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Show The 28 Archie W. Green Rituals at U. Archie FORK AMERICAN . William Green. M. Arfn - - -Fork, died Thursat em., day, rl hi home after attack. heart Born Feb- 3, 19 0 6. Pleasant to Her Grove, man and Saddle Green. Marrott Marned Sybil Moyer March 4, 925. Member. Church of pi Jesus Christ all Lett m d 1 o y e d as centennial cele- jeavr eaulpment operator F olor rk Pony Express American City. Survivors: widows Mrs Or picked lhs. The centennial was marked with special ceremonies at Stadium Bowl on the University of Utah campus Just prior to the opening of Annie Get Your Gun," summer theater - Nyie production. Green. u I. Amos 115 Thursday after a lingering illness Born Jan. 25. 1892. Scioto. Milliard County, to James A. and Nora Nielson Monroe, Married to Henrv Amos June 7. 1919. Og--r ? Housewife. den. Member. Firsts Confragatonal C h e r c h, 1 Paul (Shirley) Miller. Mias Ksve Green. American Fork: Mrs. Albert C. (Betty) Nuttall. Payson; andchildrem brother, sister, Green, Lehi; Mrs, Gene McCamdiesSj irot Beta Monroe Amos Mrs. Beta Monroe p m,.. at her home Spotlight Pony Riders Tempo of the bration of the Ed vin F. Johanson Intermountain Obituaries ' Summer Fest Plei jn.Vance - Salt Lake Tribune, Saturday, July 2, 1960 - .imerjcan Lesion Auxiliary. Neighbors of Woodcraft. Parent-TeacherAssn. Mrs. Ames r. Survl vors: husband; daughter, Mrs. Hek Holt, Salt Lake City: broth O. Monroe, cl, sister,Hills.James Woodland Calif : George N. Sevier County; Saiina, Monroe, Gordon Monroe, Sharon. Pa.; Mrs. Erma N. Pexton Sait Lake City; r, two grandchildren: Mrs. Christine P. Monroe, Delta. ounty, Funeral Tueeday. fpm! o74f ur'South.v, friends call Monday, p m,, Burial Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park. Edvin F. Johanson. 9th South, died Friday l.li pm in a Salt Lake hospital of nat-a. ural gauge Born June 24, 187 2, Ephraim. Sanpete County, to August ana Christine JorgeJohanson. nson Married Edith Malinda Stevens Johanson May 27. 1902 Mantf, Sanpete County, She died Feb. 19, 1931. Retired , Mem- v rancher. ber, Church of jL v, Jesus Christ of Mr Johoo Sun Saints. vors: sons, daughters. Ray, Salt Lake City; Calvert. Moab, Grand County; Mrs. Virgil (Edna) Bullock, Mrs, Robert (Lorraine) Nielson. Salt Lake City; Mrs. Clive (Lucilei Remund, San Luis Obispo, Calif.; 15 grandchildren; four brothers, sister, George, Albert, Salt Lake Rupert, Saiina, Sevier CounCity:Mra. Frank (Josephine) Nielty; son Ephraim. Funeral Wednesday. 1 p m. Ephraim North LDS Ward chapel. Friends call Tuesday, Wednespm. 36 E. 2th South, day prior, place 6f services. Burial Ephraim City Cemetery News of Record News of Record Ugnl Nolle NOTICE MARRUGE LICENSES Salt Lake County Hyrom Hlltea. legal age, Balt Lake City; G lady a Oaeaahaw MeFarlaas, legal age, Salt Lake City. Milton Thames Laace, 17, Balt Lake City; Kae Lard, IB, Salt Lak City. Robert Joseph Pidgooa, 31, Balt Lake City; Darien Darias, J7, Balt Lak City. Btev Coranado. 20,, Amarillo, Tex : Viola Jaaa Xamars, 10, Salt Lake City. Richard Bert Narihrap, 32, Salt Lake City; Irma Jaaa Barboar, 17, Balt Lake City. Gall Brest Alblataa. 19. Arlmo. Idaho; Viekt Fatriela Campbell,. 18, Balt Lak City. Carl Laagetl Flab, 37, Salt Lake City; a Rove Talbot, 28. Balt Lak City. Walter Normaa Car lee a. 37. Salt Lake City; De Ana Waadard, 30, Balt Lake City. . Virgil Lloyd Bair, 32. Park City; Batty Aamay, 20, Balt Lake City. John Barer Jobnaon, 33, Brigham City; Christ Darothea Sophia Fraall, 33, Salt Lake City. Alton Brno Naae Jr., 19, Salt Lake City; Lind Ellen dpenear, 17, Salt Lake City. Dwayn Clea Walters, 24, Sandy; Peggy Walters, 28, Salt Lake City. Liard Ways Anderson, 19, Salt Lake City; Belen Carrel! Irera, 18, Salt Lake City. Gerald Kagar Wllllami, 31, Salt Lake City; Miriam Rodman, 20, Salt Lake City. Parry Leonard Woodard. 23, Hamer, Idaho; Bonnie Beta Btoekham, 30, Salt Lak City, Jaaeph 1. Yeaknm, 38, Albuquerque. N. M : Lots Kiddle Kaesteabarg, 23, Salt Lake City. Clarence Lynn Harvard. 22, Salt Lake City; Betty J Warner, 23, Salt Laka City. William Frederlk Van Seelen, 18, Salt Lake City. Lillian de Greet, 18. Salt Lake . City. Clyde Belnbardl- Ganaouge, 18, Salt Laka City; Sharon Elleabetk Dekarler, 18. Sal Lak City. DIVORCES GRANTED Third District Court RienJke H. Boer vs. Hendrick Plaintiff Boer, mental cruelty awarded decree, former name, Rienkje, Hielkema. mond N. Petersoner Elaine Howard Petersen vs. Raymond N. Petersen, mental cruelty. Plaintiff awarded decree, former name, Elaine one dollar a year alimony,Howard, CJ' udette Ges Pep vg. Keith WilJism Peer, mental cruelty. Plaintiff awarded decree. Lucille Wend Plant Sharp v. Harold Lorenzo Sharp, mental cruelty. Plaintiff awarded decree, y?way of two minor children. $100 a month support -- Wand Dawe Eider v Elder, mental cruelty. PlaintK awarded decree, custody of two minor children. 95 month up. JUDGMENTS GRANTED Third District Court Jeniwt v. Ralph . TO CONTRACTORS DAVID B. Trevithick, chairman of the Utah Pony Express Centennial Commission; Gov. George D. Clyde and Waddell Smith, president of the National Pony Express Centennial Assn.r were the speakers. They all called attention to wre ,cl Board Moves To Retain Air Service Aeiel l2:h?P, c.Td Janas efflliateto Where Else! Growth Up, Swiss Aver t DIAL EM Gorge E. Anderson lng projects in Chicago and Funeral tervlcet wer conducted Robert F. Brammer Francisco, Calif, for George IDAHO Robert F supermarkets in New York In San Anderson. 59. native of Salt LA BELLE, 58, d,ied Thursday in ke City, resident of Ran Fran- Brammer,. City. And while Switzerland L Fall after an an Idaho hospital cisco at time of hi death. Bom in Illness. Bora May 17, 1902, Poplar, s already has supermarkets. Its Sweden. Aug. 12. 1900. to Karl to Henry and Margaret Smith AnHermanson Gerda not likely theyll be as super derson. Came to Sait Lake City, Brammer. Married Clcsta Nebeker. 1909 and lived here for 12 jrear. Now. 30. 