Show LOCAL MATTER 2 ol lan ian SO li 10 a ili coll col 1 mil I 11 A 2 presented 1 ii tini illi of iron county y from the flip citi tens ens of si or valley asking I a cunov might be set on from froal iron kano ind and photo counties coun to include sill sari 1 vol val ly to le ile known fig as county 11 une he petition was received and referred referral t to 0 the committie commil tei 01 0 4 nudes A oi ril 1 1 0 syed r I 1 I 1 0 ed ly hy 1 I 1 with mith front from the llie ban c ill 1 king I 1 lint ile he ap i a in I 1 building ft A road up the iho river river I 1 to 10 b lie a known as the sevier male tafe roal referred to the on holds and bridges smith moved that the flip committee on appropriations tr tie in to place 2510 on ahr hill bill to he bp expended condor jill llie e dire action or of the county counte mal if if J dottl auto county io in building a bridge linda llie ilia sevier ww river in juab courry county ilar 1 lir arington rington opposed the ibe motion on the ground that county taxes halt had leen been in for tile the express ienir in ridges and making roads broadi youth smith replied that the revenue or of jual county would he be totally inadequate to build h bridge for a number of if hearg can ana if the present or of the lik did not do something in ia the ji it would ke he nc ciry to etah ash a ferry ferry cannon thought chat blat the 1 should not ix be required to build tile whole bridge as ai the inbae of llie ilia roun eDun lyt tys revinue qualified it to do soni some thing in the matter mailer norgo ted that I 1 ike inore ahe vf ufilio I 1 it I 1 re venue revenue of the county did not exceed it A per annum which ouli I do boil little in such aich in an enterprise county would I deroca arl le roca hut little benefit len crit from the bridge ona that it was designed desir ned to benefit lie be will oui li it ern portion territory llie ilia motion was wai finally kii bit As to tut horiye llie ilia council to I 1 tale ale into consideration the llie motion As an a recommendation men dation II if F 1 no 14 in au an act tile erection of Cla tonnyy jails ill and do I 1 lie dut dulin api of the thereof wai wag read and laid on lio lame lable to cc corno me ill lip in it order thatcher from the committee till nil U boalt oa bi Bri Ageg etc reported lack back IL II 1 no 13 an set acl relating to the duties of the superintendent pr d the salt lale lake oni on I wan gnp wagon road aith ith amend dionn cohew it and nil recommended its io pa ria e the report wai wag received reee ived and I 1 rf or I 1 cred printed as all mended amended A 1 communication froia the shoal er ei of f tho HOUM homo dated jan bilth W wn 19 received ilia iho G governors jorean sicto eto of llie file convention contention bill and re ic ng the negm nf ilia houie here of in foci alic i a I 1 reading of tile veto ly by tins ilia clerk tons full fullow owed cd by iv a s groan frota from one of tile llie slid and llie lite following re marli irom cannon mr president the of that communication is equal equalled led onla ly hy its amon A loan acting al 1 boern I r 11 or or of R territory and not mowing knowing t eliat jot I 1 california WAR admitted dmit ted without an en ell I acl if I 1 had n boy 12 year old I who coul I 1 not vi brite rite a liefter letter message mc tage I 1 bould cliff his yen years A 4 motion which was wag II ty by CAlif lUll aud ud cecon seconded lell by thatcher was waa cattle caraci I 1 that the llie v atto to should not lc ile pre nl on 01 the of the council cannon mid and harrington wore wire appointed to let act upon the joint committee 10 0 it prepare re am a leco reio lulion n to take a ole llie abc 1 I of P I 1 alio llio I 1 0 C d I 1 lull 1 I 11 I 1 canann not iloilo londe binder t landies it A fh ahe on to nature II or of the it appointment k 1 I c cof II 11 kid h ho ok thought 1 inyl arllier ntina t jan i in or relation iiii to in the re arlo uncalled III I 1 I 1 lik lur r as a it cave are it a lipnitz it did not ile dc