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Show r t Local News, Comics, Drama alt fal Second Section Salt Lake City,. Utah Television 'Log Page 6-D Saturday Morning July Page 17 2, 1960 I Ground Rite Launches U. Theater & lllclin Sptclil ti The Tribunt FARMINGTON-- At least killed one two persons w ttf a veteran UtalfHighway Patrol trooper Saturday about 1 a.m. when a car smashed, Into a roadblock set up at' the junction of U.S. 89 and , 91 at Farmington. Goal: To Enrich Life of AVea The trooper. Dee Rees, 6321 S. Orchard Dr., Bounti- - Safety Chief Sun, Clouds Add Ingredients Airs Plea For Palatable Holiday Dish . Of Caution Traffic and safety officials Utah Friday throughout rossed fingers and pleaded that motorists will mix caution, common sense and consideration for others"to make the y weekend long Fourth death free. ful, was pronounced dead at St. Marks Hospital c Investigating officers and wrecker crews were attempting to pry the smashed wreckage apart to determine If any. other victims were In the death car. Identity of the THE TABULATIONS of one victim was not established immediately. deaths attributed to' the long Utah Highway Patrol dis- holiday weekend began Fripatchers said Trooper Rees day at 6 p.m. and will conapparently was using his tinue until Monday midnight. Deaths caused by traffic mispatrol car for the blockade when it was rammed by an- haps, drowning, aircraft acciother vehicle. dents and household fires will : be included. Voros By Jerry Tribune Staff Writer The Pioneer Memorial Thea - $1,275,000 " structure, was characterized as a home-to-b- e of drama and a function of community .life Friday by President David O. McKay of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints. ater,- of-Jul- , y HE SPOKE at 7 p.m. groundbreaking ceremonies on the University of Utah campus where the theater will be constructed. Some 500 persons attended. President McKay said the building would be more than a monument to the past. He said it will be a place in which roots of the communitys life "can continue to be nourished. BECAUSE OF the presence of death on every foot of highway, the Utah Highway Patrol is determined that all shall not be fun and frolic, particularly the joy which induces reckless, careless and drunken driving, and the thoughtlessness that induces speeding and disobedience of .traffic control. These offenses against highway safetyr said John D. Rogers, assistant superintendent, will bring citation or arrest from the full force of Patrol personnel, Highway plus 29 weighmen who have been pressed Into holiday traffic enforcement duty. THERE WILL BE no days off, no holidays, no vacation time for officers over the long weekend, said the patrols assistant chief. From Friday at 6 p.m. and to continue to midnight Monday, the special assignment program will be in force. The officers will remember that in 1959 six persons were killed during the holiday period in the state. Legal Aides Question Funds Use r. . , Bright sunny skies, occasionally-or"variab- ly cloudy -were forecast for Utah for the holiday weekend with only the possibility of isolated showers in the extreme northern part of the state Monday expected 'to mar the festive fare. Cooler daytime temperatures for the northern part of the state also were-'e- x pected to add to the pleasures of the first hours of the holiday period. Above normal temperatures were expected to prevail, how-- ' ever, in the southern part of Utah. ' Todays AS PACKING ' and purchasing was Forecast undertaken for weekend fishing, picnics, parties, park frolics and backyard barbecues, skies over the state Friday remained generally clear to partly cloudy, except for some isolated or local afternoon cloudiness. The cloudiness prevailed in Salt Lake City where an afternoon maximum of 97 degrees was- - registered. Temperatures pver the state were mostly in the 90s, with Bryce a cool 84 and St George a sizzling 105 degrees. Precipitation over the state was noticeable again by its absence. ' 'I . Hot Spell Spells Out FIRE! GROUND WAS broken by President McKay, Dr. A. Ray T-r-o-u-b-l-e, Olpin, president of the UniD. Williams Clarence By versity of Utah; Leland B. Tribune Staff Writer Flint, businessman and a diSpecial to The Tribune v rector, Kennecott Copper Apparent illegality of all exThe . seasonal lot spell is running PARK GRANITE' deCorp., and Gov. George D. penditures from the police much hotter for Salt Lake County .firemen. Clyde. Dr. C. Lowell Lees, partment contingency fund was reported to the City Comhead of the department of theperiod Friday they answered 1$ During an eight-hou- r mission Friday by the Salt ater arts at the U., participated alarms, most of them of