OCR Text |
Show -- y "y .r- 'i - I fr p 'm 'i f yi'ninyOf-y- "yr'l'r'y"'y,,p"''yi,,((ywiy",''ir'tr,yf'i'yfyy"' & - ' Tlie Salt Lake Tribune Saturday, July 2, I860 andDown the Street- j-- P -- - I - New York Times Dow Jones UP AP . l Iirm Announces 11,153,229 Profit Mathet Dawdles On Holiday Eve -- Mines one cent would go off zinc cents a when prices hit 13 pound. As zinc is pow 13 cents a pound, only a 1 cent a pound import duty would be immediately effective. Duty on zinc is now seven tenths of a cent a pound. tariff Passage of a lead-Zinmeasure by Congress this sesto the fate of the sion Virgin Islands c is-ti- ed appropriations bill,. Miles P. Romney, manager of the Utah Mining Assn., said Friday. Both the Sen-- i ate Finance Com mittee and the House Ways and gleans Commit- - tee have . - j pt I JJL. ; f , ap- - Mr. Romney APPARENTLY now rejected by Congress is a tariff bill on lead and zinc introduced by Sen. Wallace F. Bennett which was endorsed by the Emergency Lead and Zinc Committee. The Kerr amendment provides for a basic import duty of two cents a pound on lead and 1H cents a pound on zinc. How-everan additional one cent duty would become effective on lead when domestic price of that metal goes below 13 Va cents a pound. THIS ADDED ONE cent would go off when price of lead hits 14 Vi cents a pound. Lead is now selling for 12 cents a pound. Thus if the legislation becomes law, lead imports into the VU.S. would immediately face a three-cen- t duty. Present duty is 1.062 cents. An added one cent tariff would become effective on zinc when price of that metal goes below 12 cents a pound. The 1 Mr. Schubach told shareholders in the report that during fiscal 1960 we sold U308 concentrate, derived from 120,914 tons of ore, having a net value after haulage, mill charges and federal and state income taxes, mill penalties arid royalties of ,. $2,100,647. The firms income taxes liability for last fiscal year was after which deductions, Industrial produced the net y profit of $1,153,229. $394,953, SAID THAT PRODUCTION is frpm the Starlight Walter Chief and Sunlight mines. Current production from these mines is at the rate of about 6,000 tons of ore monthly. It is expected that production will continue at this rate during the current year. The Starlight Mine will be mined out in the very near future. However, the development of a property to be known as the East Starlight Mine will replace production presently coming from the Starlight Mine, he told shareholders. Shopping Center, Finance Division IN ACCORDANCE with our announced policy of converting mining properties to conservative real estate and financial investments, your company has invested in a shopping center, a farm (in Texas) and has committed funds to a recently formed finance division. It is anticipated that arrangements will be completed in the very near future for participation in an additional shopping center, shareholders ' were told. , Liquidation during the current year of the bulk of the ore from the Moonlight-Hardinopen pit uranium mine placed the company in a very strong financial position, Mr. Schubach said. BY FOLLOWING A CONSERVATIVE investment policy, the officers and directors believe that we will generate a substantial per share cash flow, independent of mining operations, which will provide funds for dividends in addition to funds for further investment No change in the $5 annual dividend is contemplated at this time, Mr. Schubach added. He said that drilling had disclosed 50,000 tons of reserves incline shaft in the East Starlight ore body and that a 450-fowas being sunk with mining of the ore body