bene or e ife ite bifro iq to took orvai occasion inn to explain that liia ids motion ani not refer to I 1 pl jin printing of the lint merely to flip minutes of the connol the on being informed that llie lie veto wm was directed dire eted to tit alie As dimbly instead 1 of flip II lone ANle kill aid it showed tile governors lover nors a to in addred it in this manner anith moved that alt on in and lie to in title tale into the prop propriety riely of congress to nave have the organic act so aman amended led that the bov erhorn rem ridall not lie aho hite lit a three fourth 1019 of the like l Il liall loom ian an net act over ever liu 16 ato etc anil and le be col liw as in most I 1 other territories I 1 mr cannon gave noaim of his intention ti nil to introduce a hill when llie ilia court tit lil adjourned met atone 0 jl k dinini yi nini I 1 1 A bics ne wa vola arni ilia lie that ceorge Q cannon i I 1 and 1 ij il lial iroll irbon aji I 1 front from the duncil bouncil to uncil on a commit comini tr ten to draft it joint submit libie to alic people hether cornot or not they 11 If ill elect delegates to in a convention fr abol ot of drifting lra fling a constitution to tile alio of taah I 1 into ito tile union all a a state still fending delegates to 10 washington to r becent tile the lawe to be pm ilent nali nal I Z ton Kr A of ir the united L I 1 of Y petition tta long fiaui Utu lut I 1 And andrca 1 V anlou alling aling 1 I that his nome name L lie choln ged to andiew blaic alai referred oil jn motion molion of if mr r I 1 ilia fc speaker tp calo wall to instruct gilree jil ree as ai he thought proper to fx ex I 1 ailine the statutes at large larco anil and inquiry ilia propriety anil and ito importance or of compiling toni pitin and anh laws an aa tire arc applicable to S 1 richards and I 1 forr farr were appointed a lip i ecial altce for that lint I 1 koe f mr lr wright ri lit a lill hill fur far nil an i alt act pertaining pert to marriage orr darcol printed prin anil and referred untried till a one tie 0 1101 allol toda to daiy diy TO T tin we or annil I 1 will ili on vol moll jr lay norai g ud i lo bo to 11 iny illy six air ilio ilia at al my illy now new alc plc 1 I j f trauma fromi rix ly fly cloo atten r air u bluel l not nol to plo pl plia o all abil that of in ia the ar to hot ablit to floreu reule fotiu to all I 1 III to do or no DO herro charro I 1 larm abich du alt diffut baital fr or ift m nah try iv of 3 so jai tr hey F I 1 X T a it wi r alt STIO jt it W tm wv well known flint there are ar hundreds or of boork it 06 city out of CIO 1103 went slid aidi we lime lian heard it IT some ollie or of jilt tm t ahat lie 1 be done under ilia ile ia 6 fur air ilia gitya give ki them on ji j ulof on 11 tile abec tot or it if doar froc receive eive no to onoro ore ila limn on v ill pay I 1 heir bonol and clothe them we believe many luany ouli noum I go to work TA T it not the ile it out ant of ilia hect of or lire life that i H ng sonin 0 hlll 1111 cli biety ully thieving we to lo day y lint liera ere I 1 abundant here would not be one cone half or of the ilia taliu that nc a now flow licar tf AT let 16 lottice lotti Cr be dene to amilt hoe ho e skip ie 1 found willinia wil linit lillic to worl walk we are aundell froni from mot mol mo t l adir cities ili those bullifin not nol go A I 1 fr irio IQ other coar where A aar affel M 1 1 lut bolt they are required to lo re til cirii till right here till jai the lu wather bre brealie alik wo liall lo 10 lear hear of if hing hinr in ai totter foroi TROT iwler a at the lite int inight A well ivall filed lioi ic 0 A I 1 11 heir llie like arvic sots sors fit crl lecture lif turc I 1 alio lie audience audino was wai olour calling and limit intal citizens ario were very ap jno until awards the bidge or tile leei lecture nn ua jacl embraced i b sl I 1 oLig hygiene and or r health and wag wa so BO for far 04 a this part i irl wn was concerned 1 inter acting ani trinny in iny Talim ble points point we