1927, Idaho Falls, Survas the American variety, they Married 1917. ivor; widow, Dorma McCabe. Brammer, widow: ton and daugh- son. Gary Survivor, said. in Japan; daughters. Mrs ter, Lawrence, Eugene. Robert, Force Vivian Buh, Ririe; Mr. Joann Audrey Dulong. Minnesota: - Others In the group were Mr. broth- I'ry, Idaho Falls: brother. Howhi mother. Salt Lake Eduard Heifer. Werner Kellen-berge- r ers, Carl. San Franctaco:City: Eric. Sait ard Brammer, Rigby, Garfield Lake City: Mr. Irene Anderson, Brammer Iona; sisters; Mrs. and Otto Lustort They Eureka. Calif. Burial wag in Ban Mrs. Rumoel. Wilmington CaUf : Helen Staffie Bigbv. Funeral were accompanied by Miss FancizcOb Tuesday, 2 pjn , Eckersell Mortuary ChapeL Anne-MariSaegesser, daughtery. Olive Mary Miller ter of Bern -- builder. Miss ST. ANTHONY. IDAHO Mra. Leon Ross Mary Orgill Miller, 71, Saegesser has been studying Olive Leon Parker, died Thursday in a rest IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO art at San Francisco. home after an liinea. Bom July Ross. 70, retired railroad station Wil29. rAWi Lut-tl- e e 1888, at Draper, Utah, to liam and Mary Crapo Orgill. Married Charles H. Miller. June 6. 1910. at Salt Lake City. Survivors, husband, eons, Kenneth H.t Parker, Ivan R Idaho Falls: daughter Mra. Mina Anderson, Manti Utah: sister, Mrs. Ona Bradford. Salt Lake City; brother. Sam and Alonzo Orgill. Draper. Funeral Ward Tuesday, 2 gnu Parker " SAVE MONEY Buy RAMBLtR C WOOD IM I. Ifh W, at MOTOR iChtj Btflm AX I 2 try. agent, died Thursday msM at his home after an illness. Bom April 10. 1890. Gandyville, W. Va , to Dr. Phillip and Leona Wolf Ross Married to Idona Alice Hill, Nov. 28, 1821, Rexburg. Past commander American Legion Post at priggs. Member Reserve Officers Assn.. Elks Lodge, Railroad Telegraphers Order. Former resident Spencer. Iona. Driggt, Blackfoot and Lima, Mont. Survivors: widow, tons, S J. Ross, Boise, Don C. Rom. Portland, Ore.; sister. Mr. NeiUe Rood-grasTulsa, OkU. the only But wrm FOR? and Found for mU blck . Scotty female lost Frl June 24th, on road to Millcreek Ranger button of Ev v i dren mourning the loss of this dog. Phone collect Salt Lake IEWARD City. BY in LOST Cottonwood-Hoilada- y area, black and brown longhaired Chihuahua. Childrens pet. Also lost white knit purse conPark taining personals vie. Nibley EM area. Rewards. CR LOST ROUTE BOOK for Jewel Tea Co. SoVic. Liberty ). Reward. (7th E., 9th Contact Jewel Tea Co.. 939 West Temple or call IN anytime. Box; cont. beauty equip, LOST with wire. Carton left on ' wrapped iith E. near 1st S. Tues. 2 pan. Reward, M LOST vie. Glendale Gardens medium brown Chesapeake Bay ret. Reward. 1192 An, to Pec. Montgomery St, HU LOST Brown billfold, 3 black coin purses in or near Grand E. Central Market. 2nd EL Rew. CaU EL Ave. s' WOMEN SUCCESS CAN BE YOURS AT ANY AGE-- BE A SALT LAKE CITY SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST Short training period, low tui- tion, day or evening classes. No age barrier. Good salaries. SWITCHBOARD SCHOOL 3 EL Felt Bldg. PBX MURPHY Will BRIDGET Anne) MURPHY (or B rigid daughter of MURPHY JAMES and MARY MURPHY (nee Hughes) born at Dromintee, County Armagh, Northern Ireland, on nr about 13th September, 1897 and believed to have emigrated to Salt Lake City, or any person having knowledge of her whereabouts or knowledge as to the date and place of her death if she Is deceased, or of br descendants, please communicate with Rich St Strong, attorneys, 604 Boston Bldg , Sait Lake City 11, Utah. ATTENTION Customers and friends of Eva Matson. Starting July 15th Mrs. Sheila Weather-hea- d will take over her business and will try to give same service as ln the paat. te TUTORING IN READING GOODRICH READING CENTER Phonic method, 2 Iocs. CR Continental Beautv College 2230 SO. 7TH E. Special Lanolin perm. Com-plet- e with cut, $5. HU LEARN TO SWIM vet Cemetery. Funeral directors, Larkin Mortuary. AQUATOT SWIM SCHOOL LINDSAY HU Ages 2 Funeral services for Ezr. (Doc) Lindsay will be held WINDOW remodeling Beaut, met-tSaturday 12 noon in the Larkin to size. Work built windows, Mortuary Chanel. 360 E. South guar. Terms AM free est. Temple. Friends may call at the Reply Box this paper. mortuary Saturday after 11 a.m. A BOOK of old folk songs called Interment Salt Lake City CemGrandmother Songs is for sale. etery Funeral directors, Larkin For information write Mrs: H. G. Mortuary. Greaves, 3203 S. 17th East. NELSON Funeral services for SOCIAL dancing lessons in your Andrew Mormon Nelson will be home, club or chorch. Adults or Rf.W. Saturday, 12 noon, at the children. AM Fourth Ward, 950 E 3825 RUMMAGE SALE South. Friends may call Fnday, to 9 p m. at the By Clipped Wmgs, 369 S. Main. McDougal Funeral Home, 4330 S. Redwood Rd , Sat July 2nd. 9 to 1 pm. and Saturday at the church one FOR SALE 2 choice lota in MeSftur prior ? ervices. Interment, morial Garden. Prospect Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Funeral Lark, Utah. R. David McDougal BARGAINS Nearlv new drese. 9 NEILL Requiem mass for coats, suits. The NEARLY NEW John C. O Neill will be held SaturSHOP, 312 East 1st So day at 1L15 a m. at Our Lady of SIDE of good beef, 49c lb., cut. Lourdes. 670 S. 11th East Holy frozen free. Farrers Rosary will be recited Friday at 8 wrapped, HU 47411. Market. HU p m. at the Neil O'Donnell MortuSPECIAL oil cold wave, cream ary. 1st South. 4th East where friends may call Friday from 8 new style, $5. Plaza Beauty to 8 30 p.m, and Saturday prior to School. 2121 S. 10th E. IN services. UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED. PETROGEORGE Funeral serv- Guar, results. ANNA GREGORY, ices for Gus C. Petrogeorge will be 1250 E South Temple. EL held Saturday 2 pm. in the Holy RELINE. REPAIR YOUR OWN Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. DENTURES For info, write P.O. Prayer service! will be held at the Box 196, Foothill Station, SLC. Deseret Mortuary. 36 E. 7th South, HAIR REMOVAL. Fnday 7 30 pm. Interment Mt PERMANENT Olivet Cemetery, with graveside EVELYN PIXTON, Hotel Utiffi military rites by the American Le- Lodge. Ill WNT. DA gion Bonneville Post Funeral di- GUITAR course lessons. rector .DesejtMortuary; trumfnt furn. DA SELLERS Funeral services-. ViT lessons in your given Wanda V Pritchett Seller ril iflnstr. furn. EM ' " ftuy be held Saturday at 12Jf-fi. 'ION lessons given in your noon in the Rose Room.Ufii 7th South. Friends mayx call at home. Inst furn EM the mortuary Friday, DETECTIVE and PRIVATE Divorce cases investigated. EL Saturday prior to services. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. WILL BUY OLD GUNS Funeral directors, Deseret MorAny kind, any cond CR tuary. Pickup Service. 8PENDLOVE Funeral services PET CEMETFRY HU for Sarah Jane Jones Spendlove will be held Saturday at 11 a m. JAPANESE dolls 50 off. Ami's in the Oquirrh Stake House. Lake-ndg- e Gift. 70 W. 1st South. Second Ward, 3084 S. 8400 CALL Alcoholics Anonymous. West, Magna. Friends may call at AM Box 21, South SLC. the Deseret Mortuary, 38 7th South, Friday 6 to 8 p m Inter- STARTING July 6 classes in read-lnment in Tooele Cemetery. Funeral spelling, arith EL directors, Deseret Mortuary. PIANO INSTRUCTION $1 Rose STOUT Park area EL Funeral services for Rebecca M. Stout will be conduct-e- d PIANO lessons ln home. Expert Saturday 10 a.m at the 17th ence. reference. AX Ward, 141 W. 1st Worth. Friends bread, plastic bag, 2lc may call at the Sunset Lawn Mor FREEZER 701 loaf. S. 2nd West. tuary, 2350 . 13th South. Friday, m. and Saturaay TOWN HOUSE membership for . sale. CR jpel one hour pr services, interment at Binkley. Utah. Funeral directors, Kedding-to- n and Bath and Weldon. THORPE Funeral services for LANE MASSAGE SALON For Pearl Elizabeth Hagerty Thorpe ladies and gentlemen. EL will be held Saturday 10 a m. at the Larkin Mortuary Chapel. 260 Bus Lines . South Temple. Friends may call at the mortuary Friday p fn. and Saturday prior to services. DRIVERS to drive cars to surInterment Salt Lake City Ceme- rounding cities and West Coast Also from Detroit, Chitery. Funeral directors. Lai km cities. cago and Denver, etc. This is not Mortuary. employment. Deposit and references necessary. 3403 S. State or Funeral Directors phone IN LEAVING for Buffalo. N.Y., by July 2. Take a or 3. CU AM bet. 3 p 6 p m. WANT to drive car tr Chicago or vie. July IN lf ypm. DESERET MORTUARY 7-- t, ff On the pcao when 3-- Lost AMOS Funeral service for Reta Monroe Amos will be held from Evans nad Early, 574 E. 1st South at 2 P m. Tuesday in charge of Reverend George J. Weber. Friends may call 7, to I p.m. Mon-to prior day and Tuesday ft hour Wasatch services. Interment in Lawn Memorial Park. Funeral Evans and Early. BRADLEY Funeral services, for Charlotte Jamamie (Mamie) Larson Bradley wtU be held Saturday Larkin Mortuary ChapeL South Temple. Friends may cad at the mortuary Friday 6 to 8 pm. and Saturday prior to services. Interment Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park. Funeral directors Larkin Mortuary. DEARING Funeral services for Emma Kitto Dearing will be held Tuesday, 12 oclock noon, from St. PauTs Episcopal Church, 261 S. th East, in charge of Rev. C. R. ricson. Friends may call at Evans and Early, 574 E. 1st South, Sunday, 7 to 8 p.m., and Monday and Monday evening. In lieu of flowers friends so wishing may make contributions to the SL Pauls Episcopal Church Memorial Fund. Mt Olivet Cemetery. directors, Evans and Early. DROUBAY Funeral services for d Sealed proposals will be Comirna- ceived by the State of .tab. Slate Capitol Salt Lake jCity. Utah, until 2 oclock i. Tuesday, July 19, 19f' . - that time publicly oper , construction of A Road Mixed Bi- tuminous Surfaced Road in San Juan County, the same being that section of US. 160 Between W" son Wash and Hatch wash idem fled as Federal Aid Project N F The Idngth of road to be constructed or improved is 5 410 miles, and the principal item of work are approximately as follows: 1,160 Tons of Bituminous Material, 64.930 Tons of Gravel and 320,000 Cu. Yds of Unclassified Excavation. The project Roadway xs to be completed in 175 working day. Prequalificaikus of bidders is required Prior to any bidders re. ceiving plans and specifications, it will be necessary that the bidder have on file with the State Road Commission of Utah completed and approved, the required Statement pertaining to contractors experience and financial condition. The attention of bidders Is directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning . the contract. Not less than the general pre- Friends may call at the mortuary vailing ware rates as determined Friday from 6 to 8 P.m. and Satby the Industrial Commission of urday prior to services. Interment Utah, effective July 1, 1959. shall Wasatcn ' Lawn Memorial Park. be paid to ail laborers, workmen Funeral directors Larkin MorV and mechanics employed on this tuary. project DUGDALE Funeral services for The attention of bidders Is diMoroni Edmund rected to the fact that this ComDugdale will be mission has been advised by the held Tuesday at 12 noon in the Room, 36 E. 7th South. Wage and Hour Division, U.S. De- lose of Labor, that contrac- nends may call at the mortuary, partment tors engaged in londay 6 to 8 pm. and- - Tueshighway construc tion work are required to meet day prior to services. Interment l the provisions of the Fair Labor in Sait Lake City Cemetery. directors, Deseret Mortuary. Standards Act of 1938, (52 fitat 1060). DYKES Funeral services for Proposal forms, plans, cross sec. William Lee Dykes will be held tions and speclficationsj 11 Evans and a.m. from Saturday Hie office in the State Road cf E. 1st South. Friends Salt :jLake City, and Early,cal)574 Commission, 7 to 9 p m. Friday and ft the office of its District Engineer may to services Interment at Price, Utah where they may be hour prior City Cemetery. Funeral reveiwed by prospective bidders. Salt Lake Evan and Early. Soeciiications, proposal forms, and directors. plans may be obtained at the ComFuneral services mission Offices at Salt Lake City, forFERRETTA Michael W. Ferretta will be upon application and payment of held Saturday 10 a m. in the a fee of $10 00, no part of which Unio Chapel. Friends will be refunded. Each bidder may callMortuary 295 N. Main Friday. must submit a letter from an ap. 9 p.m. st and Saturday prior to company surety Interment. Bountiful Meservices. graved furnish said bidder with rePark. Funeral directors, quired bond. The right to reject morial Union Mortuary. Mas .. .. is reserved any of ail HIRATA Funeral services Cash, certified check, cashiers for check, or aporoved proposal guar- Mokichi Hlrata will be held Friantee bond for not less than five day at 7.30 p m. in the Japanese cent of total amount of bid Buddhist per 247 W. 1st South. made payable to the State Road Last ritesChurch, and cremation will be Commission must accompany each at 10:15 am. in the bid as evidence of good faith and Saturday Shrine of Memories a guarantee that if awarded the Funeral directors, PlattMausoleum. Brother. contract, the bidder will execute JOHANSEN the contract and furnish contract Funeral services for Kathrine Dorthea Johansen bond as required. Any additional information may will be held Saturday 2 pm. in be secured at the office of the the Tabor Lutheran 61 E St. Friends may callChurch, State Road Commission. at Larkin Dated this 25th day of June, Green.' Pleasant Selma C- Vkkstronj Holtz Saturday. 