to start in three months. Acquire Irrigated Farm in Texas that as part of the diversification program, Industrial had acquired an irrigated farm 10 847-acr- miles west of Hereford, Tex. Wheat, barley, maize, cotton, carrots, lettuce, potatoes and com for ensilage are grown on the property which has four irrigation wells powered by natural gas pumping. The Sunset Shopping Center in Amarillo, Tex., in which Industrial has committed investment of half a million dollars to date is scheduled to open for business Sept. 15, 1960. Markets CHICAGO, (UFI) July duce: Live poultry: 19 000 lbs; no USDA price quotations todav. Cheese. Single daisies longhorns processed loaf 37 39, Swiss grade A grade B 6. ? C grade Butter. Steady; 1.519.000 lbs; 9 and 92 score 57 4; 90 score 66; score 554; carlols: 90 score 66 89 score 56. Eggs: Steady; 25,100 cases; white and mixed large extras 294; mediums 264. standards 274; dirties 264, checks 26. Potatoes (old and new): Total OS shipments 309. arrivals 48. track 316, supplies moderate, demand good, maricet firm to slightly stronger. unless Track sales (100 lbs U S otherwise stated): California long whites 4 75-- 00, bakers 6 00, round reds 4 25. Alabama 4 50. Street sales; California long whites 5 00-- 5 25, bakers 5 15-- 50. Russets 4 50-- 4 6 25, round reds 5 00, bakers 65; Arizona round red bakers 4 50. Texas round reds 5 15. Onions. Arrivals 2, track 47; supplies moderate; demand good; market slightly stronger on mediums dull on large. sales: California Track yellow Stockton medium 2 10. largt 1 70 sales: California Street yellow grano large 2 00-- 2 15, medium 2 15-25; New Mexico white medium 2 10 2 15; Texas granex yellow 2 65, medium 2 00, white large medium 2 00. 50 Sheep 200; spring slaughter lambs generally steady, choice to Prime 20 few good and choice 9 19 50. Dow Jones Service NEW YORK, 1 Closing dealers markets July (bid and asked fractions and changes in 32nds: Salt Lake Growers Market Fruit Prices Per Unit 2 25; berries, Apricots, lug. 2 00 crate, gooseberries, 2 75-- 3 00; red rasp25-2 50-- 3 4 strawberries. 75, berries, 00. Currants, red, crate. 2 25-- 2 50; cents, cherries lb , Bings, 20-2-2 cents. Lamberts, 20-2Vegetable Prices Per Unit 1 cents; Beans green string, lb. 1 cents; beets, yellow string, lb. 40-4- 5 cents; cabbage, dozen bunch, crate, 3 00; cucumbers, lug, 2 50; endive, crate. 2 90-- 2 25; Lettuce, crate, 1 50; onions green, dozen bunch, 5 cents; radishes, dozen bunch. 35-4cents; squash summer, lug, 1.25-1.5zucchini, lug, 1 50. GUARANTEED RENTALS from tenants al ready committed on leases is $384,826 and Mr. Schubach estimates that cash flow to Industrial after taxes for the years 1961 through 1964 will be $470,000. Officers in addition to Mr. Schubach included James D, Moyle, vice president, and Wilford M. Burton, secretary-treasury- - Grain Futures Cash Grain CHICAGO, "July 1 (AP) No wheat or soybean sales. Corn No. 2 yellow 1.194. Oats No. 2 extra heavy white 754. Soybean oil 84N. Barley Malting choice 1 feed, CHICAGO. July 1 (AP) 2388-238- 2 4949-152- house with carports, E. 740 2129-208- THIS MFS WELL HAS BEEN conditioned for use as a South, $22,000. Merwin G. White, swimming pool, natural gas imput project already. The utility ultimately 3920 S. 5200 West, $3,600. Sewing Machine Ce masonry busbillions feet of cubic introduction of of toward gas lopks iness bulldipg, 2363 S. Foothill Dr., ' , $370,000. Into the Chalk Creek reservoir. John Speeg, two masonry houses It is the first time in the American gas Industry that with Lodrell Dr., carports. NEW CORPORATIONS reservoir of this nature has been considered as a