deiy jungli that the tro pro feizir liolu have inada file apologies t hot lie lionil did lr for lecturing in ilia lie laititi tile oke certainly i a nun mack wit with 1 I lite hie r ripa int fallen or of professor fowler hould lie le 0 me to lo draw a full house without ile pending upon in illy sp clanin or political R tim 1110 remarks were iho more aej out of place 1 they etc etc doli moil to ito lin an mull audi enee of llie file leading l of the city the alii 1 I diina lions lioni we are hirol f rl in 1 say lay I 1 ry many af ilia ack leonee marev manyol 1 I I 1 lie ike pent poorly to conci alered it a pill idt uj up game phrenology ii a well lown lown jocie nce and wo we ore ro free to my y that liny ank rew new beginner coull could hoire have done ilona inter better on the lite heads presented to ilion him thaulo lil dit they were both men of acry ter marled trait of ar character jet el in in neither did lit enla tile leaca mention nf if I 1 their mosi inflict str serl ling points a I 1 mian 1 CI isred 1 I can to orink armick fim file ill 1 iff l anes mierei jno ne to I 1 pot paton on fllch alors m ties aro a to trici ato to join ino front file I 1 qa 0 jr iglic anit ana Amp american I 1 I 1 ns amice rotor it notional be 1 ill ank low 11 bif IF IN kajii A y aj nar car IIII nn jilin in hii lii it the ji 1 to wago me 0 lit in tile vorine anncil onn cil I 1 I 1 yem emlay abw A ilia hie alli t for not at i afi wilhoit fan in ell blin gnit IQ 1 ln clr at fill rail a colo CK or of ignorance again 1 3 ite I te woal hi tel of I 1 lie h laih 9 ILL prie hliwa liin his own hlll of 0 ini in formation fonna forma tinn ll 11 seem that chun 1 color cannan ili doe not know hint luli coli fania ficher giai ha 1 a 1 I fan ferill norial abern amern efti eminent ll lint 11 in ul ISM ISA from froin a effii nic to c reig there 11 ia nothing nol liing in file ell ago go in ill lite lent least lint jilt oti count 01 nor hooili da not knout liow fornia fomia or oher ditc were abie ite ile emiily ahe ill riba althe to lo bacs akk of if thiis ilia 1 acter ani an I not nol lie ril right ilof of chiq territory to pc lilion congress Cony resa fur for a slate sale ile ic s R cry jet from alic one fore forc ll 11 chiq cloried n is it n is legi lati alio aar governor wol NN h cliar anil and alinus il I 1 L tl 11 li blit one oito lapinion pinion Li oi ith pcr igini I 1 11 4 I 1 8 leri LE ri or cp till E el rno of KOB an A 0 towi fawcett rn alio if worm at A like iho kt at 70 10 p in I 1 n mtv 6 I 1 corfi ailini tn L lel 1 I 4 at I 1 ilia floor lower floor ri of pence flairie L oja dallery aj 0 mafli pick i lamin alinn 1 ion at cloge of 1 w into IH 1 ti talo rate allon examination examina lion dureno each day dat ili fit 11 the To willind billow ja in alt illi t A union ir r khab s 0 ion J 1 I 1 L turner that tile llie nini lines in nor mar INs benver courtly never looked in well as nl at no jele ed us is llode which 1 I xa been sunk mink un lut but a very fw flaw which abaci e ar pry hight away li up in lite eliou sanji sandi tile rebel ledge sin SH k 0 on hii feet ati aal 56 fret feet AOTIs n acin of tie h ore 6 or 9 feet feel i k n broo ii 0 O pounds of this ore mor turner all oai bained 30 pounds ron nili of bace davs trillion alsved aLp ved 15 1 il to flock ton ion mr turner i that star ial a one AT lie ilia kleiv 11 in ilia 0 no o 3 2 biall at lite city nat N at market clot in aUL tinn 10 to lathing PIRI attention to th of ale trade baioa 1141 11 4 to farinh f froid I 1 to li tiny nt amad ini U 21 24 1 leoora I r notice tit I 1 tor for VV too til any pact of ilia tit city i tf till im POOR mafs IIAN ll ili gorged gorgod quite a laro amount or we callea ulon ul on mr hurt burt or of tile pollen in tile lie afternoon and obtained olala 1 tile lio following I lit IL li t L if M aulca that hail had been 0 t binic 4 I 1 in I 1 I 1 a at coal 4 4 1 I can coal i 2 jiler lid bars an aal aol 1 collict 2 ll lies 2 21 pair I liland cli 2 vair bair it IR I 1 ire cont coat 2 