2 pm, LDS Mrs, Selma Vlckstrom Holtz 88 American Fork First-Fiftawarded ta.459. U. Roper AnderJohn Ward Chapel. Friends call 340 W. 6th North, V1 fitand-Heatin-g son and Sons Mortuary. American lied" Thursday, Co. John H. Roper, 81. 1358 Roberta Plaintiff p m., Saturday 7.16 pm., at herf Fork, Friday. awarded $1.202 flit died (245 ' East) American 1:30 Burial m,r until p lin- a home after 7 45 Thursday, Fork Cemetery. A iegoJ Noticis Soring illness, p.m., ini a Salt Oct. 10, Lake hospital of 1873, Soderfort, Bom pneumonia .,f'!,TAT,0N, for bid to GusEdmond M. Dugdale Sweden, March 30, 1879 4uS proposals addressed to tave and Maria Board of Education Morganton, N.C. of DavU Edmund Moroni Dugdala, 63, 234 Hall Vlckstrom. School District of Utah, to A. County Samuel Married to John Lucy (1200 for and construction Jane of an Eight Cias Mary died Axel Holtz April South! room Addition to the J, A. Tavior Farr Roper. Mar11 30 6. 1901, Salt Lake the fact that pioneer spirits ried Myrtle Atat Centerville, lne,Kentfiry m., in a Salt He died City. kinson Sept. 19, which fed tile Pony Express pLake Classroom ad-rimi?r,aVd 20. 1927. hospital of Dec. 1926. Sait Lake Uoxey natural Elementary causes. Church Member, School, and made it possible to exist Bora Auf, 0, Sunset Clearfield City. She died area ot Jesus Christ 26. I960. for March Utah, the Board of Education, 1894, Provo to - day f were obstacles LatterDavis Retired jallroad despite great County School District, here-inaltEdmund M, and Saints. Survivors: Veterworker. called the Due-dalm actons, daughters, duly honored in the musical Emily Wells. cordance with plansOwner, an, and speciftca-tio- n Spanish Married Walter E, John War. American and contract documents, Mar A. Vera. Mrs. E,. Florence production. dated June L I960, which were Past department Martin In 191(1, L. (Si.ne) Erick- ' u.. 1 Retired Scared y Bruce J. McDermott, son. Salt Lake Citv; seven grand- commander, UraAect Spanish EAELIER IN the day, the Proyo, at the machinist. Memfour bi recriwd children; War American office of the Owner Trurrv-bulof until 8 p m. Church ber, Forstrom. Mra, Agnes sister, first of tens of thousands of Jesus Christ of Member, Free and AcJuly 13, i960 and then pubh icly Conn. Funeral Tuesday noon, Veterans. Masons. Acacia cepted Lodge: Saints. Any bid readloud. time 280 E, South Temple, where friends opfnednd special Pony Express Centen- Latteixiay No. 1: Loyal received after Survivor: w i d closing will call Monday pm. Tuesday Knights ofTemplar be returned unopened. Moose. Survivor: ow; sons, daughThe bid nial - souvenir medals Burial, Salt Lake City Ceme- Order prior. Mrs. Richard so be will (EUen) proposal daughters, worded as to ter, LeRov 1 E., tery. head-quarter- s : allow bidder to bid separately Amauric. Oakland, Calif Mra. Port A n a e e s. mailed out from national Alfred (Mildred) Elton. Salt Lake either on or both of said Raymond Mr. JDagdale of the celebration at Wash.: additions andor to bid upon both Edwin Dahle City, two two Ernest M., Salt Lake City; Kenneth, grandchildren; a combined bid. In the under Salt Lake ounty; Mrs. Ernest stepsons, Pioneer Village, 2998 Connor Granger, Edwin Dahle 79 1003 daughters, Reed Rudy, Max Rudy, event that the Owner should make Thelma Wallace, Salt Lake City; an (955 , 14 Mrs. Belmont David Tues' award Mrs. Funeral Rees, upon a combined bid (Grace) grandchildren. St. (2140 East). basis the successful bidder agrees Carl (Margaret) Ure, Mrs. Andy noon, 38 E. 7th South where South), 10died 30 that the projects shall be conThe money raised by sale of day Verl (Ida) Mrs friends call Monday, M p m., Tues- Thursday, Jensen, (Blanche) at hla home 1 tracted under separate contracts Butters, Salt Lake City; brother, prior. Burial Salt Lake City pm., after a lingering &s the medals will help defray the day and such successful bidder must sisters. Rob, Mrs. Mary Fox. Mrs. Cemetery Born Lula Roper. Ella Miss specify the proportion of the total Edwards, cost of the rerunning of the 11 March 1085, N C. Funeral. Wednescombined bid to be allocated to Morganton, to John each separate project. day noon. 260 E South Temple, Pony Express which will start Anna E. VanDyke Shaw Logan, H. and Jenetta Certified checks payable to the where friends call Tuesday. n amount not less than 1960. In Sacramento, CaUf., and St. Mrs. Anna Elizabeth VsnDvke Engleman Dahle. p m., Wednesday prior. Burial STATE ROAD COMMISSION Married of the largest Vra Salt lake City Cemetery total for 354-3r- d 82. Shaw 19. Mo. on 14 Hansen Jan. OF UTAH. July the bid submitted possible Joseph, for each project East, died Friday 1918, Salt Lake Taylor Burton, including the consideration of g. Riders traveling in each di- 12 30 a.m. at her ) irector of Highways Marriage K. alternates any Tideman must City, Frederlksen home natural later solemnized bid as a guarantee that, accompany If awarded NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS rection will pass through Salt causes. ofBorn Jan. In Logan Temple, Tldeman K. Frederlksen, the Contract or Contracts, the bidreceived be will Sealed proposals 13, 1878, Ogden, 1472 Kensington I Church of Jesus der will promptly enter into a bv the State Road Commission of Lake City. to Svbren and Christ of Latter contract and execute such bonds Utah, State Capitol, Sait Lake (1530 South).! Afina Elizabeth 3 30 day Saints Memdied Friday, as are required. City, Utah, until 2 o'clock p.m. NoUkamper te ber, LDS Church. p.m., in a Salt as ascer- Tuesday, July 19, 1960. and at that Prevailing, wage-raMarried to Lake hospital fol-- 1 Graduate Brightained by the Industrial Commis- time publicly opened for construcWeber