storage $24,000. area for gas. Generally, depleted oil or gas fields are used. Salt Lake City Third District Court Near Pueblo, Colorado Interstate Gas Co. Is sealing up an Junius M. Jaekseut masonry house First Bush Street Co. Salt Lake and disposal of seold coal mine for like purpose. . , with garage, 4265 Park View Dr City, acquisition curities and interests in other corpo(4155 East), $50,000. E, Perrin Fay, president, Well ter, frame addition, rations. MR. FIDLAR SAID that to some degree water in the Arrid L.East. $3,000. San Mateo, Calif ; E. Hugh Taylor, first vice president, San Francisco; with house Bruce masonry Tewuley, be would reservoir Creek gas displaced by pumped Chalk lij carport, 7845 Delann Ln. Frank Ray Dubois Jr., second vice president, Holladay; John Stewart, under pressure. The gas, if all goes well with present experi- $18 000. Roy E. Brakeman, treasursecretary, Granville Olesea, pool, swimming Capital stock er, San Francisco. ments, would be placed into the Coalville project during 2659 E. 3020 South, $6,000. frame cabin Lof authorized, $50,000; subscribed. $5,000. Kay Harrison, summer months and taken out in the winter. Union Assay Office, Inc.i Salt Lake Acres. Lambs Canyon, $4,000. essaying of ores, minerals, other Success at Chalk Creek would necessitate construction of Hiller Book Bindery, masonry ad- City, J. V. Sadler, president. 615 N. 3rd West substances. dition to additional transmission from the Salt Lake area to the (400 West),bindery, Salt Lake City; Walter C, Wanlass, $28,000. r Bountiful; for vice L. Bex Andenon, steel buildin 75 Mr. confirmed. Fidlar about of distance miles, a reservoir Salt E. 2700 - Squth, Lily M. Hottinger, secretary, 888 laundromat ' Lake City. Capital stock authorised, $9,300. music $10,000; subscribed, $9,950. Keith Gustave m NOT ONLY WOULD, a natural gas reserve at Chalk Croft Fleers Ine., Salt Lake City, store and dance studio, dealer. Installer of flooring. Robert Creek speed delivery, of added fuel, on peak demand days 900 East, $22.000. ' mafour Alts S. Croft president general manager; Development, Pal In the Salt Lake, Valley, ' it would for some time permit the sonry houses, with garages, June M. Croft in ' main transmission Salt Lake City. Capital stock both $56,000. of added Way, Dolphin to looping delay utility block authorized, $100,900; subscribed, Mulesek Construction Co W rehou, 255 W. 7th South, $12,000. Wyoming."' Acme Keulpment Co., Salt Lake J. Leonard Lvs, masonry house business. 2265 Dallitt St J, 2763-274- . $550-10t- h president-treasure- two-stor- 2166-216- 8 . secretary-treasure- r, $29,-25- r' ! ff (2100 with carport. South). $28,402. E. Eldon Combs, patio and' carport 1955 Foothill Dr.r $2,500. William Douglas Merrill, , excavate tinder house and build new founda, natural its tion at Co. walls, 31 K St. $3,000. discovered has gas JBelco Petroleum Hotel Utah, equipment room for Grand northeastern extreme 1 in 6 E. South Temple, No. wildcat Unit afr Creek conditioning, Jim $9,500. and county, Utah, it was reported Friday. The well may repre-- " Clyde H. Hardy, split block house, 2956 Glen mare St northern extension of existing gas production in the frame sent (1575 East), $11,700. Tracy-Collin- s Trust Co. remodel store front. 48 E. 4th Smith. $3,500. frame addition --Jto John Oliver, FIRM gauged 650,000 cubic feet a day In testing of house. 153 Kensington Ave. (1500 $2,500. South), wildcat at between the 5,144 and 5,157 feet a shnd section Henry C. Duehlmetr, two brick with carports, 3730 W. BowJim Creek Unit No. 1 is located ki Section 10, Township 16 bouses den Dr. and 421$ S. $720 West r ; and Range 25 East . $22,000, , ,.' Belca Petroleum Discovers Gas , i i $ 1 V '' 'the $oth 12. 