Show NEW ROAD IS PROPOSED running north from richfield state road commission recommends a route along east bank of richfield canal the county commissioners were in esterday at a spell i I 1 meeting to consider the question of a main road through the county north of richfield A stecial committee L P hansen and C N stillman had leen de Eiena ted by the commissioners to investigate the matter of a right of way for a new section of road along alone the east bank of the richfield canal and that committee submitted a report to the commissioners of their work this road question goes coes back much further than the present time early this year a mass meeting of those interested te in a main county road was held and after discussion it was decided that the mian road jah should pass through salina aurora vermilion Ver milien sigurd and leaving the latter place it should pass along alone the vermilion canal bank to a point north of venice thence through venice to the he t county count rood road running between glenwood and richfield this w a albright allright all right until th thesta estate to road co mission visited this his section last summer cummer and they entered a strong objection to the road along the canal bank the commissioners showed the state officials the upper road and this was much more mare acceptable to them than the canal road but on being shown a possible route along the west bank of the richfield canal they immediately urged the sevier people to have a right of way secured along alone that route this bis proposed route leaves th glenwood road at a point where the railroad crosses thu county road just north of the Rich richfield fiela depot and strikes the bank of the richfield canal in a short distance and then continue north to a point four or miles north of richfield by running northwest north west a distance of about 71 rods the upper road will mil be reached or the road can continue on the same grade with the canal and join the upper county road north of vermilion the committee has investigated the matter of a right of way and this can be secured without much trouble only one property owner along the canal refused to ito give the committee encouragement the commissioners have decided to call a mass meeting of those interested in this section of road and get an expression on the proposed route recommended by the state road lum mission in the meantime state and county money is being expended on the road near Aurora and the commissioners would like to get some of the state appropriation to expend on the canal road if this route is adopted all tho the commissioners are favorable to the proposed chanze change due notice of the mass meeting will be given |