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Show THE Page Two Group of JSSSTMStM Young Men Work On "J" on Nephi Hillside si?pK-iit-rio- i: Two bedroom FOR SALE modern home Coal Stoker heated. Electric water heater 34 Kitchen. basement. Youngstown Call 353W Financing available for Information. Members FFA Touring Idaho Areas Denver, Colorado. Tlx Mt. Nelo F. F. A. Cliapter conis air Used putting a ''J'' on a hill ut the FOR SALK north-rax- t It w is or- of Nephi. ditioner in very good condition iginally planneil that the J" bo Ideal for oommm'ial installation old .V Jlill but furth- Barton Plumbing Co. Phone JoVV put on the found then were too ir study pvr.y con.pheatnais to put the J" here this year. Last Friday some of the lxsi FOOD FOR THOUGHT of the chapter went up to work .. Fear on the 'J". They did not get it The greatest sin . but work will continue Today completed The best day as we have returned as soon on it vs ho The RichThe biggest fool from our tour into Idaho, Today ard Paik, FFA Rcpnler. The best day The boy who The biggest fool will not go to school of the memliers of the of F. F, A. are y on a summer tour through Idaho and on into a section of Oregon, then from back through Idaho and visit Yellowstone National park. The group raised funds to assist with the expenses through a project in connnection with the Teen Age Rodeo 'Monday night. Some Mt. Nebo Cliapter JACKS six-da- . Refrigeration Service JACK COTTON Complete Service - ly 1958 Thursday, May 29, NEPHI. UTAH TIMES-NEW- FOR SALE Four-whe- trail- - el 960 North Main - Nephi Phone Day 75J Night 592J on wagon axels forsalc cheap Call Melvin Read er, mounted Participate at S.F. Show Five boys from the Mt. Ncbo Chapter of the Future Fanners of exhibited America and sold three fat steers at the nss-n- t Spanish Fork Junior Livostock show. Kxhtbitors were Bruce Russell, Pace Ilex McPherson, Ricard has he after kons on talking Lynn Pace and Bren Taylor has made his point. In the calf scramble two boys I1,, were fortunate to greatest deceiver get calves to feed for next years show. They were Richard Pace and Brace greatest invention of the . War Russell. devil .... The livostock judging team also greatest secret of waste and participated in the attended .... Saving production What you like contest. Members of he team best work Richard Park, Chad Winn work were best play . and Bob Garrett. 'Die team placed greatest mixtake .. Giving up fourth, with Bob Garrett second most expensive high man in the contest for the , The M HONOR BEES from the Nephi Fourth Ward Second Year group. These girls were all individual award winners during their first year and are prospective individual award winners for this year. All are Honor Bees. Leaders of the group during the year have been Marion Memmott, Gladys Tolley, Margaret G. White, Mary T. Johnson, Zelda Blackett and Blackett, Girls left to right are Marjorie Ellen Parkin, Ann Bos- ton Barbara Christensen, Carlene Nannette Corbin, Kath- - j leen Steele, Blackett, Beverly Sheryl Lee and Shirley Brough. Second row: Myrna Grace, Kath-Let- .i ryn Lomax, Judy Garrett, aCrolee Pay, Adele Sperry, Loy Beth Marion weeks, Judy Yorgason, s, Gowers, Pamela Cotton and ry Zabrziskie. AND PREMIUM OIL CO. Ter-Hayne- Mrs Pauline Mangelson, leader of the group. Officers were elected . . as follows: President, The Dorothy ; The Please phone your Levan items to Miss Olive Taylor at 0495R11 as Wankier; vice president, LaRue Stephensen; secretary, Mary Mor ly The preferab on Mondays! in the week as possible e .gan; treasurer, Rhea Poulsen; The and Shauna Six song of the Shepherd first porter. meeting The Levan Ward Relief Society day. indulgence .... club was held on leader. Janice Ballovv. will conduct a cake sale at the ZigZugs - Reporter, Shauna Shepherd The cheapest, stupidest and J6 at the home ol May Monday, morning. cemetery on Friday easiest thing .... Finding Fault Sntokey Says: Memorial Pay. Other refreshments clothes which comprise a kind ov The greatest trouble maker to le sold include up cakes, imp colorful, billowy uniform of adomuch too talks who ...One lescents. corn balls and punch. At