4 4 3 241 AUegLS AliiedC AlliedS AliisChal AlumLtd 41 21 51 48U-2- 10, 324. 3i 2 344, 4 Ill - CBS 44 334 3 4 3 14 4 36 44H1 11 - 261 52 141 63 521 1 3441 3 4441 45 4 2641 1 V Vi 4 41 - 581 701 494 111 37 601 67 -- 35 1941 f 4 24;- - 4 61 141 21 321 1041 if 94t 274 201 24 end Utilities 3! 18 6 244-4- 141 9! 14i t I I Henry City, equipment Jorgensen, president; Elden C. Shaw, vice president; Emma J. Shaw secretary treasurer. Salt Lake City. Capital stock ' authorized, $10,000; subscribed $1,000 Westward Distributors. Ine., Salt of Lake City, general distributing J. goods and merchandise, ''waiter L. Michelsen. Boydeh president; Gilbert 8 vice president: Wood, Salt Lake Sheets, secretary-treasureCity. Capital stock authorized, $300r 000; subscribed, $75,000. Beereatieaal Facilities, Ine., Salt Lake City, amusement, recreational Don L. Obom, presienterprises. dent; Sherell R. Powell, vice president; Frances C. PowelL secretary: Margene 8. Obom treasurer. Salt Lake City. Capital stock authorized. $25,000; subscribed $6,000, 4 4 j 32 224 10i 64 251 65 ft1 24 38 14 47 14 30 61 32 14' 57 51 48 151 44 354' 55 26 37 71 51 8j 4 jSanDlmp 4 iScheniey 4 Schering SeabdAL 4 17 15 19 44VV 10( 254 23 525 444 15! 72' 57 39 1004 2 3341-40- 8' 4041-5- 1 20i 5 614-3- 0 67 2' 34!-6- fi 4 41 72 2 2! 16 334 4 78i 50 9 80 15 94 47 20 2 17 12 25 5 36 Lou-Ns- h --l- 5! 64 Lukens MackTrk 4 121 ' Macv 14 2 MadFd i M.tgmaC V Magnavx 4 MarqC 4 Marqrdt Martin McGrwE McKess ill 69 36 L 44 17 38 -- 27i-34- 141 Banks. Insurance. Finance v. 14 50 34 8 221 21 2 5 2' 38 43 53 23 9 72V, 3' 16V. 5 235 31 82 4 20 23 38 V. Vi 4 - . Vi V. Vi V - 2 '4 4 Vi H 4i 62 14 17 91 31 k i 55 26 2' 13 2 27 Vi V. V. V 35'-14- 1 46' 1 49 MiamtC MnnHw MMM MinPL Mission 21 Monsnto MontP 431 14! 25! MontW Motorola Murray NatAvia Vi 27 44 29 42 M71 26 II 27 14! NntBlsc 14! 64 14! 61 NatChR NatCLs 41 25 141 60 45 28 14' 54 44' 90 NaDairy NnDlst NaGpsm NatLd NalStl NwmtM 3! 81 141 NYCent 59- -4 26j-621 4! NYCSL NiagM 44i 36 44 NoAmA 441 NoAmCr NoPac Nrthrp 71 181 131 -- 36' 98 39 40 44 43! 37 Friday, 2,620,000 .hare.; 1060 to date, 305,427,736. Markets in Brief Boston Fund Broad Street Inv Bullock Fund Can Gen Fd 1854 Canadian Fund Inc Can Inti Growth Chemical Fund Comwlth Invest Divers Gr Stk Fd Diversified Invest Dividend Shares Dreyfus Fund Eaton & Howard Bal Eaton 8c Howard Stk Electronics Inv Fidelity Cap Fidelity Fund Fncl Ind Fund Founders Mtl Fundamental Inv Group Com Stock Fd Hamilton Fd Hamilton Fd Incorp Income Incorp Invs Instit Found Fd Instit Growth Fd C Keystone do F-- 2 4 - 50 441 43 86 481 13 4! 77 141 21 741 78 101 34 Merritt Total N.Y. atock sale A B 37 40 43 45 16 56 -- 4641 Merck 17, 1 . 123 Tennep TennGs Texaco TexGlfS Tex Inst TexUt Textron Thiokol ThomRW TideWO TlmkRB Transam TransWA 21 -- 20 41 j flftj 2 H V. V. V. 24 .SunrayM ISunhnM H Sweet. 26 61 Lorlllard 1 i!?!' in! i?l nil!1 16h 43! 38 39 17 54 37 SterchiB StoneW StudeP 1 V 19 4 47 2! 39 2i f 8 SearsRb ShamO SharonS Shattuck ShellOU ShellTm Sheller Simmons Sinclair Skeilv SmthC SmithKF SoconyM SoPac S perry R StdOCal StdOlnd H StdONJ 28 LoncSC 34 204 14' 941 27' 2i 154 364 614i- - 14 384' 4 37 24, 4 V 94 214 41 Litton Lckheed LoewsTh 4 38i- 614 4 77 9 29 49 7 29 34 21 39 30 149 28 4 19 67 4 LlbMcN Llgg My 554' 424 42 48' 1941 - 4 324,57 27 119 NorfW Tridays Quotations F-- 4 2! 81 71 874 86 60 KimbClk Krcsge Kress Lear Lehman LOFGls 9- 101214 4 - 14 444 304 203; 189 70 21 15 15 27 10 KerMcG Vs 30 624. 