and lulled oil by tho the farione and ong coutino storm ir ato will be b tho the saddest of all alii anti od may gai i good providence make inako the he record rd AS aa small u pow I 1 blo in northern and western loiva tho ob storm r was iraj hardly less leal thia la 1 0 4 Snow snowdrifts drifts on tho the railroads tro arto d fro buo to bow feet lo in ion length th an and uvo vo liftee n ataloa Tholo Tt aloa muo of lifo for reported to at va 0 point the wj will I 1 bowery cry great cat fro from tho the lack of fuel in some lt es at t city tho the storm damaged b I 1 a bothee to abo of I 1 c ais D lwft and aula slung IQ windows tic tho a breather ca e hi turned at 0 with rain in some and tho the r t of rapid of eno benoir wand and ico tho he know has 0 O kirtly disappeared from the ground here washington the mill Mo biller Inte 13 18 tho washington special union pacific railroad Hail road committie Commit Com mitko tio met this forenoon an present except swann sann wilson wiloa said asid ho he lad had to tho the tile the wishes of the committo olo LINO havo present two tiro aitor to bo be applin appointed W under tile tho standal I 1 to nels alution ol I 1 tion ution I 1 IT 17 sl the ottomay general replied rop lial ench actor tor no DO I 1 would bo be appod appointed led for the abo mt vt galion the that tharo c row bulj ki a bo no witnesses f for 0 r tho the examination tay butta but tomorrow tm morrow orrow tho the committee havo have some object namely tho the of tho the right of government saud that m ben tho the atto meys should como come before thu the they could mako make ouch licit thou glit tho the committee committed caro care fully avoid up control of gation to attorneys altor ncy but bat that list they would in me them to suggestions lu lit lulo lo to tho the line of bhella burger laid bald perhaps met won d lo IS tho the better way hoar floar X a arcio resolution lution that alo counsel to bo be appointed hot bu to bo be present b by y tho the committee and mako make such auch cation and derider such buch aid as may bo be jn in their power said ho he would liko like to tc havo have tho the otter point out oui tho the had bad been it ro let jio ile did not dot am that akym any r lad had been ulon dono cold liko like to bear f from r 0 tho the chairman m choin bom they we ro n bolog to kno ano hoar laid the abo liona llon io lad affirms affirm ul 4 that tho the road wu was la in dif and further that owing to ze enormous tho tile tho obligations ot tuc the toad road to the had col paid attal thit ati elloui o imd appoint ua this committee to add oat it if thu the honda lad affirmed was nag aaker whether it was A single instance in tho the union racille bracido had ft Lilo to comply with ltd its contract IN Vi ilson liton aard tit that was m abat hat they were gogg 1 waa as op and tho the committee Commit tco adjourned tin till tomorrow to morrow INDIANA INDIAN foit rot t we wino be 13 tho trial of 0 nobler for or tho the of hid wire wife nad mas cone sat night the Tl ioury jury rendell a of reorder in ia the abo arst degree fixing the merit ment at fr ur life lifa the of mrs biff conf casion slon finten colummie clun col ummi voa tt it moema abo bo mul derod tight eight perses pert Tn and khieo others lives dao to her poisoning I 1 nc rorie of city debt lit this the dolt debt of nit eclen and oil a half millions jut ift year I 1 t 61 t ai r lt anler 13 tho the conrad block including tho the 1101 was horned I 1 eliut L 1500 ces I 1 i 4 r WESTERN dispatches a CALI california CORNIA I 1 sa iian 13 la in the battle of the ali a of the sell n till ith the apaches com 1 dec oa 04 W near salt halt lliter not a warrior oscap ed cl all tho blind iia it killed kill Lil and 23 j d n c A now DOIT mexico J train run fur for camp dull bell wu was liy by al Aia ihM and ud abo uia mail ter killed at t pines alton I 1 1 I ho he indian killed two ino m bi bilo DUD two ano lu 10 n on the reservation T I 1 of roan FOREIGN dispatches ENGLAND LAND C 1 I 1 A terrible lot in pro lor for I 1 loe lie k of Lou laudun loudun dun 13 A dispatch dle die patch frow ys a doport bu bit city cily that a urto ablo earth earthquake quale lid bad occurred kt at ato k torn m a tf if india tit in tho the dulcid di of the maralit la I 1 I 1 I 1 div it n north rj 0 of bombay DO clifteen I 1 arun L 1 I to bovold mika its tile WWII caone saone noth lita lii lu win blaed from tho country but it JA ivnel beart 1 there hu loin muc f additional low of life V cOllitA kul to arrivo at Foci ito in and her bercon con diton ilita m bauges touch arm for iho the forler funeral al are now completed II 11 will tavo too ton there tho ro inning will bo be conveyed to uio the chapel in a feua drawn by br eight borses the prince imperial ra wa will 11 follow u chief mourner oust ar will boroo of the imperial fa favilla villy of wales if prevent present members of tit tho 0 diplomatic corps corp and trio t ac r L c y officer n who he were attached to tile b of t abo empress friends of iho emilly in the th atio order and I 1 edits sill in octal to the ebare in ad knee of tile wrt go the pro clion will bo be of k very tery simple character |