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Show Pg THE Four Soil Technician Ray W. 4 H Signup Progressing feed Control Chemicals All girls who are desinous of 3l vOSl I fl Anderson Transfered to taking dub work (lus summer should icgixter with the Home East Juab County Stores Agent in the tstsenn nt of the Nebo District Position I'ost 01 ice building Registration All lesidmits of Juab County on at the piesent time can is weed control chemicals at Announcement has been made anflgoing ory cost, luy sh(ui,i R. completed R. Ik rulix-seto K aecotding AnW. rf the transfer of Ray )n oidor for the clubs to agent. agricultural county derson, Technician, from the Juab jRi,in ,h01I. Mimmrr work The Juab County Commission- DM-Soil Consenation County ers are backing the weed control net to the Nebo Soil Comma-- , mortal Day Bake Sale i by having a stoie in each tion District. .jxmsorod by Third Ward Iri- - of Die thice communities sell weed n"n n chemicals ut mst. This is to enMr. Anderson has boon kchmcfp.- ,courage every one to control their ian here for the past 2 own weeds by reducing the cost and under his direction many fine DAY FLOWERS Chemicals can be MEMORIAL of chemicdLs. been have completed. projects 50c doen; Peonies, $1.00 purchased at the following stores: No successor for Mr. Anderson Other cut flowers also Utah Poultry & Farmers Coojer had been announced up to press doen Geo ative, Tlurd West and Center, Ne ready for Memorial Day time on Wednesday. III Ostler or Alan Ostler. phi, Vei n's Store, Levan and Kay's stoic, Mona. Most annual weeds and early perennials are ready now or will WE LL TAKE THE "DEHT" be soon for spraying Weeds are not only posts but costly due to OUT OF YOUR ACCIDENT the reduction they cause in cnop Got rid of them ear production stage, MARK'S AUTO BODY SHOP ly Spray in the pi are when vigorousgrowing plants Utah 56 East First North Marcus Olpin Nephi, ly to obtain the best kill Weeds can be controlled if some effort is Mrs Ara Belliston Rioliards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Belliston, former residents of Nephi, will receive her Master's Degree in Elementary Supervision from the Bngham Young sity. She will receive her degree m exercises Jime Cth Word has been received by Mr, and Mrs Lester II Belli don, former resident of Nephi, that their daughter, Miss Bona Belliston, a missionary in Germany for the L D S Church, has been transferred to the mission office in Berlin where she will serve as secretary to the mission president. Mr. and Mrs Randall Bradfield 1 Univer-progra- pro-M- ...heres a New Nephi young ladies are the top 10 typists at Stevens J Imager College in Salt Lake City, during tests conducted there recently. Mrna Lunt, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Kugene Lunt, scored 63 2 wxnxls per minute and Miss Nan Christensen, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lonn Christensen, soured 73 3 wotds ier minute on the Both are graduates of the tiM Jmb High school of 11)57. Kind of Paint For Youl BEN ETTS N I WALL ENAMEL Here's More About . . and it comai in 1,322 Colon I REGularly Speaking Continued i if If Colonzer Flat Wall Enamel flows from brush or roller with amazing ease covers most surfaces in one quick., easy coat dries m just a lew hours with absolutely no paint odor It's a durable, scrubbable enamel with a luxury a beautiful uniform, flat finish look that lasts and lasts." EASI I COLOR SCHEMING 1,322 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Only Colonzer Paints give you colois that go with anything you own or plan to buy rugs, wallpaper, draperies, or lurni ture1 Choose from 1,322 actual paint samples in the Colonzer Album at your paint dealer's Get any color immediately, at budget prices1 All 1,322 colors are yours in house paint and all interior finishes, as well as Colonzer Flat Wall Fnan el yS'v 55 West Second North Phone 310 t - , ' T - It f - Nephi, Utah - page one i It tales close teamwork for a pharmacist to be efficient. We fully cooperate with your doctor; Miss Patsy Ingram had as her guests at the graduation exercises las at FYiday her brothers in law and sisters: Air. and Airs. Edwin Johnson of Sjwnish Foik; Air. and Mrs. I lomer Shepard, and Mr. and Airs. Douglas Yoik of Pay son. Week end guests of Air and Airs. Harry Carter were their son in law and daughter, Air. and Airs Kenneth Ashby of Spanish F'ork. Air. and Mrs. Joe Barkd all and pounding of each prescription and at the same time give you fast, friendly service. We carry a complete stock of fresh pharmaceuticals at all times. Bring your doctor's prescription to us. son Dickie of Aieadow VLsited on Thursday of last week with and Mrs. Dan Johnson. T 1 - vs Air. Airs. Alary Burraston of Salt Lake City spent the week end of Leamington, Mr. and Mrs Ray with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Jesse