481 1 31 f 14l 364 4 22 424 35j 934 32 1274 KelseyH 4441 58i V, 10 NYArB Mutual Funds do, 8. Kenncott 344 r 11162 28 1- 4 244 601214 1 174, JoyMfg KaiserAl KanCtyS - 251 22 101 34 6! 11 221 501 35 41 6b 29 Jonr&L 3 3 I2i 2i The following Did and asked Quotations are obtained from the National Securities Dealers Assn quotations committee. They do not represent sctual transactions and are Intended as a guide in the range within which these securities could have been sold column) (as indicated in the "bid or bought (as Indicated In the asked column). Indastrials 16 29, 101, JohnsMn Over the Counter Quotation 30 IslCCoal 18 101 344 14 IntHarv IntNickI IntPaper IntShoe IntTAT J 4 4- 4 4 674 - 4 V 304 54 - 14 33 27 IBM VL 14 ' 164 CorrtSoiv ComwEd ConEdis Contdinr ContBak ContMot ContOil ContrlaA CooperB CornPrd CraneCo CrownZ Crucible CudahyP CurtisW CutlerH 2341 82, 14 I ColGas ComCrd 31 41 Sales In 100s Lastl Chg. V 231384 GenFda GenMot 8erTolE Genesco GaPac GliJette GlenAld Gltdden Goodrch Goodyr GrceWR GrahPge GraysnR GtNOre GtNoRy GtWSug Greyhnd GrumA GuifOil HercPdr Hilton HoffElec HousehF HoweSd IdahoPw IdealCm IllCentrl InRayon InlandSt Intlak 16 29 4! IGenKl Bcst&Co Bestwal BcthSt BoeingA Borden BorgWrn BrunsCp BucyEre BuddCo Burllnd CalPckg Cal&H CanDry CanPac CaseJI CaterplT Cclanese Celotex CerodeP Certntd Cessna ChanceV Ches&O ChMSPP Ch&NW Chrysler CITFin CitiesSv CltyStra ClarkEq CocaCola Colgate ColoFlr Affiliated Fund Am Business Atomic Dev. d .. 4 FntnilyF Firestne 18, V FirstAra 73sr Flintkte 40 - 4 FlaPwL 56 4 4 FdFair 53 If 14 FoodMh Ford FreeptS FruehTr GenAcc GenHk GenDyn NEW YORK. July Mountain Fuel Supply Co. proposes creation of a natural gas reservoir at their Chalk Creek structure, near Coalville, Summit County, to assist the utility in meeting peak demands BUILDING PERMITS for the fuel in northern Utah on winter days. Salt Lake County Pale Alt Development, two maM. M. FIDLAR, EXECUTIVE vice president of MFS, said sonry houses with carports, Dolphin Way, $22,000. the project depends upon experimentation with the water-fillePale A He Development, seven mareservoir at depths of between 3,000 and 3,700 feet. MFS sonry houses with carports. 1616 has .notified the Utah Oil and Gas Conservation Commission through 1590 Conifer Way, $84,000. Boyd J. Brown, frame house with of intention of reworking two wells, one drilled by Texota carport, 5 East, $9,000. Oil Co. and the other by Ohio Oil Co., at Chalk Creek Bert Morgan, masonry addition, 2700 9117 $4.50C. W, South. structure. Galaxle Homes, Ine., masonry Mountain Fuel itself recently completed a third well on house with garage, 3271 W, 3595 South, $10,000. the 'structure, in a search for natural gas. Stewarts, Ine., two masonry f . ririisi 13. ChRliP Friday .03 .09 .14 Fridays Quotations Fridays Quotations SALES Net Change 4 19 Sales in 100s Last! Chg 100s Last! Chg. SalesAn ACFInd ACFWr Admiral AirRedu Salt Lake Stock Market Banner. 300 at $12 00. Bui Mon , 2 000 at 7c, 1 000 at 6c. Chief Con , 200 at 95c. 400 at 90c. C. Con Pfd . 400 at 85c. East Standard. 5 000 at 24c. Eureka Bui, 4,000 at 21c, 500 at 22c, 2,000 at 21c. Cochise, 1 at $1 00. Leonora, 3 250 at lc. Majestic Oil 5.000 at 3cat 34c Mountain View. 10,000 North Lilly, 200 at $105. 100 $1 05. 300 at $1 00 Prince Con , 875 at 2c Progress Corp, 50 at 34c at 31c. Sage Oil. 500 at 35c. 500 35c. South Standard. 