wt veta I 1 knirr 0 iia 11 lils ada I 1 wagon cover A ion reni renihold hol in holding bernaad b I 1 hail bail in ill 1 l drw II if ULL iu rai Kli fickell 1 eolith wll vill IA bo on isit caturay I 1 cing anc IRA pir pair ol of 1 karn kao oil 11 ft a knel ll 11 r in ilia gio llory of l hlf if F rl 1 1 ill A ov at al L mho aro abent 1 I opell itan on bf lei aca in in this city ne liwa int a saru ire ia in 1 to it their 11 lialo cima I 1 oilier allier in fid AVI no ire well regulated offord afford to 1 too without lie 1110 leall ii 41 afo rood uil LOA CoI Cuin pany nInny or if sadeq sal ci which fat i of if gool leip an aal fire dro liroff calit ic ari to binl by T tiny thing iliin in the market ben lacal al off all tl it tile T offida ami male E aai un of OX ON on OB sundays tho iho I 1 for IM lie I 1 joiner I ditre ofa ap div to mr vrr 1 per r in KU coille boffl jis tt I 1 allf it ili I 1 i I 1 r aliis in ill lid aitt aaion w 1 1 ab nb 1 ll 11 1 conr usually 6 in ell city 11 ll T the 1 i i of orilie ilia weather couplin over ilia V U lo 10 I 1 a ma maion hofei er we vc hope n I 1 not wile lo 10 lic or of long liing dar alaun rite fininis looked 11 ter Irr than llian at prec rif bill it re mot lection with willi tin the outside ouLi ilc 1 lo 10 I make lively tinier times on oil the ir till we vt liall hall hand m a big rush after a a liuk canoll no io 34 budt I 1 acro on liall I binya nr f fine fina A an alm C b they will till KU IKU tt at low ram cati rail idil att beaul I 1 I 1 I 1 angrea loock no 21 I 1 A A AM af A special of of Lo louizie lizie xo no 21 will be 14 liebi thi evenings evening a A at tj 1 0 oila lewk of if 1 abter I and br ettan ike ait cordially dinv inv cull hy by order or of tile IV W 11 1 I aa A S 8 bif clr lit T tila til tOB AriI 29 CW 11 in iii xo so report froud U 1 two ear calra pat it ht tacked to lo ilia freight frei lit traio train took fife I a clial were waiting wailing liero here tn ill KO go licht ai I 1 ihn tie 4 1 I nill IT C lono 0 on n allne I 1 un I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 mi pox mil s linini mr M P n ld 1 his bic if III at the TAL 14 chinng to a iery the course at ular anil three of were free tit alir tough tile whole column was very fair anil as ve ire loam learn firma mr 31 tile ne to suc cocks financially AVO A 0 were vere to learn alii and feel fed confident cong lant that the hio hire got BOI ilia worth of thair iii oncy mr atel clon donald alil goes go next to provo where lie li will wil 1 lemot iiii is lec lecture clow or mr ar thra at iii quire of C t it JIl lIll sill 1 NOT nor so ir fr tor pi r ekr thas th fl iti r that ilia little begs laween let wen ourselves a aej 11 a there 1 I I 1 n not to in vo IVO ari nr willing to admit that ilia t Tool icya dang Is ait I 1 a to but that life L kii lias its lowered in g tile the cowardly in sull s till at it fly y this envious tin an I 1 FI edinar wo we J do not nol L cheve nor feel vi fw hall d oferyl 1 ou riche A alien I 1 ton a nf f Iw 1 lel clel anti 1 aliat liat I I 1 ve orr af nf the prof eion or losing ilia reopen fi of the public IT y a manly fiend I 1 ian alltis J A 1 jal lefing or if acci j 4 lioa v will M ile if lidl evenin S lit at lair rat even seven S at like house lini isi c or r mr windi l kit all lie ore arc etl to we ah nil 1 I hi he virginita tinnon ann this alinn fief l coin aleo pl lc the IP do ician ign i is to in mic amr ILI IT in I 1 training intile 4 ii lili w I 1 k th N il 11 1 id 16 6 holed th atall illi iiii I 1 cAns ieng an irl red in in 1110 alic I 1 nota froll the lK liikal liy kal alan n in will connect roni irrl wilh mill lite cm x icly i jan gocr tile ohle to Je rIp of 01 prof Bergi nall a I 1 I 1 kl lff aft I 1 U v III ana 1411 1 slum at I 1 hi kd lr 14 i N hilll I 1 I 1 it ir 1 1 fir linnit I 1 tit 4 ili lr fr parkin rr lin ha lias s ili iiii elegant bolig ani luro lure wilh t anan ift I 1 binm ly idine nc ol 01 IF joil Jn bla lilii 1 bild ut in place ly IT ml lit ilia for ais ti file |