Fredrick Shaw I ColCounty am a heart Young lowing sion of the State of Utah ahall be tion of A Plant Mix Bituminous 1912. Re-Sept. 18. lege. attack. Vfrt D Wood, 53. Ogden: adhered to as a conditioh ol any Surfaced Road in Box Elder Born, w ayn Lea tired Salt Lake City employe, April 5, 1893, County, the same being that secMyrtl H, fiunsaker, 39, Ogden. contract on this project. County. He died $ Mrs. It shall be assumed that all tion of F.AS. Route No. 504 Copenhagen, I In 1944 Member Michael uiui iuciukvi Floyd, Provo; Denmark, to Jen Fkllllg bidders oi have (County Road) From Lampo Juncvisited Neorlander, the cite 22, of Church of Jesus Art. Wray (Fayel Perry, Salt Lake and Marie Nel-- 1 Miles, the Reedsport, Ore j work for the pur- tion Northwesterly 7 5 whriat of Latter Jessie lone Fenner, 18. Reed-por- t. pose proposed ityj tlx .grandchildren; brothers, sen Frederiksen. I of acquainting themselves identified as Federal Aid Project lay Saints. Su1 Eliza-arrett, Logan; Pacific Married (2 1. No Ore. George, with all conditions the affecting rvivors: ton Calif ; Roy, Sacramento, b e t h McLeese The length of road to be conrov, Funeral work. The Owner shall have the De Calif. daughters, Tuesday, 2 p m., April 16. 1919. to make awards under any structed or improved is 7 536 miles, ere, Richfield 260 An7.,.:4CT'" M"ra 31- - 105 right E. South Temple, wnere Salt Lake City. ' and the principal items of work bid combination. possible Sevier County; Tuesfriends call Monday, 5 are approximately as follows: Retired employe, i pm, The Owner reserves the " i. J( CL.'!f.Cn,eb' Tons of Plant Mix Bituminous day prior. Burial, Sait Lake City American Linen f to reject any or all bids yandright el to Tons of Cemetery, Supply Co. Prot- - s or ail technicalities or Surface Type A. 1,490 waive any ly; Tons Bituminous Material, 50,135 slant Faith. Omlenlm HlT,r Naraelh, 21. formalities in the bidding , Mrs.. Robert B (Leona) Madaeni Portland Cement Treated Base lurvlvort: wtd-- ..w, ..t, Plans and Specifications will be of -W. (LaNeda) Hazel Stevens Marcliant . Bosall The Utah Aeronautics Com- .Tooele; Mrs. Warren Course and 162,700 Cu. Yds of Kennedy 17. Ogden. ow; -ton. daugh- - Mr. available June 30. I960 They Unclassified Hunter, Salt Lake Fr.ierlk.ra ushton, Roadway Excavation. be Mrs. tar,,- Robert 8., without examined may charge 2Smission Friday began corre- .ounty; 18 grandchildren, 28 great- PEOA Summit County Lerter (Maryt Johnwn, MM ad Mr,. in the office of the Architect and The project is to be completed in Stevens Hazel Funeral pending. grandchildren 150 F. William days. Sykes, working (Peggy) Mr. may be procured from the office 71, Merchant.ThursMarilyn 8haw, 19. Ogden. sponding with Interested perPrequaiification of bidders is Salt Lak, City; Mr. William located at 1400 Foothill Drive, required. died Prior to anv bidders Vega,. La, sons in Provo, St George and Anna B. W. Mauerman Peoa Plngree, (Barbara! Dee 12. Suite in a Lake Utah Leonard Sait City. Salt day Jr., 33. upon a plans and specifications, Nev.: ister, Mr, Anna Feragen, Washington Terrace; Lake hospital ot deposit of $50.00 for each receiving t will be necessary that the bidder Kanab to determine whether Salt Lak, City; Mr,. Marie Dahl. Barbara heart ailment. Ann Treabey, protect as a guarantee for the safe lave nn file Mra. Anna Barbara Wendell with the State Road Palo Alto. Calif Funeral Wednes- Ogden. of the return Jom June 29. and plana those communities will take Mauerman, 79, specifica- Commission Utah completed 1889, Oakley, day. 1 p.m.. 162A S. 17th Eait, tions. the full amount of which and approved,of the required 635 S. 7th West, Summit County, will be repaid upon the return of steps necessary to retain the died Fnday, 4 Statement pertaining Davis i . Isaao to Thomas and County in plans goed to contractor's specifications a in Salt experience and fiservices of scheduled airline pm. Mary Ellen Scott and Emma Wool- condition, within five days after nancial condition. Lake hospital of . ,r Stevens. Mar. I or bids. Contractors who Fenn Mrs. Ellen 70, receipt Scott, The attention of bidders is diMary natural causes. Bountiful: service. ried Ray Mar- 1300 S. State, died , plana and specifications, rected to the Special Provisions Erma Rath Cartli. 22, Granger. receive 1, Born June chant March 11, but fall to submit bids, shall for- covering subletting or assigning the Friday, 2 pm., 1681. Wasser-bemdor- f. Coalville. 1909. at feit 50 of their deposit unless contract. in e Salt Lake BONANZA Air Lines, corn GerMarriage later slant and specifications are Not less than the general preUtah County rest home of nat-- , many, to John in solemnized seven to rates Architect as determined the cities wage the (7) causes. ural Bom that three vailing f:" plaining and Elizabeth Salt Lake Ttm-!e- . date Mir-rie- d 4. 1889, f by the Industrial Commission of Hoover Cate, 31. Orem: days before the bidEDUCATION Way Sept. Church ot have failed to maintain mini- Wendell.to Albert 1, 1959. shall BOARD effective OF Utah, July Joan Older Wayne Teasdale, Walber, 25. Orem esus Christ of DAVIS COUNTY SCHOOL be paid to all laborers, workmen County, to John Hugo Mauerman, atter-damum amount of traffic re- Dec Saints. Mlrbsol Ralph Allen. 17, Provo: and mechanics employed on this .DISTRICT OF UTAH Ann and 12 1906, Salt Lucy e o P a (A-4Member, Deanna Gale, 16, Provo. A Holils Grange. Clerk project. Fenn. Brown City. Marquired to Justify continued Lake LDS Ward SurThe attention of bidders Is diMarried Joseph riage later aolem-nlze- d Cliff Davie. 19, SanUquin: vivors: husband, REPORT OF A HOLDING rected to the fact that this ComE Scott July 23, .service, has filed a petition In Sait son and daughters, Norval mission has been advised bythe COMPANY AFMLIAfK Shora. "'''18' 1907, Lake Temple, Douglas, CouniJr with the Civil Aeronautics Church of Jesus Peoa; Mrs. C. D. Dan WooUey. of a bank which is a member of Wage and Hour Division, U S. DeArts, Marriage Mrs, Edna Larsen. Balt Lake ot Labor, that contractors of Latter-da- y Edward William Aabiawn. 