1.000 at Swansea Con, 1.000 at 574c. Utah N M Gas, 50 at 18c Western Alloys, 500 at 2c. Yankee Con., 5,000 at 6c. Stock Index 500 (AP- I- 4 American Stock Exchange 1 1 - ALCOA Total N Y. bond iales Friday. $4,540 000; 1960 to date, 174.383.050 Total American bond sales Friday, $130,000; 1960 to date, $15,669,000. Produce Market ANNUAL -- 0 Poors Closing & July YORK, benguet Livestock 300,000-square-fo- MFS Proposes Gas Reservoir c Standard NEW IN THE PAST 10 years, either the Ways and Means. Committee or the House has rejected legislatively proposed tariff relief for the domestic mining industry. Included three loads mixed good and choice 1,258 lb fed steers 24 50 on ordered-i- n basis; scattered lots cows generally steady. Few utility 15 6 00; cannera and cutters mainly Directors, in addition to officers, are George F. L. Bishop, Bountiful, and James H. Bradley, Hereford, Tex. Ten Leading Stocks y Senate. U.S. Government Bonds Mr. Schubach said y New York Bond Market OMAHA, NEB, July 1 fUPI) Hogs 3.000, steady to weak, Instances 25 lower; most 3 0 lb 17.25- 18 00; top 18 25 Cattle 400, calves 50; cattle receipts 4 NEW YORK, July 1 Stocks moved slightly higher in light trading Friday as traders prepared to adjourn for the three-daIndependence Day weekend. A controversial amendment The firmer tone came In affecting tax liability of the tlie last 60 minutes after Du Pont family in connection a day of desultory ' with disposition of its shares action. of General Motors Corp. also is Selected issues continued attached to the Virgin Islands bill, adding new elements of to dominate trading. Major moves elsewhere were con, uncertainty. t, fined largely to the MR. ROMNEY believes that, drug and elecon balance, the Kerr amend- tronic specialty fields. Acment has rather more chance tivity in most major groups of clearing .the White House produced only fractional than a subsidy measure affect- changes. ing smaller lead and zinc mines Volume dropped to in the U.S. Even though the shares from administration has opposed the 2,616,279 lead-zintariff proposals in 2,940,000 on Thursday. the Congress this session, the Volume on the American necessities of the Islands Stock Exchange rose to money bill and- other amend- 1,200,000 shares from 1,190,-00ments may require a reluctant a day earlier. approval of the legislation. Furnished byST. A. Hotle Co. Member of the New York Stock Exchange Volume Indus. Ralls Hourly, 1.190 510.000 639 97 143 00 Number securities traded llum. 567 980.000 640 64 142 ftl Noon Advances 1 pm, 409 Declines 1,400 000 640 19 142 52 214 2 pm. 1.720.000 640 73 142 57 Unchanged 43 New higha 2.no,ooo 3pm 29 2.620.000 641.30 142 76 New lows Total Low Chr. Close Chf. Volume High 82 84 -- .03 40 bonds 214 000 644 71 6J6 60 641 30 4 68 Ind. 10 high grade rails 8011 -.- 01 Bail 51,900 143.58 142 12 142 76 -- .43 42 -.- 08 Utils. 41,600, 93 83 93 11 93 49 4 10 - 10 2nd grade rails 78 83 93 -.- 02 10 public utilities Comp. 307500 212 27 209 92 211 21 4 88 90 01 10 36 industrials 94 4 Commodity futures index Amerada AmAirl AmHosch AmBrdP AmCan Fridays Quotations AmCyan THE TARIFF legislation is Sales in 100s Close Chg I Sales in 100s Close Chg. Sales in 100s Close Chg. AmDist Am&FP AmHome proposed as an alternative AmMFdy to the import quotas which AmMetC AmMtrs the administration placed into AmPtsh effect about two years ago. The AmSmelt AmStd domestic industry has regardAmStlFd ed these quotas as largely InAmT&T AmTob effective to date. The internaAmVlsc AmWWk tional smelters are even more AniZinc Anacnda unhappy. ArmcoSU Next step facing the Virgin Armour Island appropriation bill, which Atchison AtlKef a contains number of other Total American stock sales AtiaeCp 145.072.593. to 1960 1,200,000 date, shares; Friday, AvcoCp amendments in addition to the Babcock Kerr proposal, is approval of BaidLH Balt&O a conference committee verBathlr Bell&H sion by both the House and Fridays Quotations Bendix OGDEV (APWUSDA) Cattle BO; odds and ends being carried over for Tuesday. Calves none. Hogs 50; butchers nominally steady; few early sales 3 barrows and gilts 205-22- 0 lbs 19 9 25; rew 240-25lbs 18 25-1- 8 75; no test of sow market Sheep 100; only few arrived early; no auction today but fair volume in sight for Saturday auction. 