eleven to fifteen years of The greatest stumbling age, the girl experiences the most Egotism block Junior High sclmol The diamatic of her physiological held their election for oificers for The most ridiculous asset . Pride changes. Menstruation begins. She The week. last ear te coming The ft 'lowing is one of a .. The soul should know beforehand that the The worst bankrupt Residare: successful candidates irfiio written by menibe.s it the menstrual cycle is normal. She that has lost its enthusiasm and Utah St .re MeJu.il Association should be told that there is no ent, Carol j n Pay strap; vice presThe cleverest man . One who alpulhJi.d in coogieration with your lo-- 1 dangerous loss of blood. She Max Winter; secretary and ident, is thinks arc he These arti.les right m a p.ixr. ways does what should not be led to believe that treasuixT, Janice Fallow; Editor, ..heJuUd to axMr every other week it is a time of pam or illness. Linda The most dangerous Linda Taylor; Reporter, to the year in an etlort throughout However, she should not be asked the liar person Williams; Librarian, Thud Stepb.tt.r ,k juuint you with problems o to deny that she feels some disAlan the most to and health. The designed henson; Boys fqxirts manager disagreeable improve comfort or emotional change. In11. II lwg 0 the people ol Utah. The complaincr stead she should be reassured that Dalby; Girls shirts manager, Mary person the discomforts she may feel are Morgan. The best teacher . .. . One who THE ADOLESCENT GIRL of no mayor importance. She must makes you want to learn Min. be reassured that although she Sunday guests of Mr and Part I The meanest feeling of which any O. M. Anderson were; Miss M may be lhconvienced by menstruWt doll a new Tears A doll, Tiny ation at times, she can not be '(A human being is capable Anderson, Salt Lake City; c ladle, .1 beach ball was her list harmed by normal menstruation. Ah-SaLoronc Lum, Miss Footling 'had at anothers success her This Henry two ago. year yevrs li'S'i Just as the process of digestion The greatest need Common sense Miss Judith Clung, Marly n Buibej Christm is list was all clothes may become faulty, so can menof half all a circle a Edith felt Miss Kahoilhia, and Life skirt, side nylon struation vary from the healthy I know von folks are on niy The greatest puzzle slip, six yards around. The new cycle that it normally is. Digestive Provo. 1 fun't do much without your Death The greatest mystery are as reliable disturbances are not signals for Christmas requests help! God a harbn ger of adolescence as the violent alarm, and unusual sympThe greatest thought Mr. and Mrs. Rood Sherwoixi, changin' contours of the young toms connected with menstruation and family of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. The greatest thing, bar none, Clean windows in half the time Elroy Barnes and family of Orem lidys body. Oiten these changes should merely suggest a trip to Love in all the world of adohrcence strike the parents the doctor. In the first year of with Newspaper Glass Cleaner. visited on Sunday at the homo of s ddcril;-- , because mothers and the menstrual cycle it is expected No lint. Chapman Mr. and Mis. James T. Shonvoixl No streaks. fathers are reluctant to lose a there will be some irregularity. Furniture Co., Nephi. child to the invstei lous limbo of Irregularity of the cycle during Boy Scout Troop 136 enjoyed s'doiexxnee and tcenagedom. the first year if there are no other Schoto end a week Child! uth without fear has be- unusual symptoms need not be a fishing trip includfield Reservoir. The boys come a near cult, with relief of cause of worry. It is advisable fear from repeated explanations. that this phase of the girls deed Max Winter, Maynard M ingel-soCould we achieve adolescence velopment be under medical Hex Anderson, Thad Stephenwithout uW c by making use of the supervision, just as her other son, My ron Shepherd, Paul Mine jpjucational techniques? It growmg-u- p processes have been. Leon Winter, Terry' Green, is diflicult to fear intensely that the adolescent changes During Dennis Sherwood, Ed. Aagard, which is well known. in and anatomy the Van