grass origin. Lake City Legal Department later. One fire involving damage In excess of $5,000 broke President McKay said the out at 3:44 p.m. at the Murray City power plant In the mouth THE REPORT presented the theater is a rich and natural of Little Cottonwood Canyon.' The blaze started when a legal view that In the absence way of mutual inspiration. of any ordinance or resolution switching device failed to operate' and one of two large , from left, Leland B. Flint, Dr. A. Ray Olpin, passed by the commission generators caught fire. HE RECALLED that the Breaking ground for Pioneer Memorial resoO. no on or Gov. and Pres. D. of Utah such ordinance David Theater are. McKay, Salt campus Clyde. Lake University George Theater, original A SECOND generator caught fire shortly after the first, lution has been found there constructed in 1861, was a but damage has not yet been determined is serious question as - to spiritual oasis where the Granite and a large part of whether any of the disburseminds and souls of men could Union also are served by, the fifvr$&. ments from the fund have the be refreshed. plant. sanction of the law. Gov. Clyde said when he In a special report to Mayor first heard of the state being OTHER FIRES extinguished J. Bracken Lee, A. M. Marsden, asked to contribute $500,000 during the day were at 9:19 By William C. Patrick for the theater, he felfthen publication of the American to stinging insects. Some doc- assistant city attorney, in rea.m., grass fire, 7675 S. 2750 Medical Assn. tors believe serious results ferring to an audit of the conas he does now Tribune Medical Editor that the G. ERNEST BOURNE, manEast; 10:10 a.m.,' grass, 2920 S. is is occur more than It rather often genfrom was fund 20, a not generally agreed contribution tingency July money A bug on the wing is likely 3100 East; 11:39 a.m., house, of the Utah Safety Counager medical authorities but an investment in the fu- to he more dangerous than a among" 1956, td Dec 31, 1959, said he erally supposed. 9567 Amber Ln. (900 East); said had his he cil fingers Dr. Harry L. Mueller of found Yio brdinance or resolu-- ' that severe reactions to insect ture of the people of the state. snake in the grass. 12:23 p.m., grass, 1820 S. 600 in crossed the weekend hoping Insect stings cause more stings (sometimes fatal) are Boston is quoted as saying: tion authorizing such a fund. Utah would be better than 12:34 p.m., grass, 1905 West; DR. OLPIN ASSURED an the of result is Hasallergy. It possible that unrecog- The audit was made by S. 800 West; 12:50 p.m., grass, as weekends as normal the far those present that the theater deaths each year in the United subnized cases account for some kins & Sells. veno- Snakes inject poisonous 4775 S. 5120 West; 1:17 p.m., number of fatal accidents are would not be a mere replica of States than bites of all stances into their victims. of the sudden deaths attributed combined. mous reptiles grass, 1993 Sycamore Dr. (1690 the old Salt Lake Theater. He "BUT I HAVE been In- concerned. to heart failure and heat pros1:27 p.m., grass, 3325 But it means everyone will RELATIVELY few persons East); said it would be a most moduse formed fund a of such that THE STARTLING disclotration in the insect season. E. 4090 South: 2:23 p.m., grass, ern structure constructed at a sure is made in the current encounter poisonous snakes. has been traced by the ac- have to be a little more cau1579 E. 3900 South. minimum of cost, to taxpayers. issue of Todays Health, a Nearly everyone is Exposed ALTHOUGH ABOUT 30 countants as far back as 1906," tious in everything they do, of Insects are known he said. No statute presently especially on the w6y to, on types THE COUNTY fire fighters, MR. FLINT 'skid that his Into have, produced allergic re- exists authorizing expendi- the way home from or at the terest developed after a conwho celeto where operated in one to three-ma- n plan they place be actions, the ones most to tures to be made from such a versation with President McMr. brate said the holidays," crews, also answered calls feared are the honeybee, bum- fund composed of city tax reKay. at 2:39 p.m., grass, 2300 E. 3900 blebee and the three kinds ceipts without the approval of Bourne. Architecture of the Pioneer of wasps yellow jacket, hor- the commission.' South; 2:40 p.m., grass, an old TO REDUCE the number of Theater will be reminiscent of net and gravel pit near the Utah State Of yelwas Marsden said there Mr. these, polistes. accidental holiday deaths from the old Salt Lake. Theater. The low jackets are the worst be- no breakdown of some items all Prison; 3:03 p.m., grass, 2700 sources, Mr. Bourne said inside, however, will be a theE. 4000 South; 3:47 p.m., grass, cause