13 ,Dow Jones Averages enter-tainmen- ORES AND concentrates would face an import tariff under the Kerr bill equivalent to 70 per cent of the amount to be levied on metal in slab or bullion. The Kerr bill is generally endorsed .by the international smelting companies with plants in the U.S. for which foreign ores and concentrates are purchased. Mr. Romney says those iri the domestic mining business feel the Kerr bill would have little effect on zinc quotations at present. It might increase the price of lead somewhat, he said, however. . proved a version of the import duty bill sponsored by U.S. Sen. Robert Kerr It is an amendment to the Virgin Island money bill. 120,914 Tons Valued at $2,100,647 ME. SCHUBACH Finance YorkStock Market New C New York Time Service Tariff Linked to Island Bill Lead-Zin- c ' i Markets T. 1 ' By Robert W. Bernick , Tribune Business 'Editor j Industrial Uranium Co. of Salt Lake City Friday reported net profits of $1,153,229 equal to $54.59 a share for the riceal year ended March 31, 1960. Robert M. Schubach, president, ; f said this net compares with a Joss of $215,623 for the previous fiscal year. The loss In that year was oc--j casioned by the company taking some $447,819 in allowable developmental deductions on its uranium i mines in Monument Valley, Ariz. Industrial had a net operating profit of $258,660 for the 1959 period prior to these developmental deductions. .Mr. Bemlck However, Industrial reported gross from ore sales for the fiscal period ended March 31, 1960, of $3,676,634. This compares with ore sales of $1,028,220 tor fiscal 1959. Annual report of the firm shows that Industrial had current assets of $1,094,493 on March 31, 1960, as against current liabilities of $686,126 that date. This compares with current assets of $366,902 on March 31, 1,959, versus current liabilities that date of $349,100. 25 Eg" Market July (AP) late improve- 1 Stocks Higher ment. Bonds Firm; government up Cotton Irregular, trading quiet. Chiracs; late Wheat Narrowly mixed; hedging bullish Corn Higher; private, crop report. Oats Mostly higher with corn. Soybeans Higher; bullish private crop report. Hogs Steady to 40 cents higher; top 18 75. Cattle Slaughter steers steady! top 27 75 1 (UPI LOS ANGELES, FSMNS) Eggs Prices to retailer 1 fob. cent 44, large plants (delivered higher): AA extra large 41AA A extra large distributor lre 3 Aa AA medium B lecge 28 AA small A medium conA small 23 A large sumers AA large 34-4A medium AA medium A small 35 37. AA small 24. 29.2728. Fryers (at ranch) Poultry light type roasters (at ranch) 24-2young hen hens cross hens young tom turkey turkeys 23-222 22 Buttrr Price, to retailer,: wad. A 68 '4 71, AA 68 HMrv. District No, REPOKT OF 12 CONDITION OF WALKER BANK & TRUST COMPANY of Salt lake City, Salt Lak County, Utah at the dose of bulnM June or true o State banking inititiriion rgamxed ond operotmg under the banking lows with Stote ond a mmbr of the fdrol Rtrve System. Published in occordonce eonk Reserve Federal a call mod by th Stot Banking Authorities end by the of this Distrirt. ASSETS cad with oli bank.. Including c.wrv. bolanc, and $ - - -- it.m. in procw, of col ion and dir.ct guorantd Stahi. UnJtr Goy.rnm.nt obligalion,, .ubdivi.ion.