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Show Thursday, May 29, 1958 THE NePhi Hews Briefs ifpj Mr. and Mrs. Pan O. Johnson and family wore dinner guests of A taieuell party was Riven last his p.uvnts, Mr, and Mrs. James children of S. Johnson in Fountain Green on Fndiy aliernoon by the neigh!xrhod, in honor of Sunday. Hulk Bruit n w ho ax returning to and Mrs. Blain Hansen of her home at Foit Deli, nice, Ari-- ( Those who attetukd were! Spanish Fork and Mrs. Adelia Dix-- 1 onaurol and Kathy Sherwood, Alark on of Pay son, brother in law, sis- ter and mother of Mrs Then land Monn.i Iwe J,,nes.I,la Math- and Myrna Draper, Westring, were guests of Mr. and; Mrs. West ring and Colleen Friday Georgene Park, Sherlynno, Wesley and Wendi-Jepson, Craig, Bry- at the graduation exercises. ant, lirad and Patricia Tidwell. Ruth has leon making her home with Mr. and Mrs James V. MathOPPORTUNITY ews during the past two school and then returns to her years MAN OR WOMAN home during the summer months. The parly was held at the MathResponsible person from this area ews home. to service and collect from automatic dispensers. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and Mr. and Mrs. If L. Smith and $400 to $700 investment necess- three children of Salt Lake City to ary. 7 to 12 hourr weekly nets up were in Nephi Friday evening exercommencement attend the to $200.00 monthly. Possibility cises of Juab High school where fulltime work. For local interview a niece of Mrs. Smith, Betty Lou give phone and full particulars. IJeckxtoad was among the gradWrite P. O. Box 146, Minneapolis uates. They also spent the week end with Mrs. Smiths parents, 40, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Willord Belliston. i - WE4LL BE OPEN ON Misses Colleen Westring, Car- olynn Warner, Rutli Beani and Hem Collat'd left Saturday on a aduation trip. They ixst-g- i ml the 1JYU campus and then went to the canyons of Southern Utah stoppm George. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Belliston wan'd Tuesday of the arrival of a new granddaughter. The bahy was born Tuesday, May 27 to Mr. and Mrs. John Christianson Mrs. of Lancaster, California. isit-M- r. 4 V? . Misses Nadene Pay, Claudia Hanson and Rosemary Brough enjoyed a trip to Salt Lake City af- High School last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lavon M. Hanson and family were in Orem Wednesday evening to attend the graduation of their nephew, Cecil Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar- Peterson. Mrs. Richard L. Gerrard and three daughters: Colleen, Gail and Jan of Salt Lake City were house guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stephenson last week. On Sunday they were joined by Mr. Gerrard and his mother, Mrs. Lowell Gerrard and they returned home Sunday evening. Cakes t? v V V - i 1 j 'A, 4 X, ter their graduation from Juab x : h. r A y 3 A - Pies - Cookies - Rolls BREAD vaaaaaaiazis- - Makes 5 gallon the second layer is put on split side up! Spoon whipped cream over the top and youie ready to fit back and enjoy the enthusiastic comments of your family. Strawberry I'pslde Down Shortcake 2 cups biscuit mix 2 tbsp. sugar (if desired) H cup milk 'i cup melted butter Mix all ingredients well with of dough in fork. Pat out round pan. Dot with 2 table- spoons butter. Pat out rest of dough and place on top. Bake strawberries, and whipped cream. Follow directions be- 15 to 20 min. at 450 Split shortlow or on tne back of the packcake; spoon strawberries or. age for the large shortcake. bottom layer. Put second layer cn baked, split shortcake and on snlit side up. Top with more . Spoon whipped cream spoon strawberries between lay- ber.-'esers and over top. Remomuar. ov r the top. Yield: 6 servings P0TATA0ES NEW POTATOES --- 10 SWIFTS ICE CREAM m MIRACLE WHIP DRESSING Qrt 55c 32for 51c PAPER PLATES - Mndi BETTY CROCKER CAKE MPES 389c HAWAIIAN PUNCH - 46 oz lins 3 for 1.00 JOLLY DILL PICKLES gallon fins - Each 59c ---- f Vz WHITE CROSS PITTED OLIVES Tall 3for 8C SEGO MILK -- 1 TALL CANS per can FROZEN FRYERS - 25c 3 for 47c 7 FRESH LEAN PORK ROASTS per pound - 45c MORRELL CANNED HAMS (A bargain) 8 lb 8 oz 7 39 SWIFTS PREMIUM BACON - A real Steal - - per lb 63c COME IN AND SAMPLE MORRELLS NEW CHEF BRAND HAM - All bone, skin and fat removed We invite you to - - Ready to eat - Try some Thursday - Buy some for Memorial day din- Custom Scfdu TIRO SAFE with blow-ou- t resistant nylon heat and moisture resistance. SAFE with lubilcss construction added strength puncturing objects become slow-outSAFE with traction-actiotread over 12.000 stop-skiedges that work forwards s. n d and sideways stopping power Introductory Offer for as retain their YOU can buy Special ner for Friday. --2 lbs wa 20c 98e FOOD CARGO SALE LEMONADE 12 ns 1.00 Frozen Jewel Brand Large Package FRYERS - 89c RADISHES AND GREEN ONIONS CUDAHY VIENNA 10 bunches sausage NEW RED POTATOES 20 pounds CARROTS - 2 41c 45c package cons IQ CARNATION TUNA - Regular size cans 4 for 89e Each - - 39 CORNED BEEF - - Regular 12 oz cans 12 oz cans. Each - - - 41c TANG LUNCH MEAT RIPE OLIVES for the Memorial Day Picnic - - 4 cans J.QO OLEOMARGARINE - - pound packages - - 3 for 89c SPRING GARDEN PEAS Regular tins 6 for 1.00 DEL MAIZ NIBLETS - - 12 oz tins SHURFINE MILK - - TALL CANS 6 for 89c DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES - - - 3 pkgs 89e DEL MONTE RED SALMON - - Tall cans, Each - 85C TANG SALAD DRESSING -- - Quart jars, Each -- - 45c ELLIS GREAT NORTHER N BEANS - 2cans2Je CUT GREEN BEANS Regular size tins 2 for 23 FRUIT COCKTAIL - - No. Vi size cans - - - 3 for l.QQ 61.00 lb pkg -- gal 1 PIERCES PORK 8 BEANS - 300 size tins - 7 for l.QQ 7.FF TOLET TISSUE - Assorted colors 4 rolls 37 8 qt. size - CARNATION INSTANT MILK 73c 1 lb COCO CREME SANDWICH BY PURITY 47e W0NDERF00D MARSHMALLOWS - TOMATOES - Fresh STRAWBERRIES Frozen - packages 1.00 per pound d WAYS lbs 25c 39c 98c --4- acres. man-cause- package HERSHEYS GIANT CHOCOLATE BARS 5c FROZEN LEMOND- E- can IOC FROZEN ORANGE DRINK - y cent fewer fires as compared to 1936 in the State of Utah. Mr. Poulson expressed appreciation for all for the fine cooperation in holding down the fire We are now entering damage. the 1956 fire season and we hope and trust that everyone will be careful with fire and protect our valuable watershed lands he 2.39 INSTANT MASHED . man-cause- LB FRESH TOMATOES THE COB - - - 5 for 29 CORN CANTALOUEFS 89c pkgs PET INSTANT DRY MILK m . Hole's a desseit tieat, not new. but oh so delicious! Is there a more favoi ite food on a hot day in June than Strawberry bhortcake But this is not an ordinary shortcake-it'- s upside down! By placing the top layer upside dou n, y on have the flavor of mat sweet strawberry juice which will soak right down into the shortcake. Sound like a goeS idea? shortcake This family-typ- e is easily made with prepared biscuit mix, fresh or frozen Man caused fires dropped from six to four. On Utah National Forest, fires on national forest lands dropped d 68 per cent in 1957 with fires down 42 per cent. There were 83 fired in 1957 and 266 in 1956. Areas burned dropped from 1,656 acres to 746. Man made fires dropped from 128 to 32. Favorable weather conditions and more care by forest users contributed to a minimum number of fires last year. This was especially true during the month of October when there were 83 per 46 oz --3 MIXES t man-cause- SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY AND SATURDAY Phone 330 BETTY CROCKER CAKE : 4 - Nephi 3 for qjjc PIERCES CATSUP -- Quart can -- 33c Vjs-r'- V - PINEAPPLE JUICE Sss n l' 3rd South and Main U ,'yr Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burtenshaw and family of Logan spent the week end in Nephi with friends. Mr. and Mrs .Ralph Ifeath of Russell D. Ilanson is enjoying They were house guests of Mr. and a leave with his parents, Suit Lake City were visitors at Mrs Barres Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Levon Ilanson. Rus- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Doll sell has tieen stationed at Pensa Read on Friday. Steele and son Keith for the grad- cola, Florida. He came home lo uation everciccs Friday were Mr. attend the graduation exercises, at and Mrs. Eugene Olsen of Magna, which time his sister, Claudia, reMr. and Mrs. Lynn Robertson of ceived her diploma. Ned Spanish Fork, Mr. and Mrs. Mae Ida Downey of Benjamin, Jackson and Gary Olsen of Magna and Ora Jane Donaldson of Fires on Uinta Forest Spring City. Mrs. Marlow Peterson of Orem, Decease During 1957 a sister of Mrs. Lavon M. Hanson came to Nephi Friday to attend Fires on the Uinta National the graduation exorcises when Forest dropped 53 per cent in 1957 of Mr. Claudia Ilanson, daughter d fires from 1956 with and Mrs. Lavon M. Hanson, rec- - down 34 per cent, accordmg to T. A. Poulson, in charge of fire control for the Uinta Forest. There were nine fires in 1957, as compared to 19 in 1956. Areas burned dropped from 28 acres to seven - Hot Dog Rolls DIRECTOR PINEAPPLE JUICE - - 46 oz DEL MONTE CUT GREEN HALIBUT SALMON CHEESE BACON cans BEANS--- 5 SPECIAL -- CHOICE CUTS Each 28 cans l.QQ - per 51c 43c - SPECIAL FOR WEEK END - - - 43c MORRELL'S per pound 59 c WHOLE - Delicious baked! lb per lb lb TIRES 3E"S5 low as FRIENDLY SERVICE Rr Cfairik fH 'A rs ' 20-da- Hamburger Buns V " Christianson is the former Jean Belliston. Other grandparents are Mi', and Mrs. Martin S. Christianson of Pleasant Grove. low' Pag l'avoriteFaod for I Hot Day In June fems 0Cg an(j 5flCjg NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Vern's Store Levan, Utah N MEATSGROCERIESFRUITS VEGETABLES . .Phone 6 Nephi, Utah |