they are more easily "showing for whom or for the National Council faater with the most modem Safety 5751 Hyland Dr.; 4:27 whose punchy and original irritated. . what purpose the advances is conducting an annual camBy Richard O. Martin cilites. There will be a 1,022 ' trailer, 900 E. - 4500 make To avoid the numbers were production and made. being stung, Tribune Staff Writer expenditures seat main hall, a smaller thepaign at educating the nation newly-minte4:29 with Annie South; p.m., grass, 3600 AMA sparkle "In this resume," said Mr.' about the dangers that can begives the following sugater and several classrooms. A pert little gal named Mary S. 160 East, and 5:06 p.m., brilliance. am Marsden. I that gestions: fall Americans assuming unsuspecting Jane Watson sighted In on grass and chicken coops, 3600 AN APPROPRIATION of a Salt Lake City audience Frito make expend! . . . whether theyre behind the NMMti THESE THREE top talents, 1 BEES AND wasps usual- authority South between Main and State. from the fund, if any wheel of a car, or having fun tures $500,000 was made by the State day night and scored a "bulls-ey- e working together, have made ly sting only when their nests Harold MacDonald . . . Failed Lake FRANK P. Jones,-Sal- t See Page 18, Column 1 to make at the .opening of the the musical comedy offering of are threatened or they are exists, has been limited to nec Legislature. The LDS Church good his escape. In Incurred the essary expense and Kennecott Copper Corp. University of Utah Summer the 13th annual festival some actually touched. fire chief, explained County of obtaining evidence In also made contributions as did Festival musical, Annie Get thing to be remembered. 2 If you are buzzed by a quest that most of the fires were Miss Watson as Annie, and bee or wasp, dont flail at it numerous other businesses, ac Your Gijn. See Page 18, Column 4 11-Hocaused by the careless burnur Jack Irwin, as with your arms, because it is her cording to Dr. Olpin. LUSHLY ing of trash or use of matches. THE pro- Frank staged an The Sons of Utah Pioneers appeal- more likely to attack a Butler, bring a Was duction In Salt Lake City, a quickly by greeted to the production. are seeking to raise $200,000 TRAFFIC TOLL object Just muster as well as ing zip fire Friday at 5 pjn. warm, night, starry spreading on of sale through plaques MISS WATSON leaves little your composure and walk demolished a garage and autoseats in the main theater. by cheers and applause from to be desired in her characteri- away slowly. a good first night audiertce. mobile, damaged two other gaThe outdoor show, staged in zation of Annie Oakley. rages, a neighboring store and 8 BEES SEEM to be more secTribuna to Tha Sines the When Special Day prjson guards Her speech, though corn-fed- , a home. Damage was estimated the U. of U. Stadium Bowl, 4 dark of shades came at MOUNon shift ond angered by POINT OF THE duty Last Utah will continue Saturday, will is not corny. She personifies at $1,000. , ones. A Utah State Prison p.m., the warden combined TAIN clothing than lighter Death and Monday and the basic simplicity of the Sunday skip 4 want to If scan to the dont 11 hours Inmate you was sufpersonnel loss GREATEST spent Friday prison ' will resume Tuesday, continu- sharpshooting country girl and share your picnic with yellow dis- prison grounds. Some 30 offion When list the escape O. Loniax Gerald the fered it is this simple warmth that by ing through July 9. Killed Ta covered about 4 p.m; he was cers made the search. jackets and wasps, and risk Ave. 785 Emerson (1490 wins the audiences heart. family, A transient who .bedded' ' Data being stung, first spray the IN ITS 1960 Utah premier only a few hundred feet from OFFICERS Henry Street South). down in a Sait Lake City chemiwith area a was he where last the repellant AND WHEN IT comes to building This Year performance, Annie Get Your and William Alisop discovered Their garage was completely Board of Health car was seen. Gun" was an outstanding belting out the Irving Berlin cal. MacDonald hiding flat against demolished as was an automo--,' room in board and given But he was hiding. tribute to the talents of the times that have made this 6 BEES AND wasps are atthe ground and behind a wall bile, two bicycles and numerKilled Ta, city jail Friday. men who for nearly 13 years musical a Winner, her delivery tracted oils and perW. Turner near the bam, according to ous accessories. Damage was WARDEN John hair by DataOLIVER HAYWOOD have worked together to bring is strictly Musical Comedy, fumes containing floral odors, estimated in excess of $400. said Harold MacDonald, 20, Warden Turner. Yaar Noble, 52, was arrested a bit of Broadway