Show allt it cilc Kf illi ciri tribune bulle i ity III 11 tho A publishing company rv ac omar KAT r it T li iv 4 kno timi ISILE IF It hyak nl terms invariably in advance ali I i l erry er ry 7 19 1 by 1 nial I t la dij nl d ly canuti ln of cf tolt tHy pr its T TT PC Q 11 2 ra ax 61 farl oa 01 M 11 is W 01 ono 1 mob C t THE P per y ils fw three ahr M antl wit mon jjr T ba buo A very 1 I t a alb alif al antall tb D it y at 41 will sit bo furnished f arr nf f lr year yea to ay I 1 BJ 1 ix yaa dyb or iro for 1 1 Is 1 1 numb 2 lb to sa ay j arod U 1 IX br 1 1 copti the afif till B UNE anra the of the resent in 1 I and ad an having 19 1 9 in fact face of cfall all ol ponta A has aj j the an fn tire el 0 and n of aa mining pop M and a d t it a the only enly journal through saca it can A be reached we shelf be ife art any of our mining at our office affied and receive fron from ahm any detail of their prospects and labori lab wi we invite all who aaboe any mineral indor to she rile m a catl call E M BARNUM ATTORNEY AT LAW city 01 Onri CRIn in I 1 ball block fronial talc etwo or akur toa invin 1 in filling r and u ural on eulate nunilo do or do in any part of at united blaas ly by of alb ilsio if blo coad t LL for coal k afton A JV K bould will ia bo ar promptly aptly fuw to pr drw per bi A pastor the t ho city N I 1 WOODS A prent Is 11 tt ena tain coal and I 1 iron aft co NEW 1637 D S SCHANCK SONS SCHANCK ar of POLISHED PLATE car aindow nuil and Ile 1110 1 alln I Is birot 11 JID adof 7 roa 72 2 LENOX PLATE GLASS S T dl at I 1 aj ad 8 3 nl 1111 N Str iMite NEW bonic i BiCAy cic Yu nio w nomica it 11 DUPOIS sell AN CHI A 11 an and d william street N Y GLASS WARE of tor dal b chemists 0 orect art r 1 is Bullo OTi Ilott lem too ta dr 01 olf matil J 9 lo 10 it enlar ig LARGE ISOR ASSOR rEir FAIENT OF KEROSENE ROBIN ROBINSON SONy LORD coa Is II 11 mill and 13 read street wow box li AND il wholesale Ile alers in abi ar twines wack eia 1 ove on CUM flaw inan nit annh 1 r V ft n jno dottke nn flaaen and W ware of eory description all not or imported 0 ap at t pa ILI cut air attention atten tinn to irrol wholesale honnies only attorn J N BLUM CO dealers I 1 in a california foreign wines wine S of california catawba sparkling and ficele proprietors ortho of the BRAZILIAN bittens lr alm n 1 zm no 1 I hiberly strool irful A 0 SANDS SAND CO Imp orlen and nil 11 liol hair rule tale lical DIH to la DRU DRUGS GS PERFUMERY 1 ac IV 0 33 fit 19 9 glassware paints oils j jy cj mill rr AA druggists sundries no 11 william eel essow I 1 a am BENEDICT HALL CO ctr nos kol lm A 4 lm 0 valid otili at li 00 crosby W M W gr k til K ives beecher co OS 94 renal alir st drw f borit importers of 33 CL aj 3 3 ar 93 renault co I 1 i asena ilo as dorfo borm fita auard dupuy co A in GIN tho celebrated hlll t bra broial 1 rol SIR search V sky ani irl ll gitil ky hy london do ic jamaica nnnie irsel nuil anti harrry inan of alt W y A all 11 goods boio IT S Bon da WM M FLIESS CO IMPORTERS commission merchants AND it arta of the colobo w aw NEW YORK attention paid to jho ibo shipment of ORES ou she ali nm BURTIS FRENCH importers an adi d jollier ret of 40 am C C I 1 J 3 at CHIN ar c 7 c ow tc am ac ca C ad C PA V yo ao 12 barclay itma ano aorl I 1 pour four doors below actor house naj j hlll im I 1 importer poetry and dealer la Is FURNITURE AND manufacturer of 01 all 11 kinds ot of U P H 0 1 S T E R Y it ICH ia nah lf 1 the commercial street store A fast stock california fruita