Show provision for funds fund that the ee benefits befits which would re suit from the comprehensive improvement of our waterways and the losses w which aich would tollow follow our failure to make such improvement are so enor that funds should be provided by the issuance latu ance ot of bonds la as has been done by railways so 0 o that the work may be begun at once and nd finished as aa soon oon as aa possible that the national government claims claim exclusive jurisdiction and exercises supreme control over all navigable nav leable wa ica 3 n inc i 0 o that it depends eneli entirely on the con g gresa resa of the united states whether the work of creating a great national system of waterways shall be done at all and how soon it shall be unshed that the ote ole of the member of con grf grcia s from your district hill help to decide the he policy of the government with regard to vater waterways ways thit tin file action of congressmen la Is in by the wishes of their con when they know what these wishes are that you have the right to ask the candidates candida tB for congress in your its dis erict to state their position on this question now before the election that you are blind to your own in teresta it you do not ask your canci bandt dates to pledge themselves to work and vote lor for waterways if elected and then demand ot of the one who is 13 elect ed d that he shall keep hla his pledge the facts acts and figures figure given jn in this series of 0 articles aafjes been en sam bitted la in the hope that those who r ad them would seo see the Import importance anci of tl 5 wl policy T vv w T A a V 0 waterway w a Y t uva advocated 0 abed by the national rivers and harbolis congress and would aid in securing the ado adoption pilon ot of that policy how well they have served the purpose for which they were written must be left tor for their readers to decide |