to this with the depth and flavor that last MacDonald was placed in sento business 6 a Its serving tricky THE BLAZE raced westerly, have made this musical form western state. Friday at 3 a.m. when he tence for armed robbery was segregation pending an ap kill an insect nest, so if you the roof of a double, igniting was discovered asleep in They are Dr. C. Lowell Lees, an American Institution. missed Friday about 5 a.m. In pearance before the prison dis find one on your premises hire garage belonging to Mrs, the back seat of the veproduction director, who concommittee Die of farms the area a exterminator Tuesday HER BOUNCE and humor ciplinary prison professional 205 DIED IN 1959 Catherine H. Reeves, 781 Emceived the idea of a Summer hicle parked in the police at 9 am bam. are at their best in 'Tm An to do the job.. erson Ave., and then spread Maurice Abravanel Festival; garage. This routine, Indian, , Too to the roof of her home. He pleaded guilty to a artistic director, who brings dominated by Miss Watsons the force , of a professional A Garden hose was used in charge of vagrancy in Is the showiest symphony orchestra Under his performance. extinguishing the roof of the police court and was given accomthe of The production. home but the garage was superb direction to bear upon 20 days of rest in jail by the show, and Wiliam F. panying ballet which interdamaged.-- . Losses were badly J. Patton Judge Neeley. Christiansen, c h o r eographer, prets basic Indian dance, is to exceed $250. expected authentic yet hews to the basic f ballet forms. THE FIRE spread to a gaIt Illustrates Mr. Christianbelonging to Mrs. Jean rage sen's versatility In chore784 Roosevelt Ave. (1450 Gray, 4 HOUSE ography and highlights ITed South), causing damages estiSchab, a top U. of U. dancer, as mated at $100 and to Frannys T I Crazy Horse, East, causing Grocery, 1460-8ta .similar amount of damage. MR. IRWIN is tall, dark and handsome, basic attributes for. , a leading man. He Is also handy with a song, as proved in his delivery of. "The Girl Four sticks of dynamite professionally wrapped In 'a That I Marry, and others, and bundle with a primer and two electrical blasting caps, 'were little is missing from, his : found Friday afternoon in the shrubbery of a Salt Lake resi. -fr-idence. . Although his role does not AirSalt Lake allow the freedom of Miss Watscheduled to base KARL JOFFS, 19,' 6880 S. State, Midvale, discovered the Village, of Its sons, mainly close Friday, will not be closed dynamite carfefully concealed iq the middle of a bush he was size and the Impression' he . until July 10 because of eight pruning at 667 E. 1st South.' It was wrapped in cloth. must' give, he makes a most r. families waiting to move out to the garage at the rear of the excellent Frank Butler. . . He removed the explosive V iZ&z The emergency housing was property and ailed police,' who in turn called an explosives set up by the city in 1948 fo A AS FAIR Miss Watson and expert.,'-'', war veterans and their, famMr. Irwin are most amicable ilies northeast of the Salt Lake PAUL P. EAGAN, assistant manager of the Salt Lake in their roles unless a rifle 'district of Hercules Powder Co., said the caps appeared to be intervenes. Airport. At its peak Municipal there ' were 300 rental unlU eroded to the point of impotency.', The casting' of the entire He estimated the dynamite had been In the shrubbery show is nearly letter perfect housing ' 1,600 persons- .' H.E.D. Redfordr always verfor several months. , -PARKS Commissioner L. C. satile, Is an exuberant Charlie whose department " Romney, MR. EAGAN SAID the four sticks appeared to have been Davenport the promoter, the . village, said many,' operated definite a for purpose, prepared wearing his checkerboard suit buildings have been sold and He said the explosive probably- - had been stolen from a and derby with a swagger. torn down. He said those Mill' ' mine or construction job. Lynne Fisher and 'Jay F, This scene was one of many which thrilled crowds who i opening night performance of Annie Get Your Gun." The standing would be sold, rifted ' Mr. Eagan took the dynamite to a Hercules magazine In See Page 18, Column 5 trekked Into University of Utah Stadium Bowl to witness musical is first presentation ol 13th annual Summer Festival or remodeled for ether use. North Salt Lake where the charge was burned. cr Dont Let Em Bug Ya! ' VWW- T Annie Scores BuIIscye In Opening U.Testival p.m.,-hous- e d , Escapee Tripped At Prison Farm Barn r, g Health Car Sleep Rates Jail Term -- - A Professional Touch I , Dynamite Stick Bomb Found at S.L. House act-Ing- . V u.i'fJ Village Open Till July 10 aj lie s d , ' " O , - - U. Musical Delights Crowds T aJ |