Gardner and Scoutmaster Ar-vi- l Fust examine some facts about girl physiology has been moving toward maof adolescence in girls. the onset Wankier. turity in more subtle ways. She There is maiked individual vari- spends a great deal of time thinkwill be closed from noon Friday, June 6th adolesat which the Mrs. Hannah Krough of Salt ation in aje ing about herself as an adult. to occurs. cence It is important Lake City is visiting at the home Some girls feel such urgent need understand that this phase of life to prepare themselves for this of her sister, Mrs. Emma Mangel-son- . follows and slow' a has beginning until 9 a. m. Monday, June 9th. Kindly begin Spartan state, that a course of somewhat irregular routines of they briefly. But over years. many development a pleasantly unsettling characterMrs. Dora Burns and children of adolescence The beginning istic of adolescence is that one of aFrmington, New Mexico are is called puberty. Changes in tired old time. before refills needed in personality need not be Mrs bring guests of her parents, Mr. and activity of the endocrine glands kept long. Her richer emotional initiate the more obvious changes development gives the young Christian Paystrup. in the girl's bodv. Hair grows woman vast new goals, and her under her arms. 1 he pubic hair increased mental growth gives Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Pierce were Mr. and Mrs begins to appear. IDr breasts en- the means of attaining the goals. large gradually. She notices that But these goals and skills are new. Dan Marlin and son of Jericho. she is taller than the boys in her With her restless drive she must mom at school. These changes change frequently. She is a little Lee Anderson and son and Mr. may often he seen as early as ten like the school boys horseman an dMrs. Lynn Anderson of Pay-so- n eleven years of age. or who mounted his horse and rode visited on Sunday with Mr. At about the time of puberty off m all four directions. and Mrs. O. M. Anderson. she may become very self conYou may be sure that your s scious about her body. Her daughter will try on many new DeLos Bown of Dayton,' Texas a of be mixture pride may before she decides, visited on Monday with Miss Vin-- 1 and embarrassment about her personalities "Ill buy that. Hence the nie Christensen and Angus Chriswomanliness merging Christmas list cf the special (Continued) tensen. The CHAPMAN CHEVROLET IN COOPERATION WITH THE HOTEL NEVADA Levan Local and Social News Items AND BANK CLUB re-Th- AN ABSOLUTELY ARE OFFERING I FREE WEEK-ENVACATION D Dottcr Your Says . . . . INCLUDING CHOICE A DELUX ROOM AND A DINNER OF YOUR AT ELY NEVADA PACKED FULL OF FUN!! For further information apply to either o fthe above-name- d firms 1 PAINT. pnna sale t THE TOGGERY OUR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT On Our cUBST ISTERIOK d-fe- sin Finish J Pay-stru- Vy Regularly Quarts self-deni- that XSrk -- 2 Reg 55? 655 gal. Now $.69 Wondertones are famous for beautiful soft texture.., ideal for interior walls and wood-wor- k. Scrubable, odorless, long lasting. Save $J per gallon during this special ay sale. . May 29 to June 3 only! 5-d- feel-mg- 1 DAYTON f TUBELESS RMLC3 BE B MODERN... BE SAFER Go NYLON TUBELESS! Has m? tint iva fas EVERYTHING otthe fewest parse Dayton Thorobro d W r-- 1 ' ' 1 'X X ' i ksft gc4 Here are but a few of vl - ' 1 ", V ' 3 o FORDS many advantages that save you hundreds of dollars: 1. LOWEST IN PRICE of the d three with prices starting even lower than for most foreign cars. uukV ' low-price- ALL-NYL- many cases, even higher than for comparable models in the medium-price- d field. 2. HIGHER TUBELESS TRADE-I- N VALUE in 3. ECONOMY OF OPERATION -a- gain this year in the 58 Mobilgas Economy Run, a FORD Mileage Maker Six turned in the most actual miles per gallon d three. of the low-price- ctiorr tffuunoNi nocftsn BUDGET TERMS FREE INSTALLATION 1 m UCNMM )ick's Service Inc. AM 1 PNWfiH 'u NEPHI 75 SOUTH MAIN ST. 24 HOUR TRUCK SERVICE 4. A HEAVY CAR with the roominess and latest engineering advances usually found only in cars costing hundreds of dollars more. m All the car youll ever want... for less! |