19, the Federal Reserve System, pub- partment Board requesting authority to ChristSaints. Mrs. R. E. Dobbs. Mrs. Rayma later solemnized ln highway construction Temlished in accordance with the pro- engaged Ac- Lake in Salt Loa : Coalville; Angelee Black. li' grandchildren, work are required to meet the proMrf Madarman Act. of Federal Reserve the of service. Church visions Marilra live member. Xrenae Miller, 24, Plea. six great grandchildren; brothers. ple, suspend Fair Labor StandReport as of June 15. 1960. of visions of the LDS Church. Survivors: husband; Pheron. Peoa: Milton, Kamas; Her- Jesug Christ of ant Grove, 1938, (52 Stat. 1060). Under the direction of Rich- son FIRST AMERICA CORPORATION. ards Act of forms, Saints, daughters, Leonard, Albert, bert, Royal Cakes, Mich. Funeral Latter-da- y Proposal plans, cross secWILMINGTON. WUII,m MoLake DELAWARE, Salt City Lake Salt CUy: ChapeL 2 Cherrinrtoa, Ward Otto, 25, and specifications are on Oremrt Sunday, p.m. Peoa ard A. Van Winkle, chairman, Fred, which is affiliated with WALK- tions desto, Calif ; Mrs. Freda Haw-Ela- le Friend may call at family home residents sinceoffice file in the of the State Road ER BANK A TRUST COMPANY, Commission. Salt Lake Kay Rlgge, 19, Panguitch. Morton. Salt Lake in Peoa Saturday. p m. Sun-a- y March, 1960. AcUtah Aeronautics Commission, geat City, and 1ALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. iva to services. Burial. Peoa ttve member, the office of its District Engineer City; Mrs. Elizabeth Andra, prior husband; Survivors: Kind of civic affiliate: business Church. of this Patterson Mortuary. LDS groups and Hoi Springs, Idaho; 23 granaenu-at city officers, where Ogden, Utah, Nevada by !emetery Elko, they may W , J. Guy Bank Holding Company. sons, daughters. Earl be reviewed bv prospective bid-de:oalviile. -others- who might be inter- eri, Fred Wendell, Brigham brothG., KirtlamL Manner in which above-name- d Phoenix. Aru.; Neal lark, 31. Salt Lake City, Specifications, proposal, N M.; Fruitland. Is N affiliated with forms, and plans mav be obtained organization M.j Von.L, Eider County; John Wendell, ested In continued scheduled Box Koford Ronald L., Memphis. Tenn.: Mrs.. Wendell, Leonard Hannah Margaret Haddew, 15. member bank, and degree of con-tro- l; at the Commission Offices at Salt Bountiful) Fixstamenca Corporation Lake City, upon application and (Rita) Miller, Foreman, Idaho. Funeral. TuesRiverton, Utah. BRIGHAM CITY Jarvn, (Pete) Paul G. flight service in those commu- Blackfoot. Sabin. Vema) Arthur Mrs. 5467 owns 90 of the out- payment of a fee of $5 00. no part directly day, noon, 9th West and 65. 53 N. 2nd West, died Ark.; Wilfrid Lea D. Mndd. 25, Buhl. Idaho;' standing capital stock of the above of which will be refunded. Each nities, have been asked to com South. Friends call Monday, 7 9 Koford. after Hoonah. Alaska: Mrs. Storkville, Thursday night at his home B. Busan bidder must submit a letter from 10. Davit. member 8. 4330 named bank. (1700 Buhl. Redwood (Ethelene) 23. 1895, Born Bailey. a long iuneas. Aprii ment on the proposed suspen- pm., Barzee, Financial relations with bank: an approved surety company guarWest), Tuesday prior, place of Brigham City, to peter J. and Eliza Mi a. Mrs. Austin (Roxle) Leals E. Larsen. 43 Buhl! (Dora) Barzee, Salt affiliated Stock of bank anteeing to furnish said bidder owned sendees. Burial Salt Lake City Anderson Koford, Married Alberta Mrs. MarvinMrs. by , ' sion. Dorothy Davis. 41. Buhl. (Mildred) Lloyd 43 the affiliate (par value). $2,144.-46- 2 with required bond The right to Cemetery Ann Fry Oct 17. 1929. Brigham Lake City; Ariz.i reject anv or ail bids is reserved. t, 50. G. Citv. Veteran World War 1. active Burdon, Tucson. Panl 00. Borovlloi, Salt 23 Cash, certified check, cashiers Loans by the TEE CAB IN Washington, member Church of Jesus Christ of Lake; check, or aporoved proposal guarFuneral none. Emma affiliated bank. Kitto pending. Latter-day Survivors: Georgia 39. Saints. bond for not less than five Stock of affiliate registered in anteecent DC, has notified Mr. Van Mrs. Emma Kittp Dealing Salt Lake. Karaglanopouloa, widow, sons. Jarvas B. Salem, of total amount of bid 83. name of affiliated bank or known per Ore : Richard P. US. Army, GerR. Bush . Winkle that Utah and inter- 618 DeSoto 40 East), Dearlnf, to the State Road Commisdied Thurs- many: Doty Nathaniel Ball Banks, 23, Salt to be owned by bank directly or made r, Mrs. Rinta must sion 7 15 p m., at her home, of accompany each bid as day, Lake; 7. Logan: three brothers, six Buih, indirectly (oar value), none. SANDY Doty R. ested persons have only until natural causes. Born Nov. 26. 1876, Koford Funeral evidence of faith and a guarThsyle Peckhinnant, 24, Salt sisters. Wednesday 1 pm, 3305 S 5th East, Borrowings from affiliated bank, antee that good if awarded the conN.Y-- to Thomas Hills. and Arnold Lake. Ward to CAB with file LDS the 3rd executed 20 acceptances 6 City including Tuesday by tract, the bidder will execeute the died Friday, Marv Ann Kitto. Married George Brigham bank for account of af- contract and furnish contract bond at hi, , p.m., comments on Bonanzas re- W. Dearing, May L 1897, Lead-vill- e. ChapeL Bichari Lee Atkins. 23. Elko; affiliated and securities sold to affililin- - r home after required. George Ana Pennell. 19, Elko, filiate Colo. He died in 1945. Mem" ated bank under repurchase agree- i Any I tineas. e rta additional information g ber. Grand International Auxiliary quest ment. none be secured at the office of may Georg Choules Born Oct 12, the ' - Anxious to retain regular of Brotherhood of Locomotive Enof Other the affiliate Road Commission. State obligations New 1902. . BIRTHS York, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO G tore, Union Pacific gineers,Miriam-Rebeccto. to or known affiliheld be Dated this 2nd day of July 1960 by. W. and to Hana a local No. died a in Club. 60, Choules, to Friday service Lodge, the southern 10, ated bank, none STATE ROAD COMMISSION flight Salt Lake City Salida, Colo, Fait noble grand, hospital after an illness. Born Natalie Other Information to OF UTAH a Lodge, No, one. April 11, 1900. in Preston, he dyne Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Jerald disclose fully relationsnecessary part of the state, the Utah Salt Lakt C. TAYLOR BURTON. with bank: 1942 from ried in to Twin Fells came Episcopal Member, 24 City. E. 17th South, Lang Fawcett, I, C. PAUL HULTEN. Director of Highways (A-4VICE 7, local agency has requested an ex- Church, Survivor: a Sept Starley a for was salesman Inkom, 31. son, May daughter. PRESIDENT AND TREASURER of NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS L. A. (Arley) Berry. Mr. P. seed company, member Church 1928, Magna, Mr, tension of at least 30 days be- Mr. and Clifford Finley FIRSTAMERICA Mr. CORPORATION, Sealed bids for renovation of Salt Lake CounE. (Bobbie) Nammote, bait Lake of Jesus Christ of Latter-daGlen Finley, 3771 Lee Maur St. do solemnly swear that the above Roof ear for Park Citv High Systems Line Anderson ty. Esther married Saints: teven (2740 West), on, June 4. statement is true, to the best of School and Marsac yond July 5 in which to file City; two grandchildren; Elementary Funeral Tuea Dec. 23. 