Show PERSONAL NOTES ANO AND GOSSIP gloeb bouk ef t ron FUR S kle A full cit citi lot appl to N Hendri hendrickson cAson richfield Rich held utah LOST Bet between Rich fidd and dan iba an old grip with will saw ind and steel square strapped on ide gr grip I 1 p contains clothing books book and other v vil 1 I 1 cables rinder finder will be reward rewarded cd by 1 james Peter Pet craun buti joseeh utah LOST in richfield on the 4 th an open bece gold watch with will the initials K G on back k tinder inder please leane leae at reaper sa 5 rev ird wanted A worth firmer to demonstrate a beet puller aej an a plow cill at the second hard annd tore store wanted to bu ill all ti tie e good aund work ark horses or mires thil that are for sale tit in tilis section phone or write 0 A ander anderon on bellr semir utah watch out oui windows for bargain hir bir gains gain tit in milliner line Stu delaber milliner 3 co ribbon 33 1 11 cent grad rad closing out ut at 20 cents per nari ai I 1 15 1 io 20 cents tilleta s roin oin at cents clr nard ard studebaker co A letter from eugene euene poul n to his father chr is Poul poulson bon gives encouraging news of that oung noting Rich fieldian who la is lili cring in the mission field at chicago he 14 the largest one of the poulson fam 1 I having gained considerable weight while all allent abent ent he row tips the scales at COT pounds he is prospering in his work at chicago and is enily ena ing his labors labora mi ii b rinda larsen was on the streets the past week after a t serious s siege of illness which hit hia lasted over two months E E holtman hoffman was a i to zion this weeti eel on n legal bussies bus bui nies nebs bent NI ill steele jr head of cf the cleese cheese making plant at junction wa was here this weel HL sis that the cheese factor factora at junction is turning out large qan quantities of cheese which is finding readi read market tit in fact the faltor cannot begin to supple the demind ron FOR SALE one of khz th mot moje ei n and up to dae residences in rich held tit id fur particulars see jo joeph eph johnon john on it the con ag is ach company a s tore principal ear thomp on is preparing to aque th chool reniel this n winter inter again it ic will contin contain the exact conditions of each grade and from it th pants pa will ill leorn learn of tre tle ore the chi dren are accomPlish it g 0 oscar cor at aida dr on rf sevier hii lust returned from los angeles i here he completed arrangements for the sale of a all I 1 the work hordes he c cm get this winter he will be in h market markci for equines all winter 11 hi has lust ea gathered fathered a car load which by e will hip from milford on n the central utah trout corr con piny pany has hai a splendid lot of trout ready for marlet and the oi rectors are di bating whether to elim the fi h at present or to wait until istir panning time two months herce the eastern brouk brook and rainbow trout which the have in th air pinda are in the best possible condition ad would sell readily philllp phillip cergl 1 I oci speaker held an ail open air meeting last maht and voke doke to a rood good med emed E audience from the band stand lie he is 13 a pleasing speaker and maie made a good i FT north art I 1 ion with thi penile mr engle w will tour wa banc nc county in he interests of his party parti which his a good follow ing there erb eh E h da la is here in Rici richadd beld this thia weel week from ilia his big loa ran ranc ranh h I 1 lor or sale cheap A root brick residence with out buildings and orchard also fie city lots situated in it n rood good pirt part of richfield hamoel phone 29 tf LOST pocket book containing money log jos near the depot 01 on center street finder please return to reaper office or owner john harrington Harti neton and anu receive reward tf if LUST LOST three plumes for a ladys hat two white and on champagne colored on center street between erni chretian Chri tian ens residence reli re dence and main lain street A reward will be paid p nd for or their return to this thin the social riven bv the M I 1 associations of the third ward on tuesday night vas one of the most moat sucie saul ever riven given in the ward the booths vere v ere so well pa that everything offered for mlle ile att di po cd of cf TI tte tie e gueste ere well tal en care of li the coni cent mitch 3 in charge and a neat um was from the WANTED teams to break brea up lip alf tifa ground plowing to bedone by the acre there are arc acres nedr near richfield acres at venice and acres acrea at sigurd for Parti cullars ap ill pa at the reaper office or to I 1 hager foreman farj for J F featherstone at the Nc Nib ceker becker ilou houe e archfield if LUST A lidya ladys gold witch watch near the home of dr E A foutz on west wesl second north street finder please return to office or to mrs E A font and receive reward tf FOR SALE one lot of school fi benches in excellent condition ei q lire of W 11 robinson clerk of richfield school board tf LOST A black wallet containing contain ms moncy and private papers reward regard will be pud paid for its return to G G Cri prien at the johnston hotel it FOR SALE fourt fife acres of choice firming land in sevier alle lust two miles auth south of runnel ion on the ohp chuili 11 md load for particular appl appin to 0 o