Bailey. Kay of Goshen and Mr. and Mrs. Willis York of Santaqum were in Nephi Friday evening to attend the graduation exerases of the Party Plsnned Senior Class of Juab High School. M Alen and Gleaners and their Their niece, Miss Nadeen Pay was of Juab Stake will enjoy partners among the graduates an "Old Fashioned Ice Cream FYeeze on Saturday evening at Spending a two weeks vacation 8 p. m. at the Nephi Fourth Ward in Nephi is Mis. Margaret Heckle of Salt Lake City. She is the Hall. All AI Alen and Gleaners are house guest of her broter and SLster in law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph urged to join in this party, where features will be enjoyable games 1 Smith. and a goodly quantity of delicious Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bean of ice cream. Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Justensen and daughter Judy of Spnng City attended the graduation exercises on Friday evening, when Jack Bean, a brother of Kenneth Bean, received his diploma from the Juab High SHOP & SAVE IN NEPHI 1 School. Mrs. John Parkin, Mrs. Harry Carter, and Mrs. Alyrna Ashby of Spanish Fork were in Salt Lake City last week where they attended the cooking school sponsored by the Newspaper Agency Copor at ion. Mrs Carter won a prize of a casserole dish at the school. They have many hoses in the room The hoses are to give you a bath. Traffic victims are always bloody. They will clean you up and give you a smooth shave. Then they will embalm you. You dont Mrs Flora Mai ben of Provo, an have to wony about a thing You couldnt get better care m any aunt of Mrs. Jack Brough, was a guest at the Brough home Friday mortuary Next you will be removed to night She attended the graduathe Reposing room. It is a long tion exercises at Juab High School hall wlth many stretchers lined held that evening. against its pale green wralls. They Mr and Mrs. John R. Vickers have 41 crypts If things are dull and family of Murray spent Sunyou will have a stretcher and a day with his parents, Mr. and if to all But, its yourself. crypt like some holiday week ends, you Mrs Lester B Belliston. Then they may have company. Among the out of town people leave you alone in the quietest who were at the graduation exerroom in the city. cises FYiday evening were Mrs. come In an hour or so they will Mildred Mower and son Vaughn back and move you again. This of Mrs. Eugene Allred, tune they will take away the Mr Salma; and Mrs. James Allred of white sheet and cover you with Fountain Green; Air. and Mrs. a green blanket. You will be on Thomas Adamson son and of your way to the Viewing Room. American Fork They wereJerry guests You will be placed behind a large of Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd and glass window so someone can look Aliss Anita Gadd. at you. Your wife, your husband or your parents, maybe Airs. Alelvin Stanley accompansomeone will have to identify you. ied by Air and Airs Charles BowlDont worry though. You won't es and family of Springville, visbe able to hear their cries ited last week in Idaho. They Yes, they are waiting for you. visited her brother and sister in The newspapermen, the police, the law, Mr. and Airs Elmer Tolley ambulance crews, the coroners at and her sister, Airs Emma Parkin the morgeu, the morticians They in Pocatello; and were guests of are expecting you remember her son and daughter m law, Mr. that this week end when you toss and Mrs Alax Norton m Preston. down that last drink and climb They attended high school gradin behind the steering wheel. uation exercises in Preston w'here' (Reprinted courtesy of the Los Aliss Kathryn Norton received her Angeles Mirror-New- s (Managing diploma. Editor Edward Murray and Staff Aliss Anita Gadd visited the Writer Bill Kiley) and the Amaizo Com Bar; and at the request of fore part of this week in Fountain Highway Patrol Sergeant E .C. Green with her brother m law and Sherwood of Nephi sister, Air. and Mrs. James Allred y without ill lino SIX BOTTLE BOTTLED PROVO, A quick recovery electric water heater produces hot e water 3 times as fast as an heater the same size. There is a whale of a difference in heating water old-typ- electrically. Now, ask your electric dealer or plumber LMCTRICALLY ... TEtO ; BY BIRRELL BOTTLIHG vmhji 11 r. f BETTER k 6$ 'v Mf ) insulation. WATER J f CAR (Plus Depos There is never a worry about tiny toddlers little hands with an electric water heater. Its always as cool as a because it is completely wrapped in refrigerator HEAT the com double-chec- k c v A from YOU YOUR DOCTOR AND OUR SERVICE! Please phone your Nephi Item to Mr. Zo Gibson at 200 on Monday or Tuesday. If you prefer, bring them to the office at 96 South Main, i Decorators ThunJay, May 29, 0Ca an(J Social lleillS 1 nuide Two among NEPHI, UTAH S, I il Week-En-d TIMES-NEW- if it) UVt IfTTn t'rmc? S' UTAH COMPANY 1958 |