turin sugar teas bacon salmon etc AT AND xe U hiim patronize home industry UTAH CRACKER FACTORY kio 0 now acts kroml to 0 arne puk trado and ibo 1110 IM public blit wit walli I 1 X to furn south lali tb abo chort il dully ily butter crackers soda crackers picnic crackers boston bosto n crackers ginger snaps 1 A ro end nearly opposite we kor HOW L jabi itt i tt lf al annii REWARD WARD 1000 1 1 1 1 b as ar Ul crl all CJ V b ti p benr pile pe trl W ta II 11 is rf IM 64 4 b cri 4 clr lucare libil 11 janu lin of I 1 JU go 1 I yun by little au L w 1 f mill lit 1 I BA to lUmon 1 I as GODDE donor a ro co agrista Ago ista I 1 NOTICES argent lodger no 21 A F dt A A 11 fitall or of thin lodo hold on ill atio first and Ti bioda oda of mch no citti st fit JIA nio it hull iut lorn tt deot N mrm tora T of tuter sitter codices and njg a to lo good food at andIng R etro i n IQ hel E FH s I 1 I 1 A nv wt A S secre tory tary wa jett 19 tr tf wa Lod lollice lice no ft 4 A F r A 4 A 1 coomas 6 hot hoi I 1 ins kt hall alli oni miff awl a lh B euil oj fril 7 lmh st or jle 1 ioja 10 of A in acted r writers I 1 tn a attrel J M omit W M KAUT SOC fely A A AN aill 11 st johns loden of perfection no 1 alanl A an t A 8 alf 1 via rt it ahado 0 ono Hull 1 to diny unan arct every anil porchea heA d PorI atch azz broi brot hron kro am cordially to attardi 1 y K F TRA CrT T i cf JM M TIXA 24 SWART 7 so Score oret larv a MOUNT LODGE no NA T 70 0 A A A A A SE lie gulAr ito atoru H g kut to tomail tho a seen nd antt fourtly ll 11 rah 1 ilenda of fich nth vIlt in of sextor 1 I bod and FIr h in rood asa rv cit cor dalty lu my to attend uniL TAJU j E I 1 cohr W M I 1 CH RIS dj ij EL Efti I 1 sic I 1 it 0 OE OK LODOR no 1 ilmet tiry y T than b 1 1 11 dy att p ID la ic CoB merc V 91 build lg val 1 t odd aluir allo la in red to 1 tbt A 16 T DUNN N 0 J wolf woi r CHICAGO BUSINESS FIELD LEITER CO AND or DRY GOODS GOOD S STATE AXI ANI 20 rITS boitt lat ifft we ball rem nr 1 L lo 10 beal baalom rices to b our acir and clum adore coraor of a abil a d market ts in ito n given warders to lowest palco t am HIBBARD SPENCER B bot 0 t randolph washington ats st JOBBERS jOD Betts or of HARDWARE CUTLERY ri 01 tx ia NAILS PENCE FENCE WIRE etc t W dr hoyta CO WHOLESALE GROCERS GROCE RS I 1 V if aj B tena 1104 clr st rl now tok daam FAIRBANK PECK CO rummer OF REFINED LARD in Cad Ct tAllo tits palls s kegs anil and ur or lard and Neat oils comer of eighteenth arid street ac c a a X ac c al 11 4 CHASE CO arnnon for of 0 illuminating lubricating X MA I 1 white lead Varni klics clarq cla ii axle G grease irese pine iino tar etc south canal street lain 61 fouth water st toor cor jive ave dica lm on N TA J R JOHN TAYLOR CO in 1821 18 21 california 4 deals ni I 1 in CLAVI and batteries eB rl assayers materials I 1 la nit fait armr IP h I 1 t led abr V iaci clr tl or vim tc AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC CLASS glassworks WORKS 9 ata kol ad kp on hoit hand ala RD AP say re HU bl etc tle b atad 1 la pr is ora lali reil As deall JOHN TAYLOR CO ST BT SAN FRANCISCO california dwle co cum 1 utah ll 11 airik an finh 0 hurray agg IMA ft lor in 1 la purr af f ft da d a lo la tho above bot 11 art c is I 1 I 1 d lac d 11 1 1 by si courkli or laeb t vy tb a lia dy M 1 all 1 9 41 clr it 9 J I 1 awa doo in iro liy oi U r T bs fc facto to I 1 lb I 1 i D ro lart bill d dy y or 1 al 1 clr t pr arry ry to 11 ll it ati 1114 11 two hard f hot ft t la Is 16 9 m eor in ailer or ard av d