1928. in Salt Lake City. foreman, KenneFUher Mr, and Mr. Wesley my knowledge and belief. School st Park City, Utah, also for comments. Co. cott sons, widow: George Copper Survivors Friends Eaat. noon, Alden day Fisher, Murray, son, June 4. (signed) C. PAUL HULTEN Electrical System Remodeling for widLew. Baltimore, Md., and John Survivors:, , Monday, call Sunday, Foote Mr. and Mr, Wallace to Sworn and pjn subscribed before Park Citv School will be High dau Hawthorne, Calif.; ow; sons, 574 E. lit 8outh. Burial, Mt. Maynard, John Foote, 3758 Blair St (360 me this 28th dav of June. 1960. accepted st the Park City Board Olivet Cemetery. Family request brothers, Jake. Richard and Alma ter. Starley June 3. GRACE O MITCHELL. of Education Offices. Main Street ton, East), (Seal) PocaLake Salt City. Preston: all Choules. Elmer, St. any contribution be made to Park City, Utah. , Notary Public Ray, tello; sisters, Mrs. Edna Rid, Robert Paula Memorial Fund. Adelbert Foulger, 128 M St, My commission expires March 8. Tuesday the fifth (5) of July, Twin Falls; Mrs. Alice Steuri, Kearn,; Terry 1960. at which time they will be 1962. ) daughter. May 29. Van Fu- Cart (Alice Mr,. Sandy; four grandchildren. Ogden publicly opened. and Mr. Darrell NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Brown, West Jordan; neral Tuesday. 11 a m. Wht Marie) Lawrence K. Stout drawings Notice is hereby given that the andBidders mav obtain brother, (1970 Hafen, 1974 Hollywood Ave. Burial Twin seven grandchildren; Mortuary ChapeL specifications at the office South), on, June 1. Calif. heretofore subsisting Funeral service Busch. partnership art pending Falla Cemetery. Downey Carl & Van Frank Architects. and Mr. Daniel Jame between JOHN PRICE and DALE 336Mo--So. 3rd for Lawrence K. Stout, 29, MemFuneral is pending. 5 Qai BV 4340 WMt) Sait Lake East City, DEARDFN. DEARDEN as known on. Sc on or after 10 a m. Monday. phis, Tenn., who died Tuesday in June 3 PRICE CONSTRUCTION CO., Utah, George D. Butler Memphis, of bilateral pneumonia. Hanks Mr. and Mr. Doutla doing business in Utah, has been Jun 27, 1960 on making a Caroline Christensen Jacobson Survivors: widow; son, daughters, .25 00 per set such de 1163-3r- d by mutual agreement as posits being Michael Allen, David Lawrence, East dissolved refunded in accord-wit- h MT. PLEASANT. Sanpete Coun- son, June Hank. of Sent. 24. 1959. 3 Shery Lyn, Lorrlt Dee: parents, conditions stipulated in Bllmem. B Mra. Carolina Syndergaard heart PRICE will JOHN Hanaeit-Mr. the continue ty end Mr. Salt Lake City; brother, sisters, July"7. 1887, to Georg, nd Xmm, Christensen. 83, died Friday. Marlyn business at the same place and the General Conditions of the D. 1129 W. 4th South, Hansen, Archie Leon, salt Lake City: Butler. Married V,r Ma-tllm.. at her home after a lingering the same firm name, but Contract. May 28. Alden MedlynGrundlund. Snder Dearden A certified check of not lew M . Ontario, CaUf. Nebraska. She llnesa. Born Sept 7, 1879. Mt daughter, therehas retired Hansen condition land Mr, values and than Mr. C. Tex Nathan five Gerald High per cent of the .mount Cardon, Beaumont Ail debts due and owing died. Later married Margaret Pleasant to Peter J. and Anne Murray, daughter, from. Henderson, Nev ; Phillip Married to boren W. Hansen, Conlin April 13, 1931. Logan, svndergaard. the partnership are to be received of the bid must accompany each th direction ol architecture Lewi. . 1897. May 31. Darrell Sacramento, Calif : Mrs. Early John Price at 243 Fruit Ave.. proposal, such check being made Utah. Founded Butler Pharmacy Peter Christensen. Jan. Dec. by Hardman Mr. Mrs. Kento 34. and the Park City Board payable (Agnes) Dastrup, Ontario, he;. In 1933. Paat president. Black, Mt. Pleawnt. He died Salt Lake City. Utah. in Switzerland, a group ol Merrill Neal Hardman, Calif. ; Mrs. Winfield (Melvina) foot Chamber ol Commerce. Ac- 1925. Member. Church of Jeaua neth Neither of the parties will be of Education. Murray, - Swiss architects noted in Salt Clark, Su- daughter. May 24. Saints. Boulder City, Nev ; Mrs, tive In Masonic order. Survivor; Christ of Latter-da- y responsible for debts created by The board reserves the right to or Hardman Mr. end Mrs. Melvin the other since said date. ail proposals or to WlUis (Rosins) Eaton, Pocatello, widow, nn, daughters, Donald, rvivor: daugh tars. Mm. Leo reject any ) Lake City Friday. And like Idaho: Mr. Steven (Gwen) Banning. Calif; .Mra., Mucllle (Eloeee) Monsen, Mra. Rodney LeRoy Hardman West Jordan, waive any formalities or techn calities in the Mt. Mrs. Jack Boulder June Nev.; Mr. bidding. on, 1, Pleaunt; Howe. Chubb, City, Pocatello; (Vanettat NOTICE Its mountains, Switzerlands Vern (Belva Ann) Mauchley, Hardaway, BOARD OF EDUCATION Camille! Thompson, Long Beach, Mr. John R. (Devon) Orton. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ! inProo City Corporation of Park City Dr. Gerald Con-ti- Mr. Lee ItJRuth) Brady. Dug-wa- Herworth Hardy, 557 Division Ln. Magna: Mrs. John (Dency) Carat-Un- i 'alii; .ten-to-n. architecture goes upward. tons 20.000 Bids on of cepting By order of Ctrl Winters, Mra. Pitmen N.J, , Tooele County; 12 grandchil- (2470 South), son. May 28. Denver; 21, CoaL mere or less, until 1 Supt. Main Street Park Earl C. iPtggv) King. Nw York dren; 33 HarUnd Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1960 at 200 o'clock P.M. July Copies : brother. City, Utah. ) ANTON AMMON, one oi the Derek Harlan d. City; eight grandchildren, a gister, a Notice to Bountiful, Documents. Contract of M. Ilougaard Rose Mrs Harnr Thorndike, Cambridge. Wilfred Syndergaard, Mt Pleas- June 1, . Forms for Bidders, Proposal Sand3 pm, p.m. Funeral, group, noted that other factors OGDEN ant Funeral Saturday. y Tueiday.l Mr. and Mrs. James ding obtained Hannan be may , "Want-AA Place Second-ThirMrs. Rose Marie LDS d d Funeral ChapeL Mt Pleasant 3693 8. 