adrew roul on tf kor dorsle tORS LE A goni orn orgin in firt c djs condition very rp aTonable for term see sea J L blacksmith FOR FOP SALE three teams and hit hir ne beia see C N stillman rich kleh field tf tor FOR SAT SAI E farms to suit bult the huer buyer for I 1 rice and location see gee C N stillman tf RENT three rooms roomi one block debt of johnston hotel apt apuli to wallace dark clark tf if miney leaned on esy egy e sy terms CONSTANT tf notary public monroe oe geo gee M jones a number of pupils on th violin violi n and clarinet for terms and time for lesson enquire at jones lloid music store or at residence of geo gee 11 1 1 jones tf GIRLS WANTED tor for band b aid iron arg and fi fini shine apply ta richfield Kieh held team laundry tf LOST A red lais leather ther suit ease case on main street richfield A reward will be paid for the return of the suit ea else s e to either J it bickel or to this 4 office tf I 1 will pay pi a a price for GOOD new cov COT 11 N ilav hoesa e sa MILLINERY MILLINERY commencing october 29 M mrs ra studebaker ude baker wishes to ain ji ounce to the th st pu aln it that she Is girg out of busi ness less it lid d Lvery everything thing in the milliner line must bl sold within 21 20 days com cart inen cing saturday october 19 9 ever thing will izo BO it cost now is your time to supply the eimil with hiag h ili velvets velvety plumes ribbons and all thinus thine in the millinery milliner line cuine and set see the gre greit it bargains we are arc offering studebaker milliner the contract contra et for a cement build building ing for a fish hatchery to be ersted on oil the peterson Pet cron ranch rani h between richfield ind Gien Cien wool wooi was let to charli nielson tho the veteran richfield cement worker on monday by president bradford ot the mountain trout fish company recently organized this kompany ras as acquired control of the Peter peterson ponds ind and will enter into the hall culture business busin cis extensively this thia icar ear there are ome come well k town iown nn men n ot ol the state ted with the cm pany and the pron ct will be given a thorough test the 0 N 0 cub club which is 13 the ciol chloi a 9 of richfield alvea its eniti I entertain trent s get q ball at the anona tomorrow even it UK g it will be a alter and hould clini claim the attention and patronage of the dince lovers the pavilion hi ha bien de corabel with tokens of hil loveen ind and with fruits fruita of the harvest the tia tta chers have spent i busy week in getting the dev decorations orations in shape and ana in addition tu to the excellent adornment adornments adorn menti for the occasion ocia sion the ladies will bre b re refreshments free w will ill be many from out of 10 town ra v who h 0 will take in t ane ne dance on this oica a aion on as it will be w worth 0 rth w while hile 0 0 R E NN A D would alida be paid for a cure by miry people who are crippled with rheumatism m yet if they only knew it hey can be cured by a few bottles of Ballard Ril larda ii snow liniment and the price is silv alit and sl it pr bottle sol soli i by the nall nii ll drug co james knowles Knowl ca mister mechanic i f the centennial edrehi compin compani it at eureka was in richfield on oil his wi div to fish 1 ish like where he will anle time ahing ind hunt huntine iniz nir mr knowles wid blell known knon to the ehtor in aenis eis pt pat lie he is a lover of rod an aej i run un and will no duurt bag urne aume game on oil III hia trip the democratic denic cratic orito onto s have been vi ihirg the towns of the county thi week eel A bli bl john levins evans of utah cuenl counci has been tre chief everal of th I 1 bunty candid ties iles it hive ive ren pen ill 11 ing him film or his tour lour mr aati is a pleasing pleading cr irid ind he is ig engaging eng agine ti tie e itEen tion of his lii iol i at a sic sacrifice it the model a Birg airi counter A few pairs overalls or a the model or oran cn liell kolli headed a auntire part last week which the bains to the eist east and an abundance of game was bagged E 11 green anoh of schools was here this week after serious attack of hold fever from which he has not entirely recovered A party of government surveyors passed through Riche fild on morada monday y on the way to bounty where trie survey recently run there arder ct will be veri verified fed W 1 light licht foot is in charge of the pirty party which is 19 equipped with pino ping outfit flour V 2 10 ner lbs iba at K oes tr tere see adv in this thia issue for other bargains bar eains flour sl 2 0 per lbs iha at koei see his adv dv in this isue fee cr other bargains bar eains W E fc white while here on tuesday exhibited some excellent ore taken from reuben dewitts strike ahill nhill carries gold and ailer in ilian dance the lease which mr dewitt has haa on the property expires empires eara ear in november mrs dron bron hill of silina wis it in richfield this thia week visiting friends relatives ivea mr mir and mrs E N crane were in richfield Rich fidd besterda iester dai attending to bui ness matters mrs laron lar on of si sa lini lim wag heri here yesterday attending to some busine ip matters LOST k rive five ledr ld id mire weight about atio p bunds lunds branded on lett jett hip finder return to mr alston and ree rec eive reward |