known it dall dl ll aba W da loaf lo 10 u lb ohio alistair district alli falia ftc pluto cnair cn in ro b aw amt la biln or lol kiowa da 4 callad clr ill really lloyl lutia 1 lh the darl all u and 4 IV a fatovi will rod 4 clr th a cof md I 1 aig at r 1 r 71 lb I abod 1 L tal alj 14 amp of kurau by b to enn ur fd ier I 1 ui day I 1 clr borki eor ki tu arnak C aurry aAu fiul 1871 1 1 1 I th ruu af a T thonia tho niB atall drs 4 fi anny am daller dall Br ami ory raj 14 eu nib tor vital ct coh ID 1 3 A jarr clr 1 lo 10 cata y prot 1812 city CIA T caory ZM bilm A I 1 ASSAYERS BROKERS ETC J ASSAY OFFICE MAIN ST tHET satt SALT LARZ LARK CITY 1 orf n can fully it ft 1 IV Y attended at wn W to and mt it mabo on I 1 iho winS 1 I hir Chri cre m rate lo 10 C karl assayer is J B R AM F a ivl SALT LAKE CITY WOODHULL BROS ASSAYERS ore anti anil bullion bourlet Bong Bourl its lif lt cr TIN in REMs JESS I 1 ONA L WM P APPLEBY ATTORNEY AT LAW having prova 4 with addable ank Is IA amp prepared j id a d in it der atory or menu and sir fr lewla ilma to 10 city lom street first f Com isi 1 ing dla CHAS G LOEBER ATTORNEY A AT TL LAW OFFICE boorn no fit 0 over ere first Nalton nl st f flit ait 1110 o cly city dla tf lt GEORGE C BATES ATTORNEY AT LAW temporarily at the aou U P F nit neals tm djs lm WM TA to ath attorney Attorn ev at law U kunrt I 1 A bair N art ca sit 61 0 o rc b 2 1 rz ob i fao r ai n 0 donahue me cook cate no h ga wertll A street now york city ta I 1 boom no itt 1 I 1 I 1 11 1 1 ime t I 1 abo to sn satt baku ata itoiz if D COOPER attorney and solicitor office second floor of the exchange ex C it go and reading room building maio sir streel beet C 11 st 31 HEMPSTEAD kirkpatrick ATTORNEYS maia street opposite wells fargo 11 coi n R 17 Js jn 0 spratt ATTORNEYS AT LAW SALT LAKE CITY UTAH C D nandy DANDY F c K x HANDY a GILCHRIST ATTORNEYS AT LW AND solicitors la in Chano chancery ery OFFICE MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY V U T A HUGGAN AT LAW OFFICE SAI SALT SAIT T AKE rake r HOUSE V A I 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW office over taylor taylar a rqn 4 8 otist matz SL 81 S A hf ritch MANN ATTORNEYS YS AT LAW oapl first F south street fourth door As 0 P cos co lal stu lk C t so boac P mccoll C H boan nOAli mccurdy ft MORGA is ATTORNEYS AT LAW ROOMS over OUT tr taylor C oters store at tito to LALO R N BASKIN dewolf ATTORNEYS AT LAW OFFICE conr california stars or mr late st larul t sat 3 11 lk it lite BAR 11 ft t BM B M ATTORNEYS AT LAW SALT aill city offic fant TF I 1 1 9 uth I aall antom ts I 1 t empl art security against fire and burglars I 1 halls patent concrete FIRE PROOF moor SAFES tested in over bic hundred bm been HAVE fart rest and not ono bm 7 to prelove pi its uninjured halts halls improved doveta dovetailed led BURGLAR PR PROOF SATES SAFES st ol of tank all the iho till Hi avo b not one atis over been by burciar E BANK ANK LUCKS LOCKS for far all 1 made of kail and veit vaul bank vault fronts and linings I 1 wo aam atre an fn ellb end and locka loc UA safe to buor our oo on better terms tb llian arl ibo be lure turen rox FOR parent wro hairs balls safe lock ack co A its I RL FRIL chicci CHIC ti ill A C TRU truje E CO ap real estate loan agents T arps maea bought fht told boid LA 4 leaned aab neat dijt to the th racile house LIP natu wd a krnican Mr nicAn F he SIMMONS ill D PHYSICIAN SURGEON AND OFFICE TWO DOORS BOOBS ORTH NORTH N OF walker oroa J 1 williamson 11 D SUR GroV drowns