4800 from City Purchasing Agent at Leonard Switzerlands natural ter64. St., died Thur-da- y berg Ward Chapel. .Friend .call Mon- West son,Harman, 4. June Provo City, UUUI. a Funeral an after in Ursenbach Ogden hospital day owning, PROVO CITY CORPORATION Harmon Mr. and Mr. Blaine rain, stringent federal laws long illness. Born April 30, 1896. Margaretta Coffin 25 Home, Tuesday prior at family Neil sen Harmon, 2836 S. 7230 J. WALTER PROTHERO. Pine Ridge, 8 D,, to John Y. and BLACKFOOT. IDAHO Mrs. home. Burial. Mt Pleaaant City South, daughter, against cutting of the forests Elizabeth ) June 4. Purchasing Agent Janls Nelson. Married Cemetery. 89. M. Cooper Coffin, Margaretta diLater to P. Pulliam. James horizontal expan- vorced. Married to Howard R. longtime Idaho teacher, died here prevent daughsion. As a result much of the Hougaard in 1948 in Colorado. Thursday at tha home of a of natMr. Irene Arbuckie, Member, St Joseph's Catholic ter, Dec. 14, 1870, causes. Bom new building is vertical ural son. Church. 6urvivors: husband; Jane and to Vincent Mary Oxford, AT A PLUSH .HIGH-TON- ED James P Pulliam Jr., Cooper. Began teaching at apartment houses and the like. daughters, Pine Ridge, S D t Mrs. Charlotte MiUer 16. Married to Nathan S. Coffin DOCt BOITE A A TWO-FOO- T PLACE HANDV EAT1M3 MENU, The group examined some Powless, Avalon (S Ogden: Mr. McCammon. later 21 Aug 26, 1892, Marcel lou. Be I court, Nu WHAT DOES SHE CO Logan, Utah, Temple, WAGON SOUPENA ORDERS THUS lots in the bench area of the grandchildren: y three sisters. Re- - solemnized Latter-daChurch of Jesus Christ of j Tuesday. Saints. He died July 24 1947. city, concluded that an equiva- 10uiema m.iMassSt. celebrated Joseph's Catholic Survivors: tons, daughters, Sherlent lot In their hometown. Church. 8 Holy . Mvera RoaryA recited man, Twin Falls; Jess. Mrs. Lucille 'onday, Evans. Mrs Cliff (Pearl) Orgill, SmMonday Mortuary. p m., all Pocatello; Mrs. Asa (Hazel) Bern, would cost twice as lends . jeaday to 945 am, Burial, 0- - Smith. Santa Ana. CaUf : 16 grandmuch.. den City Cemetery. children, 57 one 1 great brother, Ed Cooper, Pocatello, . THE GROUP has seen hous-Mrs. Maude Grove. Funeral Funtrofi "Service Above All" EM Card of Thanks STEWART We take this means of notifying our many friends, relatives and neighbors that we deeply appreciate their kindness and sympathy extended to us during our recent bereavement in the death of our dear father, the late Otis L. Stewart The Stewart family. i Special Notice CLASSIFICATION Help Wanted-Wom- en MIDDLE aged LDS ladies to train in upholstery and to work in clothing sorting, pressing and repairing Steady work. Insurance, vacations Apply in person with a bishop g recommend, at 351 Deseret Av. 1 40S . 2nd W.) OLDE? LDS WOMAN TO 4LIV: AND CARE FOR.OLDE Private rm. and food Modest home in S.L C. (mall salary. Give exper., ref. and full information in reply tc Box care of this paper. R.N. for division f metabolism research ward. Interesting work, No special training required. CaU HU ext. 357 on July 6 HARMAN'S CAFES , Waitresses, age 20 to 30. Appl: st 3Yrson'..n9 J?hon cal!,250 W locations. 1270 E 21st So.. NPiTempJeJ3890Si-j5tate- r INDEX MARRIED . woman for tnsid work- S 15 pm. to 12.1 Top salary and workin cond. Local reference. Mri Bailey, 837 W N. Temple, or Mn Hansen. 753 E. 21st South. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted, afternoon shift, appt GREYHOUND POST HOUSE, 12 West So. Temple. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for evening shift 5 pm.-- l an ver 30 yrt. of age. IN I Mffip I for appointment. WOMAN or older girl to care ii 3 children, ages B and 6, wht 'notber worka. vie. 23rd Ea andr 6660 So. Call CY dnve-i- am. jJNeed an Expert Lost and Found 3 'iSr Help Wanted 7 to' 11A For Rent 14 to 27 Real Estate 28 to 36 jFor Sale Misc. .47 to 51 Automobiles 55 $ IN EVENT OT ERROR, notify our Classified Departments st once. Advertisers are expected to check the first insertion: we will not be responsible for any errors MANUFACTURER needs 2 sale women. Get 20 s. to 35 after the first day. comm: ton. Nationally advertised pro WHEN CANCELING an ad deud. Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath, 4: mand a Kill" number. No allow- E. 4th South. ance made without it PAYROLL knov edge of adding mach, and calc READ YOUR AD carefully beI? tor necessary. Apply Pullnu Tailors. 130 S. Vest Trmnle fore placing it Due to mechanical operation, if is impossible to -Wyo. guest ram OpK Stua'l correct or change an ad until friBox 1. Jacksc 'ed; P.O. it has appeared one time. co esa ,ir for gi work WHEN PHONING your Want EXPECTANT MOT Ad, always ask for the ad to WANTED TO DO LIGHT HOUS be repeated back to you. Be ER RM, BD.V 8 M A I sure to check your phone num- WORK. WAGE. EL ber and address. WAITRESS, Car hop, shift. Farmers Daugh! It7 So Easy to Place a Cafe, 1136 E. 33rd So. COUPLE to manage end care small hotel Apply Mr. Wrigi Wilson Hotel. 32 E. 2nd So. "WANT AD" EM DIAL 3-15- EXPERIENCED 25 Just Say "Charge It" " 3 lost and Faund MEXICAN Chow brown, answers to Pancho, bet So. and 3rd W. West Temple. Brown harness IN LOST Ladys black wallet Capi-to- l Theater. Reward for return, EL LOST blue parakeet vie. of 4jh 4th S. Reward for return. DA 3-0892 or HU Y FOUND 1 HORSE. HUmr ELS-9387- . ! PkM Bh0M SHIRT FINISHE Wasatch Dry Cleaner. 71 21st South. EXPERIENCED maid, good chat for advancement. Salt Lake Tr ciodge, 144 W. North Temple. PANTRY woman wanted. Exp need only. Apply UTAH CAFE, 32 8. MAIN XP, cook wanted j Apply in person. PIL ySJ. CAFE, 1726 W. North Temple. LADY living In vicinity for me Bradfield Motel. 1213 yoriCa South. MATURE woman to lend child home. Granger area. M in be ' dependable. AM WOMAN to etay night with 4 .while mother works. EL-- ! COUPLE; MOTEL WORK 2923 So-- State ADY for general houeework ironing Mon, and Tne. f.i . ut CSHUMlE,fc te repufc |