Show THE LESSON OF THE SNOW BLOCKAGE BLOCKADE the rho sl louis louia in an article on the snow blockade on tuc the union pacific railroad and its lemon says bays tho the snow blo blockade clade on ilia union I 1 inciso acilio during tile t list IMI month or so BO lill bas resulted in such euch frequent and ani it delays to freight aul and that t the he attention al calion of fcc the country has bag beca to the perils and inconveniences of this n route across trie the continent at tile time this ibis road was waa under consta and being g pushed forward by bythe the aid of foods apprehension gas as ircel by experienc el men th that t tl efio 0 route ec waa as 0 IT north and would lu be to 1 41 0 obstruction doblog dar tog the winter lime te the slightest rinji 1 with wilb the allm duahe ato and iid topography y of the he cono try authenticated b buch etc it statements hot but they were disregarded and to day wo we arfi are confronted with wilb tho the fau fall that for far steady ilia elie road is ii pric t ticlay mont neontha I 1 inper aLITO during the hie winter the snow enow storm which 1 the I of trains occurred abe anten t tb tat arlt of december a aal da it ii that elie fill of snow mow did not twelve inches it was light and dry however yielding easily to the he aelion action of tho the winds and quickly canned heavy drifts in gullies and canyons canyon I 1 anti and train after train was bloc blockaded Laded the greatest difficulties difficult if cie between betwee ir ogden antl n and notwithstanding the of it a large n her of snow plows anil and a loreo force of ov over er two 0 alion sandmen band men in squads of twenty fire to ono one hundred along tin I 1 ito lioe it required day wo we might say pay to lo surmount the obstacles aclei on the iho I 1 track rack passengers were frequently put to tn severe str samita lits for food and fuel mid and suffered buffered badly from capo expo sure fure white whilo tho the lons lavi to ta the railroad com company patry in disabled engines and other running gear and elp enties lanit have hat been enor enormous from FI eb tho recent account published blishel in ia be chicago tribune the working system of th the e road appears to have bave been badly did dia organized tho the officials ci als became confused and irresolute and trains were side liec tricked tracked at stations wit without hOlit any ny explicable cause and tho the passengers were tormented by tc and the impossibility of obtaining any definite nite information the deplorable stile state or of Aff oilI probably exists at p present rut on the road an lurl ani I while there is reason tu to think tire company ii making strong efforts to art act the test of thair resource the occasion is entirely a proper one for direct directing direction in it attention to t the he abdol absolute it to necessity or of another railroad to cali fornia b edca the union anil and central pacific even eren if this ali u road were not liable to its ita present misfortunes tho the importance import inco of a moro more RaU southern thern route would tie lie apparent for one road cannot possibly all auprly pill the demania demands of the American an anil european trado trade hewing between tile pacific and atlantic but the union pacific is liable to obstruction st daring nearly half tho the year and the um fortunate fortanato character of its route bec becomes onles more apparent esery wi winter anter and when the these so interruptions do occur they are frit felt with extraordinary severity lolli both by travelers trav clurs an and d merchants in this position petition or formatters matters another road by a better and more southern route be becomes coules not merely desirable but a pressing and urgent natio national ial demkon which cannot be si B I 1 fenced judging front from the recent ex ci ire I 1 lo 10 I 1 of opinion by the lite an anil d lending ad i n g trion mn of san francico tile the people of that city tire are actively alive to the importance of another railroad red aro are willing to t subscribe their r trolley money liberally to further its ila con guju lu ju ri parallel route is considered as fully al answering ai all the of tl the le case particularly as four or five bye hundred miles are already in operation and the surveys of elio entire line lill OSTO are completed the san sail francisco MCC people are evidently or of the opinion that the building of this road W would cie ld give fondly hoped would bo be obtained by the union pacific in an uninterrupted transcontinental communication and vartoui projects are reported on ivol foot to advance the ali great undertaking how the financial problem connected the work is to be solved wo we are not prepared to state but we certainly bobo bopo that by tonic some means the conat I 1 action of the road may be promptly insured only tor for the rash haste which too often tie the I 1 inception or of our public enter T it rest aea the thirty fifth parallel no would live lave been selected ra as the most feasible route for it a continental railroad and the snow enow blockade blo cdade on the existing line the unfortunate fort nate effect eo act of locating lo caling a railroad intended to bo be an avenue for nation at commerce through a country severest character wo we feel DO doubt but the llo atlantic anil and pacific railroad will be built within wilbin tire tho next few years yeara for the necessity or the case caa and tho the great liberality or of its in chatter charter conveying ai 19 it does a WE belt of territory thirty miles wide acrivi a splendid region rich in ia soil and roin min cap capital i tal from ilir vart io ilits q cie or tancel not only to the country at ergo large but bat also abo to st louis louia for this line when in operation must arll the llie grand thoroughfare fot for the cho vast commerce commercio com merco between tho the east an anil 1 west the through trade would be or of imin crise benefit tons ta w but or greater consequence would be I 1 llie elio opening up of tile llie territory tb through tough itrich tho the road would pa pat pas s and of bibich st at louis must mint come I 1 in view arthe of llie urgency of the iemand for another continental railroad it il is to be hoped that the snow blockade on tile the union pacific will receive proper attention in m tile the commercial world and tho the force of Us i argument be properly understood |