- Obligation, o Sta(. ond political . Othar bonds, ootes, ond debentures Sank) of Fadara W U15.0W (including Hock, Corporat. oy.rdrafl. 5222,362.1? loan, ond diKount. (including $451,524-4owimd 5M22.473 50, furniture and fixture. Bank Rml ..lal. owned othar than bank premlre. Cash, balancw 3 do do F-- 1 do FK2 do do F --S2 do do Keystone of Can Lazard Fund Mas Invest Tr Mass Inv Grwth 8tk Nation-Wide Sec N Sec Div Stk Ser P do Income do Stock do Growth One Williams Street Price T. R. Gr Fd Puritan Fd Putnam George Fd Putnam Growth Fd .ary. r.mi. - Othar a.Ml. d5,475 654 92 38 697,689 26 10,286,407 70 1,150,237 60 330.841.00 94,774,148 45 1,873,997 92 200 750,162 62 $193,339,141.47 LIABILITIES $ Demand depo.it. of Individual., partn.r.hlp., and corporation. Time deposit, of Individual., partnership., and corporation. Deposits of United States Government Deposits of State qnd political subdivisions . Deposits ef banks Other depo.ll. (certified and officer. check., ate.) 177,408,383 95 TOTAL DEFOSITS Other liabilities - TOTAL Townsend U S. United Accura Fd United Continental United Income Fund United Science Fund Value Line Inc Fd Wellington Fund 67 o 83 77 56 34 3,689,568 02 $181,097,951.97 LIABILITIES CAPITAL Wool Market 85,303,435 5I.2J2 3r 3,330,753 26,110,915 10,588,082 842,436 ACCOUNT 2,368.350 00 ,8,131,650 00 1,741,189.50 -- -- Capital Wool Undivided profits NEW YORK, July 1 (AP) top. and wool iulurea war Iteady 12,241,189.50 ahort and TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. Dealer buying Friday. covering by commission houses, prior .$193,339,141.47 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS to the extended weekend holiday, met and liquidation. July This bank's capital eontitf oft scale up hedging Dec. 114 5, 109 2B, Oct 113.0-113Common stock with total par value of ,..$2, 368,350.00 116.8. March 118 0B, May 118 4, July 10 5N. wool spot Certificated MEMORANDA Wool tope future, closed .1 to .1 of a cent higher. July 142.7B, Oct. Areet. pledol or assigned to recur, liabilities and for other Friday's Quotations 4,870,498 80 144 7B Certificated loot wool topi 143 5N. Loan.purpose. Thursday bank debits $30,759,379 00 1,14619.19 shown above are after deduction of reserve, of . 28.151,473 00 Same day last year '! certiftt that I . I. Nellren, Vic. ?re.id.nf of th. abovnamed bank, heresy 170rl40,755 00 Week bank debits 131,050,115 00 th. above statement h tru. lo th. bet of my knowlwlg. and belief. Same week last year . L NEILSON, Vfc. Fre.id.nl 48 17 884.455 Friday's clearings 10.328.294 10 Same day last year .. Correct Atre.h JOHN L OOUGAN ... 110.681.178 84 JOSEPH S. JONES Weeks clearings . REED E. HOLT 100,012,231.79 Same week last year '' i Director. . ' S.L. Bank Gearings . y''' ' S.L. Produce Eggs (prices by loose dozen) Grade AA 38, A large 35-3medium 34, B large 28 Cheese-t-Mild loaf 41.' mild longhorns 4L mild triplets 39. x Butter 93 tcore 70 $2 ecore 68, 90 ecore 97 0lrai(AtMtkeadk-R$i4$.- jk x ... STEEL''" LOCKERS Wall-Typ- ' STATE OF UTAH, Offic. of th. Bank Comminioner I, Spwirer C. Taylor, Chief Bank Examuw of e Ideal for mechanics ond Indus-(ri- worker locker rooms. cellertf condition. Ex- -' Pepper'i Allied Metals .401 WIiiBi WEST 9th SO. Elf-743- 2 '' the Stot. of Utah, do hereby certify that th. foregoing is a tru. and correct copy of th atcrtwmnt of th. abov named company, filed in my offic. on June 30, I960. SPENCER C TAYLOR, Chief tank Examiner STATE OF UTAfH, County of Salt Lake, ssi Sworn to and subscribe before m. this 30th day of Jun, I960. LOREN URRY, Notary FublU' (SmI) , Rt.lding at Salt Lake City. My CommUslon axpirre Feb. 23, 196L . x ' S 4 kSmuiee l4 j , , |