nJ ILling to u r door doom south of so ailt I 1 alto Lalin liou TAIT SMITH physicians and Sar surgeons geons SALT LAKE CITY office at godbe co 1 l s drug brag store I 1 i ADOLPHUS U H NOON MEDICAL practitioner artt birne 1 SALT LAKE BRANCH or IBI ili T IVF iVE ArEnar FIRE INSURANCE CO cej OF CHICAGO 1 f TR r V n it ii rr mr w V I 1 in 1114 MARSHAL CARTER CART CIt attorney Allora tJ ir IF in MANN manager OFFICE under ander salt lake reading rooms room A branch 0 of this alin SOUND ard c RE BE LIABLE COMPANY H lilling been in an conr etly ley arx for d fam amly publeo ru that am biL 1 b cain mw nt H K R MANN SCOTT DUNHAM GO 0 o TJ pire PIPE FITTL FITTINGS BRASS STEAM STEAK GOODS MINER 1114 ERS TOOLS STOOLS carpenters TOOLS HARDWARE fairbanks BANKS scalars FIREPROOF FIRE PROOF SAFES rumps PUMPS no I 1 FIRE BRICK PORT PORTABLE ABLE FORGES furnace men medi attention lont A I 1 FIRE BRICK BRICH SCOTT DUNHAM al CO am agents for tho the GOLDEN CITY FIRE BRICK I 1 which b aro am M 11 1 1 if not to tho beat En fillah I 1 will ill lull at the lowest lowa maracl price jimiso rno rate r no given by tho the ear car oad laid HAVING PURCHASED spriggs C coal mine idine COALVILLE to 10 nil we wore are air braten tl vvo 10 boox CS 2 boal 9 I 1 BY can CAH LOAD OR OB RETAIL depot at 1 va itil erry cm Cir ornal mil ana READ 1240 boom A IMEL wk city w a sw man agart SOL A GOLDSTEIN MR ro TAI ION KEYSTONE collan COMPANY EDREKA COLLAR COIPA COMPANY SAS SAN FRA AI abw importer bobber in ID lery F amb godi s and nd Q latest clothing kt N york voik frit mil and dhabi strait enot abna 9 an ca M teado street NW N ne W york J BERGMAN CO IM Imi importers and dealers IN hayda cw cais an abil Ti flacco stationery a and nd furnishing GOODS YANKEE E NOTIONS ETC four diwi louah A sau salt lake rowe sim strat ml zai lake PRICES REDUCED AT N A DERBYS 42 MAIN ST clearing wale simile of 11 anle our 11 lull 1111 stock or air winter ninfer goolt nt fit reduced redi teed prices ceris ivr AT COST OST 1 CWT ln 4 AT COST suits butts reduced to 40 suits reduced to 35 32 suits reduced to 28 25 suits reduced to 23 A full feill icile rm nis liin jaoin at loir ces N 13 12 main street 11 FTC ETC HUT BAR U ITAR maccri IS to ta hussey dahte A ct ce winn warren muller amt pmt C L dahler T V P arh 1 anthony godbe camblee SALT LAKE CITY UTAH IS 1 GOLD DUST COIN CURRENCY ON scar new york chicago st louis Lotti fl omitt denver san an francisco AND ALL ALI PARTS OF EUROPE promptly attadi to ta WELLS FARGO CO 00 EXPRESS FOR WARDERS B athers and in Ex chanc drafts on europe european Europ tin collections promptly attended to east temple street salt lake ke city tato F TRACT agent or A W 00 EAST TEMPLE STREET ST LOUIS 0 GAIL D n I 1 ORR LINDSLEY aoi fw ajo arac AND AIND wholesales WHOLE SALIS DF IN cum maie made boots ami in every style train trade from clah territory aa it BRIDGE BEACH CO or ae C M ESQ ej is FLAT sim HER IRA IM willi STOCK nic ETC ETC FTC ETC NO north rth main street RODNEY D WELLS CO wells t cott C sanford SAnto nl to lo 3 deo ensom aha allus of cab arbs x ism arm QUEEN at north simi bet mil and allet ai salk m ST T liht 1844 LOUIS BAUMAN CO importers anil and acion la 10 kf jewelry arid plated warf cwi ETC no biot 0 south fifth ST LOUIS MO 0 dja uluia showy WUN SAMUEL IG DODD BROWN CO I 1 ita mid and lu III staple fancy dry goods UN aj north fifth st 11 ht 11 um cor 81 aul u ua 1 L A PRATT BAR humits HOTEL conj Il Valant NU st 1 ST LOWS MO BARNUM PRATT pron BI vz tbt OM |